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2021-07-30 14:56:10 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# vi: ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 et:
set -eux
set -o pipefail
# Check if all symlinks under /dev/disk/ are valid
# shellcheck disable=SC2120
helper_check_device_symlinks() {
# Disable verbose logging only for this function (and reset the signal handler
# when leaving the function)
set +x; trap "trap - RETURN; set -x" RETURN
local dev link path paths target
[[ $# -gt 0 ]] && paths=("$@") || paths=("/dev/disk")
# Check if all given paths are valid
for path in "${paths[@]}"; do
if ! test -e "$path"; then
echo >&2 "Path '$path' doesn't exist"
return 1
while read -r link; do
target="$(readlink -f "$link")"
echo "$link -> $target"
# Both checks should do virtually the same thing, but check both to be
# on the safe side
if [[ ! -e "$link" || ! -e "$target" ]]; then
echo >&2 "ERROR: symlink '$link' points to '$target' which doesn't exist"
return 1
# Check if the symlink points to the correct device in /dev
dev="/dev/$(udevadm info -q name "$link")"
if [[ "$target" != "$dev" ]]; then
echo >&2 "ERROR: symlink '$link' points to '$target' but '$dev' was expected"
return 1
done < <(find "${paths[@]}" -type l)
2021-07-30 14:56:10 +00:00
testcase_megasas2_basic() {
lsblk -S
[[ "$(lsblk --scsi --noheadings | wc -l)" -ge 128 ]]
testcase_nvme_basic() {
lsblk --noheadings | grep "^nvme"
[[ "$(lsblk --noheadings | grep -c "^nvme")" -ge 28 ]]
testcase_virtio_scsi_identically_named_partitions() {
lsblk --noheadings -a -o NAME,PARTLABEL
[[ "$(lsblk --noheadings -a -o NAME,PARTLABEL | grep -c "Hello world")" -eq $((16 * 8)) ]]
testcase_multipath_basic_failover() {
local dmpath i path wwid
# Configure multipath
cat >/etc/multipath.conf <<\EOF
defaults {
# Use /dev/mapper/$WWN paths instead of /dev/mapper/mpathX
user_friendly_names no
find_multipaths yes
enable_foreign "^$"
blacklist_exceptions {
property "(SCSI_IDENT_|ID_WWN)"
blacklist {
modprobe -v dm_multipath
systemctl start multipathd.service
systemctl status multipathd.service
multipath -ll
ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/
for i in {0..63}; do
wwid="deaddeadbeef$(printf "%.4d" "$i")"
dmpath="$(readlink -f "$path")"
lsblk "$path"
multipath -C "$dmpath"
# We should have 4 active paths for each multipath device
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c running)" -eq 4 ]]
# Test failover (with the first multipath device that has a partitioned disk)
echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: test failover"
local device expected link mpoint part
local -a devices
mpoint="$(mktemp -d /mnt/mpathXXX)"
# All following symlinks should exists and should be valid
local -a part_links=(
for link in "${part_links[@]}"; do
test -e "$link"
# Choose a random symlink to the failover data partition each time, for
# a better coverage
part="${part_links[$RANDOM % ${#part_links[@]}]}"
# Get all devices attached to a specific multipath device (in H:C:T:L format)
# and sort them in a random order, so we cut off different paths each time
mapfile -t devices < <(multipath -l "$path" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+' | sort -R)
if [[ "${#devices[@]}" -ne 4 ]]; then
echo "Expected 4 devices attached to WWID=$wwid, got ${#devices[@]} instead"
return 1
# Drop the last path from the array, since we want to leave at least one path active
unset "devices[3]"
# Mount the first multipath partition, write some data we can check later,
# and then disconnect the remaining paths one by one while checking if we
# can still read/write from the mount
mount -t ext4 "$part" "$mpoint"
echo -n "$expected" >"$mpoint/test"
# Sanity check we actually wrote what we wanted
[[ "$(<"$mpoint/test")" == "$expected" ]]
for device in "${devices[@]}"; do
echo offline >"/sys/class/scsi_device/$device/device/state"
[[ "$(<"$mpoint/test")" == "$expected" ]]
expected="$((expected + 1))"
echo -n "$expected" >"$mpoint/test"
# Make sure all symlinks are still valid
for link in "${part_links[@]}"; do
test -e "$link"
multipath -l "$path"
# Three paths should be now marked as 'offline' and one as 'running'
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c offline)" -eq 3 ]]
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c running)" -eq 1 ]]
umount "$mpoint"
rm -fr "$mpoint"
2021-09-10 15:16:51 +00:00
testcase_simultaneous_events() {
local blockdev part partscript
blockdev="$(readlink -f /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-*_deadbeeftest)"
if [[ ! -b "$blockdev" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: failed to find the test SCSI block device"
return 1
cat >"$partscript" <<EOF
$(printf 'name="test%d", size=2M\n' {1..50})
# Initial partition table
sfdisk -q -X gpt "$blockdev" <"$partscript"
# Delete the partitions, immediatelly recreate them, wait for udev to settle
# down, and then check if we have any dangling symlinks in /dev/disk/. Rinse
# and repeat.
# On unpatched udev versions the delete-recreate cycle may trigger a race
# leading to dead symlinks in /dev/disk/
for i in {1..100}; do
sfdisk -q --delete "$blockdev"
sfdisk -q -X gpt "$blockdev" <"$partscript"
if ((i % 10 == 0)); then
udevadm settle
rm -f "$partscript"
2021-09-13 17:30:41 +00:00
testcase_lvm_basic() {
local i part
local vgroup="MyTestGroup$RANDOM"
local devices=(
# Make sure all the necessary soon-to-be-LVM devices exist
ls -l "${devices[@]}"
# Add all test devices into a volume group, create two logical volumes,
# and check if necessary symlinks exist (and are valid)
lvm pvcreate -y "${devices[@]}"
lvm pvs
lvm vgcreate "$vgroup" -y "${devices[@]}"
lvm vgs
lvm vgchange -ay "$vgroup"
lvm lvcreate -y -L 4M "$vgroup" -n mypart1
lvm lvcreate -y -L 8M "$vgroup" -n mypart2
lvm lvs
udevadm settle
test -e "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1"
test -e "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
mkfs.ext4 -L mylvpart1 "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1"
udevadm settle
test -e "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Disable the VG and check symlinks...
lvm vgchange -an "$vgroup"
udevadm settle
test ! -e "/dev/$vgroup"
test ! -e "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk"
# reenable the VG and check the symlinks again if all LVs are properly activated
lvm vgchange -ay "$vgroup"
udevadm settle
test -e "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1"
test -e "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
test -e "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Same as above, but now with more "stress"
for i in {1..100}; do
lvm vgchange -an "$vgroup"
lvm vgchange -ay "$vgroup"
if ((i % 10 == 0)); then
udevadm settle
test -e "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1"
test -e "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
test -e "/dev/disk/by-label/mylvpart1"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Remove the first LV
lvm lvremove -y "$vgroup/mypart1"
udevadm settle
test ! -e "/dev/$vgroup/mypart1"
test -e "/dev/$vgroup/mypart2"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
# Create & remove LVs in a loop, i.e. with more "stress"
for i in {1..50}; do
# 1) Create 16 logical volumes
for part in {0..15}; do
lvm lvcreate -y -L 4M "$vgroup" -n "looppart$part"
# 2) Immediately remove them
lvm lvremove -y "$vgroup"/looppart{0..15}
# 3) On every 10th iteration settle udev and check if all partitions are
# indeed gone, and if all symlinks are still valid
if ((i % 10 == 0)); then
udevadm settle
for part in {0..15}; do
test ! -e "/dev/$vgroup/looppart$part"
helper_check_device_symlinks "/dev/disk" "/dev/$vgroup"
2021-07-30 14:56:10 +00:00
: >/failed
udevadm settle
lsblk -a
echo "Check if all symlinks under /dev/disk/ are valid (pre-test)"
2021-07-30 14:56:10 +00:00
# TEST_FUNCTION_NAME is passed on the kernel command line via systemd.setenv=
# in the respective file
if ! command -v "${TEST_FUNCTION_NAME:?}"; then
echo >&2 "Missing verification handler for test case '$TEST_FUNCTION_NAME'"
exit 1
echo "Check if all symlinks under /dev/disk/ are valid (post-test)"
2021-07-30 14:56:10 +00:00
systemctl status systemd-udevd
touch /testok
rm /failed