Alan Parra 222cc96e6a
Update passwordless RFDs with current FIDO2 flows (#14060)
Update FIDO2 authn flows for tsh and clear the implication that authenticators
are only capable of returning a single assertion.

* Update passwordless RFDs with current FIDO2 flows
* Add preview release version to RFDs
* Add WebAuthn release version
2022-07-07 18:04:43 +00:00

24 KiB

authors state
Alan Parra ( implemented

RFD 52 - Passwordless


Passwordless and usernameless authentication for Teleport.

Passwordless refers to authentication without passwords, using procedures that are as secure or better than password-based flows (for example, using a biometric proof of identity in conjunction with a proof of presence).

Usernameless refers to authentication where the user doesn't have to identify themselves for the procedure to start. It is a common property of passwordless flows, but not necessary to achieve them. In the context of this RFD, passwordless is employed to mean both passwordless and usernameless.

This RFD deals with general concepts and server-side changes, see the following documents for client-side aspects of the design:

Passwordless is available as a preview in Teleport 10.


Passwords are a pain for users and a liability for both users and service providers.

Passwordless aims to do away with the need for passwords for day-to-day authentication, while providing better usability (eg: fingerprint scanner vs password) and better security (public-key based authn vs passwords).


Passwordless refers to the ability to authenticate without passwords, but not necessarily a complete absence of passwords in the system. Passwords are replaced by public-key based authentication, backed by the WebAuthn specification. Specifically, we rely on both user verification and user presence to do away with passwords.

In a typical multi-factor authentication flow, user verification is performed via password and user presence is performed by entering an OTP or tapping a hardware key. In a passwordless flow, checks are likely pushed to a single device (eg, hardware key using a PIN and a finger tap) and sometimes even conflated to a single gesture, depending on hardware capabilities (eg, fingerprint scanner).

We make no distinction between PINs and biometrics, as both fulfill the promise of removing server-side passwords. See the PINs and device restrictions sections for in-depth explanations.


PINs, in the context of the RFD, refer to FIDO2 PINs used by hardware keys. Notably, they have the following characteristics:

  • PINs are alphanumeric values of at least 4 characters, with a generous max length (eg, Yubico supports up to 128 alphanumeric characters)
  • PINs are stored on hardware keys with the same, or better, security guarantees of private keys
  • PINs, unlike passwords, are not sent to or verified by servers - they are verified by authenticators and never leave the users' system

PIN are essentially a shift from server-side to client-side passwords. They arguably provide better security (it is harder to remotely compromise a hardware key) but have a rather similar user experience.

While we may elect to restrict passwordless use to biometric-capable devices, the reality is that even those devices have PIN fallbacks*, so PINs aren't truly absent in a passwordless system.

* YubiKey Bio requires a PIN on setup. macOS allows the user password to be used in place of biometrics, effectively making the user password a PIN.

Resident keys

Resident keys are the final component for passwordless.

During a regular WebAuthn flow no key material is kept in the authenticator. In order to make passwordless viable, the authenticator needs to actually store the key, which is achieved via the resident key (aka discoverable credential) WebAuthn feature.

Creation and management of resident keys is commonly PIN protected and enforced by the authenticators themselves.

Death of passwords?

Unfortunately, we are still a few technology leaps away from the complete death of passwords. While we can remove passwords from most of the day-to-day activities, they still remain useful as a backup authentication method*.

There are various situations where hardware keys may be lost or broken - even with redundancy, there is a non-zero chance that multiple keys may become unavailable. The same goes for platform-bound keys (eg, Touch ID is siloed per browser in macOS versions prior to 12/Monterey).

Solutions like Apple's Passkeys mark a significant leap in the right direction, but they remain siloed to a certain platform (unless we can get a Windows/Linux/Android/etc authenticated with Passkeys).

While we intend to adopt passwordless quickly, a transitory period seems necessary until we can be sure that passwords are ripe for full removal.

* There is something to be said about recovery codes as a mechanism for sporadic logins and account recovery. A combination of recovery codes with ubiquitous authn methods like Passkeys may be powerful enough to bring forth the death of passwords.


A passwordless login flow is exemplified below:

                                    Passwordless login

     ┌─────────────┐               │                                        ┌────────┐
     │authenticator│              ┌┴┐                                       │Teleport│
     └──────┬──────┘             user                                       └───┬────┘
            │                     │       1. CreateAuthenticateChallenge()      │
            │                     │ ────────────────────────────────────────────>
            │                     │                                             │
            │                     │                1.1. challenge               │
            │                     │ <────────────────────────────────────────────
            │                     │                                             │
            │  2. sign challenge  │                                             │
            │<─────────────────────                                             │
            │                     │                                             │
            │2.1. signed challenge│                                             │
            │─────────────────────>                                             │
            │                     │                                             │
            │                     │────┐                                        │
            │                     │    │ 2.2. choose credential                 │
            │                     │<───┘                                        │
            │                     │                                             │
            │                     │ 3. Authenticate(userHandle, signedChallenge)│
            │                     │ ────────────────────────────────────────────>
            │                     │                                             │
            │                     │   3.1. signed certificates or web session   │
            │                     │ <────────────────────────────────────────────
     ┌──────┴──────┐             user                                       ┌───┴────┐
     │authenticator│              ┌─┐                                       │Teleport│
     └─────────────┘              ║"│                                       └────────┘

Authentication looks similar to our well-known challenge/response protocols, with the exception that the initial challenge is created without knowledge of the user identity. This is a departure from the current authn model where challenge generation is gated on username and password.

Because the user is unknown when the challenge is generated (1), the server has no knowledge of registered devices, nor it can safely supply any user information (as the user is untrusted at this point). In practice, this commonly means that the choice to attempt a passwordless login comes from the user (see the cluster settings section for our take on this).

In regards to authenticator interactions (2), it is important to note that the user may have multiple credentials attached to an RPID (Relying Party ID) / Teleport. Authenticators are capable of returning multiple assertions, one for each applicable credential, thus allowing the user to pick the desired credential for login.

Finally, in the last step of the authentication (3) we require the WebAuthn user handle to be informed along with the signed challenged, as recommended by the standard.

User handles

The following user handle properties are specially important for passwordless:

  • User handles are globally unique (we already use UUIDs, but uniqueness is now enforced by storage as well)
  • Users are efficiently queryable via user handle

Those reflect the necessities of usernameless logins, where the user handle is supplied by the user, alongside the signed challenge.

A storage key /webauthn/users/{user_handle} is added for each WebAuthn-capable user, where {user_handle} is the user handle UUID and the value is a webauthn.User proto (defined below). The new key space effectively constitutes a hand-written index, but since all values are immutable after the first write it shouldn't pose a maintenance burden.

package webauthn;

message User {
  // Teleport user ID.
  string teleport_user = 1;

The scheme above makes it trivial to query users by their handles and is easy implement, given our varied storage backends.

Changes are also made to the WebauthnDevice proto, so it is possible to identify if the user has passwordless-capable credentials:


package types;

// WebauthnDevice holds Webauthn-specific fields of MFADevice.
message WebauthnDevice {
  // (existing fields omitted)

  // Raw attestation object, as returned by the authentication during
  // registration.
  // Absent for legacy entries.
  bytes attestation_object = 6;

  // True if the device is the result of a requested resident key
  // (ie, it is passwordless-capable).
  bool resident_key = 7;

User verification

User verification is set to required for passwordless logins, it remains discouraged otherwise.

Challenge/SessionData storage

WebAuthn challenge storage is currently scoped per-user. For passwordless we require a global challenge storage, since challenges are issued to anonymous users. Per-user challenge storage is kept for MFA (multi-factor authentication) and registration, since they aren't subject to the same limitations as the global storage (see the security section for details).

The new key space for challenges is /webauthn/sessionData/{scope}/{id}, where {scope} is limited to login and {id} is the base64 raw URL encoding of the challenge. Challenges are deleted as soon as they are "spent" by a user.

The SessionData proto is modified as below:

message SessionData {
  // (existing fields omitted)

  // True if resident keys were required.
  bool resident_key = 4;

  // Requested user verification requirement, either "discouraged" or
  // "required".
  // An empty value is treated equivalently to "discouraged".
  string user_verification = 5;

Note that, for challenges issues to authenticated users ("regular" MFA or registration), the backend will both set and check the user_id field accordingly.

Authentication API changes

CreateAuthenticateChallenge, or more specifically, its Web API counterpart (/webapi/mfa/login/begin), now allows for unauthenticated requests without user and password. Requests are modified as follows:

package lib.client

type MFAChallengeRequest struct {
  User string `json:"user"`
  Pass string `json:"pass"`

  // Passwordless instructs the backend to ignore User and Pass and issue a
  // passwordless challenge instead.
  Passwordless bool `json:"passwordless"`
package proto; // api/client/proto

message ContextUser {}
message Passwordless {}

message CreateAuthenticateChallengeRequest {
  oneof Request {
    // (existing fields omitted)

    // Issues a challenge for the currently-authenticated user.
    // (Added so it can be made into an explicit choice, lack of a Request still
    // defaults to this option.)
    ContextUser context_user = 3;

    // Issues a passwordless challenge (no authenticated user required).
    Passwordless passwordless = 4;

Passwordless SessionData is stored with an empty user ID but with resident_key = true and user_verification = "required", challenge responses are checked accordingly.

No further request or response message changes are necessary, but it's important to note that the user handle in CredentialAssertionResponse is required for passwordless logins.

Finally, un-authenticated login endpoints are now subject to IP-based rate limiting, as it seems wise to further safeguard system resources from anonymous access.


Registration requires us to know whether the user intends use to the device for passwordless, so we can request a resident key and ask for the appropriate user verification requirements.

Requesting resident keys is a delicate decision, as most FIDO2 devices have limited capacity for resident keys (eg, 25 keys for Yubico FIDO2). Users may want to pick and choose depending on how many accounts they have. Platform authenticators may provide limits large enough to make it a non-issue, so defaulting to passwordless/resident keys on them may be an easier decision.

The backend makes no assumptions and lets the clients/UI decide, as they are better equipped to do so.

The following changes are made to registration messages:

package proto; // api/client/proto

enum DeviceUsage {

  // Device intended for MFA use, but not for passwordless.
  // Allows both FIDO and FIDO2 devices.
  // Resident keys not required.

  // Device intended for both MFA and passwordless.
  // Requires a FIDO2 device and a resident key slot.

message CreateRegisterChallengeRequest {
  // (existing fields omitted)

  // Requested usage for the device.
  // Defaults to DEVICE_USAGE_MFA.
  DeviceUsage device_usage = 3;

message AddMFADeviceRequestInit {
  // (existing fields omitted)

  // Requested usage for the device.
  // Defaults to DEVICE_USAGE_MFA.
  DeviceUsage device_usage = 4;

Device restrictions

UPDATE 2022-06: Device restrictions are not present in the passwordless preview, as various Touch ID implementations aren't capable of more than self-attestation.

Passwordless device restrictions can be attained through attestation.

Teleport may choose to ship with canned set of allowed passwordless roots. An example of said roots could include:

(Roots retrieval, if dynamic and not canned, should warn of any changes in the CAs, detecting potential PKI attacks.)

It is important to consider the tradeoffs of a fixed set of passwordless roots and its interaction with existing WebAuthn attestation settings.

A fixed set of roots, specially one in the form of an allow list, is likely to become obsolete over time (requiring maintenance and Teleport updates). Interactions with existing attestation allow/deny lists also provides its challenges, as it forces us to either:

  • Ignore admin settings (always using the fixed roots for passwordless); or
  • Apply both attestation lists, with the potential to create lists that are impossible to satisfy.

The design makes the decision to ship with a canned set of roots for passwordless, but those roots are dropped as soon as the admin defines any attestation lists, in order to avoid configurations that are impossible to satisfy. The presence of an admin-defined attestation list is also interpreted as a decision, by the admin, to take control over such configurations.

Cluster settings

As explained in the authentication section, the decision to perform a passwordless login is commonly made by the end user. This is because Teleport has no information about the user prior to login. In order to provide a more seamless passwordless experience, admins may switch the default login method of a cluster to passwordless.

Fallback methods are provided for users who may lack passwordless credentials: namely tsh --auth for CLI and UI options for the Web UI (not discussed in this design).

Any cluster capable of WebAuthn is, by default, capable of passwordless. Teleport also offers a toggle to disable passwordless, in case admins so desire.


    type: local
    second_factor: on
      rp_id: ""

    # Explicitly enable/disable passwordless.
    # Defaults to "true".
    passwordless: true

    # Sets passwordless as the default connector.
    connector_name: passwordless

cluster_auth_preference / AuthPreferenceSpecV2:

version: v2
kind: cluster_auth_preference
  name: cluster-auth-preference
  type: local
  second_factor: on
  allow_passwordless: true
  connector_name: passwordless

Virtual connectors

The design extends the local users connector by adding the passwordless connector, a variant that uses passwordless logins.

Users may manually change their login method, as long as the cluster supports it, by running tsh login --auth=local or tsh login --auth=passwordless. tsh and Web UI should check the connector name from /ping endpoints and react accordingly.

passwordless is now a system-reserved connector name, taking precedence over equally named connectors. A similar solution using virtual connectors could be used to "decorate" existing OIDC/SAML connectors for passwordless, but this is left for a future design.

/ping endpoints

The Web API /ping and /ping/{connector} responses are modified as follows:

type PingResponse struct {
	Auth AuthenticationSettings
	// (...)

type AuthenticationSettings struct {
	// (...)
+	AllowPasswordless bool
+	Local             LocalSettings

+type LocalSettings struct {
+	// Name is the internal name of the connector.
+	Name string `json:"name"`


The overall security of passwordless authentication bases itself on WebAuthn and its mechanisms of user verification, user presence and origin validation. The system is arguably made better by replacing server-side password checking with public-key crypto.

No new server-side endpoints are added; modified endpoint remains largely the same (Web API authentication already starts from untrusted users). A noticeable change is the ability for untrusted users to generate WebAuthn challenges, an operation previously gated by user/password. The design recommends the following mitigations:

  1. A simple, in-memory, IP based rate limiter for sensitive endpoints (mitigation for rudimentary DDoS attacks)
  2. A storage hard limit on in-flight global challenges

(Note that "entropy attacks" are not really a concern.)

PINs are discussed in their own section.


The design is focused mainly on passwordless concepts and server-side changes, as such it doesn't describe specific UX changes. The concepts explained in the design, however, may constrain future UX possibilities; that makes sections not focused on Teleport internals worth a read.

Please refer to the FIDO2 clients and macOS CLI RFDs for specific UX changes.

Alternatives considered

Do not restrict passwordless devices

A counter argument for the device restrictions section is that there is little benefit in restricting PIN-based devices from the system: attack vectors are essentially the same, compared to biometric devices, since all devices have PIN fallbacks. Avoiding implicit restrictions keeps the implementation uniform and without hidden behaviors.