
956 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 David Faure <>
Copyright (C) 2001 Holger Freyther <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qdir.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kbookmarkmanager.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kxmlguifactory.h>
#include <kxmlguibuilder.h>
#include <kparts/componentfactory.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <kfileshare.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include "kpropertiesdialog.h"
#include "knewmenu.h"
#include "konq_popupmenu.h"
#include "konq_operations.h"
#include <dcopclient.h>
class KonqPopupMenuGUIBuilder : public KXMLGUIBuilder
KonqPopupMenuGUIBuilder( QPopupMenu *menu )
: KXMLGUIBuilder( 0 )
m_menu = menu;
virtual ~KonqPopupMenuGUIBuilder()
virtual QWidget *createContainer( QWidget *parent, int index,
const QDomElement &element,
int &id )
if ( !parent && element.attribute( "name" ) == "popupmenu" )
return m_menu;
return KXMLGUIBuilder::createContainer( parent, index, element, id );
QPopupMenu *m_menu;
class KonqPopupMenu::KonqPopupMenuPrivate
KonqPopupMenuPrivate() : m_parentWidget(0)
QString m_urlTitle;
QWidget *m_parentWidget;
bool m_hierarchicalDirectoryView;
KonqPopupMenu::ProtocolInfo::ProtocolInfo( )
m_Reading = false;
m_Writing = false;
m_Deleting = false;
m_Moving = false;
m_TrashIncluded = false;
bool KonqPopupMenu::ProtocolInfo::supportsReading() const
return m_Reading;
bool KonqPopupMenu::ProtocolInfo::supportsWriting() const
return m_Writing;
bool KonqPopupMenu::ProtocolInfo::supportsDeleting() const
return m_Deleting;
bool KonqPopupMenu::ProtocolInfo::supportsMoving() const
return m_Moving;
bool KonqPopupMenu::ProtocolInfo::trashIncluded() const
return m_TrashIncluded;
KonqPopupMenu::KonqPopupMenu( KBookmarkManager *mgr, const KFileItemList &items,
KActionCollection & actions,
KNewMenu * newMenu,
bool showPropertiesAndFileType )
: QPopupMenu( 0L, "konq_popupmenu" ), m_actions( actions ), m_ownActions( static_cast<QObject *>( 0 ), "KonqPopupMenu::m_ownActions" ),
m_pMenuNew( newMenu ), m_sViewURL(viewURL), m_lstItems(items), m_pManager(mgr)
init(0, showPropertiesAndFileType, false);
KonqPopupMenu::KonqPopupMenu( KBookmarkManager *mgr, const KFileItemList &items,
KActionCollection & actions,
KNewMenu * newMenu,
QWidget * parentWidget,
bool showPropertiesAndFileType )
: QPopupMenu( 0L, "konq_popupmenu" ), m_actions( actions ), m_ownActions( static_cast<QObject *>( 0 ), "KonqPopupMenu::m_ownActions" ), m_pMenuNew( newMenu ), m_sViewURL(viewURL), m_lstItems(items), m_pManager(mgr)
init(parentWidget, showPropertiesAndFileType, false);
KonqPopupMenu::KonqPopupMenu( KBookmarkManager *mgr, const KFileItemList &items,
KActionCollection & actions,
KNewMenu * newMenu,
QWidget * parentWidget,
bool showPropertiesAndFileType,
bool isHierView)
: QPopupMenu( 0L, "konq_popupmenu" ), m_actions( actions ), m_ownActions( static_cast<QObject *>( 0 ), "KonqPopupMenu::m_ownActions" ), m_pMenuNew( newMenu ), m_sViewURL(viewURL), m_lstItems(items), m_pManager(mgr)
init(parentWidget, showPropertiesAndFileType, isHierView);
void KonqPopupMenu::init (QWidget * parentWidget, bool showPropertiesAndFileType, bool isHierView)
d = new KonqPopupMenuPrivate;
d->m_parentWidget = parentWidget;
d->m_hierarchicalDirectoryView = isHierView;
void KonqPopupMenu::insertServices(const ServiceList& list,
QDomElement& menu,
bool isBuiltin)
static int id = 1000;
ServiceList::const_iterator it = list.begin();
for( ; it != list.end(); ++it )
if ((*it).isEmpty())
if (!menu.firstChild().isNull() &&
menu.lastChild().toElement().tagName().lower() != "separator")
QDomElement separator = m_doc.createElement( "separator" );
if (isBuiltin || (*it).m_display == true)
QCString name;
name.setNum( id );
name.prepend( isBuiltin ? "builtinservice_" : "userservice_" );
KAction * act = new KAction( (*it).m_strName, 0,
this, SLOT( slotRunService() ),
&m_ownActions, name );
if ( !(*it).m_strIcon.isEmpty() )
QPixmap pix = SmallIcon( (*it).m_strIcon );
act->setIconSet( pix );
addAction( act, menu ); // Add to toplevel menu
m_mapPopupServices[ id++ ] = *it;
bool KonqPopupMenu::KIOSKAuthorizedAction(KConfig& cfg)
if ( !cfg.hasKey( "X-KDE-AuthorizeAction") )
return true;
QStringList list = cfg.readListEntry("X-KDE-AuthorizeAction");
if (kapp && !list.isEmpty())
for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin();
it != list.end();
if (!kapp->authorize((*it).stripWhiteSpace()))
return false;
return true;
void KonqPopupMenu::setup(bool showPropertiesAndFileType)
assert( m_lstItems.count() >= 1 );
m_ownActions.setWidget( this );
bool currentDir = false;
bool sReading = true;
bool sWriting = true;
bool sDeleting = true;
bool sMoving = true;
m_sMimeType = m_lstItems.first()->mimetype();
mode_t mode = m_lstItems.first()->mode();
bool isDirectory = m_sMimeType == "inode/directory";
bool bTrashIncluded = false;
bool bCanChangeSharing = false;
int id = 0;
if( isDirectory && m_lstItems.first()->isLocalFile())
m_pluginList.setAutoDelete( true );
m_ownActions.setHighlightingEnabled( true );
attrName = QString::fromLatin1( "name" );
m_builder = new KonqPopupMenuGUIBuilder( this );
m_factory = new KXMLGUIFactory( m_builder );
KURL url;
KFileItemListIterator it ( m_lstItems );
// Check whether all URLs are correct
bool devicesFile = false;
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
url = (*it)->url();
// Build the list of URLs
m_lstPopupURLs.append( url );
// Determine if common mode among all URLs
if ( mode != (*it)->mode() )
mode = 0; // modes are different => reset to 0
// Determine if common mimetype among all URLs
if ( m_sMimeType != (*it)->mimetype() )
m_sMimeType = QString::null; // mimetypes are different => null
if ( !bTrashIncluded &&
(*it)->url().isLocalFile() &&
(*it)->url().path( 1 ) == KGlobalSettings::trashPath() )
bTrashIncluded = true;
if ( sReading )
sReading = KProtocolInfo::supportsReading( url );
if ( sWriting )
sWriting = KProtocolInfo::supportsWriting( url );
if ( sDeleting )
sDeleting = KProtocolInfo::supportsDeleting( url );
if ( sMoving )
sMoving = KProtocolInfo::supportsMoving( url );
if ( url.protocol().find("device", 0, false)==0)
devicesFile = true;
// Be on the safe side when including the trash
if ( bTrashIncluded )
sMoving = false;
sDeleting = false;
//check if current url is trash
url = m_sViewURL;
m_info.m_Reading = sReading;
m_info.m_Writing = sWriting;
m_info.m_Deleting = sDeleting;
m_info.m_Moving = sMoving;
m_info.m_TrashIncluded = bTrashIncluded;
//check if url is current directory
if ( m_lstItems.count() == 1 )
KURL firstPopupURL ( m_lstItems.first()->url() );
//kdDebug(1203) << "View path is " << url.url() << endl;
//kdDebug(1203) << "First popup path is " << firstPopupURL.url() << endl;
currentDir = firstPopupURL.equals( url, true /* ignore_trailing */ );
bool isCurrentTrash = ( url.isLocalFile() &&
url.path(1) == KGlobalSettings::trashPath() &&
currentDir) ||
( m_lstItems.count() == 1 && bTrashIncluded );
bool isIntoTrash = url.isLocalFile() && url.path(1).startsWith(KGlobalSettings::trashPath());
KAction * act;
if (!isCurrentTrash)
addMerge( "konqueror" );
bool isKDesktop = QCString( kapp->name() ) == "kdesktop";
QString openStr = isKDesktop ? i18n( "&Open" ) : i18n( "Open in New &Window" );
KAction *actNewView = 0L;
if (showPropertiesAndFileType && isKDesktop &&
showPropertiesAndFileType = false;
if (!m_actions.action("newview"))
actNewView = new KAction( openStr, "window_new", 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupNewView() ), &m_ownActions, "newview" );
if ( actNewView && !isKDesktop )
if (isCurrentTrash)
actNewView->setStatusText( i18n( "Open the trash in a new window" ) );
actNewView->setStatusText( i18n( "Open the document in a new window" ) );
if ( isCurrentTrash )
if (actNewView)
addAction( actNewView );
addGroup( "tabhandling" );
act = new KAction( i18n( "&Empty Trash Bin" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupEmptyTrashBin() ), &m_ownActions, "empytrash" );
addAction( act );
if ( KPropertiesDialog::canDisplay( m_lstItems ) && showPropertiesAndFileType )
act = new KAction( i18n( "&Properties" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupProperties() ),
&m_ownActions, "properties" );
addAction( act );
m_factory->addClient( this );
if ( S_ISDIR(mode) && sWriting && !isIntoTrash ) // A dir, and we can create things into it
if ( currentDir && m_pMenuNew ) // Current dir -> add the "new" menu
// As requested by KNewMenu :
m_pMenuNew->setPopupFiles( m_lstPopupURLs );
addAction( m_pMenuNew );
if ( d->m_hierarchicalDirectoryView)
KAction *actNewDir = new KAction( i18n( "Create Director&y..." ), "folder_new", 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupNewDir() ), &m_ownActions, "newdir" );
addAction( actNewDir );
// hack for khtml pages/frames
bool httpPage = (m_sViewURL.protocol().find("http", 0, false) == 0);
if ( currentDir || httpPage ) // rmb on background or html frame
if (!httpPage)
addAction( "up" ); // don't show when viewing html
addAction( "back" );
addAction( "forward" );
if (httpPage)
addAction( "reload" ); // only show when viewing html
// "open in new window" always available
if (actNewView)
addAction( actNewView );
addGroup( "tabhandling" );
bool separatorAdded = false;
if ( !currentDir && sReading && !isIntoTrash &&!devicesFile ) {
separatorAdded = true;
if ( sDeleting ) {
addAction( "cut" );
addAction( "copy" );
if ( S_ISDIR(mode) && sWriting && !isIntoTrash) {
if ( !separatorAdded )
if ( currentDir )
addAction( "paste" );
addAction( "pasteto" );
if ( !isIntoTrash )
if (!currentDir )
if ( sReading || sWriting ) // only if we added an action above
if ( m_lstItems.count() == 1 && sWriting )
if ( sMoving )
addAction( "trash" );
if ( sDeleting ) {
addAction( "del" );
if ( !isCurrentTrash && !isIntoTrash )
act = new KAction( i18n( "&Add to Bookmarks" ), "bookmark_add", 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupAddToBookmark() ), &m_ownActions, "bookmark_add" );
if (kapp->authorizeKAction("bookmarks"))
addAction( act );
ServiceList builtin;
ServiceList user;
QMap<QString, ServiceList> userSubmenus;
bool isSingleLocal = (m_lstItems.count() == 1 && m_lstItems.first()->url().isLocalFile());
// 1 - Look for builtin and user-defined services
if ( m_sMimeType == "application/x-desktop" && isSingleLocal ) // .desktop file
// get builtin services, like mount/unmount
builtin = KDEDesktopMimeType::builtinServices( m_lstItems.first()->url() );
user = KDEDesktopMimeType::userDefinedServices( m_lstItems.first()->url().path(), url.isLocalFile() );
if ( !isCurrentTrash && !isIntoTrash)
// 2 - Look for "servicesmenus" bindings (konqueror-specific user-defined services)
// first check the .directory if this is a directory
if (isDirectory && isSingleLocal)
QString dotDirectoryFile = m_lstItems.first()->url().path(1).append(".directory");
KSimpleConfig cfg( dotDirectoryFile, true );
if (KIOSKAuthorizedAction(cfg))
QString submenuName = cfg.readEntry( "X-KDE-Submenu" );
if (submenuName.isEmpty())
user += KDEDesktopMimeType::userDefinedServices( dotDirectoryFile, true );
userSubmenus[submenuName] += KDEDesktopMimeType::userDefinedServices( dotDirectoryFile, true );
QStringList dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs( "data", "konqueror/servicemenus/" );
QStringList::ConstIterator dIt = dirs.begin();
QStringList::ConstIterator dEnd = dirs.end();
for (; dIt != dEnd; ++dIt )
QDir dir( *dIt );
QStringList entries = dir.entryList( QDir::Files );
QStringList::ConstIterator eIt = entries.begin();
QStringList::ConstIterator eEnd = entries.end();
for (; eIt != eEnd; ++eIt )
KSimpleConfig cfg( *dIt + *eIt, true );
if (!KIOSKAuthorizedAction(cfg))
if ( cfg.hasKey( "X-KDE-ShowIfRunning" ) )
QString app = cfg.readEntry( "X-KDE-ShowIfRunning" );
if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isApplicationRegistered( app.utf8() ) )
if ( cfg.hasKey( "Actions" ) && cfg.hasKey( "ServiceTypes" ) )
QStringList types = cfg.readListEntry( "ServiceTypes" );
QStringList excludeTypes = cfg.readListEntry( "ExcludeServiceTypes" );
bool ok = false;
QString mimeGroup = m_sMimeType.left(m_sMimeType.find('/'));
// check for exact matches or a typeglob'd mimetype if we have a mimetype
for (QStringList::iterator it = types.begin(); it != types.end(); ++it)
// we could cram the following three if statements into
// one gigantic boolean statement but that would be a
// hororr show for readability
// first check if we have an all mimetype
if (*it == "all/all" ||
*it == "allfiles" /*compat with KDE up to 3.0.3*/)
if ( !excludeTypes.contains( m_sMimeType))
ok = true;
// next, do we match all files?
if (*it == "all/allfiles" &&
!isDirectory) // ## or inherits from it
if ( !excludeTypes.contains( m_sMimeType))
ok = true;
// if we have a mimetype, see if we have an exact or type
// globbed match
if (!m_sMimeType.isNull() &&
(*it == m_sMimeType ||
((*it).right(1) == "*" &&
(*it).left((*it).find('/')) == mimeGroup)))
if (!excludeTypes.contains( m_sMimeType))
ok = true;
if ( ok )
// we use the categories .desktop entry to define submenus
// if none is defined, we just pop it in the main menu
QString submenuName = cfg.readEntry( "X-KDE-Submenu" );
if (submenuName.isEmpty())
user += KDEDesktopMimeType::userDefinedServices( *dIt + *eIt, url.isLocalFile() );
userSubmenus[submenuName] += KDEDesktopMimeType::userDefinedServices( *dIt + *eIt, url.isLocalFile() );
KTrader::OfferList offers;
if (kapp->authorizeKAction("openwith"))
// if check m_sMimeType.isNull (no commom mime type) set it to all/all
// 3 - Query for applications
offers = KTrader::self()->query( m_sMimeType.isNull( ) ? QString::fromLatin1( "all/all" ) : m_sMimeType ,
"Type == 'Application' and DesktopEntryName != 'kfmclient' and DesktopEntryName != 'kfmclient_dir' and DesktopEntryName != 'kfmclient_html'" );
//// Ok, we have everything, now insert
if ( !devicesFile)
if ( !offers.isEmpty() )
// First block, app and preview offers
id = 1;
QDomElement menu = m_menuElement;
if ( offers.count() > 1 ) // submenu 'open with'
menu = m_doc.createElement( "menu" );
menu.setAttribute( "name", "openwith submenu" );
m_menuElement.appendChild( menu );
QDomElement text = m_doc.createElement( "text" );
menu.appendChild( text );
text.appendChild( m_doc.createTextNode( i18n("&Open With") ) );
if ( menu == m_menuElement ) // no submenu -> open with... above the single offer
KAction *openWithAct = new KAction( i18n( "&Open With..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupOpenWith() ), &m_ownActions, "openwith" );
addAction( openWithAct, menu );
KTrader::OfferList::ConstIterator it = offers.begin();
for( ; it != offers.end(); it++ )
QCString nam;
nam.setNum( id );
act = new KAction( (*it)->name(), (*it)->pixmap( KIcon::Small ), 0,
this, SLOT( slotRunService() ),
&m_ownActions, nam.prepend( "appservice_" ) );
addAction( act, menu );
m_mapPopup[ id++ ] = *it;
if ( menu != m_menuElement ) // submenu
addSeparator( menu );
KAction *openWithAct = new KAction( i18n( "&Other..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupOpenWith() ), &m_ownActions, "openwith" );
addAction( openWithAct, menu ); // Other...
else // no app offers -> Open With...
act = new KAction( i18n( "&Open With..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupOpenWith() ), &m_ownActions, "openwith" );
addAction( act );
addGroup( "preview" );
// Second block, builtin + user
if ( !user.isEmpty() || !userSubmenus.empty() || !builtin.isEmpty() )
QDomElement actionMenu = m_doc.createElement( "menu" );
actionMenu.setAttribute( "name", "actions submenu" );
m_menuElement.appendChild( actionMenu );
QDomElement text = m_doc.createElement( "text" );
actionMenu.appendChild( text );
text.appendChild( m_doc.createTextNode( i18n("Ac&tions") ) );
QMap<QString, ServiceList>::Iterator it;
for (it = userSubmenus.begin(); it != userSubmenus.end(); ++it)
if (
//avoid empty sub-menus
QDomElement actionSubmenu = m_doc.createElement( "menu" );
actionSubmenu.setAttribute( "name", "actions " + it.key() );
actionMenu.appendChild( actionSubmenu );
QDomElement subtext = m_doc.createElement( "text" );
actionSubmenu.appendChild( subtext );
subtext.appendChild( m_doc.createTextNode( it.key() ) );
insertServices(, actionSubmenu, false);
insertServices(user, actionMenu, false);
insertServices(builtin, actionMenu, true);
if ( !isCurrentTrash && !isIntoTrash && !devicesFile)
addPlugins( ); // now it's time to add plugins
if ( !m_sMimeType.isEmpty() && showPropertiesAndFileType && !isCurrentTrash && !isIntoTrash &&!devicesFile)
act = new KAction( i18n( "&Edit File Type..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupMimeType() ),
&m_ownActions, "editfiletype" );
addAction( act );
if ( KPropertiesDialog::canDisplay( m_lstItems ) && showPropertiesAndFileType )
act = new KAction( i18n( "&Properties" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotPopupProperties() ),
&m_ownActions, "properties" );
addAction( act );
while ( !m_menuElement.lastChild().isNull() &&
m_menuElement.lastChild().toElement().tagName().lower() == "separator" )
m_menuElement.removeChild( m_menuElement.lastChild() );
if( bCanChangeSharing && !isCurrentTrash && !isIntoTrash)
QString label;
act = new KAction( label, 0, this, SLOT( slotOpenShareFileDialog() ),
&m_ownActions, "sharefile" );
addAction( act );
addMerge( 0 );
m_factory->addClient( this );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotOpenShareFileDialog()
// It may be that the kfileitem was created by hand
// (see KonqKfmIconView::slotMouseButtonPressed)
// In that case, we can get more precise info in the properties
// (like permissions) if we stat the URL.
if ( m_lstItems.count() == 1 )
KFileItem * item = m_lstItems.first();
if (item->entry().count() == 0) // this item wasn't listed by a slave
// KPropertiesDialog will use stat to get more info on the file
KPropertiesDialog*dlg= new KPropertiesDialog( item->url(), d->m_parentWidget );
KPropertiesDialog*dlg=new KPropertiesDialog( m_lstItems, d->m_parentWidget );
delete m_factory;
delete m_builder;
delete d;
kdDebug(1203) << "~KonqPopupMenu leave" << endl;
void KonqPopupMenu::setURLTitle( const QString& urlTitle )
d->m_urlTitle = urlTitle;
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupNewView()
KURL::List::ConstIterator it = m_lstPopupURLs.begin();
for ( ; it != m_lstPopupURLs.end(); it++ )
(void) new KRun(*it);
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupNewDir()
if (m_lstPopupURLs.empty())
KonqOperations::newDir(d->m_parentWidget, m_lstPopupURLs.first());
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupEmptyTrashBin()
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupOpenWith()
KRun::displayOpenWithDialog( m_lstPopupURLs );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupAddToBookmark()
KBookmarkGroup root = m_pManager->root();
if ( m_lstPopupURLs.count() == 1 ) {
KURL url = m_lstPopupURLs.first();
QString title = d->m_urlTitle.isEmpty() ? url.prettyURL() : d->m_urlTitle;
root.addBookmark( m_pManager, title, url.url() );
KURL::List::ConstIterator it = m_lstPopupURLs.begin();
for ( ; it != m_lstPopupURLs.end(); it++ )
root.addBookmark( m_pManager, (*it).prettyURL(), (*it).url() );
m_pManager->emitChanged( root );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotRunService()
QCString senderName = sender()->name();
int id = senderName.mid( senderName.find( '_' ) + 1 ).toInt();
// Is it a usual service (application)
QMap<int,KService::Ptr>::Iterator it = m_mapPopup.find( id );
if ( it != m_mapPopup.end() )
KRun::run( **it, m_lstPopupURLs );
// Is it a service specific to desktop entry files ?
QMap<int,KDEDesktopMimeType::Service>::Iterator it2 = m_mapPopupServices.find( id );
if ( it2 != m_mapPopupServices.end() )
KDEDesktopMimeType::executeService( m_lstPopupURLs, );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupMimeType()
KonqOperations::editMimeType( m_sMimeType );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupProperties()
// It may be that the kfileitem was created by hand
// (see KonqKfmIconView::slotMouseButtonPressed)
// In that case, we can get more precise info in the properties
// (like permissions) if we stat the URL.
if ( m_lstItems.count() == 1 )
KFileItem * item = m_lstItems.first();
if (item->entry().count() == 0) // this item wasn't listed by a slave
// KPropertiesDialog will use stat to get more info on the file
(void) new KPropertiesDialog( item->url(), d->m_parentWidget );
(void) new KPropertiesDialog( m_lstItems, d->m_parentWidget );
KAction *KonqPopupMenu::action( const QDomElement &element ) const
QCString name = element.attribute( attrName ).ascii();
KAction *res = m_ownActions.action( name );
if ( !res )
res = m_actions.action( name );
if ( !res && m_pMenuNew && strcmp( name, m_pMenuNew->name() ) == 0 )
return m_pMenuNew;
return res;
KActionCollection *KonqPopupMenu::actionCollection() const
return const_cast<KActionCollection *>( &m_ownActions );
QString KonqPopupMenu::mimeType( ) const {
return m_sMimeType;
KonqPopupMenu::ProtocolInfo KonqPopupMenu::protocolInfo() const
return m_info;
void KonqPopupMenu::addPlugins( ){
// search for Konq_PopupMenuPlugins inspired by simons kpropsdlg
//search for a plugin with the right protocol
KTrader::OfferList plugin_offers;
unsigned int pluginCount = 0;
plugin_offers = KTrader::self()->query( m_sMimeType.isNull() ? QString::fromLatin1( "all/all" ) : m_sMimeType , "'KonqPopupMenu/Plugin' in ServiceTypes");
if ( plugin_offers.isEmpty() )
return; // no plugins installed do not bother about it
KTrader::OfferList::ConstIterator iterator = plugin_offers.begin( );
KTrader::OfferList::ConstIterator end = plugin_offers.end( );
addGroup( "plugins" );
// travers the offerlist
for(; iterator != end; ++iterator, ++pluginCount ){
KonqPopupMenuPlugin *plugin =
createInstanceFromLibrary<KonqPopupMenuPlugin>( (*iterator)->library().local8Bit(),
(*iterator)->name().latin1() );
if ( !plugin )
QString pluginClientName = QString::fromLatin1( "Plugin%1" ).arg( pluginCount );
addMerge( pluginClientName );
plugin->domDocument().documentElement().setAttribute( "name", pluginClientName );
m_pluginList.append( plugin );
insertChildClient( plugin );
addMerge( "plugins" );
KURL KonqPopupMenu::url( ) const {
return m_sViewURL;
KFileItemList KonqPopupMenu::fileItemList( ) const {
return m_lstItems;
KURL::List KonqPopupMenu::popupURLList( ) const {
return m_lstPopupURLs;
KonqPopupMenuPlugin::KonqPopupMenuPlugin( KonqPopupMenu *parent, const char *name )
: QObject( parent, name ) {
KonqPopupMenuPlugin::~KonqPopupMenuPlugin( ){
#include "konq_popupmenu.moc"