Noah Stride 7ca79d4516
Update tbot RFD with implementation details (#14921)
* Update `tbot` RFD with implementation details

* Add note on implementation version
2022-07-27 23:07:35 +00:00

31 KiB

authors state
Zac Bergquist (, Tim Buckley ( implemented (v9.0.0-v10.1.0)

RFD 56 - Teleport Cert Renewal Bot


RFD 56 defines the high-level goals and architecture for a new agent that can continuously renew Teleport-issued certificates.


Teleport nodes running the SSH service maintain a connection to the cluster and are able automatically renew their certificates when a CA rotation takes place or the certificate is approaching its expiration date.

Unfortunately, external systems that join a Teleport cluster (OpenSSH servers, databases, applications, etc.) are not under our control, and therefore do not have a built in mechanism to renew certificates under these circumstances. The workflow for working with these types of external systems is to generate certificates via tctl auth sign, copy them to the target, and manually configure the target system to use these certificates. This is a process that must be repeated whenever a certificate is about to expire. Additionally, this approach is likely to incur downtime during CA rotations as the renewal has to be performed within the rotation's grace period in order to maintain connectivity.

This experience can incentivize users to make decisions that conflict with security best practices, including:

  • Requesting certificates with a very large time-to-live (TTL)
  • Electing not to perform CA rotations

Both of these decisions are simply delaying the inevitable - eventually, the certificates will need to be renewed and external systems will need to be updated. The agent proposed in this RFD intends to automate the process of renewing these certificates - requiring less manual work on behalf of our users, and enabling them to use shorter TTLs and perform frequent CA rotations.



The primary user this agent is designed for is the admin who wants to leverage Teleport for as many systems as possible, but simply does not have the time to keep track of all certificates and manually renew them.

While users with sophisticated automation and dedicated credential management tools may benefit from this solution, they likely already have the resources to automate certificate renewals.

As a result, a primary goal for this tool is simplicity. We will optimize the user experience for those looking to add systems to their cluster quickly and easily rather than supporting a multitude of configuration options and hooks for customization.


We will develop a new lightweight tool, tbot, which runs as an agent on external systems that are part of a Teleport cluster (a VM running a Postgres database, an OpenSSH server, or a CI/CD worker, for example).

This agent will join the Teleport cluster, request certificates, store them in a user-specified destination, and then monitor the certificates and renew them as necessary.

User Experience

First, register a bot with the new tctl bots add subcommand, giving the bot a name and one or more roles the bot is allowed to impersonate.

$ tctl bots add jenkins --roles=ci
The invite token: 13b74f49d27536dd5c514073097c197b
This token will expire in 60 minutes


This command will:

  • Create a role for the bot, allowing impersonation of the provided roles (ci in this case)
  • Create a new user for the bot, and assign the new bot role to this user
  • Generate a special invite token that bot must use to join the cluster. This token is scoped to the new user that was created for the bot.

For security purposes, end users should deploy the bot across multiple Unix users:

  1. A dedicated tbot user to run the bot itself.
  2. One or more service users, e.g. ci, where end-user certificates will be used to access resources.

As the destination user, the user initializes the certificate directory:

ci $ tbot init --bot-user=tbot /home/ci/tbot

This creates the destination directory with empty certificate files and grants the bot user the minimum set of permissions to update the files using POSIX ACLs (where supported). In this example, the ci user maintains full ownership of all files.

Next, the tbot agent will be started under its isolated Unix user with the generated token (full set of options omitted here for brevity):

tbot $ tbot start \
  --name=foo \
  --directory=/home/ci/tbot \ \
  --token=13b74f49d27536dd5c514073097c197b \

Both direct dialing or connecting through a Teleport proxy are supported.

The bot joins the cluster and can be seen with the tctl command:

$ tctl bots ls
ID            NAME       LOCKED    ROLES
0123-4567     foo        false     dev,ssh

When the bot starts, it generates a new set of keys (private key and TLS/SSH public keys), then uses the provided join token to request a signed, renewable certificate from the auth server. These certificates are stored in a restricted location, such as /var/lib/teleport/bot, and renewed continuously. They are exclusively used by the bot for renewal and to issue secondary end-user certificates. Secondary certificates are written to the user-specified location and are used to access cluster resources.

Note: the join token can only be used once, and is invalidated after first use or when its TTL expires (whichever comes first). If the bot fails to renew its certificates before they expire, it will be unable to authenticate with the cluster and must re-join with a new token.

In the above example, as no additional client configuration has been specified, the bot will generate only a single set of end-user certificates with access to the union of all roles specified. Users with additional security requirements may opt to issue one or more sets of certificates to different locations and with access to a different set of roles.

For example, given the following command to create a bot:

$ tctl bots add --name=example --roles=a,b,c

... users may create a configuration file, such as /etc/tbot.yaml:

  - directory: /home/alice/tbot
    roles: [a, b, c]

  - directory: /home/bob/tbot
    roles: [b, c]

The user then starts the bot with the configuration file:

$ tbot -c /etc/tbot.yaml start

Once the bot fetches its own certificate, it then fetches additional impersonated certificates for each specified certificate destination and writes them via the appropriate backend implementation. This may be particularly useful for CI/CD use cases where untrusted workers run as a particular user that should not be granted the full set of the bot's privileges.


It is important to consider the security implications of a credential that can be continuously renewed. In order to minimize the blast radius of an attack, we need to minimize both the scope and duration that an attacker could leverage a compromised credential as well as encourage end users to deploy the bot in a way that protects the certificates it generates.

We limit the scope by allowing users to define exactly which roles the certificate should assume. The tctl tool will create a dedicated user and role for the bot, and this role will be able to impersonate the roles specified by the user. We encourage users to follow the principle of least privilege and allow impersonation for the minimum set of roles necessary. Additionally, end users may further limit the permissions granted to a particular set of certificates should their workflow support this.

We limit the amount of time an attacker can act with these certificates by setting an aggressive expiration time on renewable certificates and allowing users to prevent a bot from renewing certificates with the new tctl lock functionality. A locked bot is unable to renew its certificates, so an attacker who compromises a bot can only use the certificate until it expires. With a sufficiently small TTL, the window for a valid attack can be minimized. To further minimize this window, an administrator can initiate a CA rotation with a small (or zero) grace period immediately after locking the compromised bot.

While out of scope for the initial implementation, the security of this approach can be further improved in the future by pinning the certificates to a certain machine.


Bot locking will re-use the existing locking system that can be used for users. This is because a Bot is just a specialized user.


In a naive implementation, the bot might receive a single set of certificates that would be both renewable and granted the union of all attached roles. If these certificates were compromised, an attacker would have unfettered access to cluster resources until either the certificates expire (assuming they don't bother to renew them) or until a cluster admin notices and locks the bot.

We can mitigate these risks using impersonation. First, impersonation forces us to split responsibilities for renewal and access. The bot would still be given (and be responsible for continuously renewing) a user certificate, however this certificate would be otherwise useless for end users as it would not provide access to any resources.

Next, users separately configure one or more certificate outputs. As part of each renewal event, the bot generates an additional set of non--renewable certificates and stores them in the designated output. Each of these outputs may optionally be scoped to a subset of all roles the bot is capable of assuming.

This design is meant to encourage deployments where the bot's own data directory, containing the renewable certificate, is separate and inaccessible to other users on the system, via the native security methods of the output destination (e.g. Unix permissions, Kubernetes RBAC, etc). The secondary certificates may be written with relaxed permissions to enable use by end users. If these secondary certificates are stolen, not only will they not be renewable, but may also have only a subset of the permissions granted to the bot.

Unfortunately, Teleport today does not fully support the impersonation UX we would like to provide with the bot. As is, impersonation requires two User resources: one for the impersonator, and one for the impersonatee. Today, we could require that users manually create a Teleport user for each set of roles the bot may assume, however this UX is undesirable. Therefore, we propose adding the ability to, when requesting user certificates, allow the bot to "impersonate" its own User, but with a set of additional roles as specified in its certificate. This would enable use of the previously-described tctl bots add --roles=... UX. If desired, this UX remains compatible with other-user impersonation should we later wish to add an additional --users=... flag.


There are several scenarios under which the bot will initiate a renewal:

  1. When some fraction of a certificate's TTL has elapsed, for example 1/3 (and at most 1/2). A certificate valid for 3 hours should be renewed every hour to ensure at least one full additional renewal iteration can take place if the first fails.

    Tighter renewal intervals also help to ensure compromised certificates are discovered sooner (see "Preventing Certificate Propagation" below).

  2. When a user and/or host CA rotation is taking place.

  3. When a renewal is requested manually. For testing and debugging purposes, the bot trigger a renewal when it receives a SIGUSR1 signal.

While the bot generates multiple sets of certificates - that is, one primary renewable certificate and many secondary end-user certificates - they are all renewed at roughly the same time, and secondary certificates have an expiration matching the primary certificate. It may be possible in the future to have secondary certificates with a shorter TTL than the primary (probably 1/n durations) but this is out of scope for the initial implementation.

To help ensure renewals complete successfully, when a SIGTERM signal is received, the bot will delay exiting until any ongoing rotation completes. Where possible, we should aim to avoid any of the following situations:

  • Writing invalid certificates to disk (especially those that might prevent future renewals from succeeding if the bot is restarted)
  • Generating valid certificates but failing to save them (which might result in a certificate generation counter mismatch; see below for more info)

Preventing Certificate Propagation

Renewable certificates present an obvious security concern as they can be renewed indefinitely, at least until a cluster admin decides to remove or lock the bot user. Additionally, as renewing a certificate does not invalidate previously-issued certificates, one compromised certificate can lead to an unlimited number of indefinitely-renewable descendent certificates. To make things worse, in Teleport today, this certificate propagation is somewhat difficult to detect.

As a mitigation strategy, we propose adding a new certificate generation counter (as a certificate extension) that increments each time a certificate is renewed. This latest generation count is additionally stored on the auth server as a system annotation on the bot user.

On subsequent renewals, while generating user certificates on the auth server, the current certificate is inspected and its current generation is compared to the stored version on the auth server. If this generation counter is less than the auth server's stored counter, this implies that multiple bots are competing for renewals of the same certificate lineage.

Running bot instances will establish a filesystem lock on the bot data directory to ensure only a single local instance can be started at any time. Additional renewal attempts using the same credentials with a mismatched certificate generation counter are presumed to be malicious and will immediately lock the bot user, preventing further renewal.

Additionally, to further restrict renewals, impersonated certificates will be generated with a "disallow-reissue" flag to entirely prevent malicious renewals of a compromised secondary / end-user certificate.

Lastly, regardless of the initial certificate's TTL, we can have the auth server ensure that, when renewing, renewed certificate TTLs may only decrease in length. This would prevent an attacker from stealing a renewable certificate and immediately requesting a new certificate with the auth server's max renewable TTL.


For internal use, the bot generates a set of renewable TLS certificates. This set of credentials is only used certificate renewal, user certificate generation, and establishing CA rotation watches. These artifacts should be persisted to some private location to allow the bot to recover after a process restart.

Kind Path Notes
TLS CA certificates tlscacerts Teleport cluster CA certs (both)
TLS client certificate tlscert Signed by Teleport UserCA
Private key (TLS) key

The bot then generates a set of non-renewable credentials for each configured credential destination. In the initial implementation, the following artifacts may or may not be generated depending on the user's configuration (kind and templates).

Kind Path Notes Kind Config Template
Private key key Shared for both SSH and TLS uses Both Always
SSH public key Required for OpenSSH compatibility SSH Always
SSH client certificate sshcert Signed by Teleport UserCA SSH Always
SSH known hosts known_hosts Teleport HostCA certs, OpenSSH format SSH ssh-client
SSH client config ssh_config Include-ready SSH client config SSH ssh-client
TLS CA certificates tlscacerts Teleport CA certificates (both) TLS Always
TLS client certificate tlscert Signed by Teleport UserCA TLS Always

In the case of directory destinations, we encourage the use of POSIX ACLs. This is meant to ensure that the primary (renewable) credentials are exclusively readable to the bot while the secondary (non-renewable) credentials are readable only to the target user but still writable by the bot. The tbot init subcommand can be used to configure ACLs automatically where supported. At runtime, the bot will verify destination permissions and warn if ACLs are not configured correctly when writing or updating certificates.

As an additional security measure for directory destinations, a warning will be emitted if the destination path does not resolve to the configured path, i.e. if symlinks are used. This may be innocuous, but may indicate an attempt to steal credentials.


  • Users may optionally decide to disable persistence of the renewable certificate using the memory storage backend. This has security benefits but prevents the bot from recovering if stopped as the renewable credentials would only exist in memory.
    • Other joining methods (e.g. IAM / EC2 joining) may mitigate this downside.
  • The Teleport auth server's CA certificates are verified at first connect using CA pins, following Teleport's usual node joining procedure.
  • Unneeded certificate types/formats could be optionally disabled in tbot.yaml config if desired.
  • Additional artifacts may be written if users enable any app-specific config templates.
  • In the future, we could consider ephemeral certificate destinations for situations where certificates should not be written to disk (Webhooks or other IPC?)

Reload Events

To enforce security best practices, the bot itself provides no builtin methods for signalling or otherwise executing user code when a certificate rotation occurs. Instead, end users are encouraged to use filesystem watches (e.g. inotify) to watch for changes directly using a least-privileged system user. We will include a helper command, tbot watch, to perform simple actions on various update events, such as executing a user script.

A number of alternative notification types were considered and found to have limitations:

  • User scripts: either forces the bot to run as root to execute scripts as another user, or executes as the bot's user. The latter case simply offloads the problem (how will the user script then securely interact with the app to reload?)
  • Unix signals: requires either the same user, root, CAP_KILL, or SUID, plus requires a way to query for the correct process. Impractical for the same reasons as shell scripts aren't.
  • D-Bus: complex, unclear permission semantics, relatively poor OS compatibility.
  • Webhooks: complex and poses challenges implementing securely.
  • Unix sockets: challenging permissions semantics (still relies on ACLs and libc has related edge cases).

IAM / EC2 Joining

The bot will support joining via AWS IAM identity verification similar to the process described in our Joining Nodes in AWS guide:

  1. End user creates a provisioning token via a YAML file. This file is identical to static node join tokens but adds a new bot_name field.
  2. When creating a bot, the end user specifies a --token=[name] flag to indicate a static token should be used.
  3. tctl bots add --token=... prints a customized onboarding command

Bots joined to the cluster in this way do not receive renewable certificates. The IAM / EC2 joining use-case implies potentially many bot instances associated with the same bot user, and we expect these will often be short-lived. This leads to a few problems with renewable certificates:

  1. Renewable certificates that are not continually renewed (because the job that issued them has completed, for instance) can be stolen without triggering a certificate generation mismatch.
  2. It breaks the simple implementation of generation counters, of which each user only has a single generation counter. This is solvable but not worthwhile given the above: it would just allow each certificate lineage to be separately stolen.

Instead, we opt to have bots renew certificates by continually re-authenticating using the IAM join method. As EC2 joining relies on instance identity documents which can themselves be stolen, this join method will initially not be supported until a workaround is developed.


The bot will be implemented as a standalone tool (ie under tool/tbot) and not as a service that runs in a teleport process.

The bulk of the new logic (parsing configuration, writing certificates to a destination, etc.) will be implemented in a new lib/tbot package, which will enable us to start with a standalone bot, and incorporate this functionality into other parts of Teleport (ie database access) in the future.

API Objects

On the backend, registering a new bot (via tctl) creates a set of related API objects:

  • a non-interactive User for the bot to act as (when user certs are requested)
  • a role for the bot, which will contain the minimum set of permissions necessary to watch for CA rotations, as well as the ability to impersonate other roles
  • a token that the bot can use to join the cluster for the first time

In order to discover related objects and ensure that no "zombie" items are left behind, tctl will ensure that:

  • the objects related to a bot all follow a standardized naming convention that includes the name of the bot
  • a new label is applied to all resources related to a particular bot

Note: end users should never need to manually create, modify, or delete these objects. All operations on bots and their related objects is performed through the tctl bots subcommand.

tbot configuration

The goal is to keep tbot configuration to a minimum to make for a quick getting started experience, however we recognize many use cases may quickly become difficult to encode on the command line.

To that end, we'd like to follow the philosophy of "keep simple things simple but make complex things possible": the simplest / most popular use cases should ideally require minimal (zero?) configuration beyond a concise CLI, but more complicated use cases can make use of a tbot.yaml configuration file.

An example tbot.yaml with all default / advanced options specified:

# Storage for the bot's private data
  # can also support any backend supporting both store + fetch
  directory: /var/lib/teleport/bot

  # alternatively, we can store these certificates only in memory:
  # memory: {}

# Destinations specify one or more impersonated certificates sets to generate.
  # `directory` is the only destination supported in the initial iteration;
  # the tbot process must be given permissions to write to this directory.
  - directory: /home/alice/tbot

    # One of more roles to grant to the bot. It must have been granted (at
    # least) these roles with `tctl bots add --roles=...`
    # By default, all possible roles are included.
    roles: [a, b, c]

    # Which types of certificates to generate. `ssh` is the default.
    kinds: [ssh]

    # A list of configuration templates to generate and write to the
    # destination. Defaults are decided based on the certificate kinds:
    # `ssh` implies `ssh-client` unless manually (not) configured.
      # ssh-client generates known_hosts and an ssh_config that can be
      # included. We can ensure the correct certificate kinds are generated
      # while generating the config templates.
      - ssh-client

  - directory: /home/bob/tbot
    roles: [b, c]

    # TLS certificates can be generated for app / db access.
    kinds: [ssh, tls]

      # Some future configuration templates may require parameters.
      # (This is an example; ssh-server may not need this or any parameters)
      - ssh-server:
  # Some backends may optionally accept advanced parameters via an object:
  - directory:
      path: /foo/bar
      symlinks: insecure

In future iterations, additional output destination backends may be considered. A few ideas include:

  • Kubernetes secrets (to run a bot safely in k8s without requiring a PV)
  • Webhook delivery (or other local IPC methods) to keep certificates in memory
  • Ansible vault / Hashicorp vault / AWS secrets manager / other secret stores

TODO: how can a user specify DNS names to include in the certs?

External Configuration Assist

One of the more time consuming aspects of setting up mutual TLS is configuring both sides to present the correct certificate and trust certificates signed by a specific CA. We aim to simplify this configuration process in two ways:

  1. Generating additional configuration files from a template as part of the renewal loop.

    Many applications require that certificates be formatted in non-standard ways, depend on additional parameters that require a Teleport API client to fetch, may change over time, or may require multiple files. OpenSSH client configuration alone meets most of these criteria.

    Users can specify which additional configuration files to generate in tbot.yaml (initially only ssh-client will be provided). Templates that require no additional configuration can be specified on the command-line.

  2. Providing a tbot config helper command for "last-mile" configuration and instructions.

    For applications that can consume the bot's generated credentials directly, this outputs a minimal configuration example with brief instructions.

    For applications supported by a config template as described above, this generates a snippet to make use of the generated file, e.g. Include <path to tbot ssh_config> for SSH config.

For example, to configure an SSH client, first users will configure tbot to generate an ssh_config file:

  - directory: /home/alice/tbot
    configs: [ssh-client]

When the user next starts the bot using this config, it will write an ssh_config and a known_hosts, per the template:

$ tbot start -c tbot.yaml

Next, the user configures their SSH client to use the generated config:

$ tbot config ssh -c tbot.yaml
To configure your SSH client, add the following to your local SSH configuration

Include /home/alice/tbot/ssh_config

Where possible, the informative text is written to stderr to allow easy appending:

$ tbot config ssh -c tbot.yaml >> ~/.ssh/config
The following SSH config snippet was written to the pipe:

Include /home/alice/tbot/ssh_config


  • This is a contrived example as the ssh-client template is always generated by default for ssh-typed certificates, which are themselves the default In other words, ssh_config and known_hosts are generated if no tbot.yaml is specified.
  • tctl auth sign has a tiny amount of configuration templating already for Postgres and MongoDB certificates. We should aim to move this logic out into a separate package that can render configuration snippets for a variety of external systems. This work is out of scope for the purposes of this RFD.

Renewal cycle

New certificates are requested immediately upon bot startup, regardless of time until expiration. The bot then enters a renewal loop at a user-requested interval using the teleport/lib/utils/interval package.

Initial User Certificates

In order for the bot to obtain its first set of user certificates, a new gRPC endpoint will be added to the API server which will mimic the host registration flow, accepting a pre-generated token and a public key to sign, but will use user tokens instead of provisioning tokens.

Today, user tokens can be used to initiate the user invite flow, handle password resets, and manage the account recovery process. In order to generate initial user certificates, we will introduce a new type of user token for certificate renewal bots.

When the backend receives the request to generate new user credentials, it validates the token, ensuring that the token is of the correct type and has not expired.

This flow can be extended to support other auth methods beyond simple token registration; for example, we will additionally support joining using the AWS IAM join method used for nodes today. See also: Simplified Node Joining for AWS

Renewable User Certificates

Teleport's current behavior when re-issuing a user certificate is maintain the original expiration time and refuse to bump out the TTL. We plan to preserve this behavior by default, and only allow for extending the expiration date on certificates that have been marked renewable.

In order to mark a certificate as renewable, we'll include a new extension in the certificate's subject field. This attribute will only be set by teleport when the certificates are first issued using the new endpoint and user token.

Appendix: Audit Log Events

The auth server will emit new events to the audit log when:

  • a new bot user is created
  • a new renewable certificate is issued for the first time
  • a certificate is renewed
  • a bot is locked
  • a bot is removed (likely due to failed heartbeating or expired certificates)
  • a certificate generation counter conflict is detected (certificate possibly compromised)

Appendix: Internal Teleport Changes Summary

  • Changes to existing functionality:
    • Role requests: impersonation is extended to no longer require a target user; users may be granted permission to impersonate individual roles:

          roles: ['foo', 'bar']

      Users may then request a subset of allowed roles using a new certificate request field, RoleRequests. The returned certificate will show the user as impersonating themselves, with a replaced (not appended) list of roles.

    • Renewable certs: certain certificates may be renewed beyond their original TTL.

    • auth.Register extended to support bot joining (i.e. returning bot user certificates)

  • New auth gRPC endpoints:
    • CreateBot(): creates a new bot (user + role) and returns a join token
    • DeleteBot(): deletes a bot (user + role)
    • GetBotUsers(): fetches all bot users
  • New TLS certificate extensions:
    • disallow-reissue: entirely prevents an identity from interacting with generateUserCerts, used to prevent privilege re-escalation with role impersonated certificates
    • renewable: if set, allows certificates to be renewed beyond their original expiration date
    • generation: a certificate generation counter incremented for each renewal of a certificate, used to detect stolen certificates
    • role-requests: a list of roles to request using role impersonation which will replace the requestor's existing Teleport roles, used to generate reduced-privilege certificates