Andrew Lytvynov 3a1cf9111c
RFD 14: per-session 2FA (#5125)
* RFD 14: per-session 2FA

Co-authored-by: Ben Arent <>
2021-01-27 09:13:59 -08:00

16 KiB

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Andrew Lytvynov ( draft

RFD 14 - Per-session MFA


Require a MFA check before starting a new user "session" for all protocols that Teleport supports.


Client machines may be compromised (either physically stolen or remotely controlled), along with Teleport credentials on those machines.

Since Teleport keys and certificates are stored on disk, an attacker can exfiltrate them to their own machine and have up to 12hrs of access via Teleport.

To mitigate this risk, a legitimate user needs to authenticate with a 2nd factor (usually a U2F hardware token) for every session. This is in addition to regular authentication during tsh login.

An attacker, who doesn't also have the 2nd factor, can't abuse Teleport credentials and escalate to the rest of the infrastructure.


First, some definitions and justification:


Session here means:

  • not a tsh login session
  • SSH: SSH connection from the same client to a single server, with potentially multiple SSH channel multiplexed on top
  • Kubernetes: arbitrary number of k8s requests from the same client to a single k8s cluster within a short time window (seconds or minutes)
  • Web app: the built-in session concept, with a shorter session expiry (minutes or hours)
  • DB: database connection from the same client to a single database, with potentially multiple queries executed on top

2nd factor

There are a variety of MFA options available, but for this design we'll focus on U2F hardware tokens, because:

  • portability: U2F devices are supported on all major OSs and browsers (vs TouchID or Windows Hello)
  • UX: tapping a USB token multiple times per day is low friction (vs typing in TOTP codes)
  • availability: many engineers already own a U2F token (like a YubiKey), since they are usable on popular websites (vs HSMs or smartcards)
  • compliance: hardware are available with FIPS certification. Helping strengthen Teleports current FedRAMP support. e.g. (YubiKey FIPS)[]

We may consider adding support for other MFA options, if there's demand.

U2F device management

A prerequisite for usable MFA integration is solid MFA device management. This work is tracked separately, as RFD 15, to keep designs reasonably scoped and understandable.

For this RFD, we assume that:

  • teleport MFA device management is separate from SSO MFA
  • teleport supports MFA device management on CLI and web
  • a user can have multiple MFA devices registered, including multiple security tokens
  • a user can remove registered MFA devices

authn protocol

The design leverages short-lived SSH and TLS certificates per session. Cert expiry is used to limit the cert to a single "session".

For all protocols, the flow is roughly:

  1. client requests a new certificate for the session
  2. client and server perform the U2F challenge exchange, with user tapping the security token
  3. server issues a short-lived certificate with encoded constraints
  4. client uses the in-memory certificate to start the session and discards the certificate

The short-lived certificate is used for regular SSH or mTLS handshakes, with server validating it using the presented constraints.


Each session has the following constraints, encoded in the TLS or SSH certificate issued after MFA and enforced server-side:

  • cert expiry: each certificate is valid for 1min, during which the client can establish a session
  • session TTL: each session is terminated server-side after 30min, whether active or idle
    • this is important to prevent a compromised session from being artificially kept alive forever, with some simulated activity
  • target: a specific server, k8s cluster, database or web app this session is for
  • client IP: only connections from the same IP that passed a MFA check can establish a session

session UX

UX is the same for all protocols: initiate session -> tap security key -> proceed. But the plumbing details are different:


The U2F handshake is performed by tsh ssh, before the actual SSH connection:

awly@localhost $ tsh ssh server1
please tap your security key... <tap>
awly@server1 #

For OpenSSH, tsh ssh can be injected using ProxyCommand option in the config, with identical UX.

For the Web UI, the U2F exchange happens over the existing websocket connection, using JS messages (exact format TBD), before terminal traffic is allowed.


kubectl is configured to call tsh kube credentials as an exec plugin, since 5.0.0. This plugin returns a private key and cert to kubectl, which uses them in mTLS handshake. tsh kube credentials will handle the U2F handshake, and cache the resulting certificate in ~/.tsh/ for its validity period.

$ kubectl get pods
please tap your security key... <tap>
... list of pods ...

$ kubectl get pods # no MFA needed right after the previous command
... list of pods ...

$ sleep 1m && kubectl get pods # MFA needed since the short-lived cert expired
please tap your security key... <tap>
... list of pods ...

web apps

Web apps already have a session concept, with dedicated a login endpoint (/x-teleport-auth). The application endpoint serves a bit of JS code to redirect to the login endpoint.

This JS code will be modified to trigger browser's native U2F API, if the proxy responds with a U2F challenge:

  • user opens (with an existing Teleport cookie)
  • proxy serves a minimal JS page
  • JS requests
  • proxy responds with 407 Proxy Authentication Required and a U2F challenge in Proxy-Authenticate header
  • JS triggers the browser U2F API
  • browser shows a security key popup
  • user taps the key
  • JS requests with the signed U2F challenge in Proxy-Authenticate header
  • proxy sends back an application-specific cookie and redirects to the application


The initial integration for databases will be limited:

$ tsh db login prod
please tap your security key... <tap>

$ eval $(tsh db env)
$ psql -U awly prod

We'll also provide an example wrapper script:

$ cat teleport/examples/db/
# simplified version, without checking arguments

# Usage: user dbname
tsh db login $2
eval $(tsh db env)
psql -U $1 $2

Users will need to adapt this for their DB clients. Teleport will always generate short-lived key/cert in a predictable location under ~/.tsh/.


The protocol to obtain a new cert after a U2F check is:

client                               server
   |<-- mTLS using regular tsh cert -->|
   |--------- initiate U2F auth ------>|
   |<------------ challenge -----------|
   |---- u2f signature + metadata ---->|
   |<-------------- cert --------------|

This can be implemented as 2 request/response round-trips of the existing GenerateUserCerts RPC, with some downsides:

  • the server has to store state (challenge) in the backend
  • extra latency (backend RTT and RPC overhead)
  • complicating the existing RPC semantics

Instead, we'll use a single streaming gRPC endpoint, using oneof request/response messages.

rpc GenerateUserCertMFA(stream UserCertsMFARequest) returns (stream UserCertsMFAResponse);

message UserCertsMFARequest {
  // User sends UserCertsRequest initially, and MFAChallengeResponse after
  // getting MFAChallengeRequest from the server.
  oneof Request {
    UserCertsRequest Request = 1;
    MFAChallengeResponse MFAChallenge = 2;

message UserCertsMFAResponse {
  // Server sends MFAChallengeRequest after receiving UserCertsRequest, and
  // UserCert after receiving (and validating) MFAChallengeResponse.
  oneof Response {
    MFAChallengeRequest MFAChallenge = 1;
    UserCert Cert = 2;

message MFAChallengeResponse {
  // Extensible for other MFA protocols.
  oneof Response {
    U2FChallengeResponse U2F = 1;

message MFAChallengeRequest {
  // Extensible for other MFA protocols.
  oneof Request {
    U2FChallengeRequest U2F = 1;

message UserCert {
  // Only returns a single cert, specific to this session type.
  oneof Cert {
    bytes SSH = 1;
    bytes TLSKube = 2;

The exchange is:

client                               server
   |<--------- gRPC over mTLS -------->|
   |---- start GenerateUserCertMFA --->|
   |-------- UserCertRequest --------->|
   |<------- MFAChallengeRequest ------|
   |------ MFAChallengeResponse ------>|
   |<------------- UserCert -----------|


MFA checks per session can be enforced per-role or globally.


This approach is for operators that want extra protection for some high-value resources (like a prod DB VM or k8s cluster) but not others (like a test k8s cluster), to reduce the friction for users.

A new field require_session_mfa in role options specifies whether MFA is required. For example, the below privileged role enforces MFA per session:

kind: role
version: v3
  name: prod-admin
    require_session_mfa: true

    logins: [root]
      'environment': 'prod'

Assuming there exists node A with label environment: prod in the cluster. User with role prod-admin is required to pass the MFA check before logging into node A.

Now, if a user also has the role:

kind: role
version: v3
  name: dev
    logins: [root]
      'environment': 'dev'

And there exists node B with label environment: dev in the cluster. Then they don't need the MFA check before logging into B, because role dev doesn't require it.

Generally, if at least one role that grants access to a resource (SSH node, k8s cluster, etc.) sets require_session_mfa: true, then MFA check is required. It's required even if another role grants access to the same resource without MFA.


This approach is for operators that want to enforce MFA usage org-wide, for all sessions.

A new field require_session_mfa is available under auth_service:

# teleport.yaml
  require_session_mfa: true

If this field is set to true, it overrides any values set in roles and always requires MFA checks for all sessions.

certificate changes

x509 and SSH certificates need 2 new pieces of information encoded:

  • is this a short-lived cert issued after MFA?
  • constraints for the cert usage

When validating a certificate, the Teleport service will check RBAC to see if MFA is required per session. If required, the MFA flag field must be set in the certificate.


SSH certs will encode new data in extensions. New extensions are:

  • issued-with-mfa - UUID of the MFA token used to issue the cert
  • client-ip - IP of the client
  • session-deadline - RFC3339 timestamp, hard deadline for the session, even when there's some activity
  • target-node - UUID of the target node for the SSH session


x509 certs will encode new data in the Subject extensions, similar to the other custom fields we encode.

New extensions are:

  • IssuedWithMFA (OID 1.3.9999.1.8) - UUID of the MFA token used to issue the cert
  • ClientIP (OID 1.3.9999.1.9) - IP of the client
  • SessionTTL (OID 1.3.9999.1.10) - RFC3339 timestamp, hard deadline for the session, even when there's some activity
  • TargetName (OID 1.3.9999.1.11) - name of the target app, k8s cluster or database; the type of target is defined by the identity.Usage field (see below)
    • existing KubernetesCluster, TeleportCluster, RouteToApp extensions are kept for compatibility; enforcement happens based on TargetName if it's set, and the legacy fields otherwise

The identity.Usage field (encoded as OrganizationalUnit in the certificate subject) will be enforced for MFA certs by auth.Middleware (even if identity.Usage is empty, which is currently not blocked). The possible values are:

  • usage:kube (existing) - only k8s API
  • usage:apps (existing) - only web apps
  • usage:db (new) - only database connections

audit log

All audit events related to session secured with MFA will include a WithMFA field (under SessionMetadata) containing the UUID of the MFA token used to start the session.

If this field is not set on a session event, the session was started without MFA.

Alternatives considered

Private keys stored on hardware tokens

There's a range of hardware products that can store a private key and expose low-level crypto operations (sign/verify/encrypt/decrypt). They are generally accessible via a PKCS#11 module in userspace.

PKCS#11 is not well integrated in browsers (clunky UX at best) and not an option at all for other client software (kubectl, psql, etc).

Apart from that, each kind has their own downsides:


Hardware security modules (HSMs) are targeted at server use (e.g. storing a CA private key) and way too expensive for an average user ($650 for YubiHSM, which is very cheap).


Smartcards are an obsolete technology, requiring a separate USB-connected reader for the card, and targeted at multi-user cases (e.g. office access).


Personal Identity Verification (PIV) is a NIST standard and the closest thing to generally-available PKCS#11 USB device. Unfortunately, it's only supported in YubiKeys ( and future Solokeys (

All the non-Yubikey security keys out there don't support it and we still have the UX problems in browsers.

CPU Enclaves

Enclaves are CPU-specific (bad compatibility) and have a bad track record with vulnerabilities.


Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) are available on all Windows-compatible motherboards, almost universal. They are used without human interaction and only protect from key exfiltration (but not usage).

Forward proxy on the client machine

Another option is running a forward proxy on the client machine. This means running tsh as a daemon, with a local listening socket. All Teleport-bound traffic goes to the local socket, through tsh and then out to the network.

This lets tsh perform any MFA exchanges before proxying the application traffic:

# using TLS as an example
client                  local proxy                      teleport proxy
 |------- mTLS dial ------->|                                   |
 |                          |----------- mTLS dial ------------>|
 |                          |<-------- mTLS dial OK ------------|
 |                          |<-------- U2F challenge -----------|
 |                          |--------- U2F response ----------->|
 |                          |<-------- authenticated -----------|
 |<---- mTLS dial OK -------|                                   |
 |<--------------------- app traffic -------------------------->|

The local proxy can handle any authn customizations that we add. Local client only needs to support a regular mTLS. This allows the U2F check to be connection-bound (instead of time-bound), and can improve performance by reusing a TLS connection (with periodic expiry to force U2F re-checks).

The downside is operational complexity - customers really don't want to manage yet another system daemon. And we'll need to invent a custom U2F handshake protocol on top of TLS.

Note: a daemon can be added later, working on top of short-lived certs described in this doc, if there's a solid UX motivation.