Erik Ernst f071f7ce64 Updated the status of each feature specification as needed
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Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/71861
Reviewed-by: Lasse R.H. Nielsen <lrn@google.com>
2018-09-07 07:03:52 +00:00

11 KiB

Dart 2.X super mixin inference proposal

Owner: leafp@google.com

Status: This is now background material.

The current version of this document now resides here.

This is intended to define a prototype approach to supporting inference of type arguments in super-mixin applications. This is not an official part of Dart 2, but is an experimental feature hidden under flags. When super-mixins are specified and landed, this feature or some variant of it may be included.

Syntactic conventions

The meta-variables X, Y, and Z range over type variables.

The meta-variables T, and U range over types.

The meta-variables M, I, and S range over interface types (that is, classes instantiated with zero or more type arguments).

The meta-variable C ranges over classes.

The meta-variable B ranges over types used as bounds for type variables.

Throughout this document, I assume that bound type variables have been suitably renamed to avoid accidental capture.

Mixin inference

In Dart 2 syntax, a class definition may also have an interpretation as mixin under certain restrictions defined elsewhere.

Mixins and superclass constraints

Given a class of the form:

class C<X0, ..., Xn> extends S with M0, ..., Mj implements I0, ..., Ik { ...}

we say that the superclass of C<X0, ..., Xn> is S with M0, ..., Mj.

When interpreted as a mixin, we say that the super class constraints for C<X0, ..., Xn> are S, M0, ..., Mj.

Given a mixin application class of the form:

class C<X0, ..., Xn> =  S with M0, ..., Mj implements I0, ..., Ik;

for we say that the superclass of C<X0, ..., Xn> is S with M0, ..., Mj-1.

When interpreted as a mixin, we say that the super class constraints for C<X0, ..., Xn> are S, M0, ..., Mj-1.


A class, interpreted as a mixin, is interpreted as a function from its superclass to its own type. That is, the actual class onto which the mixin is applied must be a subtype of the superclass constraint. When the superclass is itself a mixin, we interpret each component of the mixin as a separate constraint, each of which the actual class onto which the mixin is applied must be a subtype of.

Mixin type inference

Given a class of the form:

class C<T0, ..., Tn> extends S with M0, ..., Mj implements I0, ..., Ik { ...}

or of the form

class C<T0, ..., Tn> =  S with M0, ..., Mj implements I0, ..., Ik;

we say that the superclass of M0 is S, the superclass of M1 is S with M0, etc.

For a class with one or more mixins of either of the forms above we allow any or all of the M0, ..., Mj to have their type arguments inferred. That is, if any of the M0, ..., Mj are references to generic classes with no type arguments provided, the missing type arguments will be attempted to be reconstructed in accordance with this specification.

Type inference for a class is done from the innermost mixin application out. That is, the type arguments for M0 (if any) are inferred before type arguments for M1, and so on. Each successive inference is done with respect to the inferred version of its superclass: so if type arguments T0, ..., Tn are inferred for M0, M1 is inferred with respect to M0<T0, ..., Tn>, etc.

Type inference for the class hierarchy is done from top down. That is, in the example classes above, all mixin inference for the definitions of S, the Mi, and the Ii is done before mixin inference for C is done.

Let be M be a mixin applied to a superclass S where M is a reference to a generic class with no type arguments provided, and S is some class (possibly generic); and where M is defined with type parameters X0, ..., Xj. Let S0, ..., Sn be the superclass constraints for M as defined above. Note that the Xi may appear free in the Si. Let C0, ..., Cn be the corresponding classes for the Si: that is, each Si is of the form Ci<T0, ..., Tk> for some k >= 0. Note that by assumption, the Xi are disjoint from any type parameters in the enclosing scope, since we have assumed that type variables are suitably renamed to avoid capture.

For each Si, find the unique Ui in the super-interface graph of S such that the class of Ui is Ci. Note that if there is not such a Ui, then there is no instantiation of M that will allow its superclass constraint to be satisfied, and if there is such a Ui but it is not unique, then the superclass hierarchy is ill-formed. In either case it is an error.

Let SLN be the smallest set of pairs of type variables and types (Z0, T0), ..., (Zl, Tl) with type variables drawn from X0, ..., Xj such that {T0/Z0, ..., Tl/Zl}Si == Ui. That is, replacing each free type variable in the Si with its corresponding type in SLN makes Si and Ui the same. If no such set exists, then it is an error. Note that for well-formed programs, the only free type variables in the Ti must by definition be drawn from the type parameters to the enclosing class of the mixin application. Hence it follows both that the Ti are well-formed types in the scope of the mixin application, and that the the Xi do not occur free in the Ti since we have assumed that classes are suitably renamed to avoid capture.

Let [X0 extends B0, ..., Xj extends Bj] be a set of type variable bounds such that if (Xi, Ti) is in SLN then Bi is Ti and otherwise Bi is the declared bound for Xi in the definition of M.

Let [X0 -> T0', ..., Xj -> Tj'] be the default bounds for this set of type variable bounds as defined in the "instantiate to bounds" specification.

The inferred type arguments for M are then <T0', ..., Ti'>.

It is an error if the inferred type arguments are not a valid instantiation of M (that is, if they do not satisfy the bounds of M).


For each superclass constraint, there must be a matching interface in the super-interface hierarchy of the actual superclass. So for each superclass constraint of the form I0<U0, ..., Uk> there must be some I0<U0', ..., Uk'> in the super-interface hierarchy of the actual superclass S (if not, there is an error in the super class hierarchy, or in the mixin application). Note that the Ui may have free occurrences of the type variables for which we are solving, but the Ui' may not. A simple equality traversal comparing Ui and Ui' will find all of the type variables which must be equated in order to make the two interfaces equal. Once a type variable is solved via such a traversal, subsequent occurrences must be constrained to an equal type, otherwise there is no solution. Type variables which do not appear in any of the superclass constraints are not constrained by the mixin application. Some or all of the type variables may be unconstrained in this manner. We choose a solution for these type variables using the instantiate to bounds algorithm. We construct a synthetic set of bounds using the chosen constraints for the constrained variables, and use instantiate to bounds to produce the remaining results. Since instantiate to bounds may produce a super-bounded type, we must check that the result satisfies the bounds (or else define a version of instantiate to bounds which issues an error rather than approximates).

Note that we do not take into account information from later mixins when solving the constraints: nor from implemented interfaces. The approach specified here may therefore fail to find valid instantiations. We may consider relaxing this in the future. Note however that fully using information from other positions will result in equality constraint queries in which type variables being solved for appear on both sides of the query, hence leading to a full unification problem.

The approach specified here is a simplification of the subtype matching algorithm used in expression level type inference. In the case that there is no solution to the declarative specification above, subtype matching may still find a solution which does not satisfy the property that no generic interface may occur twice in the class hierarchy with different type arguments. A valid implementation of the approach specified here should be to run the subtype matching algorithm, and then to subsequently check that no generic interface has been introduced at incompatible type.

Tests and illustrative examples.

Some examples illustrating key points.

Inference proceeds outward

class I<X> {}

class M0<T> extends I<T> {}

class M1<T> extends I<T> {}

// M1 is inferred as M1<int>
class A extends M0<int> with M1 {}
class I<X> {}

class M0<T> extends I<T> {}

class M1<T> extends I<T> {}

class M2<T> extends I<T> {}

// M1 is inferred as M1<int>
// M2 is inferred as M1<int>
class A extends M0<int> with M1, M2 {}
class I<X> {}

class M0<T> extends Object implements I<T> {}

class M1<T> extends I<T> {}

// M0 is inferred as M0<dynamic>
// Error since class hierarchy is inconsistent
class A extends Object with M0, M1<int> {}
class I<X> {}

class M0<T> extends Object implements I<T> {}

class M1<T> extends I<T> {}

// M0 is inferred as M0<dynamic> (unconstrained)
// M1 is inferred as M1<dynamic> (constrained by inferred argument to M0)
// Error since class hierarchy is inconsistent
class A extends Object with M0, M1 implements I<int> {}

Multiple superclass constraints

class I<X> {}

class J<X> {}

class M0<X, Y> extends I<X> with J<Y> {}

class M1 implements I<int> {}
class M2 extends M1 implements J<double> {}

// M0 is inferred as M0<int, double>
class A extends M2 with M0 {}

Instantiate to bounds

class I<X> {}

class M0<X, Y extends String> extends I<X> {}

class M1 implements I<int> {}

// M0 is inferred as M0<int, String>
class A extends M1 with M0 {}
class I<X> {}

class M0<X, Y extends X> extends I<X> {}

class M1 implements I<int> {}

// M0 is inferred as M0<int, int>
class A extends M1 with M0 {}
class I<X> {}

class M0<X, Y extends Comparable<Y>> extends I<X> {}

class M1 implements I<int> {}

// M0 is inferred as M0<int, Comparable<dynamic>>
// Error since super-bounded type not allowed
class A extends M1 with M0 {}

Non-trivial constraints

class I<X> {}

class M0<T> extends I<List<T>> {}

class M1<T> extends I<List<T>> {}

class M2<T> extends M1<Map<T, T>> {}

// M0 is inferred as M0<Map<int, int>>
class A extends M2<int> with M0 {}


These examples are not inferred given the strategy in this proposal, and suggest some tricky cases to consider if we consider a broader approach.

class I<X, Y> {}

class M0<T> implements I<T, int> {}

class M1<T> implements I<String, T> {}

// M0 inferred as M0<String>
// M1 inferred as M1<int>
class A extends Object with M0, M1 {}
class I<X, Y> {}

class M0<T> implements I<T, List<T>> {}

class M1<T> implements I<List<T>, T> {}

// No solution, even with unification, since solution
// requires that I<List<U0>, U0> == I<U1, List<U1>>
// for some U0, U1, and hence that:
// U0 = List<U1>
// U1 = List<U0>
// which has no finite solution
class A extends Object with M0, M1 {}