Martin Kustermann ed5ad5c087 Add CLI tool for analyzing Dart VM heapsnapshots
This CL adds an interactive command line tool to analyze
heapsnapshots generated by the Dart VM.

The tool works by operating on sets of objects. It supports operations
like users, transitive closure, union, ...

An example usage that loads snapshot, finds all live objects, finds
the empty lists in them and prints retainers of the empty lists:

    % dart bin/explore.dart

    (hsa) load foo.heapsnapshot

    (hsa) all = closure roots
    (hsa) stat all
          size       count     class
      --------   --------  --------
       43861 kb    8371    _Uint8List dart:typed_data
      --------   --------  --------
      108904 kb  400745

    (hsa) empty-lists = dfilter (filter all _List) ==0
    (hsa) empty-growable-lists = filter (users empty-lists) _GrowableList

    (hsa) retain empty-growable-lists
    There are 5632 retaining paths of
    _GrowableList (dart:core)
    ⮑ ・UnlinkedLibraryImportDirective.configurations (package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/unlinked_data.dart)
        ⮑ ﹢_List (dart:core)
            ⮑ ・...

For now the tool lives only in dart-lang/sdk.


Change-Id: I671c2e3ca770e1a5aa3e590e850a5694070b4c3a
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/261100
Reviewed-by: Tess Strickland <sstrickl@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Martin Kustermann <kustermann@google.com>
2022-09-30 14:15:01 +00:00

296 lines
9.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Generates the repo's ".dart_tool/package_config.json" file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
// Important! Do not add package: imports to this file.
// Do not add relative deps for libraries that themselves use package deps.
// This tool runs before the .dart_tool/package_config.json file is created, so
// can not itself use package references.
final repoRoot = dirname(dirname(fromUri(Platform.script)));
void main(List<String> args) {
var packageDirs = [
var cfePackageDirs = [
var feAnalyzerSharedPackageDirs = [
// Validate that all the given directories exist.
var hasMissingDirectories = false;
for (var path in [
]) {
if (!Directory(join(repoRoot, path)).existsSync()) {
stderr.writeln("Unable to locate directory: '$path'.");
hasMissingDirectories = true;
if (hasMissingDirectories) {
var packages = <Package>[
packages.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name));
// Remove any packages with identical names.
final uniqueNames = packages.map((p) => p.name).toSet();
var hasDuplicatePackages = false;
for (var name in uniqueNames) {
var matches = packages.where((p) => p.name == name).toList();
if (matches.length > 1) {
print('Duplicates found for package:$name');
for (var package in matches) {
print(' ${package.rootUri}');
hasDuplicatePackages = true;
if (hasDuplicatePackages) {
var configFile = File(join(repoRoot, '.dart_tool', 'package_config.json'));
var packageConfig = PackageConfig(
extraData: {
'copyright': [
'Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS ',
'file for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is ',
'governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.',
'comment': [
'Package configuration for all packages in pkg/ and third_party/pkg/',
writeIfDifferent(configFile, packageConfig.generateJson('..'));
/// Writes the given [contents] string to [file] if the contents are different
/// than what's currently in the file.
/// This updates the file to the given contents, while preserving the file
/// timestamp if there are no changes.
void writeIfDifferent(File file, String contents) {
if (!file.existsSync() || file.readAsStringSync() != contents) {
/// Generates package configurations for each package in [packageDirs].
Iterable<Package> makePackageConfigs(List<String> packageDirs) sync* {
for (var packageDir in packageDirs) {
var version = pubspecLanguageVersion(packageDir);
var hasLibDirectory =
Directory(join(repoRoot, packageDir, 'lib')).existsSync();
yield Package(
name: basename(packageDir),
rootUri: packageDir,
packageUri: hasLibDirectory ? 'lib/' : null,
languageVersion: version,
/// Generates package configurations for the special pseudo-packages used by the
/// CFE unit tests (`pkg/front_end/test/unit_test_suites.dart`).
Iterable<Package> makeCfePackageConfigs(List<String> packageDirs) sync* {
// TODO: Remove the use of '.nonexisting/'.
for (var packageDir in packageDirs) {
yield Package(
name: 'front_end_${basename(packageDir)}',
rootUri: packageDir,
packageUri: '.nonexisting/',
/// Generates package configurations for the special pseudo-packages used by the
/// _fe_analyzer_shared id tests.
Iterable<Package> makeFeAnalyzerSharedPackageConfigs(
List<String> packageDirs) sync* {
// TODO: Remove the use of '.nonexisting/'.
for (var packageDir in packageDirs) {
yield Package(
name: '_fe_analyzer_shared_${basename(packageDir)}',
rootUri: packageDir,
packageUri: '.nonexisting/',
/// Finds the paths of the subdirectories of [dirPath] that contain pubspecs.
/// This method recurses until it finds a pubspec.yaml file.
Iterable<String> listSubdirectories(String parentPath) sync* {
final parent = Directory(join(repoRoot, parentPath));
for (var child in parent.listSync().whereType<Directory>()) {
var name = basename(child.path);
// Don't recurse into dot directories.
if (name.startsWith('.')) continue;
if (File(join(child.path, 'pubspec.yaml')).existsSync()) {
yield join(parentPath, name);
} else {
yield* listSubdirectories(join(parentPath, name));
final versionRE = RegExp(r"(?:\^|>=)(\d+\.\d+)");
/// Infers the language version from the SDK constraint in the pubspec for
/// [packageDir].
/// The version is returned in the form `major.minor`.
String? pubspecLanguageVersion(String packageDir) {
var pubspecFile = File(join(repoRoot, packageDir, 'pubspec.yaml'));
if (!pubspecFile.existsSync()) {
print("Error: Missing pubspec for $packageDir.");
var contents = pubspecFile.readAsLinesSync();
if (!contents.any((line) => line.contains('sdk: '))) {
print("Error: Pubspec for $packageDir has no SDK constraint.");
// Handle either "sdk: >=2.14.0 <3.0.0" or "sdk: ^2.3.0".
var sdkConstraint = contents.firstWhere((line) => line.contains('sdk: '));
sdkConstraint = sdkConstraint.trim().substring('sdk:'.length).trim();
if (sdkConstraint.startsWith('"') || sdkConstraint.startsWith("'")) {
sdkConstraint = sdkConstraint.substring(1, sdkConstraint.length - 2);
var match = versionRE.firstMatch(sdkConstraint);
if (match == null) {
print("Error: unknown version range for $packageDir: '$sdkConstraint'.");
return match[1]!;
class Package {
final String name;
final String rootUri;
final String? packageUri;
final String? languageVersion;
required this.name,
required this.rootUri,
Map<String, Object?> toMap(String relativeTo) {
return {
'name': name,
'rootUri': posix(join(relativeTo, rootUri)),
if (packageUri != null) 'packageUri': posix(packageUri!),
if (languageVersion != null) 'languageVersion': languageVersion,
class PackageConfig {
final List<Package> packages;
final Map<String, Object?>? extraData;
PackageConfig(this.packages, {this.extraData});
String generateJson(String relativeTo) {
var config = <String, Object?>{};
if (extraData != null) {
for (var key in extraData!.keys) {
config[key] = extraData![key];
config['configVersion'] = 2;
config['generator'] = 'tools/generate_package_config.dart';
config['packages'] =
packages.map((package) => package.toMap(relativeTo)).toList();
var jsonString = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(config);
return '$jsonString\n';
// Below are some (very simplified) versions of the package:path functions.
final String _separator = Platform.pathSeparator;
String dirname(String s) {
return s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(_separator));
String join(String s1, String s2, [String? s3]) {
if (s3 != null) {
return join(join(s1, s2), s3);
} else {
return s1.endsWith(_separator) ? '$s1$s2' : '$s1$_separator$s2';
String basename(String s) {
while (s.endsWith(_separator)) {
s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
return s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(_separator) + 1);
String fromUri(Uri uri) => uri.toFilePath();
/// Given a platform path, return a posix one.
String posix(String s) =>
Platform.isWindows ? s.replaceAll(_separator, '/') : s;
/// Given a posix path, return a platform one.
String platform(String s) =>
Platform.isWindows ? s.replaceAll('/', _separator) : s;