
631 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Albert Astals Cid <tsdgeos@terra.es> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde/system includes
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qmutex.h>
#include <qvaluevector.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kfinddialog.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kpassdlg.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kuserprofile.h>
#include <string.h>
// local includes
#include "ErrorCodes.h"
#include "PDFDoc.h"
#include "QOutputDev.h"
#include "kpdf_error.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "page.h"
/* Notes:
- FIXME event queuing to avoid flow loops (!!??) maybe avoided by the
warning to not call something 'active' inside an observer method.
// structure used internally by KPDFDocument for local variables storage
class KPDFDocumentPrivate
// document related
QMutex docLock;
PDFDoc * pdfdoc;
KPDFOutputDev * kpdfOutputDev;
int currentPage;
float currentPosition;
QValueVector< KPDFPage* > pages;
// find related
QString searchText;
bool searchCase;
int searchPage;
// filtering related
QString filterText;
bool filterCase;
// observers related (note: won't delete oservers)
QMap< int, KPDFDocumentObserver* > observers;
#define foreachObserver( cmd ) {\
QMap<int,KPDFDocumentObserver*>::iterator it = d->observers.begin();\
QMap<int,KPDFDocumentObserver*>::iterator end = d->observers.end();\
for ( ; it != end ; ++ it ) { (*it)-> cmd ; } }
* KPDFDocument class
d = new KPDFDocumentPrivate;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
d->currentPage = -1;
d->currentPosition = 0;
d->searchPage = -1;
SplashColor paperColor;
paperColor.rgb8 = splashMakeRGB8( 0xff, 0xff, 0xff );
d->kpdfOutputDev = new KPDFOutputDev( paperColor );
delete d->kpdfOutputDev;
delete d;
bool KPDFDocument::openDocument( const QString & docFile )
// docFile is always local so we can use QFile on it
QFile fileReadTest( docFile );
if ( !fileReadTest.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
return false;
long fileSize = fileReadTest.size();
// free internal data
GString *filename = new GString( QFile::encodeName( docFile ) );
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = new PDFDoc( filename, 0, 0 );
if ( !d->pdfdoc->isOk() )
if (d->pdfdoc->getErrorCode() == errEncrypted)
bool first, correct;
QString prompt;
QCString pwd;
first = true;
correct = false;
if (first)
prompt = i18n("Please insert the password to read the document:");
first = false;
else prompt = i18n("Incorrect password. Try again:");
if (KPasswordDialog::getPassword(pwd, prompt) == KPasswordDialog::Accepted)
GString *pwd2;
pwd2 = new GString(pwd.data());
d->pdfdoc = new PDFDoc(filename, pwd2, pwd2);
delete pwd2;
correct = d->pdfdoc->isOk();
if (!correct && d->pdfdoc->getErrorCode() != errEncrypted)
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
return false;
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
return false;
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
return false;
// clear xpdf errors
// initialize output device for rendering current pdf
d->kpdfOutputDev->startDoc( d->pdfdoc->getXRef() );
// build Pages (currentPage was set -1 by deletePages)
uint pageCount = d->pdfdoc->getNumPages();
d->pages.resize( pageCount );
if ( pageCount > 0 )
for ( uint i = 0; i < pageCount ; i++ )
d->pages[i] = new KPDFPage( i, d->pdfdoc->getPageWidth(i+1), d->pdfdoc->getPageHeight(i+1), d->pdfdoc->getPageRotate(i+1) );
// filter pages, setup observers and set the first page as current
processPageList( true );
slotSetCurrentPage( 0 );
// check local directory for an overlay xml
QString fileName = docFile.contains('/') ? docFile.section('/', -1, -1) : docFile;
fileName = "kpdf/" + QString::number(fileSize) + "." + fileName + ".xml";
QString localFN = locateLocal( "data", fileName );
kdWarning() << localFN << endl;
return true;
void KPDFDocument::closeDocument()
// delete pages and clear container
for ( uint i = 0; i < d->pages.count() ; i++ )
delete d->pages[i];
// broadcast zero pages
processPageList( true );
// reset internal variables
d->currentPage = -1;
d->searchPage = -1;
// delete xpds's PDFDoc contents generator
delete d->pdfdoc;
d->pdfdoc = 0;
uint KPDFDocument::currentPage() const
return d->currentPage;
uint KPDFDocument::pages() const
return d->pdfdoc ? d->pdfdoc->getNumPages() : 0;
bool KPDFDocument::atBegin() const
return d->currentPage < 1;
bool KPDFDocument::atEnd() const
return d->currentPage >= ((int)d->pages.count() - 1);
const KPDFPage * KPDFDocument::page( uint n ) const
return ( n < d->pages.count() ) ? d->pages[n] : 0;
Outline * KPDFDocument::outline() const
return d->pdfdoc ? d->pdfdoc->getOutline() : 0;
void KPDFDocument::addObserver( KPDFDocumentObserver * pObserver )
d->observers[ pObserver->observerId() ] = pObserver;
void KPDFDocument::requestPixmap( int id, uint page, int width, int height, bool syn )
KPDFPage * kp = d->pages[page];
if ( !d->pdfdoc || !kp || kp->width() < 1 || kp->height() < 1 )
if ( syn )
// in-place Pixmap generation for syncronous requests
if ( !kp->hasPixmap( id, width, height ) )
// compute dpi used to get an image with desired width and height
double fakeDpiX = width * 72.0 / kp->width(),
fakeDpiY = height * 72.0 / kp->height();
// setup kpdf output device: text page is generated only if we are at 72dpi.
// since we can pre-generate the TextPage at the right res.. why not?
bool genTextPage = !kp->hasSearchPage() && (width == kp->width()) && (height == kp->height());
// generate links if rendering pages on pageview
bool genLinks = id == PAGEVIEW_ID;
d->kpdfOutputDev->setParams( width, height, genTextPage, genLinks );
d->pdfdoc->displayPage( d->kpdfOutputDev, page + 1, fakeDpiX, fakeDpiY, 0, true, genLinks );
kp->setPixmap( id, d->kpdfOutputDev->takePixmap() );
if ( genTextPage )
kp->setSearchPage( d->kpdfOutputDev->takeTextPage() );
if ( genLinks )
kp->setLinks( d->kpdfOutputDev->takeLinks() );
d->observers[id]->notifyPixmapChanged( page );
//TODO asyncronous events queuing
// BEGIN slots
void KPDFDocument::slotSetCurrentPage( int page )
slotSetCurrentPagePosition( page, 0.0 );
void KPDFDocument::slotSetCurrentPagePosition( int page, float position )
if ( page == d->currentPage && position == d->currentPosition )
d->currentPage = page;
d->currentPosition = position;
foreachObserver( pageSetCurrent( page, position ) );
void KPDFDocument::slotSetFilter( const QString & pattern, bool keepCase )
d->filterText = pattern;
d->filterCase = keepCase;
processPageList( false );
void KPDFDocument::slotBookmarkPage( int n, bool on )
KPDFPage * page = ( n < (int)d->pages.count() ) ? d->pages[ n ] : 0;
if ( page )
page->bookmark( on );
foreachObserver( notifyPixmapChanged( n ) );
void KPDFDocument::slotFind( const QString & string, bool keepCase )
// turn selection drawing off on filtered pages
if ( !d->filterText.isEmpty() )
// save params for the 'find next' case
if ( !string.isEmpty() )
d->searchText = string;
d->searchCase = keepCase;
// continue checking last SearchPage first (if it is the current page)
int currentPage = d->currentPage;
int pageCount = d->pages.count();
KPDFPage * foundPage = 0,
* lastPage = (d->searchPage > -1) ? d->pages[ d->searchPage ] : 0;
if ( lastPage && d->searchPage == currentPage )
if ( lastPage->hasText( d->searchText, d->searchCase, false ) )
foundPage = lastPage;
lastPage->hilightLastSearch( false );
if ( !foundPage )
// loop through the whole document
for ( int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++ )
if ( currentPage >= pageCount )
if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, i18n("End of document reached.\nContinue from the beginning?")) == KMessageBox::Yes )
currentPage = 0;
KPDFPage * page = d->pages[ currentPage ];
if ( !page->hasSearchPage() )
// build a TextPage using the lightweight KPDFTextDev generator..
KPDFTextDev td;
d->pdfdoc->displayPage( &td, page->number()+1, 72, 72, 0, true, false );
// ..and attach it to the page
page->setSearchPage( td.takeTextPage() );
if ( page->hasText( d->searchText, d->searchCase, true ) )
foundPage = page;
if ( foundPage )
int pageNumber = foundPage->number();
d->searchPage = pageNumber;
foundPage->hilightLastSearch( true );
slotSetCurrentPage( pageNumber );
foreachObserver( notifyPixmapChanged( pageNumber ) );
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("No matches found for '%1'.").arg(d->searchText) );
void KPDFDocument::slotProcessLink( int n, int x, int y )
KPDFPage * page = ( n < (int)d->pages.count() ) ? d->pages[ n ] : 0;
const KPDFLink * link = page ? page->getLink( x, y ) : 0;
if ( !link )
switch( link->type() )
case KPDFLink::Goto: {
// make copies of the 'nameDest' (string) and the 'dest' (class)
char * namedDest = 0;
link->copyString( namedDest, link->getNamedDest() );
LinkDest * dest = link->getDest() ? ((LinkDest*)link->getDest())->copy() : 0;
// first open filename if link is pointing outside this document
QString fileName( link->getFileName() );
if ( !fileName.isNull() )
if ( !openRelativeFile( fileName ) )
kdWarning() << "Link: Error opening '" << fileName << "'." << endl;
delete dest;
delete namedDest;
// now previous KPDFLink and KPDFPage don't exist anymore!
if ( namedDest && !dest )
GString temp( namedDest );
dest = d->pdfdoc->findDest( &temp );
if ( dest )
// TODO implement page traversal
//pri NOWARN ntf("HERE I AM\n");
//displayDest(dest, zoom, rotate, gTrue);
delete namedDest;
delete dest;
} break;
case KPDFLink::Execute: {
QString fileName( link->getFileName() );
if ( fileName.endsWith( ".pdf" ) || fileName.endsWith( ".PDF" ) )
openRelativeFile( fileName );
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("The pdf file is trying to execute an external application and for your safety kpdf does not allow that.") );
/* core developers say this is too dangerous
fileName = fileName->copy();
if (((LinkLaunch *)action)->getParams())
fileName->append(' ');
fileName->append(((LinkLaunch *)action)->getParams());
fileName->append(" &");
if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(widget(), i18n("Do you want to execute the command:\n%1").arg(fileName->getCString()), i18n("Launching external application")) == KMessageBox::Yes)
} break;
case KPDFLink::Named: {
const char * name = link->getName();
if ( !strcmp( name, "NextPage" ) && (d->currentPage < (int)d->pages.count() - 1) )
slotSetCurrentPage( d->currentPage + 1 );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "PrevPage" ) && d->currentPage > 0 )
slotSetCurrentPage( d->currentPage - 1 );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "FirstPage" ) )
slotSetCurrentPage( 0 );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "LastPage" ) )
slotSetCurrentPage( d->pages.count() - 1 );
else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoBack" ) )
{} //TODO
else if ( !strcmp( name, "GoForward" ) )
{} //TODO
else if ( !strcmp( name, "Quit" ) )
{}//FIXME error(-1, "Unknown named action: '%s'", name);
} break;
case KPDFLink::URI: {
KService::Ptr ptr = KServiceTypeProfile::preferredService("text/html", "Application");
KURL::List lst;
lst.append( link->getURI() );
KRun::run( *ptr, lst );
} break;
case KPDFLink::Movie:
case KPDFLink::Unknown:
// unimplemented cases
//END slots
bool KPDFDocument::openRelativeFile( const QString & fileName )
const char * currentName = d->pdfdoc->getFileName()->getCString();
if ( !currentName || currentName[0] == 0 )
return false;
// convert the pdf fileName to absolute using current pdf path
QFileInfo currentInfo( currentName );
QString absFileName( currentInfo.dir().absFilePath( fileName ) );
kdDebug() << "openDocument: '" << absFileName << "'" << endl;
// open the absolute filename
return openDocument( absFileName );
void KPDFDocument::processPageList( bool documentChanged )
if ( d->filterText.length() < 3 )
uint pageCount = d->pages.count();
for ( uint i = 0; i < pageCount ; i++ )
KPDFPage * page = d->pages[ i ];
if ( d->filterText.length() < 3 )
page->hilightLastSearch( false );
if ( !page->hasSearchPage() )
// build a TextPage using the lightweight KPDFTextDev generator..
KPDFTextDev td;
d->pdfdoc->displayPage( &td, page->number()+1, 72, 72, 0, true, false );
// ..and attach it to the page
page->setSearchPage( td.takeTextPage() );
bool found = page->hasText( d->filterText, d->filterCase, true );
page->hilightLastSearch( found );
// send the list to observers
foreachObserver( pageSetup( d->pages, documentChanged ) );
void KPDFDocument::unHilightPages()
if ( d->filterText == "" )
d->filterText = "";
QValueVector<KPDFPage*>::iterator it = d->pages.begin(), end = d->pages.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
KPDFPage * page = *it;
if ( page->isHilighted() )
page->hilightLastSearch( false );
foreachObserver( notifyPixmapChanged( page->number() ) );
void generateThumbnails(PDFDoc *doc);
void stopThumbnailGeneration();
protected slots:
void customEvent(QCustomEvent *e);
private slots:
void changeSelected(int i);
void emitClicked(int i);
void clicked(int);
void generateNextThumbnail();
ThumbnailGenerator *m_tg;
void resizeThumbnails();
int m_nextThumbnail;
bool m_ignoreNext;
if (m_tg)
delete m_tg;
void ThumbnailList::generateThumbnails(PDFDoc *doc)
m_nextThumbnail = 1;
m_doc = doc;
void ThumbnailList::generateNextThumbnail()
if (m_tg)
delete m_tg;
m_tg = new ThumbnailGenerator(m_doc, m_docMutex, m_nextThumbnail, QPaintDevice::x11AppDpiX(), this);
void ThumbnailList::stopThumbnailGeneration()
if (m_tg)
m_ignoreNext = true;
delete m_tg;
m_tg = 0;
void ThumbnailList::customEvent(QCustomEvent *e)
if (e->type() == 65432 && !m_ignoreNext)
QImage *i = (QImage*)(e -> data());
setThumbnail(m_nextThumbnail, i);
if (m_nextThumbnail <= m_doc->getNumPages()) generateNextThumbnail();
delete m_tg;
m_tg = 0;
m_ignoreNext = false;
#include "document.moc"