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# Informal Specification: Parameters that are Covariant due to Class Type Parameters
Owner: eernstg@.
## Summary
This document is an informal specification which specifies how to determine the
reified type of a tear-off where one or more parameters has a type annotation in
which a formal type parameter of the enclosing class occurs in a covariant
position. This feature has no effect in Dart 1, it only affects strong mode and
the upcoming Dart 2.
## Motivation
The main topic here is variance, so we will briefly introduce that
Consider the situation where a type is specified as an expression that contains
another type as a subexpression. For instance, `List<int>` contains `int` as a
subexpression. We may then consider `List<...>` as a function, and `int` as an
argument which is passed to that function. With that, covariance is the property
that this function is increasing, and contravariance is the property that it is
decreasing, using the subtype relation for comparisons.
Generic classes in Dart are covariant in all their arguments. For example
`List<E>` is covariant in `E`. This then means that `List<...>` is an
increasing function, i.e., whenever `S` is a subtype of `T`, `List<S>` will be a
subtype of `List<T>`.
The subtype rule for function types in Dart 1 is different from the one in
strong mode and in the upcoming Dart 2. This difference is the main fact that
motivates the feature described in this document.
Concretely, the subtype rule for function types allows for covariant return
types in all cases. For instance, assuming that two functions `f` and `g` have
identical parameter types, the type of `f` will always be a subtype of the type
of `g` if `f` returns `int` and `g` returns `num`.
This is not true for parameter types. In Dart 1, the function type subtype rule
allows for covariant parameter types as well as contravariant ones, but strong
mode and the upcoming Dart 2 require contravariance for parameter types. For
instance, we have the following cases (using `void` for the return type, because
the return type is uninteresting, it should just be the same everywhere):
typedef void F(num n);
void f1(Object o) {}
void f2(num n) {}
void f3(int i) {}
main() {
F myF;
myF = f1; // Contravariance: Succeeds in Dart 1, and in strong mode.
myF = f2; // Same type: Always succeeds.
myF = f3; // Covariance: Succeeds in Dart 1, but fails in strong mode.
In all cases, the variance is concerned with the relationship between the type
of the parameter for `myF` and the type of the parameter for the function which
is assigned to `myF`. Since Dart 1 subtyping makes both `f1` and `f3` subtypes
of the type of `myF`, all assignments succeed at run time (and static analysis
proceeds without warnings). In strong mode and Dart 2, `f3` does not have a
subtype of the type of `myF`, so this is considered as a downcast at compile
time, and it fails at runtime.
Contravariance is the sound rule that most languages use, so this means that
function calls in strong mode and in Dart 2 are subject to more tight type
checking, and some run-time errors cannot occur.
However, covariant parameter types can be quite natural and convenient, they
just impose an obligation on developers to use ad-hoc reasoning in order to
avoid the potential type errors at run time. The
[covariant overrides](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/docs/language/informal/covariant-overrides.md)
feature was added exactly for this purpose: When developers want to use unsound
covariance, they can get it by requesting it explicitly. In the (vast majority
of) cases where the sound and more strict contravariant rule fits the intended
design, there will be no such request, and parameter type covariance (which
would then presumably only arise by mistake) will be flagged as a type error.
In order to preserve a fundamental soundness property of Dart, the reified type
of tear-offs of methods has parameter type `Object` for every parameter whose
type is covariant. The desired property is that every expression with static
type `T` must evaluate to a value whose dynamic type `S` which is a subtype of
`T`. Here is an example why it would not work to reify the declared parameter
type directly:
typedef void F(num n);
class A {
// Assume the reified parameter type is `num`, directly as declared.
void f(covariant num n) {}
class B extends A {
// Assume the reified parameter type is `int`, directly as declared.
void f(int i) {}
main() {
A a = new B();
F myF = a.f; // Statically safe, yet fails at run time in strong mode and Dart 2!
The problem is that `a.f` has static type `(num) -> void`, and if the
reified type at run time is `(int) -> void` then `a.f` is an expression
whose value at run time does _not_ conform to the statically known type.
Even worse, there is no statically known type annotation that we can use in the
declaration of `myF` which will make it safe&mdash;the value of `a` could be an
instance of some other class `C` where the parameter type is `double`, and in
general we cannot statically specify a function type where the parameter type is
a subtype of the actual parameter type at runtime (as required for the
initialization to succeed).
_We could use the bottom type as the argument type, `(Null) -> void`, but that
makes all invocations unsafe (except `myF(null)`). We believe that it is more
useful to preserve the information that "it must be some kind of number", even
though not all kinds of numbers will work. With `Null`, we just communicate that
all invocations are unsafe, with no hints at all about which ones would be less
unsafe than others._
We do not want any such expressions where the value is not a subtype of the
statically known type, and hence the reified type of `a.f` is `(Object) ->
void`. In general, the type of each covariant parameter is reified as
`Object`. In the example, this is how it works:
typedef void F(num n);
class A {
// The reified parameter type is `Object` because `n` is covariant.
void f(covariant num n) {}
class B extends A {
// The reified parameter type is `Object` because `i` is covariant.
void f(int i) {}
main() {
A a = new B();
F myF = a.f; // Statically safe, and succeeds at runtime.
_Note that an invocation of `myF` can be statically safe and yet fail at runtime,
e.g., `myF(3.1)`, but this is exactly the same situation as with the torn-off
method: `a.f(3.1)` is also considered statically safe, and yet it will fail at
The purpose of this document is to cover one extra type of situation where the
same typing situation arises.
Parameters can have a covariant type because they are or contain a formal type
parameter of an enclosing generic class. Here is an example using the core class
`List` (which underscores that it is a common phenomenon, but any generic class
would do):
// Here is the small part of the core List class that we need here.
abstract class List<E> ... {
// The reified type is `(E) -> void` in all modes, as declared.
void add(E value);
// The reified type is `(Iterable<E>) -> void` in all modes, as declared.
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable);
typedef void F(num n);
typedef void G(Iterable<num> n);
main() {
List<num> xs = <int>[1, 2];
F myF = xs.add; // Statically safe, yet fails at run time
// in strong mode and Dart 2.
G myG = xs.addAll; // Same as above.
The example illustrates that the exact same typing situation arises in the
following two cases:
- A covariant parameter type is induced by an overriding method declaration
(example: `int i` in `B.f`).
- A Covariant parameter type is induced by the use of a formal type parameter of
the enclosing generic class in a covariant position in the parameter type
declaration (example: `E value` and `Iterable<E> iterable` in `List.add`
resp. `List.addAll`).
This document specifies how to preserve the above mentioned expression soundness
property of Dart, based on a modified rule for how to reify parameter types of
## Informal specification
### Syntax
This feature does not give rise to any changes to the grammar of the language.
### Standard mode
This feature does not give rise to any changes to the static analysis nor the
dynamic semantics of standard mode.
### Strong mode
In strong mode, this feature causes changes to the reified type of a function
obtained by a closurizing property extraction in some cases, as specified
#### Static types
The static type of a property extraction remains unchanged.
_The static type of a torn-off method is taken directly from the statically
known declaration of that method, substituting actual type arguments for formal
type parameters as usual. For instance, the static type of `xs.addAll` is
`(Iterable<num>) -> void` when the static type of `xs` is `List<num>`._
#### Reified types
We need to introduce a new kind of covariant parameters, in addition to the
notion of covariant parameters which is introduced in the informal
specification of
[covariant overrides](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/docs/language/informal/covariant-overrides.md).
Consider a class _T_ which is generic or has a generic supertype (directly or
indirectly). Let _S_ be said generic class. Assume that there is a declaration
of a method, setter, or operator `m` in _S_, that `X` is a formal type parameter
declared by _S_, and that said declaration of `m` has a formal parameter `x`
whose type contains `X` in a covariant position. In this situation we say that
the parameter `x` is **covariant due to class covariance**.
_The type of `x` is in a covariant position when the type is `X` itself, e.g.,
when the parameter is declared as `X x`. It is also in a covariant position when
it is declared like `List<X> x`, because generic classes are covariant in all
their type arguments. An example where `X` does not occur in a covariant
position is when `x` is a function typed parameter like `int x(X arg)`._
In the remainder of this section, a parameter which is covariant according
to the definition given in
[covariant overrides](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/docs/language/informal/covariant-overrides.md)
is treated the same as a parameter which is covariant due to class covariance as
defined in this document; in both cases we just refer to the parameter as a
_covariant parameter_.
The reified type for a function _f_ obtained by a closurizing property
extraction on an instance method, setter, or operator is determined as follows:
Let `m` be the name of the method, operator, or setter which is being
closurized, let _T_ be the dynamic type of the receiver, and let _D_ be
the declaration of `m` in _T_ or inherited by _T_ which is being extracted.
The reified return type of _f_ the is the static return type of _D_. For each
parameter `p` declared in _D_ which is not covariant, the part in the dynamic
type of _f_ which corresponds to `p` is the static type of `p` in _D_. For each
covariant parameter `q`, the part in the dynamic type of _f_ which corresponds
to `q` is `Object`.
_The occurrences of type parameters in the types of non-covariant parameters
(note that those occurrences must be in a non-covariant position in the
parameter type) are used as-is. For instance, `<String>[].asMap()` will have the
reified type `() -> Map<int, String>`._
The dynamic checks associated with invocation of such a function are still
needed, and they are unchanged.
_That is, a dynamic error occurs if a method with a covariant parameter p is
invoked, and the actual argument value bound to p has a run-time type which is
not a subtype of the type declared for p._
## Alternatives
The "erasure" of the reified parameter type for each covariant parameter to
`Object` may seem aggressive.
In particular, it ignores upper bounds on the formal type parameter which gives
rise to the covariance due to class covariance, and it ignores the structure of
the type where that formal type parameter is used. Here are two examples:
class C<X extends num> {
void foo(X x) {}
void bar(List<X> xs) {}
With this declaration, the reified type of `new C<int>().foo` will be `(Object)
-> void`, even though it would have been possible to use the type `(num) ->
void` based on the upper bound of `X`, and still preserve the earlier mentioned
expression soundness. This is because all supertypes of the dynamic type of the
receiver that declare `foo` have an argument type for it which is a subtype of
Similarly, the reified type of `new C<int>().bar` will be `(Object) -> void`,
even though it would have been possible to use the type `(List<num>) -> void`.
Note that the reified type is independent of the static type of the receiver, so
it does not matter that we consider `new C<int>()` directly, rather than using
an intermediate variable whose type annotation is some supertype, e.g.,
In the first example, `foo`, there is a loss of information because we are
(dynamically) allowed to assign the function to a variable of type `(Object) ->
void`. Even worse, we may assign it to a variable of type `(String) -> void`,
because `(Object) -> void` (that is, the actual type that the function reports
to have) is a subtype of `(String) -> void`. In that situation, every statically
safe invocation will fail, because there are no values of type `String` which
will satisfy the dynamic check in the function itself, which requires an
argument of type `int` (except `null`, of course, but this is rarely sufficient
to make the function useful).
In the second example, `bar`, the same phenomenon is extended a little, because
we may assign the given torn-off function to a variable of type `(String) ->
void`, in addition to more reasonable ones like `(Object) -> void`,
`(Iterable<Object>) -> void`, and `(Iterable<int>) -> void`.
It is certainly possible to specify a more "tight" reified type like the ones
mentioned above. In order to do this, we would need the least upper bound of all
the statically known types in all supertypes of the dynamic type of the
receiver. This would involve a least upper bound operation on a set of types,
and it would involve an instantiate-to-bounds operation on the type parameters.
The main problem with this approach is that some declarations do not allow for
computation of a finite type which is the least upper bound of all possible
instantiations, so we cannot instantiate-to-bound:
// There is no finite type `T` such that all possible values
// for `X` are subtypes of `T`.
class D<X extends D<X>> {}
Similarly, some finite sets of types do not have a denotable least upper bound:
class I {}
class J {}
class A implements I, J {}
class B implements I, J {}
In this case both of `A` and `B` have the two immediate superinterfaces `I` and
`J`, and there is no single type (that we can express in Dart) which is the
least of all the supertypes of `A` and `B`.
So in some cases we will have to error out when we compute the reified type of a
tear-off of a given method, unless we introduce intersection types and infinite
types, or unless we find some other way around this difficulty.
On the other hand, it should be noted that the common usage of these torn-off
functions would be guided by the statically known types, which do have the
potential to keep them "within a safe domain".
Here is an example:
main() {
List<int> xs = <int>[];
void Function(int) f1 = xs.add; // Same type statically, OK at runtime.
void Function(num) f2 = xs.add; // Statically a downcast, can warn, OK at runtime.
void Function(Object) f3 = xs.add; // A downcast, can warn, OK at runtime.
void Function(String) f4 = xs.add; // An unrelated type, error in strong mode.
List<num> ys = xs; // "Forget part of the type".
void Function(int) f5 = ys.add; // Statically an upcast, OK at runtime.
void Function(num) f6 = ys.add; // Statically same type, OK at runtime.
void Function(Object) f7 = ys.add; // Statically a downcast, OK at runtime.
void Function(String) f8 = ys.add; // An unrelated type, error in strong mode.
List<Object> zs = ys;
void Function(int) f9 = zs.add; // Statically an upcast, OK at runtime.
void Function(num) fa = zs.add; // Statically an upcast, OK at runtime.
void Function(Object) fb = zs.add; // Statically a same type, OK at runtime.
void Function(String) fc = zs.add; // Finally we can go wrong silently!
In other words, the static typing helps programmers to maintain the same level
of knowledge (say, "this is a list of `num`") consistently, even though it is
consistently incomplete ("it's actually a list of `int`"), and this helps a lot
in avoiding those crazy assignments (to `List<String>`) where almost all method
invocations will go wrong.