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Running Teleport on AWS How to install and configure Gravitational Teleport on AWS for SSH and Kubernetes access.

Running Teleport on AWS

We've created this guide to give customers a high level overview of how to use Teleport on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This guide provides a high level introduction leading to a deep dive into how to setup and run Teleport in production.

We have split this guide into:

Teleport on AWS FAQ

Why would you want to use Teleport with AWS?

At some point you'll want to log into the system using SSH to help test, debug and troubleshoot a problem box. For EC2, AWS recommends creating 'Key Pairs' and has a range of other tips for securing EC2 instances.

This approach has a number of limitations:

  1. As your organization grows, keeping track of end users' public/private keys becomes an administrative nightmare.
  2. Using SSH public/private keys has a number of limitations. Read why SSH Certificates are better.
  3. Once a machine has been bootstrapped with SSH Keys, there isn't an easy way to add new keys and delegate access.

Which Services can I use Teleport with?

You can use Teleport for all the services that you would SSH into. This guide is focused on EC2. We have a short blog post on using Teleport with EKS. We plan to expand the guide based on feedback but will plan to add instructions for the below.

  • RDS
  • Detailed EKS
  • Lightsail
  • Fargate

Teleport Introduction

This guide will cover how to setup, configure and run Teleport on AWS.

AWS Services required to run Teleport in HA

We recommend setting up Teleport in high availability mode (HA). In HA mode DynamoDB stores the state of the system and S3 will store audit logs.

AWS Intro Image

EC2 / Autoscale

To run Teleport in a HA configuration we recommend using m4.large instances. It's best practice to separate the proxy and authentication server, using autoscaling groups for both machines. We have pre-built AMIs for both Teleport OSS and Enterprise editions. Instructions on using these AMIs are below.


DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. For large clusters you can provision usage but for smaller deployments you can leverage DynamoDB's autoscaling.

Teleport 4.0 leverages DynamoDB's streaming feature. When turning this on, you'll need to specify New Image from the streaming options. DynamoDB back-end supports two types of Teleport data:

  • Cluster state
  • Cluster events

See DynamoDB Admin Guide for more information

AWS DynamoDB Tables Setting Streams Setting Stream to NEW IMAGE

For maintainability and ease of use, we recommend following our Terraform example but below are high level definitions for the tables required to run Teleport.

DynamoDB Table A - Teleport Cluster State:

Table name teleport-cluster-name
Primary partition key HashKey (String)
Primary sort key FullPath (String)

DynamoDB Table B - Teleport Cluster Events:

Table name teleport-cluster-name-events
Primary partition key SessionID (String)
Primary sort key EventIndex (Number)
Indexes - timesearch teleport-cluster-name-events
Primary partition key EventNamespace (String)
Primary sort key CreatedAt (Number)
Attributes ALL


Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. In this Teleport setup, S3 will provide storage for recorded sessions.

We recommend using Amazon S3 Standard.

!!! tip "Tip"

S3 provides [Amazon S3 Object Lock](,
which is useful for customers deploying Teleport in regulated environments.


Route53 is a highly available Domain Name System (DNS) provided by AWS. It'll be needed to setup a URL for the proxy - we recommend using a subdomain.


NLB: Network Load Balancer

AWS provides many different load balancers. To setup Teleport, we recommend using a Network Load Balancer. Network Load Balancers provides TLS for the Teleport proxy and provides the TCP connections needed for Teleport proxy SSH connections.


IAM is the recommended tool for creating service access. This guide will follow the best practice of principle of least privilege (PoLP).

IAM for Amazon S3

In order to grant an IAM user in your AWS account access to one of your buckets, example.s3.bucket you will need to grant the following permissions: s3:ListBucket, s3:ListBucketVersions, s3:PutObject, s3:GetObject, s3:GetObjectVersion

An example policy is shown below:

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Action": [
       "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::example.s3.bucket"]
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Action": [
       "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::example.s3.bucket/*"]

!!! note "Note"

`example.s3.bucket` will need to be replaced with your bucket name.

IAM for DynamoDB

In order to grant an IAM user access to DynamoDB make sure that the IAM role assigned to Teleport is configured with proper permissions.

An example policy is shown below:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllAPIActionsOnTeleportClusterState",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "dynamodb:*",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:REGION:ACCOUNTID:table/DYNAMODB-RESOURCE-A"
            "Sid": "AllAPIActionsOnTeleportClusterStateStreams",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "dynamodb:*",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:REGION:ACCOUNTID:table/DYNAMODB-RESOURCE-A/stream/*"
            "Sid": "AllAPIActionsOnTeleportClusterEvents",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "dynamodb:*",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:REGION:ACCOUNTID:table/DYNAMODB-RESOURCE-B"
            "Sid": "AllAPIActionsOnTeleportClusterEventsStreams",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "dynamodb:*",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:REGION:ACCOUNTID:table/DYNAMODB-RESOURCE-B/stream/*"
            "Sid": "AllAPIActionsOnTeleportClusterEventIndex",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "dynamodb:*",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:REGION:ACCOUNTID:table/DYNAMODB-RESOURCE-B/index/*"

!!! note "Note"

`arn:aws:dynamodb:REGION:ACCOUNTID:table/DYNAMODB-RESOURCE-A` and `RESOURCE-B` will need to be replaced with your two DynamoDB tables.


With AWS Certificate Manager, you can quickly request SSL/TLS certificates.

  • TLS Cert: Used to provide SSL for the proxy.
  • SSH Certs (not in ACM): Created and self signed by the authentication server and are used to delegate access to Teleport nodes.

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

To add new nodes to a Teleport Cluster, we recommend using a strong static token. SSM can be also used to store the enterprise licence.

Setting up a HA Teleport Cluster

Teleport's config based setup offers a wide range of customization for customers. This guide offers a range of setup options for AWS. If you have a very large account, multiple accounts, or over 10k users we would recommend getting in touch. We are more than happy to help you architect, setup and deploy Teleport into your environment.

We have these options for you.

Deploying with CloudFormation

We are currently working on an updated CloudFormation guide but you can start with our AWS AMI example. It requires a VPC, but we expect customers to deploy within an already existing VPC.

Deploying with Terraform

To deploy Teleport in AWS using Terraform look at our AWS Guide.

Installing Teleport to EC2 Server

Customers run many workloads within EC2 and depending on how you work there are many ways to integrate Teleport onto your servers. We recommend looking at our Admin manual.

In short, to add new nodes / EC2 servers that you can "SSH into" you'll need to

  1. Install the Teleport Binary on the Server


To upgrade to a newer version of Teleport:

  • Back up /etc/teleport.yaml, /etc/teleport.d/ and the contents of /var/lib/teleport
  • Launch a new instance with the correct AMI for a newer version of Teleport
  • Copy /etc/teleport.yaml, /etc/teleport.d/ and /var/lib/teleport to the new instance, overwriting anything that already exists
  • Backup the contents and copy them over to the new instance.
  • Either restart the instance, or log in via SSH and run sudo systemctl restart teleport.service

Using Teleport with EKS

In this section, we will set Kubernetes RBAC permissions needed by Teleport and configure the EC2 instance running Teleport to map to those permissions.


Youll need a functioning EKS cluster, we recommend version 1.16. If youre unfamiliar with creating an EKS cluster, view AWS EKS getting started guide.

  • EKS Version: The below guide has been tested with Kubernetes 1.16
  • eksctl. Make sure you have eksctl version 0.22.0.
  • jq installed on your local machine.
  • An AWS Account with Root Access

Create cluster role and role binding

The first step is to create a cluster role and role binding that will allow the Teleport EC2 instance to relay user requests to the Kubernetes API.

The below command is ran on a machine with kubectl access to the cluster.

$ cat << 'EOF' | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterRole
  name: teleport-impersonation
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - users
  - groups
  - serviceaccounts
  - impersonate
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - selfsubjectaccessreviews
  - create
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: teleport-crb
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: teleport-impersonation
- kind: Group
  name: teleport-group

If successful the terminal should output:

# created
# created

Create IAM trust policy document

This is the trust policy that allows the Teleport EC2 instance to assume a role.

$ cat > teleport_assume_role.json << 'EOF'
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

This will create a .json file locally, the below command should then be run to create the role.

$ aws iam create-role --role-name teleport-role --assume-role-policy-document file://teleport_assume_role.json

Create IAM policy granting list-clusters and describe-cluster permissions (optional)

This policy is necessary to create a kubeconfig file using the aws eks update-kubeconfig command. If you have another mechanism to create a kubeconfig file on the instance that runs Teleport, this step is not required.

cat > teleport_eks_desc_and_list.json << 'EOF'
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
POLICY_ARN=$(aws iam create-policy --policy-name teleport-policy --policy-document file://teleport_eks_desc_and_list.json | jq -r '.Policy.Arn')
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name teleport-role --policy-arn $POLICY_ARN

Map IAM role to Kubernetes group

This maps the IAM role teleport-role to the Kubernetes group teleport-group.

!!! note

If you used eksctl to create your cluster, you may need to add the mapUsers section to the aws-auth ConfigMap before executing these commands.

eksctl create iamidentitymapping --cluster [cluster-name] --arn arn:aws:iam::[account-id]:role/teleport-role --group teleport-group --username teleport
ROLE="    - userarn: arn:aws:iam::[account-id]:role/teleport-role\n      username: teleport\n      groups:\n        - teleport-group"
kubectl get -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth -o yaml | awk "/mapRoles: \|/{print;print \"$ROLE\";next}1" > /tmp/aws-auth-patch.yml
kubectl patch configmap/aws-auth -n kube-system --patch "$(cat /tmp/aws-auth-patch.yml)"

To check, run kubectl describe configmap -n kube-system aws-auth

Installing Teleport

Create EC2 instance

Create an EC2 instance using the Teleport Community AMI on a public subnet in your VPC. Modify the security group associated with that instance to allow port 22 inbound, so you can SSH to the instance after its running. You will need security group rules to allow access to ports 3080 and 3022-3026 so that users can access the Teleport server from the Internet.

This will allow GitHub to post a response back to the Teleport server. Youll need to open port 80 to allow Lets Encrypt to complete HTTP validation when using SSL certificates/unless you provide pre-provisioned TLS certificates.

Type Protocol Port Range Source
Custom TCP 3022-3026
Custom TCP 3080
SSH TCP 22 your IP

You must modify the EKS control plane security group to allow port 443 inbound from the Teleport security group, to allow your Teleport instance to communicate with the Kubernetes API.

Assign role to instance:

aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name teleport-role
aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name teleport-role --role-name teleport-role
aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --iam-instance-profile Name=teleport-role --instance-id [instance_id]
# instance_id should be replaced with the instance id of the instance where you intend to install Teleport.

Install Teleport.

  1. Download and Install Teleport
  2. Setup systemd
  3. Setup Teleport config file. sudo cp teleport.yaml /etc/teleport.yaml. An example is below.

Download Kubectl on Teleport Server

Kubectl is required to obtain the correct kubeconfig, so Teleport can access the EKS Cluster.

Instructions are below, or can be found on AWS Docs.

# Download the Amazon EKS-vended kubectl binary for your cluster's Kubernetes version from Amazon S3:
curl -o kubectl
# (Optional) Verify the downloaded binary with the SHA-256 sum for your binary.
curl -o kubectl.sha256
# Check the SHA-256 sum for your downloaded binary.
openssl sha256 kubectl
# Apply execute permissions to the binary.
chmod +x ./kubectl
# Copy the binary to a folder in your PATH. If you have already installed a version of kubectl, then we recommend creating a $HOME/bin/kubectl and ensuring that $HOME/bin comes first in your $PATH.
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin
# After you install kubectl, you can verify its version with the following command:
kubectl version --short --client

Create kubeconfig:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name [teleport-cluster] --region us-west-2
# Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:480176057099:cluster/teleport-eks-cluster to /home/ec2-user/.kube/config

Creating TLS certificate for Teleport

Create TLS certificate for HTTPs. It is absolutely crucial to properly configure TLS for HTTPS when you use Teleport Proxy in production. For simplicity, we are using Lets Encrypt to issue certificates and simple DNS resolution.

However, using an Elastic IP and a Route53 domain name would be appropriate for production use cases.

Install certbot:

# Install the EPEL release package for RHEL 7 and enable the EPEL repository.
sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install -y certbot python-certbot-nginx

Run Certbot

export TELEPORT_PUBLIC_DNS_NAME=[teleport-proxy-url]
export EMAIL=[email-for-letsencrypt]

sudo certbot certonly --standalone \
             --preferred-challenges http \
                      -d $TELEPORT_PUBLIC_DNS_NAME \
                      -n \
                      --agree-tos \

Setup Github Auth

Run this on the Teleport EC2 Host, see Github Auth for more info.

export TELEPORT_PUBLIC_DNS_NAME="[teleport-proxy-url]"
export GH_CLIENT_ID="[github-client-id]"
export GH_SECRET="[github-oauth-secret]"
export GH_ORG="[github-org]"
export GH_TEAM="[github-team]"

cat > github.yaml << EOF
kind: github
version: v3
  # connector name that will be used with 'tsh --auth=github login'
  name: github
  # client ID of Github OAuth app
  client_id: $GH_CLIENT_ID
  # client secret of Github OAuth app
  client_secret: $GH_SECRET
  # connector display name that will be shown on web UI login screen
  display: Github
  # callback URL that will be called after successful authentication
  redirect_url: https://$TELEPORT_PUBLIC_DNS_NAME:3080/v1/webapi/github/callback
  # mapping of org/team memberships onto allowed logins and roles
  - kubernetes_groups:
  # change this to restrict the access of users logging in via GitHub;
  # system:masters gives everyone full access to the entire cluster
    - system:masters
    - github
    - ec2-user
    organization: $GH_ORG
    team: $GH_TEAM

Use tctl to create the github auth connector.

sudo /usr/local/bin/tctl create -f ./github.yaml

Testing Teleport & EKS Setup

➜  ~ tsh login --proxy=[teleport-proxy-url]
If browser window does not open automatically, open it by clicking on the link:
> Profile URL:  https://[teleport-proxy-url]
  Logged in as: benarent
  Cluster:      teleport-eks
  Roles:        admin*
  Logins:       github, ec2-user
  Valid until:  2020-06-30 02:12:54 -0700 PDT [valid for 12h0m0s]
  Extensions:   permit-agent-forwarding, permit-port-forwarding, permit-pty

* RBAC is only available in Teleport Enterprise

On your local machine test using kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

➜  ~ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   aws-node-56p6g             1/1     Running   0          5h28m
kube-system   aws-node-7dv5j             1/1     Running   0          5h28m
kube-system   coredns-5c97f79574-69m6k   1/1     Running   0          5h36m
kube-system   coredns-5c97f79574-dq54w   1/1     Running   0          5h36m
kube-system   kube-proxy-7w4z4           1/1     Running   0          5h28m
kube-system   kube-proxy-c5nv2           1/1     Running   0          5h28m

Running Teleport Enterprise on AWS

Most of this guide has been designed for OSS Teleport. Most of this guide also applies to Teleport Enterprise with a few extra notes around adding a license and getting the correct binary.

We've a few other resources for Enterprise customers such as our

If you would like help setting up Teleport Enterprise on AWS, please mail us at

Teleport AWS Tips & Tricks

Generating labels from AWS tags

Labels can be a useful addition to the Teleport UI. Simply add some or all of the below to Teleport Nodes in etc/teleport.yaml to have helpful labels in the Teleport UI.

      - name: arch
        command: [uname, -p]
        period: 1h0m0s
      - name: kernel
        command: [uname, -r]
        period: 1h0m0s
      - name: uptime
        command: [uptime, -p]
        period: 1h0m0s
      - name: internal
        command: [curl, ""]
        period: 1h0m0s
      - name: external
        command: [curl, ""]
        period: 1h0m0s

Create labels based on EC2 Tags.