2019-05-31 14:13:20 -03:00

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OAuth2 / OpenID Connect (OIDC) Authentication for SSH

This guide will cover how to configure an SSO provider using OpenID Connect (also known as OIDC) to issue SSH credentials to a specific groups of users. When used in combination with role based access control (RBAC) it allows SSH administrators to define policies like:

  • Only members of "DBA" group can SSH into machines running PostgreSQL.
  • Developers must never SSH into production servers.
  • ... and many others.

!!! warning "Version Warning": This guide requires a commercial edition of Teleport. The open source edition of Teleport only supports Github as an SSO provider.

Enable OIDC Authentication

First, configure Teleport auth server to use OIDC authentication instead of the local user database. Update /etc/teleport.yaml as show below and restart the teleport daemon.

        type: oidc

Identity Providers

Register Teleport with the external identity provider you will be using and obtain your client_id and client_secret. This information should be documented on the identity providers website. Here are a few links:

Add your OIDC connector information to teleport.yaml. A few examples are provided below.

OIDC Redirect URL

OIDC relies on HTTP re-directs to return control back to Teleport after authentication is complete. The redirect URL must be selected by a Teleport administrator in advance.

If the Teleport web proxy is running on host, the redirect URL should be

OIDC connector configuration

The next step is to add an OIDC connector to Teleport. The connectors are manipulated via tctl resource commands. To create a new connector, create a connector resource file in YAML format, for example oidc-connector.yaml.

The file contents are shown below. This connector requests the scope group from the identity provider then mapping the value to either to admin role or the user role depending on the value returned for group within the claims.

# oidc-connector.yaml
kind: oidc
version: v2
  name: "example-oidc-connector"
  # display allows to set the caption of the "login" button
  # in the Web interface
  display: "Login with Example"
  issuer_url: ""
  client_id: ""
  client_secret: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
  redirect_url: ""

  # scope instructs Teleport to query for 'group' scope to retrieve
  # user's group membership
  scope: ["group"]

  # once Teleport retrieves the user's groups, this section configures
  # the mapping from groups to Teleport roles
     - { claim: "group", value: "admin", roles: ["admin"] }
     - { claim: "group", value: "user", roles: ["user"] }
     # note that wildcards can also be used. the next line instructs Teleport
     # to assign "admin" role to any user who has the OIDC claim that begins with "admin":
     - { claim: "group", value: "admin*", roles: ["admin"] }
     # regular expressions with capture are also supported. the next line instructs Teleport
     # to assign users to roles `admin-1` if his OIDC "group" claim equals 'ssh_admin_1':
     - { claim: "group", value: "^ssh_admin_(.*)$", roles: ["admin-$1"] }

Create the connector:

$ tctl create oidc-connector.yaml

Create Teleport Roles

The next step is to define Teleport roles. They are created using the same tctl resource commands as we used for the auth connector.

Below are two example roles that are mentioned above, the first is an admin with full access to the system while the second is a developer with limited access.

# role-admin.yaml
kind: "role"
version: "v3"
  name: "admin"
    max_session_ttl: "90h0m0s"
    logins: [root]
      "*": "*"
      - resources: ["*"]
        verbs: ["*"]

Users are only allowed to login to nodes labelled with access: relaxed teleport label. Developers can log in as either ubuntu to a username that arrives in their assertions. Developers also do not have any rules needed to obtain admin access.

# role-dev.yaml
kind: "role"
version: "v3"
  name: "dev"
    max_session_ttl: "90h0m0s"
    logins: [ "{{external.username}}", ubuntu ]
      access: relaxed

Create both roles:

$ tctl create role-admin.yaml
$ tctl create role-dev.yaml

Optional: ACR Values

Teleport supports sending Authentication Context Class Reference (ACR) values when obtaining an authorization code from an OIDC provider. By default ACR values are not set. However, if the acr_values field is set, Teleport expects to receive the same value in the acr claim, otherwise it will consider the callback invalid.

In addition, Teleport supports OIDC provider specific ACR value processing which can be enabled by setting the provider field in OIDC configuration. At the moment, the only build-in support is for NetIQ.

A example of using ACR values and provider specific processing is below:

# example connector which uses ACR values
kind: oidc
version: v2
  name: "oidc-connector"
  issuer_url: ""
  client_id: ""
  client_secret: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
  redirect_url: "https://localhost:3080/v1/webapi/oidc/callback"
  display: "Login with Example"
  acr_values: "foo/bar"
  provider: netiq
  scope: [ "group" ]
     - claim: "group"
       value: "admin"
       roles: [ "admin" ]
     - claim: "group"
       value: "user"
       roles: [ "user" ]


For the Web UI, if the above configuration were real, you would see a button that says Login with Example. Simply click on that and you will be re-directed to a login page for your identity provider and if successful, redirected back to Teleport.

For console login, you simple type tsh --proxy <proxy-addr> ssh <server-addr> and a browser window should automatically open taking you to the login page for your identity provider. tsh will also output a link the login page of the identity provider if you are not automatically redirected.


If you get "access denied errors" the number one place to check is the audit log on the Teleport auth server. It is located in /var/lib/teleport/log by default and it will contain the detailed reason why a user's login was denied.

Some errors (like filesystem permissions or misconfigured network) can be diagnosed using Teleport's stderr log, which is usually available via:

$ sudo journalctl -fu teleport

If you wish to increase the verbocity of Teleport's syslog, you can pass --debug flag to teleport start command.