
929 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Albert Astals Cid <tsdgeos@terra.es> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde/system includes
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qmutex.h>
#include <qvaluevector.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kfinddialog.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <kpassdlg.h>
#include <kprinter.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kuserprofile.h>
#include <string.h>
// local includes
#include "ErrorCodes.h"
#include "PDFDoc.h"
#include "PSOutputDev.h"
#include "QOutputDev.h"
#include "UnicodeMap.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "page.h"
#include "settings.h"
/* Notes:
- FIXME event queuing to avoid flow loops (!!?) maybe avoided by the
warning to not call something 'active' inside an observer method.
// structure used internally by KPDFDocument for local variables storage
class KPDFDocumentPrivate
// Albert says: I've put that two functions here but they could go
// elsewhere, i leave it up to you if you want to change them Enrico
QString getDocumentInfo(const QString &data) const
// Code adapted from pdfinfo.cc on xpdf
Object info;
if (pdfdoc)
if (info.isDict())
QCString result;
Object obj;
GString *s1;
GBool isUnicode;
Unicode u;
char buf[8];
int i, n;
Dict *infoDict = info.getDict();
UnicodeMap *uMap = globalParams->getTextEncoding();
if (!uMap) return i18n("Unknown");
if (infoDict->lookup(data.latin1(), &obj)->isString())
s1 = obj.getString();
if ((s1->getChar(0) & 0xff) == 0xfe && (s1->getChar(1) & 0xff) == 0xff)
isUnicode = gTrue;
i = 2;
isUnicode = gFalse;
i = 0;
while (i < obj.getString()->getLength())
if (isUnicode)
u = ((s1->getChar(i) & 0xff) << 8) | (s1->getChar(i+1) & 0xff);
i += 2;
u = s1->getChar(i) & 0xff;
n = uMap->mapUnicode(u, buf, sizeof(buf));
result += QCString(buf, n + 1);
return result;
return i18n("Unknown");
else return i18n("Unknown");
else return i18n("Unknown");
QString getDocumentDate(const QString &data) const
// Code adapted from pdfinfo.cc on xpdf
Object info;
if (pdfdoc)
if (info.isDict())
Object obj;
char *s;
int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec;
Dict *infoDict = info.getDict();
UnicodeMap *uMap = globalParams->getTextEncoding();
if (!uMap) return i18n("Unknown");
if (infoDict->lookup(data.latin1(), &obj)->isString())
s = obj.getString()->getCString();
if (s[0] == 'D' && s[1] == ':') s += 2;
if (sscanf(s, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d", &year, &mon, &day, &hour, &min, &sec) == 6)
QDate d(year, mon - 1, day);
QTime t(hour, min, sec);
if (d.isValid() && t.isValid()) return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime(d, t), false, true);
else return s;
else return s;
fputc('\n', stdout);
//return result;
return i18n("Unknown");
else return i18n("Unknown");
else return i18n("Unknown");
// document related
QMutex docLock;
PDFDoc * pdfdoc;
KPDFOutputDev * kpdfOutputDev;
int currentPage;
QRect currentViewport;
QValueVector< KPDFPage* > pages;
QColor paperColor;
// find related
QString searchText;
bool searchCase;
int searchPage;
// filtering related
QString filterText;
bool filterCase;
// observers related (note: won't delete oservers)
QMap< int, KPDFDocumentObserver* > observers;
#define foreachObserver( cmd ) {\
QMap<int,KPDFDocumentObserver*>::iterator it = d->observers.begin();\
QMap<int,KPDFDocumentObserver*>::iterator end = d->observers.end();\
for ( ; it != end ; ++ it ) { (*it)-> cmd ; } }
* KPDFDocument class
d = new KPDFDocumentPrivate;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
d->currentPage = -1;
d->searchPage = -1;
d->kpdfOutputDev = 0;
// create the outputdev
delete d->kpdfOutputDev;
delete d;
bool KPDFDocument::openDocument( const QString & docFile )
// docFile is always local so we can use QFile on it
QFile fileReadTest( docFile );
if ( !fileReadTest.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
return false;
long fileSize = fileReadTest.size();
// free internal data
GString *filename = new GString( QFile::encodeName( docFile ) );
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = new PDFDoc( filename, 0, 0 );
if ( !d->pdfdoc->isOk() )
if (d->pdfdoc->getErrorCode() == errEncrypted)
bool first, correct;
QString prompt;
QCString pwd;
first = true;
correct = false;
if (first)
prompt = i18n("Please insert the password to read the document:");
first = false;
else prompt = i18n("Incorrect password. Try again:");
if (KPasswordDialog::getPassword(pwd, prompt) == KPasswordDialog::Accepted)
GString *pwd2;
pwd2 = new GString(pwd.data());
d->pdfdoc = new PDFDoc(filename, pwd2, pwd2);
delete pwd2;
correct = d->pdfdoc->isOk();
if (!correct && d->pdfdoc->getErrorCode() != errEncrypted)
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
return false;
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
return false;
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
return false;
// initialize output device for rendering current pdf
d->kpdfOutputDev->startDoc( d->pdfdoc->getXRef() );
// build Pages (currentPage was set -1 by deletePages)
uint pageCount = d->pdfdoc->getNumPages();
d->pages.resize( pageCount );
if ( pageCount > 0 )
for ( uint i = 0; i < pageCount ; i++ )
d->pages[i] = new KPDFPage( i, d->pdfdoc->getPageWidth(i+1), d->pdfdoc->getPageHeight(i+1), d->pdfdoc->getPageRotate(i+1) );
// filter pages, setup observers and set the first page as current
processPageList( true );
setCurrentPage( 0 );
// check local directory for an overlay xml
// TODO import overlay layers from XML
QString fileName = docFile.contains('/') ? docFile.section('/', -1, -1) : docFile;
fileName = "kpdf/" + QString::number(fileSize) + "." + fileName + ".xml";
QString localFN = locateLocal( "data", fileName );
//kdWarning() << localFN << endl;
return true;
void KPDFDocument::closeDocument()
// delete pages and clear container
for ( uint i = 0; i < d->pages.count() ; i++ )
delete d->pages[i];
// broadcast zero pages
processPageList( true );
// reset internal variables
d->currentPage = -1;
d->searchPage = -1;
// delete xpds's PDFDoc contents generator
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
void KPDFDocument::addObserver( KPDFDocumentObserver * pObserver )
d->observers[ pObserver->observerId() ] = pObserver;
void KPDFDocument::reparseConfig()
// load paper color from Settings or use the white default color
QColor color = ( (Settings::renderMode() == Settings::EnumRenderMode::Paper ) &&
Settings::changeColors() ) ? Settings::paperColor() : Qt::white;
// if paper color changed we have to rebuild every visible pixmap in addition to
// the outputDevice. it's the 'heaviest' case, other effect are just recoloring
// over the page rendered on 'standard' white background.
if ( color != d->paperColor || !d->kpdfOutputDev )
d->paperColor = color;
SplashColor paperColor;
paperColor.rgb8 = splashMakeRGB8( d->paperColor.red(), d->paperColor.green(), d->paperColor.blue() );
// rebuild the output device using the new paper color
delete d->kpdfOutputDev;
d->kpdfOutputDev = new KPDFOutputDev( paperColor );
if ( d->pdfdoc )
d->kpdfOutputDev->startDoc( d->pdfdoc->getXRef() );
// invalidate pixmaps and send reload signals to observers
QValueVector<KPDFPage*>::iterator it = d->pages.begin(), end = d->pages.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
foreachObserver( notifyPixmapsCleared() );
uint KPDFDocument::currentPage() const
return d->currentPage;
uint KPDFDocument::pages() const
return d->pdfdoc ? d->pdfdoc->getNumPages() : 0;
QString KPDFDocument::author() const
return d->getDocumentInfo("Author");
QString KPDFDocument::creationDate() const
return d->getDocumentDate("CreationDate");
QString KPDFDocument::creator() const
return d->getDocumentInfo("Creator");
bool KPDFDocument::encrypted() const
if (d->pdfdoc) return d->pdfdoc->isEncrypted();
else return false;
QString KPDFDocument::keywords() const
return d->getDocumentInfo("Keywords");
QString KPDFDocument::modificationDate() const
return d->getDocumentDate("ModDate");
bool KPDFDocument::optimized() const
if (d->pdfdoc) return d->pdfdoc->isLinearized();
else return false;
float KPDFDocument::PDFversion() const
if (d->pdfdoc) return d->pdfdoc->getPDFVersion();
else return 0;
QString KPDFDocument::producer() const
return d->getDocumentInfo("Producer");
QString KPDFDocument::subject() const
return d->getDocumentInfo("Subject");
QString KPDFDocument::title() const
return d->getDocumentInfo("Title");
bool KPDFDocument::okToPrint() const
return d->pdfdoc->okToPrint();
Outline * KPDFDocument::outline() const
return d->pdfdoc ? d->pdfdoc->getOutline() : 0;
const KPDFPage * KPDFDocument::page( uint n ) const
return ( n < d->pages.count() ) ? d->pages[n] : 0;
void KPDFDocument::requestPixmap( int id, uint page, int width, int height, bool syn )
KPDFPage * kp = d->pages[page];
if ( !d->pdfdoc || !kp || kp->width() < 1 || kp->height() < 1 )
//kdDebug() << "id: " << id << " is requesting pixmap for page " << page << " [" << width << " x " << height << "]." << endl;
if ( syn )
// in-place Pixmap generation for syncronous requests
if ( !kp->hasPixmap( id, width, height ) )
// compute dpi used to get an image with desired width and height
double fakeDpiX = width * 72.0 / kp->width(),
fakeDpiY = height * 72.0 / kp->height();
// setup kpdf output device: text page is generated only if we are at 72dpi.
// since we can pre-generate the TextPage at the right res.. why not?
bool genTextPage = !kp->hasSearchPage() && (width == kp->width()) && (height == kp->height());
// generate links and activeRects if rendering pages on pageview
bool genLinks = id == PAGEVIEW_ID;
d->kpdfOutputDev->setParams( width, height, genTextPage, genLinks, genLinks );
d->pdfdoc->displayPage( d->kpdfOutputDev, page + 1, fakeDpiX, fakeDpiY, 0, true, genLinks );
kp->setPixmap( id, d->kpdfOutputDev->takePixmap() );
if ( genTextPage )
kp->setSearchPage( d->kpdfOutputDev->takeTextPage() );
if ( genLinks )
kp->setLinks( d->kpdfOutputDev->takeLinks() );
kp->setActiveRects( d->kpdfOutputDev->takeActiveRects() );
d->observers[id]->notifyPixmapChanged( page );
//TODO asyncronous events queuing
void KPDFDocument::requestTextPage( uint n )
KPDFPage * page = d->pages[ n ];
// build a TextPage using the lightweight KPDFTextDev generator..
KPDFTextDev td;
d->pdfdoc->displayPage( &td, page->number()+1, 72, 72, 0, true, false );
// ..and attach it to the page
page->setSearchPage( td.takeTextPage() );
void KPDFDocument::setCurrentPage( int page, const QRect & viewport )
if ( page < 0 )
page = 0;
else if ( page > (int)d->pages.count() )
page = d->pages.count() - 1;
if ( page == d->currentPage && viewport == d->currentViewport )
d->currentPage = page;
d->currentViewport = viewport;
foreachObserver( pageSetCurrent( page, viewport ) );
void KPDFDocument::findText( const QString & string, bool keepCase )
// turn selection drawing off on filtered pages
if ( !d->filterText.isEmpty() )
// save params for the 'find next' case
if ( !string.isEmpty() )
d->searchText = string;
d->searchCase = keepCase;
// continue checking last SearchPage first (if it is the current page)
int currentPage = d->currentPage;
int pageCount = d->pages.count();
KPDFPage * foundPage = 0,
* lastPage = (d->searchPage > -1) ? d->pages[ d->searchPage ] : 0;
if ( lastPage && d->searchPage == currentPage )
if ( lastPage->hasText( d->searchText, d->searchCase, false ) )
foundPage = lastPage;
lastPage->clearAttribute( KPDFPage::Highlight );
if ( !foundPage )
// loop through the whole document
for ( int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++ )
if ( currentPage >= pageCount )
if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, i18n("End of document reached.\nContinue from the beginning?")) == KMessageBox::Yes )
currentPage = 0;
KPDFPage * page = d->pages[ currentPage ];
if ( !page->hasSearchPage() )
requestTextPage( page->number() );
if ( page->hasText( d->searchText, d->searchCase, true ) )
foundPage = page;
if ( foundPage )
int pageNumber = foundPage->number();
d->searchPage = pageNumber;
foundPage->setAttribute( KPDFPage::Highlight );
setCurrentPage( pageNumber );
foreachObserver( notifyPixmapChanged( pageNumber ) );
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("No matches found for '%1'.").arg(d->searchText) );
void KPDFDocument::findTextAll( const QString & pattern, bool keepCase )
d->filterText = pattern;
d->filterCase = keepCase;
processPageList( false );
void KPDFDocument::toggleBookmark( int n )
KPDFPage * page = ( n < (int)d->pages.count() ) ? d->pages[ n ] : 0;
if ( page )
page->toggleAttribute( KPDFPage::Bookmark );
foreachObserver( notifyPixmapChanged( n ) );
void KPDFDocument::processLink( const KPDFLink * link )
if ( !link )
switch( link->type() )
case KPDFLink::Goto: {
// make copies of the 'nameDest' (string) and the 'dest' (class)
char * namedDest = 0;
link->copyString( namedDest, link->getNamedDest() );
LinkDest * dest = link->getDest() ? ((LinkDest*)link->getDest())->copy() : 0;
// first open filename if link is pointing outside this document
QString fileName( link->getFileName() );
if ( !fileName.isNull() )
if ( !openRelativeFile( fileName ) )
kdWarning() << "Link: Error opening '" << fileName << "'." << endl;
delete dest;
delete namedDest;
// now previous KPDFLink and KPDFPage don't exist anymore!
if ( namedDest && !dest )
GString temp( namedDest );
dest = d->pdfdoc->findDest( &temp );
if ( dest && dest->isOk() )
// get destination page number
int pageNum = dest->getPageNum() - 1;
if ( dest->isPageRef() )
Ref ref = dest->getPageRef();
pageNum = d->pdfdoc->findPage( ref.num, ref.gen ) - 1;
// get destination position
QRect r;
//KPDFPage * page = (pageNum >= 0 && pageNum < (int)d->pages.count()) ? d->pages[ pageNum ] : 0;
//if ( page )
switch ( dest->getKind() )
case destXYZ
OD -> cvtUserToDev( dest->getLeft(), dest->getTop(), &X, &Y );<EFBFBD>
if ( dest->getChangeLeft() )
make hor change
if ( dest->getChangeTop() )
make ver change
if ( dest->getChangeZoom() )
make zoom change
case destFit
case destFitB
fit page
case destFitH
case destFitBH
read top, fit Width
case destFitV
case destFitBV
read left, fit Height
read and fit left,bottom,right,top
setCurrentPage( pageNum, r );
delete namedDest;
delete dest;
} break;
case KPDFLink::Execute: {
QString fileName( link->getFileName() );
if ( fileName.endsWith( ".pdf" ) || fileName.endsWith( ".PDF" ) )
openRelativeFile( fileName );
KMimeType::Ptr mime;
KService::Ptr ptr;
// the only pdf i have that has that kind of link don't define an application
// and use the fileName as the file to open
fileName = giveAbsolutePath( fileName );
mime = KMimeType::findByPath( fileName );
// Check executables
if ( KRun::isExecutableFile( fileName, mime->name() ) )
// Don't have any pdf that uses this code path, just a guess on how it should work
if ( link->getParameters() )
fileName = giveAbsolutePath( link->getParameters() );
mime = KMimeType::findByPath( fileName );
if ( KRun::isExecutableFile( fileName, mime->name() ) )
// this case is a link pointing to an executable with a parameter
// that also is an executable, possibly a hand-crafted pdf
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("The pdf file is trying to execute an external application and for your safety kpdf does not allow that.") );
// this case is a link pointing to an executable with no parameters
// core developers find unacceptable executing it even after asking the user
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("The pdf file is trying to execute an external application and for your safety kpdf does not allow that.") );
ptr = KServiceTypeProfile::preferredService(mime->name(), "Application");
if (ptr)
KURL::List lst;
lst.append( fileName );
KRun::run( *ptr, lst );
else KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("No application found for opening file of mimetype %1.").arg(mime->name()) );
} break;
case KPDFLink::Named: {
const char * name = link->getName();
if ( !strcmp( name, "NextPage" ) && (d->currentPage < (int)d->pages.count() - 1) )
setCurrentPage( d->currentPage + 1 );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "PrevPage" ) && d->currentPage > 0 )
setCurrentPage( d->currentPage - 1 );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "FirstPage" ) )
setCurrentPage( 0 );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "LastPage" ) )
setCurrentPage( d->pages.count() - 1 );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoBack" ) )
{} //TODO
else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoForward" ) )
{} //TODO
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Quit" ) )
{}//FIXME error(-1, "Unknown named action: '%s'", name);
} break;
case KPDFLink::URI: {
KService::Ptr ptr = KServiceTypeProfile::preferredService("text/html", "Application");
KURL::List lst;
lst.append( link->getURI() );
KRun::run( *ptr, lst );
} break;
case KPDFLink::Movie:
case KPDFLink::Unknown:
// unimplemented cases
bool KPDFDocument::print(KPrinter &printer)
KTempFile tf( QString::null, ".ps" );
PSOutputDev *psOut = new PSOutputDev(tf.name().latin1(), d->pdfdoc->getXRef(), d->pdfdoc->getCatalog(), 1, d->pdfdoc->getNumPages(), psModePS);
if (psOut->isOk())
std::list<int> pages;
if (!printer.previewOnly())
QValueList<int> pageList = printer.pageList();
QValueList<int>::const_iterator it;
for(it = pageList.begin(); it != pageList.end(); ++it) pages.push_back(*it);
for(int i = 1; i <= d->pdfdoc->getNumPages(); i++) pages.push_back(i);
d->pdfdoc->displayPages(psOut, pages, 72, 72, 0, globalParams->getPSCrop(), gFalse);
// needs to be here so that the file is flushed, do not merge with the one
// in the else
delete psOut;
printer.printFiles(tf.name(), true);
return true;
delete psOut;
return false;
//END slots
QString KPDFDocument::giveAbsolutePath( const QString & fileName )
const char * currentName = d->pdfdoc->getFileName()->getCString();
if ( !currentName || currentName[0] == 0 )
return QString::null;
// convert the pdf fileName to absolute using current pdf path
QFileInfo currentInfo( currentName );
return currentInfo.dir().absFilePath( fileName );
bool KPDFDocument::openRelativeFile( const QString & fileName )
QString absFileName = giveAbsolutePath( fileName );
if ( absFileName.isNull() )
return false;
kdDebug() << "openDocument: '" << absFileName << "'" << endl;
// open the absolute filename
return openDocument( absFileName );
void KPDFDocument::processPageList( bool documentChanged )
if ( d->filterText.length() < 3 )
uint pageCount = d->pages.count();
for ( uint i = 0; i < pageCount ; i++ )
KPDFPage * page = d->pages[ i ];
page->clearAttribute( KPDFPage::Highlight );
if ( d->filterText.length() > 2 )
if ( !page->hasSearchPage() )
// build a TextPage using the lightweight KPDFTextDev generator..
KPDFTextDev td;
d->pdfdoc->displayPage( &td, page->number()+1, 72, 72, 0, true, false );
// ..and attach it to the page
page->setSearchPage( td.takeTextPage() );
if ( page->hasText( d->filterText, d->filterCase, true ) )
page->setAttribute( KPDFPage::Highlight );
// send the list to observers
foreachObserver( pageSetup( d->pages, documentChanged ) );
void KPDFDocument::unHilightPages()
if ( d->filterText.isEmpty() )
d->filterText = QString::null;
QValueVector<KPDFPage*>::iterator it = d->pages.begin(), end = d->pages.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
KPDFPage * page = *it;
if ( page->attributes() & KPDFPage::Highlight )
page->clearAttribute( KPDFPage::Highlight );
foreachObserver( notifyPixmapChanged( page->number() ) );
void generateThumbnails(PDFDoc *doc);
void stopThumbnailGeneration();
protected slots:
void customEvent(QCustomEvent *e);
private slots:
void changeSelected(int i);
void emitClicked(int i);
void clicked(int);
void generateNextThumbnail();
ThumbnailGenerator *m_tg;
void resizeThumbnails();
int m_nextThumbnail;
bool m_ignoreNext;
if (m_tg)
delete m_tg;
void ThumbnailList::generateThumbnails(PDFDoc *doc)
m_nextThumbnail = 1;
m_doc = doc;
void ThumbnailList::generateNextThumbnail()
if (m_tg)
delete m_tg;
m_tg = new ThumbnailGenerator(m_doc, m_docMutex, m_nextThumbnail, QPaintDevice::x11AppDpiX(), this);
void ThumbnailList::stopThumbnailGeneration()
if (m_tg)
m_ignoreNext = true;
delete m_tg;
m_tg = 0;
void ThumbnailList::customEvent(QCustomEvent *e)
if (e->type() == 65432 && !m_ignoreNext)
QImage *i = (QImage*)(e -> data());
setThumbnail(m_nextThumbnail, i);
if (m_nextThumbnail <= m_doc->getNumPages()) generateNextThumbnail();
delete m_tg;
m_tg = 0;
m_ignoreNext = false;