Andrew Lytvynov 9c01c4b84a
RFD 0: RFDs (#5228)
Belated doc describing the RFD format and process.
As always, everything is up for discussion.

Also, updated prior RFDs to conform to the style.
2021-01-09 10:59:42 -08:00

11 KiB

authors state
Alexander Klizhentas (, Ben Arent ( implemented

RFD 3 - Extended approval workflows


Extended approval workflows extend Workflows API with new controls for granting limited access to infrastructure on demand.


Customers providing limited access to the infrastructure for contractors are lacking support for their scenarios.

This document describes the scenarios and introduces design changes to support them.

Automatic approval for contractors

Imagine two organizations, Acme Co and Contractor Inc.

Acme Co serves multiple customers A and B via leaf clusters a and b connected to its root cluster acme.

Acme Co creates a support issue issue-1 for customer A and assigns it to Contractor Inc's employee Alice. Acme would like to provide temporary access for Alice until the ticket is closed.

Alice should only see the cluster and nodes she has been granted access to and nothing else.

Access based on the ticket number

Due to regulations fin-tech companies grant access only if the user has provided a valid ticket number at login time. The granted role is determined by the plugin based on the username, SSO information and the ticket number.

However, if the ticketing system is down, requests to login should be manually processed by the cluster administrator to provide an emergency way to access the infrastructure.

Access to nodes

Company Pine Tree Inc, serves thousands of customers. Administrators of the company would like to let contractors see all nodes in the cluster, but have access to no nodes by default.

Contractors of 'Pine Tree Inc' would have to request access to individual nodes and the access would have to be granted/denied by administrators in slack channel.


Let's add missing features to Teleport and use them to compose a solution for scenarios described in "Why" section.

Dynamic role requests

We are going to modify request part of the roles to support pattern matching.

kind: role
  name: contractor
    # ...
      roles: ['^customer-.*$']
    # ...
    # ...

Request access role option

Role option 'request_access' modifies the login screen for tsh login and web UI login.

kind: role
  name: contractor
      roles: ['{{external.groups}}']
    # pass some extra metadata to the plugin; nothing special, just a mapping that obeys
      - claim: "group"
         value: ".*"
         roles: [ "admins" ]
     # 'optional' - allow user to request access if `can_access` is setup for the
     #              role  (default value for all roles)
     # 'reason'   - create access request after asking for note if `can_access`
     #              is setup for the role
     # 'always'   - always create access request after login without asking for
     #              note if `can_access` is setup for the role
     request_access: 'reason'
     request_prompt: |
       Hey, Enter the Ticker number from       
      roles: ['^customer-.*$']
    # ...
    # ...


always creates access request after successful login and blocks the screen until the request is granted.

Always creates a request and fills in the roles based on matching values in the request field of the role set.

So if the user has a role:

kind: role
  name: contractor
     # 'optional' - default value if not set
     request_access: 'always'
      roles: ['^customer-.*$']
    # ...
    # ...

The access request created automatically will have the matching roles:

kind: access_request
  name: request-id
  note: 'ticket-12345`
  user: 'bob'
  roles: ['customer-1', 'customer-2']
  - kind: node
    name: mongodb
    verb: connect
    principal: root


reason presents a dialog after the successful login, requests a note and creates a request.

If there are two roles with concurrent reason and always, the reason will be picked as the most restrictive.

Request access traits

For external systems to make better decisions on incoming request. The request should send forward on any claims/traits provided by the IdP. This is configurable by the Teleport Admin as part of Teleport Setup.

Cluster access labels

Clusters labels, similarly to node_labels, limit the access to clusters from the root cluster.

kind: role
  name: customer-a
    # ...
      customer: 'customer-a'
    # ...
    # ...

To preserve backwards compatibility, if not specified, cluster_labels default value is: '*':'*', granting visibility and access to all clusters.

Access request metadata

Access request gets additional fields to specify information about requests to individual resources:

kind: access_request
  name: request-id
  note: 'ticket-12345'
  user: 'bob'
  # the list can be empty, in case if Bob tries to access a resource
  # and not a specific role
  roles: []
  # Bob has requested access to the mongodb as root
  - kind: node
    name: mongodb
    verb: connect
    principal: root

Admins will get a new CLI and API to approve requests and modify roles:

# Bob wants to ssh into mongodb as root
$ tctl request ls
Token             Requestor Metadata             Note         Created At (UTC)    Status
----------------- --------- -------------------- ------------ -------------- -------
request-id-1      bob       ssh root@mongodb     ticket-1234  07 Nov 19 19:38 UTC PENDING

# craft a role granting access just to this node
$ tctl role create custom.yaml

# approve access request and assign the custom role
$ tctl request approve request-id-1 --roles=custom

Denying access request

Plugins and admins can set a rejection reason and labels added to user.login failed error message

kind: access_request
  name: request-id
  note: 'ticket-12345`
  user: 'bob'
  # Access denied
  state: 3
  # Reason added to `user.login` error message:
  reason: 'User wanted to know too much'
  # Structured labels added to the user login error message
  # for SIEM to parse
     key: value

Admins will get a new CLI and API to deny requests

# Bob wants to ssh into mongodb as root
$ tctl request ls
Token             Requestor Metadata             Note         Created At (UTC)    Status
----------------- --------- -------------------- ------------ -------------- -------
request-id-1      bob       ssh root@mongodb     ticket-1234  07 Nov 19 19:38 UTC PENDING

# approve access request and assign the custom role
$ tctl request deny request-id --reason='User wanted to know too much' --reason-labels=key=value

User flow for requesting and logging in.

$ tsh login --request-roles=dictator --nowait

# Requested roles dictator, check the status by calling

$ tsh requests ls

Token                                Requestor Metadata       Created At (UTC)    Status
------------------------------------ --------- -------------- ------------------- -------
request-id-1                         alice     roles=dictator 07 Nov 19 19:38 UTC PENDING

$ tsh login --request-id=request-12345
Granted by Bob... logging in

User interface flows

Imagine Bob has the following default role:

kind: role
  name: contractor
      roles: ['^customer-.*$']

Users will have several options:

Option 0: Requesting access during the login in the UI or the CLI

Teleport login screen will have a separate optional field: "Request access". Alice clicks "Request access" expandable section and adds a note with a ticket number.

Once Alice enters a reason, Teleport will create an access_request with note provided by her in case if login is successful. The user interface shows a screen "Requesting access, please wait" as a separate state after the login and redirects back to the UI or tsh.

Option 1: Requesting access after login in the UI

Once in the system, Bob clicks on the top right nav corner and fills in fields request access dialog window:

  • Selects a role from the list
  • Optionally adds a reason - ticket-1234

He then waits for the request to be granted or denied. The user interface shows a screen "Requesting access, please wait" as a separate message in the user interface.

Option 2: Requesting access through the node list in the UI

Alice goes to the nodes list, selects a node and clicks on the drop down action 'request access':

  • Selects or enters new SSH principal
  • Optionally adds a note - ticket-1234

She then waits for the request to be granted or denied.


In both cases, Bob waits until the request gets approved, and in the case if it does, Bob sees a notification, UI gets reloaded and Bob gets access to the node/or sees the new list of nodes.


Automatic approval for contractors

Let's go back the the example of 'Acme Co' and craft a plugin design that will approve the request to cluster whenever there is a ticket assigned to a user.


On the root cluster acme, let's define the default role all contractors are assigned to by default:

kind: role
  name: contractor
      roles: ['^customer-.*$']

This role assigned to all contractors by default lets users to request access to customer related roles.

Second role customer-a lets clients to see leaf cluster customer-a and access it:

kind: role
  name: customer-a
    # limit max session TTL to 1 hour and disconnect the connection
    # when the certificate expires
    max_session_ttl: 1h
    disconnect_expired_cert: yes
      customer: 'customer-a'

Contractors are not assigned to this role, but can request access to it.

Leaf clusters are autonomous and have their own set of roles. Leaf cluster a will define local role:

kind: role
  name: remote-contractor
    # limit access to a separate SSH principal
    logins: [contractor]
      # limit access to some nodes
      'access': 'contractor'

Trusted cluster spec will map customer-a role to remote-contractor role:

kind: trusted_cluster
  name: "acme"
  enabled: true
    - remote: customer-a
      local: [remote-contractor]

User experience

Contractors will log in and enter the note / ticket number. Teleport will generate access request and if granted by plugin based on the ticket number or meta data in the request, they will see the clusters to access.

Audit Log

All request events will be tracked by Teleports Audit Log. These will recorded under access_request. These are tracked using these two event codes.

T5000I - AccessRequestCreateCode is the the access request creation code. T5001I - AccessRequestUpdateCode is the access request state update code.

AccessRequestUpdateCode provides an option for plugins to update the state off a request with extra meta data about its reason for who approved, or why it was denied. See (Teleport Plugin)[22334ec352/access/access.go (L128)] as an example.