Ben Arent 080f43f883
Update to include testing SSO Providers / Partners (#3501)
* Update to include testing SSO Providers / Partners

* Update
2020-03-30 13:25:21 -07:00

11 KiB

Manual Testing Plan

Below are the items that should be manually tested with each release of Teleport. These tests should be run on both a fresh install of the version to be released as well as an upgrade of the previous version of Teleport.

  • Adding nodes to a cluster

    • Adding Nodes via Valid Static Token
    • Adding Nodes via Valid Short-lived Tokens
    • Adding Nodes via Invalid Token Fails
    • Revoking Node Invitation
  • Labels

    • Static Labels
    • Dynamic Labels
  • Trusted Clusters

    • Adding Trusted Cluster Valid Static Token
    • Adding Trusted Cluster Valid Short-lived Token
    • Adding Trusted Cluster Invalid Token
    • Removing Trusted Cluster
  • RBAC

    Make sure that invalid and valid attempts are reflected in audit log.

    • Successfully connect to node with correct role
    • Unsuccessfully connect to a node in a role restricting access by label
    • Unsuccessfully connect to a node in a role restricting access by invalid SSH login
    • Allow/deny role option: SSH agent forwarding
    • Allow/deny role option: Port forwarding
  • Users With every user combination, try to login and signup with invalid second factor, invalid password to see how the system reacts.

    • Adding Users Password Only
    • Adding Users OTP
    • Adding Users U2F
    • Login Password Only
    • Login OTP
    • Login U2F
    • Login OIDC
    • Login SAML
    • Login GitHub
    • Deleting Users
  • Backends

    • Teleport runs with etcd
    • Teleport runs with dynamodb
    • Teleport runs with boltdb
    • Teleport runs with dir
  • Session Recording

    • Session recording can be disabled
    • Sessions can be recorded at the node
      • Sessions in remote clusters are recorded in remote clusters
    • Sessions can be recorded at the proxy
      • Sessions on remote clusters are recorded in the local cluster
      • Enable/disable host key checking.
  • Audit Log

    • Failed login attempts are recorded
    • Interactive sessions have the correct Server ID
      • Server ID is the ID of the node in regular mode
      • Server ID is randomly generated for proxy node
    • Exec commands are recorded
    • scp commands are recorded
    • Subsystem results are recorded
  • Interact with a cluster using tsh

    These commands should ideally be tested for recording and non-recording modes as they are implemented in a different ways.

    • tsh ssh <regular-node>
    • tsh ssh <node-remote-cluster>
    • tsh ssh -A <regular-node>
    • tsh ssh -A <node-remote-cluster>
    • tsh ssh <regular-node> ls
    • tsh ssh <node-remote-cluster> ls
    • tsh join <regular-node>
    • tsh join <node-remote-cluster>
    • tsh play <regular-node>
    • tsh play <node-remote-cluster>
    • tsh scp <regular-node>
    • tsh scp <node-remote-cluster>
    • tsh ssh -L <regular-node>
    • tsh ssh -L <node-remote-cluster>
    • tsh ls
    • tsh clusters
  • Interact with a cluster using ssh Make sure to test both recording and regular proxy modes.

    • ssh <regular-node>
    • ssh <node-remote-cluster>
    • ssh -A <regular-node>
    • ssh -A <node-remote-cluster>
    • ssh <regular-node> ls
    • ssh <node-remote-cluster> ls
    • scp <regular-node>
    • scp <node-remote-cluster>
    • ssh -L <regular-node>
    • ssh -L <node-remote-cluster>
  • Interact with a cluster using the Web UI

    • Connect to a Teleport node
    • Connect to a OpenSSH node
    • Check agent forwarding is correct based on role and proxy mode.


For some manual testing, many combinations need to be tested. For example, for interactive sessions the 12 combinations are below.

  • Connect to a OpenSSH node in a local cluster using OpenSSH.
  • Connect to a OpenSSH node in a local cluster using Teleport.
  • Connect to a OpenSSH node in a local cluster using the Web UI.
  • Connect to a Teleport node in a local cluster using OpenSSH.
  • Connect to a Teleport node in a local cluster using Teleport.
  • Connect to a Teleport node in a local cluster using the Web UI.
  • Connect to a OpenSSH node in a remote cluster using OpenSSH.
  • Connect to a OpenSSH node in a remote cluster using Teleport.
  • Connect to a OpenSSH node in a remote cluster using the Web UI.
  • Connect to a Teleport node in a remote cluster using OpenSSH.
  • Connect to a Teleport node in a remote cluster using Teleport.
  • Connect to a Teleport node in a remote cluster using the Web UI.

Teleport with EKS/GKE

  • Deploy Teleport on a single EKS cluster
  • Deploy Teleport on two EKS clusters and connect them via trusted cluster feature
  • Deploy Teleport Proxy outside of GKE cluster fronting connections to it (this feature is not yet supported for EKS)

Teleport with FIPS mode

  • Perform trusted clusters, Web and SSH sanity check with all teleport components deployed in FIPS mode.


  • Migrate trusted clusters from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
    • Migrate auth server on main cluster, then rest of the servers on main cluster SSH should work for both main and old clusters
    • Migrate auth server on remote cluster, then rest of the remote cluster SSH should work

Command Templates

When interacting with a cluster, the following command templates are useful:


# when connecting to the recording proxy, `-o 'ForwardAgent yes'` is required.
ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -o 'ForwardAgent yes' -p 3023 -s proxy:%h:%p" \

# the above command only forwards the agent to the proxy, to forward the agent
# to the target node, `-o 'ForwardAgent yes'` needs to be passed twice.
ssh -o "ForwardAgent yes" \
  -o "ProxyCommand ssh -o 'ForwardAgent yes' -p 3023 -s proxy:%h:%p" \

# when connecting to a remote cluster using OpenSSH, the subsystem request is
# updated with the name of the remote cluster.
ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -o 'ForwardAgent yes' -p 3023 -s" \


# when connecting to a OpenSSH node, remember `-p 22` needs to be passed.
tsh --user=<username> --insecure ssh -p 22

# an agent can be forwarded to the target node with `-A`
tsh --user=<username> --insecure ssh -A -p 22

# the --cluster flag is used to connect to a node in a remote cluster.
tsh --user=<username> --insecure ssh -p 22

Teleport with SSO Providers

  • G Suite install instructions work
    • G Suite Screenshots are up to date
  • ActiveDirectoy install instructions work
    • Active Directoy Screenshots are up to date
  • Okta install instructions work
    • Okta Screenshots are up to date
  • OneLogin install instructions work
    • OneLogin Screenshots are up to date
  • OIDC install instructions work
    • OIDC Screenshots are up to date

Teleport Plugins

  • Test receiving a message via Teleport Slackbot
  • Test receiving a new Jira Ticket via Teleport Jira

Web UI

  • Creating a new SSH session.

    Open a terminal to existing server

    • Verify that input/output works as expected by typing on the keyboard.
    • Verify that participant indicator is shown.
    • Verify that window resize works.
    • Verify that terminal is automatically closed after session ends (by typing exit)

    Open a terminal to non-existing server

    • Verify that connection error is shown to the user.
  • Joining an existing SSH session.

    Start a new session then copy the session URL and open it in another tab.

    • Should be able to join an existing session.
    • Should be able to see what another participant is typing.
    • Should display the correct number of participants.
    • Verify that resize works in both terminals. Use midnight commander (apt-get install mc) as it clearly shows the actual screen of the terminal.

    Start a new session and then open the Sessions Page in another tab:

    • Should see 1 active session and participant.
    • Should be able to join this session by clicking on "Join" button.

    Join a session that has ended:

    • Should see a message saying that this session has ended.
    • Should see 2 buttons: "Start new" and "Replay". Verify that both work as expected.
  • Node List.

    Open the Node List page.

    • Verify that sorting works.
    • Verify that dynamic labels are getting updated.
    • Verify that login dropdown control shows the correct list of available logins.
    • Verify that search works.
    • Verify that ssh control works (input validation).
    • Verify that cluster dropdown control shows the correct list of clusters.
  • Session List (stored sessions).

    Open the Sessions page.

    • Verify that it displays the list of stored sessions.
    • Should be able to open a session player by clicking on "Play" button.
    • Verify that all columns display correct information.
    • Verify that date-picker works.
    • Verify that search works.

    Create a new session and open the Session List in another browser window.

    • Verify that this session is shown as active in the Session List.
    • Verify that "Join" button works.
  • Invite

    Create user invite URL and use this URL to:

    • Verify that invite works with OTP enabled.
    • Verify that invite works with U2F enabled.
    • Verify that invite works with 2nd factor disabled.
  • Expired Invite

    Create invalid or expired invite URL.

    • Verify that "Invite code has expired" message is displayed.
  • User lock

    Open a login screen.

    • Verify that a user gets locked after several unsuccessful attempts.
  • Login redirects.

    Log out and then navigate to Nodes list.

    • Verify that a user is redirected to the login page.
    • Verify that after successful login, a user is redirected to the Node List.

Performance/Soak Test

Using tsh bench tool, perform the soak tests and benchmark tests on the following configurations:

  • Cluster with 10K nodes in normal (non-IOT) node mode with ETCD

  • Cluster with 10K nodes in normal (non-IOT) mode with DynamoDB

  • Cluster with 1K IOT nodes with ETCD

  • Cluster with 1K IOT nodes with DynamoDB

  • Cluster with 500 trusted clusters with ETCD

  • Cluster with 500 trusted clusters with DynamoDB

Soak Tests

Run 4hour soak test with a mix of interactive/non-interactive sessions:

tsh bench --duration=4h --threads=10 user@teleport-monster-6757d7b487-x226b ls
tsh bench -i --duration=4h --threads=10 user@teleport-monster-6757d7b487-x226b ps uax

Observe prometheus metrics for goroutines, open files, RAM, CPU, Timers and make sure there are no leaks

Breaking load tests

Load system with tsh bench to the capacity and publish maximum numbers of concurrent sessions with interactive and non interactive tsh bench loads.