Add CLI tool for analyzing Dart VM heapsnapshots

This CL adds an interactive command line tool to analyze
heapsnapshots generated by the Dart VM.

The tool works by operating on sets of objects. It supports operations
like users, transitive closure, union, ...

An example usage that loads snapshot, finds all live objects, finds
the empty lists in them and prints retainers of the empty lists:

    % dart bin/explore.dart

    (hsa) load foo.heapsnapshot

    (hsa) all = closure roots
    (hsa) stat all
          size       count     class
      --------   --------  --------
       43861 kb    8371    _Uint8List dart:typed_data
      --------   --------  --------
      108904 kb  400745

    (hsa) empty-lists = dfilter (filter all _List) ==0
    (hsa) empty-growable-lists = filter (users empty-lists) _GrowableList

    (hsa) retain empty-growable-lists
    There are 5632 retaining paths of
    _GrowableList (dart:core)
    ⮑ ・UnlinkedLibraryImportDirective.configurations (package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/unlinked_data.dart)
        ⮑ ﹢_List (dart:core)
            ⮑ ・...

For now the tool lives only in dart-lang/sdk.


Change-Id: I671c2e3ca770e1a5aa3e590e850a5694070b4c3a
Reviewed-by: Tess Strickland <>
Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <>
This commit is contained in:
Martin Kustermann 2022-09-30 14:15:01 +00:00 committed by Commit Queue
parent 8eb8e61e1e
commit ed5ad5c087
14 changed files with 3091 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../../../tools/heapsnapshot/test/cli_test.dart' as cli_test;
import '../../../tools/heapsnapshot/test/expression_test.dart' as expr_test;
import 'use_flag_test_helper.dart';
main(List<String> args) {
if (!buildDir.contains('Release') || isSimulator) return;
// The cli_test may launch subprocesses using Platform.script, if it does we
// delegate subprocess logic to it.
if (!args.isEmpty) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Changelog
## 0.1.0
- Initial version

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:dart_console/dart_console.dart';
import 'package:heapsnapshot/src/cli.dart';
class ConsoleErrorPrinter extends Output {
final Console console;
void printError(String error) {
void print(String message) {
void main() async {
final console = Console.scrolling();
console.write('The ');
console.write('Dart VM *.heapsnapshot analysis tool');
console.writeLine('Type `exit` or use Ctrl+D to exit.');
final errors = ConsoleErrorPrinter(console);
final cliState = CliState(errors);
while (true) {
void writePrompt() {
console.write('(hsa) ');
final response = console.readLine(cancelOnEOF: true);
if (response == null) return;
if (response.isEmpty) continue;
final args = response
.split(' ')
.map((p) => p.trim())
.where((p) => !p.isEmpty)
if (args.isEmpty) continue;
if (args.length == 1 && args.single == 'exit') {
await, args);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
export 'src/analysis.dart';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'format.dart';
const int _invalidIdx = 0;
const int _rootObjectIdx = 1;
class Analysis {
final HeapSnapshotGraph graph;
late final reachableObjects = transitiveGraph(<int>{_rootObjectIdx});
late final Uint32List _retainers = _calculateRetainers();
late final _oneByteStringCid = _findClassId('_OneByteString');
late final _twoByteStringCid = _findClassId('_TwoByteString');
late final _nonGrowableListCid = _findClassId('_List');
late final _immutableListCid = _findClassId('_ImmutableList');
late final _weakPropertyCid = _findClassId('_WeakProperty');
late final _weakReferenceCid = _findClassId('_WeakReferenceImpl');
late final _patchClassCid = _findClassId('PatchClass');
late final _finalizerEntryCid = _findClassId('FinalizerEntry');
late final _weakPropertyKeyIdx = _findFieldIndex(_weakPropertyCid, 'key_');
late final _weakPropertyValueIdx =
_findFieldIndex(_weakPropertyCid, 'value_');
late final _finalizerEntryDetachIdx =
_findFieldIndex(_finalizerEntryCid, 'detach_');
late final _finalizerEntryValueIdx =
_findFieldIndex(_finalizerEntryCid, 'value_');
late final _Arch _arch = (() {
// We want to figure out the architecture this heapsnapshot was made from
// without it being directly included in the snapshot.
// In order to distinguish 32-bit/64-bit/64-bit-compressed we need
// - an object whose shallowSize will be different for all 3 architectures
// - have an actual object in the heap snapshot
// -> PatchClass seems to satisfy this.
final size = graph.objects
(obj) => obj.classId == _patchClassCid && obj.shallowSize != 0)
switch (size) {
case 24:
return _Arch.arch32;
case 32:
return _Arch.arch64c;
case 48:
return _Arch.arch64;
throw 'Unexpected size of patch class: $size.';
late final int _headerSize = _arch != _Arch.arch32 ? 8 : 4;
late final int _wordSize = _arch == _Arch.arch64 ? 8 : 4;
/// The roots from which alive data can be discovered.
Set<int> get roots => <int>{_rootObjectIdx};
/// Calculates retaining paths for all objects in [objs].
/// All retaining paths will have the object itself plus at most [depth]
/// retainers in it.
List<DedupedUint32List> retainingPathsOf(Set<int> objs, int depth) {
final paths = <DedupedUint32List, int>{};
for (var oId in objs) {
final rpath = _retainingPathOf(oId, depth);
final old = paths[rpath];
paths[rpath] = (old == null) ? 1 : old + 1;
paths.forEach((path, count) {
path.count = count;
return paths.keys.toList()..sort((a, b) => paths[b]! - paths[a]!);
/// Returns information about a specific object.
ObjectInformation examine(int oId) {
String stringifyValue(int valueId) {
if (valueId == _invalidIdx) return 'int/double/simd';
final object = graph.objects[valueId];
final cid = object.classId;
if (cid == _oneByteStringCid || cid == _twoByteStringCid) {
return '"${truncateString( as String)}"';
final valueClass = graph.classes[cid];
return '${}@${valueId} (${valueClass.libraryUri})';
final object = graph.objects[oId];
final cid = object.classId;
final klass = graph.classes[cid];
final fs = klass.fields.toList()..sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index);
final fieldValues = <String, String>{};
if (cid == _oneByteStringCid || cid == _twoByteStringCid) {
fieldValues['data'] = stringifyValue(oId);
} else {
int maxFieldIndex = -1;
for (final field in fs) {
final valueId = object.references[field.index];
fieldValues[] = stringifyValue(valueId);
if (field.index > maxFieldIndex) {
maxFieldIndex = field.index;
if (cid == _immutableListCid || cid == _nonGrowableListCid) {
final refs = object.references;
int len = refs.length - (maxFieldIndex + 1);
if (len < 10) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
fieldValues['[$i]'] = stringifyValue(refs[1 + maxFieldIndex + i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
fieldValues['[$i]'] = stringifyValue(refs[1 + maxFieldIndex + i]);
fieldValues['[...]'] = '';
for (int i = len - 4; i < len; ++i) {
fieldValues['[$i]'] = stringifyValue(refs[1 + maxFieldIndex + i]);
return ObjectInformation(, klass.libraryUri.toString(), fieldValues);
/// Generates statistics about the given set of [objects].
/// The classes are sored by sum of shallow-size of objects of a class if
/// [sortBySize] is true and by number of objects per-class otherwise.
HeapStats generateObjectStats(Set<int> objects, {bool sortBySize = true}) {
final graphObjects = graph.objects;
final numCids = graph.classes.length;
final counts = Int32List(numCids);
final sizes = Int32List(numCids);
for (final objectId in objects) {
final obj = graphObjects[objectId];
final cid = obj.classId;
sizes[cid] += obj.shallowSize;
final classes = graph.classes.where((c) => counts[c.classId] > 0).toList();
if (sortBySize) {
classes.sort((a, b) {
var diff = sizes[b.classId] - sizes[a.classId];
if (diff != 0) return diff;
diff = counts[b.classId] - counts[a.classId];
if (diff != 0) return diff;
return graph.classes[b.classId].name
} else {
classes.sort((a, b) {
var diff = counts[b.classId] - counts[a.classId];
if (diff != 0) return diff;
diff = sizes[b.classId] - sizes[a.classId];
if (diff != 0) return diff;
return graph.classes[b.classId].name
return HeapStats(classes, sizes, counts);
/// Generate statistics about the variable-length data of [objects].
/// The returned [HeapData]s are sorted by cumulative size if
/// [sortBySize] is true and by number of objects otherwise.
HeapDataStats generateDataStats(Set<int> objects, {bool sortBySize = true}) {
final graphObjects = graph.objects;
final klasses = graph.classes;
final counts = <HeapData, int>{};
for (final objectId in objects) {
final obj = graphObjects[objectId];
final klass = klasses[obj.classId].name;
// Should use length here instead!
final len = variableLengthOf(obj);
if (len == -1) continue;
final data = HeapData(klass,, obj.shallowSize, len);
counts[data] = (counts[data] ?? 0) + 1;
counts.forEach((HeapData data, int count) {
data.count = count;
final datas = counts.keys.toList();
if (sortBySize) {
datas.sort((a, b) => b.totalSize - a.totalSize);
} else {
datas.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count);
return HeapDataStats(datas);
/// Calculates the set of objects transitively reachable by [roots].
Set<int> transitiveGraph(Set<int> roots, [TraverseFilter? tfilter = null]) {
final reachable = <int>{};
final worklist = <int>[];
final objects = graph.objects;
final weakProperties = <int>{};
while (worklist.isNotEmpty) {
while (worklist.isNotEmpty) {
final objectIdToExpand = worklist.removeLast();
final objectToExpand = objects[objectIdToExpand];
final cid = objectToExpand.classId;
// Weak references don't keep their value alive.
if (cid == _weakReferenceCid) continue;
// Weak properties keep their value alive if the key is alive.
if (cid == _weakPropertyCid) {
if (tfilter == null ||
_weakPropertyCid, _weakPropertyValueIdx)) {
// Normal object (or FinalizerEntry).
final references = objectToExpand.references;
final bool isFinalizerEntry = cid == _finalizerEntryCid;
for (int i = 0; i < references.length; ++i) {
// [FinalizerEntry] objects don't keep their "detach" and "value"
// fields alive.
if (isFinalizerEntry &&
(i == _finalizerEntryDetachIdx || i == _finalizerEntryValueIdx)) {
final successor = references[i];
if (!reachable.contains(successor)) {
if (tfilter == null ||
(tfilter._shouldTraverseEdge(objectToExpand.classId, i) &&
tfilter._shouldIncludeObject(objects[successor].classId))) {
// Enqueue values of weak properties if their key is alive.
weakProperties.removeWhere((int weakProperty) {
final wpReferences = objects[weakProperty].references;
final keyId = wpReferences[_weakPropertyKeyIdx];
final valueId = wpReferences[_weakPropertyValueIdx];
if (reachable.contains(keyId)) {
if (!reachable.contains(valueId)) {
if (tfilter == null ||
tfilter._shouldIncludeObject(objects[valueId].classId)) {
return true;
return false;
return reachable;
/// Calculates the set of objects that transitively can reach [oids].
Set<int> reverseTransitiveGraph(Set<int> oids,
[TraverseFilter? tfilter = null]) {
final reachable = <int>{};
final worklist = <int>[];
final objects = graph.objects;
while (worklist.isNotEmpty) {
final objectIdToExpand = worklist.removeLast();
final objectToExpand = objects[objectIdToExpand];
final referrers = objectToExpand.referrers;
for (int i = 0; i < referrers.length; ++i) {
final predecessorId = referrers[i];
// This is a dead object in heap that refers to a live object.
if (!reachableObjects.contains(predecessorId)) continue;
if (!reachable.contains(predecessorId)) {
final predecessor = objects[predecessorId];
final cid = predecessor.classId;
// A WeakReference does not keep its object alive.
if (cid == _weakReferenceCid) continue;
// A WeakProperty does not keep its key alive, but may keep it's value
// alive.
if (cid == _weakPropertyCid) {
final refs = predecessor.references;
bool hasRealRef = false;
for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; ++i) {
if (i == _weakPropertyKeyIdx) continue;
if (refs[i] == objectIdToExpand) hasRealRef = true;
if (!hasRealRef) continue;
// A FinalizerEntry] does not keep its {detach_,value_} fields alive.
if (cid == _finalizerEntryCid) {
final refs = predecessor.references;
bool hasRealRef = false;
for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; ++i) {
if (i == _finalizerEntryDetachIdx) continue;
if (i == _finalizerEntryValueIdx) continue;
if (refs[i] == objectIdToExpand) hasRealRef = true;
if (!hasRealRef) continue;
bool passedFilter = true;
if (tfilter != null) {
final index = predecessor.references.indexOf(objectIdToExpand);
passedFilter =
(tfilter._shouldTraverseEdge(predecessor.classId, index) &&
if (passedFilter) {
return reachable;
// Only keep those in [toFilter] that have references from [from].
Set<int> filterObjectsReferencedBy(Set<int> toFilter, Set<int> from) {
final result = <int>{};
final objects = graph.objects;
for (final fromId in from) {
final from = objects[fromId];
for (final refId in from.references) {
if (toFilter.contains(refId)) {
return result;
/// Returns set of cids that are matching the provided [patterns].
Set<int> findClassIdsMatching(Iterable<String> patterns) {
final regexPatterns = => RegExp(p)).toList();
final classes = graph.classes;
final cids = <int>{};
for (final klass in classes) {
if (regexPatterns.any((pattern) =>
pattern.hasMatch( ||
pattern.hasMatch(klass.libraryUri.toString()))) {
return cids;
/// Create filters that can be used in traversing object graphs.
TraverseFilter? parseTraverseFilter(List<String> patterns) {
if (patterns.isEmpty) return null;
final aset = <int>{};
final naset = <int>{};
int bits = 0;
final fmap = <int, Set<int>>{};
final nfmap = <int, Set<int>>{};
for (String pattern in patterns) {
final bool isNegated = pattern.startsWith('^');
if (isNegated) {
pattern = pattern.substring(1);
// Edge filter.
final int sep = pattern.indexOf(':');
if (sep != -1 && sep != (pattern.length - 1)) {
final klassPattern = pattern.substring(0, sep);
final fieldNamePattern = pattern.substring(sep + 1);
final cids = findClassIdsMatching([klassPattern]);
final fieldNameRegexp = RegExp(fieldNamePattern);
for (final cid in cids) {
final klass = graph.classes[cid];
for (final field in klass.fields) {
if (fieldNameRegexp.hasMatch( {
(isNegated ? nfmap : fmap)
.putIfAbsent(cid, _buildSet)
if (!isNegated) {
bits |= TraverseFilter._hasPositiveEdgePatternBit;
// Class filter.
final cids = findClassIdsMatching([pattern]);
(isNegated ? naset : aset).addAll(cids);
if (!isNegated) {
bits |= TraverseFilter._hasPositiveClassPatternBit;
return TraverseFilter._(patterns, bits, aset, naset, fmap, nfmap);
/// Returns set of objects from [objectIds] whose class id is in [cids].
Set<int> filterByClassId(Set<int> objectIds, Set<int> cids) {
return filter(objectIds, (object) => cids.contains(object.classId));
/// Returns set of objects from [objectIds] whose class id is in [cids].
Set<int> filterByClassPatterns(Set<int> objectIds, List<String> patterns) {
final tfilter = parseTraverseFilter(patterns);
if (tfilter == null) return objectIds;
return filter(objectIds, tfilter._shouldFilterObject);
/// Returns set of objects from [objectIds] whose class id is in [cids].
Set<int> filter(
Set<int> objectIds, bool Function(HeapSnapshotObject) filter) {
final result = <int>{};
final objects = graph.objects;
objectIds.forEach((int objId) {
if (filter(objects[objId])) {
return result;
/// Returns users of [objs].
Set<int> findUsers(Set<int> objs, List<String> patterns) {
final tfilter = parseTraverseFilter(patterns);
final objects = graph.objects;
final result = <int>{};
for (final objId in objs) {
final object = objects[objId];
final referrers = object.referrers;
for (int i = 0; i < referrers.length; ++i) {
final userId = referrers[i];
// This is a dead object in heap that refers to a live object.
if (!reachableObjects.contains(userId)) continue;
bool passedFilter = true;
if (tfilter != null) {
final user = objects[userId];
final idx = user.references.indexOf(objId);
passedFilter = tfilter._shouldTraverseEdge(user.classId, idx) &&
if (passedFilter) {
return result;
/// Returns references of [objs].
Set<int> findReferences(Set<int> objs, List<String> patterns) {
final tfilter = parseTraverseFilter(patterns);
final objects = graph.objects;
final result = <int>{};
for (final objId in objs) {
final object = objects[objId];
final references = object.references;
for (int i = 0; i < references.length; ++i) {
final refId = references[i];
bool passedFilter = true;
if (tfilter != null) {
final other = objects[refId];
passedFilter = tfilter._shouldTraverseEdge(object.classId, i) &&
if (passedFilter) {
return result;
/// Returns the size of the variable part of [object]
/// For strings this is the length of the string (or approximation thereof).
/// For typed data this is the number of elements.
/// For fixed-length arrays this is the length of the array.
int variableLengthOf(HeapSnapshotObject object) {
final cid = object.classId;
final isList = cid == _nonGrowableListCid || cid == _immutableListCid;
if (isList) {
// Return the length of the non-growable array.
final numFields = graph.classes[cid].fields.length;
return object.references.length - numFields;
final isString = cid == _oneByteStringCid || cid == _twoByteStringCid;
if (isString) {
// Return the length of the string.
// - For lengths <128 the length of string is precise
// - For larger strings, the data is truncated, so we use the payload
// size.
// - TODO: The *heapsnapshot format contains actual length but it gets
// lost after reading. Can we preserve it somewhere on
// `HeapSnapshotGraph`?
// The approximation is based on knowning the header size of a string:
// - String has: header, length (hash - on 32-bit platforms) + payload
final fixedSize =
_headerSize + _wordSize * (_arch == _Arch.arch32 ? 2 : 1);
final len =
object.shallowSize == 0 ? 0 : (object.shallowSize - fixedSize);
if (len < 128) return ( as String).length;
return len; // Over-approximates to 2 * wordsize.
final data =;
if (data is HeapSnapshotObjectLengthData) {
// Most likely typed data object, return length in elements.
return data.length;
final fixedSize = _headerSize + _wordSize * object.references.length;
final dataSize = object.shallowSize - fixedSize;
if (dataSize > _wordSize) {
final klass = graph.classes[cid];
// User-visible, but VM-recognized objects with variable size.
if (!['_RegExp', '_SuspendState'].contains( {
// Non-user-visible, VM-recognized objects (empty library uri).
final uri = klass.libraryUri.toString().trim();
if (uri != '') {
throw 'Object has fixed size: $fixedSize and total '
'size: ${object.shallowSize} but is not known to '
'be variable-length (class: ${graph.classes[cid].name})';
return -1;
int _findClassId(String className) {
return graph.classes
.singleWhere((klass) => == className &&
(klass.libraryUri.scheme == 'dart' ||
klass.libraryUri.toString() == ''))
int _findFieldIndex(int cid, String fieldName) {
return graph.classes[cid].fields
.singleWhere((f) => == fieldName)
DedupedUint32List _retainingPathOf(int oId, int depth) {
final objects = graph.objects;
final classes = graph.classes;
int getFieldIndex(int oId, int childId) {
final object = objects[oId];
final fields = classes[object.classId].fields;
final idx = object.references.indexOf(childId);
if (idx == -1) throw 'should not happen';
int fieldIndex = fields.any((f) => f.index == idx)
? idx
: DedupedUint32List.noFieldIndex;
return fieldIndex;
int retainingPathLength(int id) {
int length = 1;
int id = oId;
while (id != _rootObjectIdx && length <= depth) {
id = _retainers[id];
return length;
bool hasMoreThanOneAlive(Set<int> reachableObjects, Uint32List list) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
if (reachableObjects.contains(list[i])) {
if (count >= 2) return true;
return false;
int lastId = oId;
var lastObject = objects[lastId];
final path = Uint32List(2 * retainingPathLength(oId) - 1);
path[0] = lastObject.classId;
for (int i = 1; i < path.length; i += 2) {
assert(lastId != _rootObjectIdx && ((i - 1) ~/ 2) < depth);
final users = lastObject.referrers;
final int userId = _retainers[lastId];
final user = objects[userId];
int fieldIndex = getFieldIndex(userId, lastId);
final lastWasUniqueRef = !hasMoreThanOneAlive(reachableObjects, users);
path[i] = (lastWasUniqueRef ? 1 : 0) << 0 | fieldIndex << 1;
path[i + 1] = user.classId;
lastId = userId;
lastObject = user;
return DedupedUint32List(path);
Uint32List _calculateRetainers() {
final retainers = Uint32List(graph.objects.length);
var worklist = {_rootObjectIdx};
while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
final next = <int>{};
for (final objId in worklist) {
final object = graph.objects[objId];
final cid = object.classId;
// Weak references don't keep their value alive.
if (cid == _weakReferenceCid) continue;
// Weak properties keep their value alive if the key is alive.
if (cid == _weakPropertyCid) {
final valueId = object.references[_weakPropertyValueIdx];
if (reachableObjects.contains(valueId)) {
if (retainers[valueId] == 0) {
retainers[valueId] = objId;
// Normal object (or FinalizerEntry).
final references = object.references;
final bool isFinalizerEntry = cid == _finalizerEntryCid;
for (int i = 0; i < references.length; ++i) {
// [FinalizerEntry] objects don't keep their "detach" and "value"
// fields alive.
if (isFinalizerEntry &&
(i == _finalizerEntryDetachIdx || i == _finalizerEntryValueIdx)) {
final refId = references[i];
if (retainers[refId] == 0) {
retainers[refId] = objId;
worklist = next;
return retainers;
class TraverseFilter {
static const int _hasPositiveClassPatternBit = (1 << 0);
static const int _hasPositiveEdgePatternBit = (1 << 1);
final List<String> _patterns;
final int _bits;
final Set<int>? _allowed;
final Set<int>? _disallowed;
final Map<int, Set<int>>? _followMap;
final Map<int, Set<int>>? _notFollowMap;
const TraverseFilter._(this._patterns, this._bits, this._allowed,
this._disallowed, this._followMap, this._notFollowMap);
bool get _hasPositiveClassPattern =>
(_bits & _hasPositiveClassPatternBit) != 0;
bool get _hasPositiveEdgePattern => (_bits & _hasPositiveEdgePatternBit) != 0;
String asString(HeapSnapshotGraph graph) {
final sb = StringBuffer();
'The traverse filter expression "${_patterns.join(' ')}" matches:\n');
final ca = _allowed ?? const {};
final cna = _disallowed ?? const {};
final klasses = graph.classes.toList()
..sort((a, b) =>;
for (final klass in klasses) {
final cid = klass.classId;
final posEdge = [];
final negEdge = [];
final f = _followMap?[cid] ?? const {};
final nf = _notFollowMap?[cid] ?? const {};
for (final field in klass.fields) {
final fieldIndex = field.index;
if (f.contains(fieldIndex)) {
if (nf.contains(fieldIndex)) {
bool printedClass = false;
final name =;
if (ca.contains(cid)) {
sb.writeln('[+] $name');
printedClass = true;
if (cna.contains(cid)) {
sb.writeln('[-] $name');
printedClass = true;
if (posEdge.isNotEmpty || negEdge.isNotEmpty) {
if (!printedClass) {
sb.writeln('[ ] $name');
printedClass = true;
for (final field in posEdge) {
sb.writeln('[+] .$field');
for (final field in negEdge) {
sb.writeln('[-] .$field');
return sb.toString().trim();
// Should include the edge when building transitive graphs.
bool _shouldTraverseEdge(int cid, int fieldIndex) {
final nf = _notFollowMap?[cid];
if (nf != null && nf.contains(fieldIndex)) return false;
final f = _followMap?[cid];
if (f != null && f.contains(fieldIndex)) return true;
// If there's an allow list we only allow allowed ones, otherwise we allow
// all.
return !_hasPositiveEdgePattern;
// Should include the object when building transitive graphs.
bool _shouldIncludeObject(int cid) {
if (_disallowed?.contains(cid) == true) return false;
if (_allowed?.contains(cid) == true) return true;
// If there's an allow list we only allow allowed ones, otherwise we allow
// all.
return !_hasPositiveClassPattern;
// Should include the object when filtering a set of objects.
bool _shouldFilterObject(HeapSnapshotObject object) {
final cid = object.classId;
final numReferences = object.references.length;
return __shouldFilterObject(cid, numReferences);
bool __shouldFilterObject(int cid, int numReferences) {
if (!_shouldIncludeObject(cid)) return false;
// Check if the object has an explicitly disallowed field.
final nf = _notFollowMap?[cid];
if (nf != null) {
for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numReferences; ++fieldIndex) {
if (nf.contains(fieldIndex)) return false;
// Check if the object has an explicitly allowed field.
final f = _followMap?[cid];
if (f != null) {
for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numReferences; ++fieldIndex) {
if (f.contains(fieldIndex)) return true;
// If there's an allow list we only allow allowed ones, otherwise we allow
// all.
return !_hasPositiveEdgePattern;
/// Stringified representation of a heap object.
class ObjectInformation {
final String className;
final String libraryUri;
final Map<String, String> fieldValues;
ObjectInformation(this.className, this.libraryUri, this.fieldValues);
/// Heap usage statistics calculated for a set of heap objects.
class HeapStats {
final List<HeapSnapshotClass> classes;
final Int32List sizes;
final Int32List counts;
HeapStats(this.classes, this.sizes, this.counts);
int get totalSize => sizes.fold(0, (int a, int b) => a + b);
int get totalCount => counts.fold(0, (int a, int b) => a + b);
/// Heap object data statistics calculated for a set of heap objects.
class HeapDataStats {
final List<HeapData> datas;
int get totalSizeUniqueDatas =>
datas.fold(0, (int sum, HeapData d) => sum + d.size);
int get totalSize =>
datas.fold(0, (int sum, HeapData d) => sum + d.totalSize);
int get totalCount => datas.fold(0, (int sum, HeapData d) => sum + d.count);
/// Representing the data of one heap object.
/// Since the data can be truncated, it has an extra size that allows to
/// distinguish datas with same truncated value with high probability.
class HeapData {
final String klass;
final dynamic value;
final int size;
final int len;
late final int count;
HeapData(this.klass, this.value, this.size, this.len);
int? _hashCode;
int get hashCode {
if (_hashCode != null) return _hashCode!;
var valueToHash = value;
if (valueToHash is! String &&
valueToHash is! bool &&
valueToHash is! double) {
if (valueToHash is HeapSnapshotObjectLengthData) {
valueToHash = valueToHash.length;
} else if (valueToHash is HeapSnapshotObjectNoData) {
valueToHash = 0;
} else if (valueToHash is HeapSnapshotObjectNullData) {
valueToHash = 0;
} else {
throw '${valueToHash.runtimeType}';
return _hashCode = Object.hash(klass, valueToHash, size, len);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! HeapData) return false;
if (size != other.size) return false;
if (len != other.len) return false;
if (klass != other.klass) return false;
final ovalue = other.value;
if (value is String || value is bool || value is double) {
return value == ovalue;
// We don't have the typed data content, so we don't know whether they are
// equal / dedupable.
return false;
String get valueAsString {
var d = value;
if (d is String) {
final newLine = d.indexOf('\n');
if (newLine >= 0) {
d = d.substring(0, newLine);
if (d.length > 80) {
d = d.substring(0, 80);
return d;
return 'len:$len';
int get totalSize => size * count;
/// Used to represent retaining paths.
/// For retaining paths: `[cid0, fieldIdx1 << 1 | isUniqueOwner, cid1, ...]`
class DedupedUint32List {
static const int noFieldIndex = (1 << 29);
final Uint32List path;
late final int count;
int? _hashCode;
int get hashCode => _hashCode ??= Object.hashAll(path);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! DedupedUint32List) return false;
if (path.length != other.path.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) {
if (path[i] != other.path[i]) return false;
return true;
enum _Arch {
Set<int> _buildSet() => <int>{};

View file

@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'analysis.dart';
import 'expression.dart';
import 'format.dart';
import 'load.dart';
export 'expression.dart' show Output;
abstract class Command {
String get name;
String get description;
String get usage;
List<String> get nameAliases => const [];
final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser();
Future execute(CliState state, List<String> allArgs) async {
try {
int startOfRest = 0;
while (startOfRest < allArgs.length &&
allArgs[startOfRest].startsWith('-')) {
final options = argParser.parse(allArgs.take(startOfRest).toList());
final args = allArgs.skip(startOfRest).toList();
await executeInternal(state, options, args);
} catch (e, s) {
state.output.print('An error occured: $e\n$s');
Future executeInternal(CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args);
void printUsage(CliState state) {
if (nameAliases.isEmpty) {
state.output.print('Usage for $name:');
} else {
.print('Usage for $name (aliases: ${nameAliases.join(' ')}):');
state.output.print(' $usage');
abstract class SnapshotCommand extends Command {
Future executeInternal(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
if (!state.isInitialized) {
state.output.print('No `*.heapsnapshot` loaded. See `help load`.');
await executeSnapshotCommand(state, options, args);
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args);
class LoadCommand extends Command {
final name = 'load';
final description = 'Loads a *.heapsnapshot produced by the Dart VM.';
final usage = 'load <file.heapsnapshot>';
Future executeInternal(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
if (args.length != 1) {
final url = args.single;
if (url.startsWith('http') || url.startsWith('ws')) {
try {
final chunks = await loadFromUri(Uri.parse(url));
state.output.print('Loaded heapsnapshot from "$url".');
} catch (e) {
state.output.print('Could not load heapsnapshot from "$url".');
final filename = url.startsWith('~/')
? (Platform.environment['HOME']! + url.substring(1))
: url;
if (!File(filename).existsSync()) {
state.output.print('File "$filename" doesn\'t exist.');
try {
final bytes = File(filename).readAsBytesSync();
state.output.print('Loaded heapsnapshot from "$filename".');
} catch (e) {
state.output.print('Could not load heapsnapshot from "$filename".');
class StatsCommand extends SnapshotCommand {
final name = 'stats';
final description = 'Calculates statistics about a set of objects.';
final usage = 'stats [-n/--max=NUM] [-c/--sort-by-count] <expr> ';
final nameAliases = ['stat'];
StatsCommand() {
abbr: 'c',
help: 'Sorts by count (instead of size).',
defaultsTo: false);
abbr: 'n',
help: 'Limits the number of lines to be printed.',
defaultsTo: '20');
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
final oids = parseAndEvaluate(
state.namedSets, state.analysis, args.join(' '), state.output);
if (oids == null) return;
final sortByCount = options['sort-by-count'] as bool;
final lines = int.parse(options['max']!);
final stats =
state.analysis.generateObjectStats(oids, sortBySize: !sortByCount);
state.output.print(formatHeapStats(stats, maxLines: lines));
class DataStatsCommand extends SnapshotCommand {
final name = 'dstats';
final description =
'Calculates statistics about the data portion of objects.';
final usage = 'dstats [-n/--max=NUM] [-c/--sort-by-count] <expr> ';
final nameAliases = ['dstat'];
DataStatsCommand() {
abbr: 'c', help: 'Sort by count', defaultsTo: false);
abbr: 'n',
help: 'Limits the number of max to be printed.',
defaultsTo: '20');
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
final oids = parseAndEvaluate(
state.namedSets, state.analysis, args.join(' '), state.output);
if (oids == null) return;
final sortByCount = options['sort-by-count'] as bool;
final lines = int.parse(options['max']!);
final stats =
state.analysis.generateDataStats(oids, sortBySize: !sortByCount);
state.output.print(formatDataStats(stats, maxLines: lines));
class InfoCommand extends SnapshotCommand {
final name = 'info';
final description = 'Prints the known named sets.';
final usage = 'info';
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
if (args.length != 0) {
state.output.print('Known named sets:');
final table = Table();
state.namedSets.forEach((String name, Set<int> oids) {
table.addRow([name, '{#${oids.length}}']);
state.output.print(indent(' ', table.asString));
class ClearCommand extends SnapshotCommand {
final name = 'clear';
final description = 'Clears a specific named set (or all).';
final usage = 'clear <name>*';
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
if (args.isEmpty) {
state.namedSets.clearWhere((key) => key != 'roots');
for (final arg in args) {
class RetainingPathCommand extends SnapshotCommand {
final name = 'retainers';
final description = 'Prints information about retaining paths.';
final usage = 'retainers [-d/--depth=<num>] [-n/--max=NUM] <expr>';
final nameAliases = ['retain'];
RetainingPathCommand() {
abbr: 'd', help: 'Maximum depth of retaining paths.', defaultsTo: '10');
abbr: 'n',
help: 'Limits the number of entries printed.',
defaultsTo: '3');
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
final oids = parseAndEvaluate(
state.namedSets, state.analysis, args.join(' '), state.output);
if (oids == null) return;
final depth = int.parse(options['depth']!);
final maxEntries = int.parse(options['max']!);
final paths = state.analysis.retainingPathsOf(oids, depth);
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) {
if (maxEntries != -1 && i >= maxEntries) break;
final path = paths[i];
state.output.print('There are ${path.count} retaining paths of');
state.output.print(formatRetainingPath(state.analysis.graph, paths[i]));
class ExamineCommand extends SnapshotCommand {
final name = 'examine';
final description = 'Examins a set of objects.';
final usage = 'examine [-n/--max=NUM] <expr>?';
final nameAliases = ['x'];
ExamineCommand() {
abbr: 'n',
help: 'Limits the number of entries to be examined..',
defaultsTo: '5');
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
final limit = int.parse(options['max']!);
final oids = parseAndEvaluate(
state.namedSets, state.analysis, args.join(' '), state.output);
if (oids == null) return;
if (oids.isEmpty) return;
final it = oids.iterator;
int i = 0;
while (it.moveNext()) {
final oid = it.current;
final info = state.analysis.examine(oid);
state.output.print('${info.className}@$oid (${info.libraryUri}) {');
final table = Table();
info.fieldValues.forEach((name, value) {
table.addRow([name, value]);
state.output.print(indent(' ', table.asString));
if (++i >= limit) break;
class EvaluateCommand extends SnapshotCommand {
final name = 'eval';
final description = 'Evaluates a set expression.';
final usage = 'eval <expr>\n\n$dslDescription';
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
final sexpr = parseExpression(
args.join(' '), state.output, state.namedSets.names.toSet());
if (sexpr == null) return null;
final oids = sexpr.evaluate(state.namedSets, state.analysis, state.output);
if (oids == null) return null;
late final String name;
if (sexpr is SetNameExpression) {
name =;
} else {
name = state.namedSets.nameSet(oids);
state.output.print(' $name {#${oids.length}}');
class DescFilterCommand extends SnapshotCommand {
final name = 'describe-filter';
final description = 'Describes what a filter expression will match.';
final usage = 'describe-filter $dslFilter';
final nameAliases = ['desc-filter', 'desc'];
Future executeSnapshotCommand(
CliState state, ArgResults options, List<String> args) async {
final tfilter = state.analysis.parseTraverseFilter(args);
if (tfilter == null) return null;
class CommandRunner {
final Command defaultCommand;
final Map<String, Command> name2command = {};
CommandRunner(List<Command> commands, this.defaultCommand) {
for (final command in commands) {
name2command[] = command;
for (final alias in command.nameAliases) {
name2command[alias] = command;
Future run(CliState state, List<String> args) async {
if (args.isEmpty) return;
final commandName = args.first;
final command = name2command[commandName];
if (command != null) {
await command.execute(state, args.skip(1).toList());
if (const ['help', 'h'].contains(commandName)) {
if (args.length > 1) {
final helpCommandName = args[1];
final helpCommand = name2command[helpCommandName];
if (helpCommand != null) {
final table = Table();
name2command.forEach((name, command) {
if (name == {
table.addRow([, command.description]);
state.output.print('Available commands:');
state.output.print(indent(' ', table.asString));
await defaultCommand.execute(state, args);
class CliState {
NamedSets? _namedSets;
Analysis? _analysis;
Output output;
void initialize(Analysis analysis) {
_analysis = analysis;
_namedSets = NamedSets();
_namedSets!.nameSet(analysis.roots, 'roots');
bool get isInitialized => _analysis != null;
Analysis get analysis => _analysis!;
NamedSets get namedSets => _namedSets!;
final cliCommandRunner = CommandRunner([
], EvaluateCommand());

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@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'analysis.dart';
abstract class SetExpression {
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output);
class FilterExpression extends SetExpression {
final SetExpression expr;
final List<String> patterns;
FilterExpression(this.expr, this.patterns);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final oids = expr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
final patterns = this
.map((String pattern) {
if (pattern == 'String') {
return ['_OneByteString', '_TwoByteString'];
} else if (pattern == 'List') {
return ['_List', '_GrowableList', '_ImmutableList'];
} else if (pattern == 'Map') {
return [
return [pattern];
.expand((l) => l)
return analysis.filterByClassPatterns(oids, patterns);
class DFilterExpression extends SetExpression {
final SetExpression expr;
final List<String> patterns;
DFilterExpression(this.expr, this.patterns);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final oids = expr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
final predicates = pattern) {
final l = pattern.startsWith('<');
final le = pattern.startsWith('<=');
final e = pattern.startsWith('==');
final ge = pattern.startsWith('>=');
final g = pattern.startsWith('>');
if (l || le || e || ge || g) {
final value = pattern.substring((le || e || ge) ? 2 : 1);
int limit = int.parse(value);
if (l)
return (o) {
final len = analysis.variableLengthOf(o);
return len != -1 && len < limit;
if (le)
return (o) {
final len = analysis.variableLengthOf(o);
return len != -1 && len <= limit;
if (e)
return (o) {
final len = analysis.variableLengthOf(o);
return len != -1 && len == limit;
if (ge)
return (o) {
final len = analysis.variableLengthOf(o);
return len != -1 && len >= limit;
if (ge)
return (o) {
final len = analysis.variableLengthOf(o);
return len != -1 && len > limit;
throw 'unreachable';
if (pattern.startsWith('^')) {
pattern = pattern.substring(1);
final regexp = RegExp(pattern);
return (HeapSnapshotObject object) {
final data =;
if (data is String) {
return !regexp.hasMatch(data);
return false;
final regexp = RegExp(pattern);
return (HeapSnapshotObject object) {
final data =;
if (data is String) {
return regexp.hasMatch(data);
return false;
return analysis.filter(
oids, (object) => !predicates.any((p) => !p(object)));
class MinusExpression extends SetExpression {
final SetExpression expr;
final List<SetExpression> operands;
MinusExpression(this.expr, this.operands);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final result = expr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output)?.toSet();
if (result == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < operands.length; ++i) {
final oids = operands[i].evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
return result;
class OrExpression extends SetExpression {
final List<SetExpression> exprs;
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final result = <int>{};
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.length; ++i) {
final oids = exprs[i].evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
return result;
class AndExpression extends SetExpression {
final SetExpression expr;
final List<SetExpression> operands;
AndExpression(this.expr, this.operands);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final nullableResult = expr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output)?.toSet();
if (nullableResult == null) return null;
Set<int> result = nullableResult;
for (int i = 0; i < operands.length; ++i) {
final oids = operands[i].evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
result = result.intersection(oids);
return result;
class SampleExpression extends SetExpression {
static final _random = math.Random();
final SetExpression expr;
final int count;
SampleExpression(this.expr, this.count);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final oids = expr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
if (oids.isEmpty) return oids;
final result = <int>{};
final l = oids.toList();
while (result.length < count && result.length < oids.length) {
return result;
class ClosureExpression extends SetExpression {
final SetExpression expr;
final List<String> patterns;
ClosureExpression(this.expr, this.patterns);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final roots = expr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (roots == null) return null;
final filter = analysis.parseTraverseFilter(patterns);
if (filter == null &&
roots.length == analysis.roots.length &&
roots.intersection(analysis.roots).length == roots.length) {
// The analysis needs to calculate the set of reachable objects
// already, so we re-use it instead of computing it again.
return analysis.reachableObjects;
return analysis.transitiveGraph(roots, filter);
class UserClosureExpression extends SetExpression {
final SetExpression expr;
final List<String> patterns;
UserClosureExpression(this.expr, this.patterns);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final roots = expr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (roots == null) return null;
final filter = analysis.parseTraverseFilter(patterns);
return analysis.reverseTransitiveGraph(roots, filter);
class FollowExpression extends SetExpression {
final SetExpression objs;
final List<String> patterns;
FollowExpression(this.objs, this.patterns);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final oids = objs.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
return analysis.findReferences(oids, patterns);
class UserFollowExpression extends SetExpression {
final SetExpression objs;
final List<String> patterns;
UserFollowExpression(this.objs, this.patterns);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final oids = objs.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
return analysis.findUsers(oids, patterns);
class NamedExpression extends SetExpression {
final String name;
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final oids = namedSets.getSet(name);
if (oids == null) {
output.printError('"$name" does not refer to a command or named set.');
return null;
return oids;
class SetNameExpression extends SetExpression {
final String name;
final SetExpression expr;
SetNameExpression(, this.expr);
Set<int>? evaluate(NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, Output output) {
final oids = expr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
if (oids == null) return null;
namedSets.nameSet(oids, name);
return oids;
Set<int>? parseAndEvaluate(
NamedSets namedSets, Analysis analysis, String text, Output output) {
final sexpr = parseExpression(text, output, namedSets.names.toSet());
if (sexpr == null) return null;
return sexpr.evaluate(namedSets, analysis, output);
SetExpression? parseExpression(
String text, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
const help = 'See `help eval` for available expression types and arguments.';
final tokens = _TokenIterator(text);
final sexpr = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (sexpr == null) {
return null;
if (tokens.moveNext()) {
'Found unexpected "${tokens.remaining}" after ${sexpr.runtimeType}.');
return null;
return sexpr;
final Map<String, SetExpression? Function(_TokenIterator, Output, Set<String>)>
parsingFunctions = {
// Filtering expressions.
'filter': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final s = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (s == null) return null;
final patterns = _parsePatterns(tokens, output);
return FilterExpression(s, patterns);
'dfilter': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final s = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (s == null) return null;
final patterns = _parsePatterns(tokens, output);
return DFilterExpression(s, patterns);
// Traversing expressions.
'follow': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final objs = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (objs == null) return null;
final patterns = _parsePatterns(tokens, output);
return FollowExpression(objs, patterns);
'users': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final objs = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (objs == null) return null;
final patterns = _parsePatterns(tokens, output);
return UserFollowExpression(objs, patterns);
'closure': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final s = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (s == null) return null;
final patterns = _parsePatterns(tokens, output);
return ClosureExpression(s, patterns);
'uclosure': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final s = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (s == null) return null;
final patterns = _parsePatterns(tokens, output);
return UserClosureExpression(s, patterns);
// Set operations
'minus': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final s = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (s == null) return null;
final operands = _parseExpressions(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (operands == null) return null;
return MinusExpression(s, operands);
'or': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final operands = _parseExpressions(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (operands == null) return null;
return OrExpression(operands);
'and': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final s = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (s == null) return null;
final operands = _parseExpressions(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (operands == null) return null;
return AndExpression(s, operands);
// Sample expression
'sample': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final s = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (s == null) return null;
int count = 1;
if (tokens.moveNext()) {
if (tokens.current == ')') {
} else {
final value = int.tryParse(tokens.current);
if (value == null) {
'"sample" expression expects integer as 2nd argument.');
return null;
count = value;
return SampleExpression(s, count);
// Sub-expression
'(': (_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final expr = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (expr == null) return null;
if (!tokens.moveNext()) {
output.printError('Expected closing ")" after "${tokens._text}".');
return null;
if (tokens.current != ')') {
output.printError('Expected closing ")" but found "${tokens.current}".');
return null;
return expr;
SetExpression? parse(
_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
if (!tokens.moveNext()) {
output.printError('Reached end of input: expected expression');
return null;
final current = tokens.current;
final parserFun = parsingFunctions[current];
if (parserFun != null) return parserFun(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (current == ')') {
output.printError('Unexpected ).');
return null;
if (tokens.moveNext()) {
if (tokens.current == '=') {
final expr = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (expr == null) return null;
return SetNameExpression(current, expr);
if (!namedSets.contains(current)) {
output.printError('There is no set with name "$current". See `info`.');
return null;
return NamedExpression(current);
class _TokenIterator {
final String _text;
String? _current = null;
int _index = 0;
String get current => _current!;
bool get isAtEnd => _index == _text.length;
bool moveNextPattern() {
_current = null;
int start = _index;
while (
start < _text.length && _text.codeUnitAt(start) == ' '.codeUnitAt(0)) {
if (start == _text.length) return false;
int openCount = 0;
int end = start;
while (end < _text.length) {
final char = _text.codeUnitAt(end);
if (char == '('.codeUnitAt(0)) {
if (char == ')'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
if (openCount >= 0) {
// This ) has no corresponding (.
if (start == end) return false;
_current = _text.substring(start, end);
_index = end;
return true;
if (char == ' '.codeUnitAt(0)) {
_current = _text.substring(start, end);
_index = end;
return true;
_current = _text.substring(start, end);
_index = end;
return true;
bool moveNext() {
int start = _index;
while (
start < _text.length && _text.codeUnitAt(start) == ' '.codeUnitAt(0)) {
if (start == _text.length) return false;
int end = start + 1;
final firstChar = _text.codeUnitAt(start);
if (firstChar == '('.codeUnitAt(0) || firstChar == ')'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
_current = _text.substring(start, end);
_index = end;
return true;
if (firstChar == '=') {
_current = _text.substring(start, end);
_index = end;
return true;
while (end < _text.length && _text.codeUnitAt(end) != ' '.codeUnitAt(0)) {
final char = _text.codeUnitAt(end);
if (char == '('.codeUnitAt(0) || char == ')'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
_current = _text.substring(start, end);
_index = end;
return true;
if (char == '=') {
_current = _text.substring(start, end);
_index = end;
return true;
_current = _text.substring(start, end);
_index = end;
return true;
void movePrev() {
_index -= current.length;
_current = null;
String? peek() {
if (!moveNext()) return null;
final peek = current;
return peek;
String get remaining => _text.substring(_index);
List<SetExpression>? _parseExpressions(
_TokenIterator tokens, Output output, Set<String> namedSets) {
final all = <SetExpression>[];
while (true) {
final peek = tokens.peek();
if (peek == null || peek == ')') break;
final e = parse(tokens, output, namedSets);
if (e == null) return null;
return all;
List<String> _parsePatterns(_TokenIterator tokens, Output output) {
final patterns = <String>[];
while (tokens.moveNextPattern()) {
if (tokens.current == ')') {
return patterns;
class NamedSets {
final Map<String, Set<int>> _namedSets = {};
int _varIndex = 0;
List<String> get names => _namedSets.keys.toList();
String nameSet(Set<int> oids, [String? id]) {
id ??= _generateName();
_namedSets[id] = oids;
return id;
Set<int>? getSet(String name) => _namedSets[name];
bool hasSetName(String name) => _namedSets.containsKey(name);
void clear(String name) {
void clearWhere(bool Function(String) cond) {
_namedSets.removeWhere((name, _) => cond(name));
void forEach(void Function(String, Set<int>) fun) {
String _generateName() => '\$${_varIndex++}';
abstract class Output {
void print(String message) {}
void printError(String message) {}
const dslDescription = '''
An `<expr>` can be
Filtering a set of objects based on class/field or data:
filter <expr> $dslFilter
dfilter <expr> [{<,<=,==,>=,>}len]* [content-pattern]*
Traversing to references or uses of the set of objects:
follow <expr> $dslFilter
users <expr> $dslFilter
closure <expr> $dslFilter
uclosure <expr> $dslFilter
Performing a set operation on multiple sets:
or <expr>*
and <expr>*
sub <expr> <expr>*
Sample a random element from a set:
sample <expr> <num>?
Name a set of objects or retrieve the objects for a given name:
<name> = <expr>
const dslFilter = '[class-pattern]* [class-pattern:field-pattern]*';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'analysis.dart';
String format(int a) => a.toString().padLeft(6, ' ');
String formatBytes(int a) => (a ~/ 1024).toString().padLeft(6, ' ') + ' kb';
String truncateString(String s) {
int index;
index = s.indexOf('\n');
if (index >= 0) s = s.substring(index);
index = s.indexOf('\r');
if (index >= 0) s = s.substring(index);
if (s.length > 30) s = s.substring(30);
return s;
String formatHeapStats(HeapStats stats, {int? maxLines, int? sizeCutoff}) {
assert(sizeCutoff == null || sizeCutoff >= 0);
assert(maxLines == null || maxLines >= 0);
final table = Table();
table.addRow(['size', 'count', 'class']);
table.addRow(['--------', '--------', '--------']);
int totalSize = 0;
int totalCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stats.classes.length; ++i) {
final c = stats.classes[i];
final count = stats.counts[c.classId];
final size = stats.sizes[c.classId];
totalSize += size;
totalCount += count;
if (sizeCutoff == null || size >= sizeCutoff) {
if (maxLines == null || i < maxLines) {
[formatBytes(size), format(count), '${} ${c.libraryUri}']);
if (table.rows > 3) {
table.addRow(['--------', '--------']);
table.addRow([formatBytes(totalSize), format(totalCount)]);
return table.asString;
String formatDataStats(HeapDataStats stats, {int? maxLines, int? sizeCutoff}) {
assert(sizeCutoff == null || sizeCutoff >= 0);
assert(maxLines == null || maxLines >= 0);
final table = Table();
table.addRow(['size', 'unique-size', 'count', 'class', 'data']);
table.addRow(['--------', '--------', '--------', '--------', '--------']);
int totalSize = 0;
int totalUniqueSize = 0;
int totalCount = 0;
final List<HeapData> datas = stats.datas;
for (int i = 0; i < datas.length; ++i) {
final data = datas[i];
totalSize += data.size;
totalUniqueSize += data.totalSize;
totalCount += data.count;
if (sizeCutoff == null || data.totalSize >= sizeCutoff) {
if (maxLines == null || i < maxLines) {
if (table.rows > 3) {
table.addRow(['--------', '--------', '--------']);
return table.asString;
String formatRetainingPath(HeapSnapshotGraph graph, DedupedUint32List rpath) {
final path = _stringifyRetainingPath(graph, rpath);
final bool wasTruncated = rpath.path.last != /*root*/ 1;
final sb = StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) {
final indent = i >= 2 ? (i - 1) : 0;
sb.writeln(' ' * 4 * indent + (i == 0 ? '' : '') + '${path[i]}');
if (wasTruncated) {
sb.writeln(' ' * 4 * (path.length - 1) + '⮑ …');
return sb.toString();
String formatDominatorPath(HeapSnapshotGraph graph, DedupedUint32List dpath) {
final path = _stringifyDominatorPath(graph, dpath);
final bool wasTruncated = dpath.path.last != /*root*/ 1;
final sb = StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) {
final indent = i >= 2 ? (i - 1) : 0;
sb.writeln(' ' * 4 * indent + (i == 0 ? '' : '') + '${path[i]}');
if (wasTruncated) {
sb.writeln(' ' * 4 * (path.length - 1) + '⮑ …');
return sb.toString();
List<String> _stringifyRetainingPath(
HeapSnapshotGraph graph, DedupedUint32List rpath) {
final path = rpath.path;
final spath = <String>[];
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i += 2) {
final klass = graph.classes[path[i]];
String? fieldName;
String prefix = '';
if (i > 0) {
final int value = path[i - 1];
final hasUniqueOwner = (value & (1 << 0)) == 1;
final fieldIndex = value >> 1;
if (fieldIndex != DedupedUint32List.noFieldIndex) {
final field = klass.fields[fieldIndex];
assert(field.index == fieldIndex);
fieldName =;
prefix = (hasUniqueOwner ? '' : '');
spath.add(prefix +
'${}' +
(fieldName != null ? '.$fieldName' : '') +
' (${klass.libraryUri})');
return spath;
List<String> _stringifyDominatorPath(
HeapSnapshotGraph graph, DedupedUint32List rpath) {
final path = rpath.path;
final spath = <String>[];
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
final klass = graph.classes[path[i]];
spath.add('${} (${klass.libraryUri})');
return spath;
class Table {
final List<List<String>> _rows = [];
int _maxColumn = -1;
int get rows => _rows.length;
void addRow(List<String> row) {
_maxColumn = row.length > _maxColumn ? row.length : _maxColumn;
String get asString {
if (_rows.isEmpty) return '';
final colSizes = Uint32List(_maxColumn);
for (final row in _rows) {
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; ++i) {
final value = row[i];
final c = colSizes[i];
if (value.length > c) colSizes[i] = value.length;
final sb = StringBuffer();
for (final row in _rows) {
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; ++i) {
row[i] = row[i].padRight(colSizes[i], ' ');
sb.writeln(row.join(' '));
return sb.toString().trimRight();
String indent(String left, String text) {
return left + text.replaceAll('\n', '\n$left');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service_io.dart';
Future<List<ByteData>> loadFromUri(Uri uri) async {
final wsUri = uri.replace(scheme: 'ws', path: '/ws');
final service = await vmServiceConnectUri(wsUri.toString());
try {
final r = await _getHeapsnapshot(service);
return r;
} finally {
await service.dispose();
Future<List<ByteData>> _getHeapsnapshot(VmService service) async {
final vm = await service.getVM();
final vmIsolates = vm.isolates!;
if (vmIsolates.isEmpty) {
throw 'Could not find first isolate (expected it to be running already)';
final isolateRef = vmIsolates.first;
await service.streamListen(EventStreams.kHeapSnapshot);
final chunks = <ByteData>[];
final done = Completer();
late StreamSubscription streamSubscription;
streamSubscription = service.onHeapSnapshotEvent.listen((e) async {
if (e.last!) {
await service.streamCancel(EventStreams.kHeapSnapshot);
await streamSubscription.cancel();
await service.requestHeapSnapshot(!);
await done.future;
return chunks;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
name: heapsnapshot
version: 0.1.0
description: Utilities for analysing heapsnapshots generated by Dart VM.
# This package is right now not intended to be published.
# See also
publish_to: none
sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0'
args: ^2.0.0
vm_service: ^9.3.0
test: ^1.21.6
path: ^1.8.0
dart_console: ^1.1.2
# For obj.referrers (TODO: publish new package:vm_service version)
path: ../../../pkg/vm_service

View file

@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:heapsnapshot/src/cli.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
class ErrorCollector extends Output {
final errors = <String>[];
final output = <String>[];
final all = <String>[];
void printError(String error) {
void print(String message) {
void clear() {
String get log => all.join('\n');
main([List<String> args = const []]) {
if (!args.isEmpty) {
// We're in the child.
if (args.single != '--child') throw 'failed';
// Force initialize of the data we want in the heapsnapshot.
print('Child ready');
group('cli', () {
late Testee testee;
late String testeeUrl;
late Directory snapshotDir;
late String heapsnapshotFile;
late ErrorCollector errorCollector;
late CliState cliState;
setUpAll(() async {
snapshotDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('snapshot');
heapsnapshotFile = path.join(snapshotDir.path, 'current.heapsnapshot');
testee = Testee('test/cli_test.dart');
testeeUrl = await testee.start(['--child']);
await testee.getHeapsnapshotAndWriteTo(heapsnapshotFile);
errorCollector = ErrorCollector();
cliState = CliState(errorCollector);
tearDownAll(() async {
snapshotDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
await testee.close();
late String log;
Future run(String commandString) async {
final args = commandString.split(' ').where((p) => !p.isEmpty).toList();
print('Running: $commandString');
await, args);
log = errorCollector.log;
expectLog(String expected) {
expect(log.trim(), expected.trim());
expectLogPattern(String pattern) {
final logLines = log
.map((p) => p.trim())
.where((p) => !p.isEmpty)
final patternLines = pattern
.map((p) => p.trim())
.where((p) => !p.isEmpty)
if (logLines.length != patternLines.length) {
print('Expected pattern:');
print(' ' + patternLines.join('\n '));
print('But got:');
print(' ' + logLines.join('\n '));
for (int i = 0; i < logLines.length; ++i) {
final log = logLines[i];
final pattern = patternLines[i];
if (!RegExp(pattern).hasMatch(log)) {
print('[$i] $log does not match pattern "$pattern"');
expect(false, true);
const sp = r'\{#\d+\}';
test('cli commands', () async {
// Test loading from Uri & search for the Global object.
await run('load $testeeUrl');
expectLog('Loaded heapsnapshot from "$testeeUrl".');
await run('stat filter (closure roots) Global');
size count class
-------- -------- --------
0 kb 1 Global .*/cli_test.dart
// Test loading from file & do remaining tests.
await run('load $heapsnapshotFile');
expectLog('Loaded heapsnapshot from "$heapsnapshotFile".');
await run('info');
Known named sets:
roots $sp
await run('eval all = closure roots');
expectLogPattern('all $sp');
await run('info');
Known named sets:
roots $sp
all $sp
await run('global = filter all Global');
expectLogPattern(r'global \{#1\}');
await run('stats global');
size *count *class
-------- *-------- *--------
0 kb *1 *Global .*cli_test.dart
await run('dstats -c filter (closure global) String');
size unique-size count class data
-------- -------- -------- -------- --------
0 kb 0 kb 4 _OneByteString #nonSharedString#
0 kb 0 kb 2 _OneByteString #barUniqueString
0 kb 0 kb 2 _OneByteString #fooUniqueString
0 kb 0 kb 1 _OneByteString #sharedString
-------- -------- --------
0 kb 0 kb 9
await run('lists = filter (closure global) _List');
expectLogPattern('lists $sp');
await run('dstats -c lists');
size unique-size count class data
-------- -------- -------- -------- --------
0 kb 0 kb 1 _List len:2
0 kb 0 kb 1 _List len:2
0 kb 0 kb 1 _List len:1
0 kb 0 kb 1 _List len:1
0 kb 0 kb 1 _List len:0
0 kb 0 kb 1 _List len:0
-------- -------- --------
0 kb 0 kb 6
await run(
'stats foobar = (follow (follow global) ^:type_arguments ^Root)');
size count class
-------- -------- --------
0 kb 2 Foo .*cli_test.dart
0 kb 2 Bar .*cli_test.dart
-------- --------
0 kb 4
await run('examine users foobar');
_List@\d+ .* {
\[0\] *Foo@\d+ .*/cli_test.dart
\[1\] *Foo@\d+ .*/cli_test.dart
_List@\d+ .* {
\[0\] *Bar@\d+ .*/cli_test.dart
\[1\] *Bar@\d+ .*/cli_test.dart
await run('examine users users foobar');
Global@\d+ .*/cli_test.dart.* {
foos _List@\d+
bars _List@\d+
await run('users (follow global :bars)');
await run('retainers -n10 filter (closure global) String');
There are 2 retaining paths of
Bar.barLocal .*/cli_test.dart
Global.bars .*/cli_test.dart
There are 2 retaining paths of
Bar.barUnique .*/cli_test.dart
Global.bars .*/cli_test.dart
There are 2 retaining paths of
Foo.fooLocal .*/cli_test.dart
Global.foos .*/cli_test.dart
There are 2 retaining paths of
Foo.fooUnique .*/cli_test.dart
Global.foos .*/cli_test.dart
There are 1 retaining paths of
Foo.fooShared .*/cli_test.dart
Global.foos .*/cli_test.dart
await run('describe-filter Foo:List ^Bar');
The traverse filter expression "Foo:List \^Bar" matches:
\[\-\] Bar
\[ \] Foo
\[\+\] \.fooList0
await run('weakly-held-object = follow (filter all WeakTest) :object');
await run('stats uclosure weakly-held-object');
size count class
-------- -------- --------
0 kb 1 WeakTest .*/cli_test.dart
0 kb 1 Object dart:core
0 kb 1 Root
0 kb 1 Isolate
-------- --------
0 kb 4
final global = Global();
var marker = '|';
var sharedString = 'x';
class Foo {
final fooShared = sharedString;
final fooLocal = marker + 'nonSharedString' + marker;
final fooUnique = marker + 'fooUniqueString';
final fooList0 = List.filled(0, null);
String get use => 'Foo($fooShared, $fooLocal, $fooUnique, $fooList0)';
class Bar {
final barShared = sharedString;
final barLocal = marker + 'nonSharedString' + marker;
final barUnique = marker + 'barUniqueString';
final barList1 = List.filled(1, null);
String get use => 'Bar($barShared, $barLocal, $barUnique, $barList1)';
class Global {
late final foos;
late final bars;
Global() {
marker = '#';
sharedString = marker + 'sharedString';
foos = [Foo(), Foo()].toList(growable: false);
bars = [Bar(), Bar()].toList(growable: false);
sharedString = '';
String get use =>
'${ => l.use).toList()}|${ => l.use).toList()}|$sharedString';
final weakTest = WeakTest(Object());
class WeakTest {
final Object object;
final List<WeakReference<Object>> weakList;
final Finalizer finalizer;
: weakList = List.filled(1, WeakReference(object)),
finalizer = Finalizer((_) {})..attach(object, Object(), detach: object);
String get use => '$object|$weakList|$finalizer';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:heapsnapshot/src/expression.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
class ErrorCollector extends Output {
final errors = <String>[];
void printError(String error) {
void print(String message) {}
main([List<String> args = const []]) {
group('parser', () {
late ErrorCollector ec;
setUp(() {
ec = ErrorCollector();
void match<T>(SetExpression? expr, void Function(T) fun) {
expect(expr is T, true);
fun(expr as T);
void matchNamed(SetExpression? expr, String name) {
match<NamedExpression>(expr, (expr) {
expect(, name);
void parseMatch<T>(String input, void Function(T) fun) {
final expr =
parseExpression(input, ec, {'all', 'set1', 'set2', 'set3', 'set4'});
match<T>(expr, fun);
void parseError(String input, Set<String> namedSets, List<String> errors) {
final expr = parseExpression(input, ec, namedSets);
expect(expr, null);
expect(ec.errors, errors);
group('expression', () {
test('filter', () {
parseMatch<FilterExpression>('filter all cls (cls2:field)', (expr) {
expect(expr.patterns, ['cls', '(cls2:field)']);
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'all');
test('dfilter', () {
parseMatch<DFilterExpression>('dfilter all content ==0', (expr) {
expect(expr.patterns, ['content', '==0']);
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'all');
test('minus', () {
parseMatch<MinusExpression>('minus set1 set2 set3', (expr) {
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'set1');
expect(expr.operands.length, 2);
matchNamed(expr.operands[0], 'set2');
matchNamed(expr.operands[1], 'set3');
test('or', () {
parseMatch<OrExpression>('or set1 set2 set3', (expr) {
expect(expr.exprs.length, 3);
matchNamed(expr.exprs[0], 'set1');
matchNamed(expr.exprs[1], 'set2');
matchNamed(expr.exprs[2], 'set3');
test('or-empty', () {
parseMatch<OrExpression>('or', (expr) {
expect(expr.exprs.length, 0);
test('and', () {
parseMatch<AndExpression>('and set1 set2 set3', (expr) {
expect(expr.operands.length, 2);
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'set1');
matchNamed(expr.operands[0], 'set2');
matchNamed(expr.operands[1], 'set3');
test('sample', () {
parseMatch<SampleExpression>('sample set1', (expr) {
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'set1');
expect(expr.count, 1);
test('sample-num', () {
parseMatch<SampleExpression>('sample set1 10', (expr) {
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'set1');
expect(expr.count, 10);
test('closure', () {
parseMatch<ClosureExpression>('closure set1', (expr) {
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'set1');
expect(expr.patterns, []);
test('closure-filter', () {
parseMatch<ClosureExpression>('closure set1 cls cls:field', (expr) {
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'set1');
expect(expr.patterns, ['cls', 'cls:field']);
test('uclosure', () {
parseMatch<UserClosureExpression>('uclosure set1', (expr) {
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'set1');
expect(expr.patterns, []);
test('uclosure-filter', () {
parseMatch<UserClosureExpression>('uclosure set1 cls cls:field',
(expr) {
matchNamed(expr.expr, 'set1');
expect(expr.patterns, ['cls', 'cls:field']);
test('follow', () {
parseMatch<FollowExpression>('follow set1 cls cls:field', (expr) {
matchNamed(expr.objs, 'set1');
expect(expr.patterns, ['cls', 'cls:field']);
test('users', () {
parseMatch<UserFollowExpression>('users set1 cls cls:field', (expr) {
matchNamed(expr.objs, 'set1');
expect(expr.patterns, ['cls', 'cls:field']);
test('set-name', () {
parseMatch<SetNameExpression>('set1 = closure set1', (expr) {
match<ClosureExpression>(expr.expr, (expr) {});
expect(, 'set1');
test('parens', () {
parseMatch<OrExpression>('or (( set1 )) ( set2 ) ( set3) (set4 )',
(expr) {
expect(expr.exprs.length, 4);
matchNamed(expr.exprs[0], 'set1');
matchNamed(expr.exprs[1], 'set2');
matchNamed(expr.exprs[2], 'set3');
matchNamed(expr.exprs[3], 'set4');
group('expression-errors', () {
test('empty-and', () {
parseError('and', {}, [
'Reached end of input: expected expression',
'See `help eval` for available expression types and arguments.'
test('empty-minus', () {
parseError('minus', {}, [
'Reached end of input: expected expression',
'See `help eval` for available expression types and arguments.'
test('unknown set', () {
parseError('closure foobar', {}, [
'There is no set with name "foobar". See `info`.',
'See `help eval` for available expression types and arguments.'
test('missing )', () {
parseError('closure (a', {
}, [
'Expected closing ")" after "closure (a".',
'See `help eval` for available expression types and arguments.'
test('garbage', () {
parseError('sample set1 10 foo', {
}, [
'Found unexpected "foo" after SampleExpression.',
'See `help eval` for available expression types and arguments.'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' hide BytesBuilder;
import 'dart:typed_data' show BytesBuilder;
import 'package:heapsnapshot/src/load.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service_io.dart';
class Testee {
final String testFile;
late final Process _process;
final Completer<String> _serviceUri = Completer<String>();
Future<String> start(List<String> args) async {
var script = Platform.script.toFilePath();
if (script.endsWith('dart_2.dill')) {
// We run via `dart test` and the `package:test` has wrapped the `main()`
// function. We don't want to invoke the wrapper as subprocess, but rather
// the actual file.
script = testFile;
final processArgs = [
_process = await Process.start(Platform.executable, processArgs);
final childReadyCompleter = Completer();
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((line) {
print('child-stdout: $line');
final urlStart = line.indexOf('http://');
if (line.contains('http')) {
if (line.contains('Child ready')) {
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((line) {
print('child-stderr: $line');
final uri = await _serviceUri.future;
await childReadyCompleter.future;
return uri;
Future getHeapsnapshotAndWriteTo(String filename) async {
final chunks = await loadFromUri(Uri.parse(await _serviceUri.future));
final bytesBuilder = BytesBuilder();
for (final bd in chunks) {
.add(bd.buffer.asUint8List(bd.offsetInBytes, bd.lengthInBytes));
final bytes = bytesBuilder.toBytes();
Future close() async {
final wsUri =
Uri.parse(await _serviceUri.future).replace(scheme: 'ws', path: '/ws');
final service = await vmServiceConnectUri(wsUri.toString());
final vm = await service.getVM();
final vmIsolates = vm.isolates!;
if (vmIsolates.isEmpty) {
throw 'Could not find first isolate (expected it to be running already)';
final isolateRef = vmIsolates.first;
// The isolate is hanging on --pause-on-exit.
await service.resume(!);
final exitCode = await _process.exitCode;
print('child-exitcode: $exitCode');
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw 'Child process terminated unsucessfully';

View file

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ void main(List<String> args) {
platform('runtime/observatory'), platform('runtime/observatory'),
platform('runtime/observatory/tests/service/observatory_test_package'), platform('runtime/observatory/tests/service/observatory_test_package'),
platform('runtime/observatory_2'), platform('runtime/observatory_2'),
platform('sdk/lib/_internal/sdk_library_metadata'), platform('sdk/lib/_internal/sdk_library_metadata'),
platform('third_party/devtools/devtools_shared'), platform('third_party/devtools/devtools_shared'),
platform('tools/package_deps'), platform('tools/package_deps'),