test: add a basic multipath test + failover

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Frantisek Sumsal 2021-09-08 18:26:02 +02:00
parent 9e7c3bd48c
commit d0cbad16c5
2 changed files with 149 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -23,11 +23,16 @@ test_append_files() {
instmods "=block" "=md" "=nvme" "=scsi"
inst_binary lsblk
inst_binary wc
image_install lsblk wc
# Configure multipath
if command -v multipath && command -v multipathd; then
for i in {0..127}; do
dd if=/dev/zero of="${TESTDIR:?}/disk$i.img" bs=1M count=1
echo "device$i" >"${TESTDIR:?}/disk$i.img"
@ -182,6 +187,49 @@ EOF
QEMU_SMP=1 QEMU_TIMEOUT=60 test_run_one "${1:?}"
testcase_multipath_basic_failover() {
if ! command -v multipath || ! command -v multipathd; then
echo "Missing multipath tools, skipping the test..."
return 77
local qemu_opts=("-device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi")
local partdisk="${TESTDIR:?}/multipathpartitioned.img"
local image lodev nback ndisk wwn
if [[ ! -e "$partdisk" ]]; then
dd if=/dev/zero of="$partdisk" bs=1M count=16
lodev="$(losetup --show -f -P "$partdisk")"
sfdisk "${lodev:?}" <<EOF
label: gpt
name="first_partition", size=5M
uuid="deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-000000000000", name="failover_part", size=5M
udevadm settle
mkfs.ext4 -U "deadbeef-dead-dead-beef-111111111111" -L "failover_vol" "${lodev}p2"
losetup -d "$lodev"
# Add 64 multipath devices, each backed by 4 paths
for ndisk in {0..63}; do
wwn="0xDEADDEADBEEF$(printf "%.4d" "$ndisk")"
# Use a partitioned disk for the first device to test failover
[[ $ndisk -eq 0 ]] && image="$partdisk" || image="${TESTDIR:?}/disk$ndisk.img"
for nback in {0..3}; do
"-device scsi-hd,drive=drive${ndisk}x${nback},serial=MPIO$ndisk,wwn=$wwn"
"-drive format=raw,cache=unsafe,file=$image,file.locking=off,if=none,id=drive${ndisk}x${nback}"
QEMU_OPTIONS="${qemu_opts[*]} ${USER_QEMU_OPTIONS:-}"
test_run_one "${1:?}"
# Allow overriding which tests should be run from the "outside", useful for manual
# testing (make -C test/... TESTCASES="testcase1 testcase2")
if [[ -v "TESTCASES" && -n "$TESTCASES" ]]; then

View file

@ -19,6 +19,105 @@ testcase_virtio_scsi_identically_named_partitions() {
[[ "$(lsblk --noheadings -a -o NAME,PARTLABEL | grep -c "Hello world")" -eq $((16 * 8)) ]]
testcase_multipath_basic_failover() {
local dmpath i path wwid
# Configure multipath
cat >/etc/multipath.conf <<\EOF
defaults {
# Use /dev/mapper/$WWN paths instead of /dev/mapper/mpathX
user_friendly_names no
find_multipaths yes
enable_foreign "^$"
blacklist_exceptions {
property "(SCSI_IDENT_|ID_WWN)"
blacklist {
modprobe -v dm_multipath
systemctl start multipathd.service
systemctl status multipathd.service
multipath -ll
ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/
for i in {0..63}; do
wwid="deaddeadbeef$(printf "%.4d" "$i")"
dmpath="$(readlink -f "$path")"
lsblk "$path"
multipath -C "$dmpath"
# We should have 4 active paths for each multipath device
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c running)" -eq 4 ]]
# Test failover (with the first multipath device that has a partitioned disk)
echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: test failover"
local device expected link mpoint part
local -a devices
mpoint="$(mktemp -d /mnt/mpathXXX)"
# All following symlinks should exists and should be valid
local -a part_links=(
for link in "${part_links[@]}"; do
test -e "$link"
# Choose a random symlink to the failover data partition each time, for
# a better coverage
part="${part_links[$RANDOM % ${#part_links[@]}]}"
# Get all devices attached to a specific multipath device (in H:C:T:L format)
# and sort them in a random order, so we cut off different paths each time
mapfile -t devices < <(multipath -l "$path" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+' | sort -R)
if [[ "${#devices[@]}" -ne 4 ]]; then
echo "Expected 4 devices attached to WWID=$wwid, got ${#devices[@]} instead"
return 1
# Drop the last path from the array, since we want to leave at least one path active
unset "devices[3]"
# Mount the first multipath partition, write some data we can check later,
# and then disconnect the remaining paths one by one while checking if we
# can still read/write from the mount
mount -t ext4 "$part" "$mpoint"
echo -n "$expected" >"$mpoint/test"
# Sanity check we actually wrote what we wanted
[[ "$(<"$mpoint/test")" == "$expected" ]]
for device in "${devices[@]}"; do
echo offline >"/sys/class/scsi_device/$device/device/state"
[[ "$(<"$mpoint/test")" == "$expected" ]]
expected="$((expected + 1))"
echo -n "$expected" >"$mpoint/test"
# Make sure all symlinks are still valid
for link in "${part_links[@]}"; do
test -e "$link"
multipath -l "$path"
# Three paths should be now marked as 'offline' and one as 'running'
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c offline)" -eq 3 ]]
[[ "$(multipath -l "$path" | grep -c running)" -eq 1 ]]
umount "$mpoint"
rm -fr "$mpoint"
: >/failed
udevadm settle