
409 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 David Faure <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qdir.h>
#include <opMenu.h>
#include <kbookmark.h>
#include <kio_job.h>
#include <kio_openwith.h>
#include <kio_paste.h>
#include <kpixmapcache.h>
#include <kprotocolmanager.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kservices.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kuserprofile.h>
#include <userpaths.h>
#include "kpropsdlg.h"
#include "knewmenu.h"
#include "kpopupmenu.h"
KonqPopupMenu::KonqPopupMenu( QStringList urls,
mode_t mode,
QString viewURL,
bool canGoBack,
bool canGoForward,
bool isMenubarHidden )
: m_pMenuNew(0L), m_sViewURL(viewURL), m_lstPopupURLs(urls), m_popupMode(mode)
assert( m_lstPopupURLs.count() >= 1 );
m_popupMenu = new OPMenu;
bool bHttp = true;
bool isTrash = true;
bool currentDir = false;
bool isCurrentTrash = false;
bool sReading = true;
bool sWriting = true;
bool sDeleting = true;
bool sMoving = true;
bool hasUpURL = false;
int id;
KProtocolManager pManager = KProtocolManager::self();
KURL url;
QStringList::ConstIterator it = m_lstPopupURLs.begin();
// Check whether all URLs are correct
for ( ; it != m_lstPopupURLs.end(); it++ )
url = KURL( *it );
if ( url.isMalformed() )
// emit error( ERR_MALFORMED_URL, s );
QString protocol = url.protocol();
if ( protocol != "http" ) bHttp = false; // not HTTP
// check if all urls are in the trash
if ( isTrash )
QString path = url.path();
if ( path.right(1) != "/" )
path += "/";
if ( protocol != "file" ||
path != UserPaths::trashPath() )
isTrash = false;
if ( sReading )
sReading = pManager.supportsReading( protocol );
if ( sWriting )
sWriting = pManager.supportsWriting( protocol );
if ( sDeleting )
sDeleting = pManager.supportsDeleting( protocol );
if ( sMoving )
sMoving = pManager.supportsMoving( protocol );
//check if current url is trash
url = KURL( m_sViewURL );
if ( url.protocol() == "file" &&
url.path(1) == UserPaths::trashPath() )
isCurrentTrash = true;
//check if url is current directory
if ( m_lstPopupURLs.count() == 1 )
KURL firstPopupURL = KURL(m_lstPopupURLs.getFirst());
kdebug(0, 1203, "View path is %s",url.path(1).data());
kdebug(0, 1203, "First popup path is %s",firstPopupURL.path(1).data());
if ( firstPopupURL.protocol() == url.protocol()
&& url.path(1) == firstPopupURL.path(1) )
currentDir = true;
// ok, now check if we enable 'up'
if ( url.hasPath() )
hasUpURL = ( url.path(1) != "/");
QObject::disconnect( m_popupMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotPopup( int ) ) );
// check if menubar is hidden and if yes add "Show Menubar"
if (isMenubarHidden)
m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Show Menubar"), KPOPUPMENU_SHOWMENUBAR_ID );
if ( isTrash )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n( "New view" ),
this, SLOT( slotPopupNewView() ) );
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n( "Empty Trash Bin" ),
this, SLOT( slotPopupEmptyTrashBin() ) );
else if ( S_ISDIR( (mode_t)m_popupMode ) )
//we don't want to use OpenParts here, because of "missing" interface
//methods for the popup menu (wouldn't make much sense imho) (Simon)
m_pMenuNew = new KNewMenu();
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n("&New"), m_pMenuNew->popupMenu() );
if ( currentDir ) {
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *KPixmapCache::toolbarPixmap( "up.xpm" ), i18n( "Up" ), KPOPUPMENU_UP_ID );
m_popupMenu->setItemEnabled( id, hasUpURL );
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *KPixmapCache::toolbarPixmap( "back.xpm" ), i18n( "Back" ), KPOPUPMENU_BACK_ID );
m_popupMenu->setItemEnabled( id, canGoBack );
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *KPixmapCache::toolbarPixmap( "forward.xpm" ), i18n( "Forward" ), KPOPUPMENU_FORWARD_ID );
m_popupMenu->setItemEnabled( id, canGoForward );
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n( "New View"), this, SLOT( slotPopupNewView() ) );
if ( sReading )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *KPixmapCache::toolbarPixmap( "editcopy.xpm" ), i18n( "Copy" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupCopy() ) );
if ( sWriting )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *KPixmapCache::toolbarPixmap( "editpaste.xpm" ), i18n( "Paste" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupPaste() ) );
if ( isClipboardEmpty() )
m_popupMenu->setItemEnabled( id, false );
if ( sMoving && !isCurrentTrash && !currentDir )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *KPixmapCache::pixmap( "kfm_trash.xpm", true ), i18n( "Move to trash" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupTrash() ) );
if ( sDeleting && !currentDir )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n( "Delete" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupDelete() ) );
if ( bHttp )
/* Should be for http URLs (HTML pages) only ... */
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n( "New View"), this, SLOT( slotPopupNewView() ) );
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n( "Open with" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupOpenWith() ) );
if ( sReading )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *KPixmapCache::toolbarPixmap( "editcopy.xpm" ), i18n( "Copy" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupCopy() ) );
if ( sMoving && !isCurrentTrash && !currentDir )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *KPixmapCache::pixmap( "kfm_trash.xpm", true ), i18n( "Move to trash" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupTrash() ) );
if ( sDeleting && !currentDir )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n( "Delete" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupDelete() ) );
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n( "Add To Bookmarks" ), this, SLOT( slotPopupAddToBookmark() ) );
if ( m_pMenuNew ) m_pMenuNew->setPopupFiles( m_lstPopupURLs );
// Do all URLs have the same mimetype ?
url = KURL( m_lstPopupURLs.getFirst() );
KMimeType* mime = KMimeType::findByURL( url, m_popupMode );
ASSERT( mime );
it = m_lstPopupURLs.begin();
for( ++it /* skip first */; it != m_lstPopupURLs.end(); ++it )
KURL u( *it );
KMimeType* m = KMimeType::findByURL( u, m_popupMode );
if ( m != mime )
mime = 0L;
if ( mime )
KServiceTypeProfile::OfferList offers = KServiceTypeProfile::offers( mime->name() );
QValueList<KDEDesktopMimeType::Service> builtin;
QValueList<KDEDesktopMimeType::Service> user;
if ( mime->name() == "application/x-desktop" )
builtin = KDEDesktopMimeType::builtinServices( url );
user = KDEDesktopMimeType::userDefinedServices( url );
if ( !offers.isEmpty() || !user.isEmpty() || !builtin.isEmpty() )
QObject::connect( m_popupMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotPopup( int ) ) );
if ( !offers.isEmpty() || !user.isEmpty() )
KServiceTypeProfile::OfferList::Iterator it = offers.begin();
for( ; it != offers.end(); it++ )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *(KPixmapCache::pixmap( it->service()->icon(), true ) ),
it->service()->name() );
m_mapPopup[ id ] = it->service();
QValueList<KDEDesktopMimeType::Service>::Iterator it2 = user.begin();
for( ; it2 != user.end(); ++it2 )
if ( !it2->m_strIcon.isEmpty() )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *(KPixmapCache::pixmap( it2->m_strIcon, true ) ), it2->m_strName );
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( it2->m_strName );
m_mapPopup2[ id ] = *it2;
if ( builtin.count() > 0 )
it2 = builtin.begin();
for( ; it2 != builtin.end(); ++it2 )
if ( !it2->m_strIcon.isEmpty() )
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( *(KPixmapCache::pixmap( it2->m_strIcon, true ) ), it2->m_strName );
id = m_popupMenu->insertItem( it2->m_strName );
m_mapPopup2[ id ] = *it2;
if ( m_lstPopupURLs.count() == 1 )
m_popupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Properties"), this, SLOT( slotPopupProperties() ) );
int KonqPopupMenu::exec( QPoint p )
return m_popupMenu->exec( p );
delete m_popupMenu;
if ( m_pMenuNew ) delete m_pMenuNew;
void KonqPopupMenu::slotFileNewActivated( CORBA::Long id )
if ( m_pMenuNew )
QStringList urls;
urls.append( m_sViewURL );
m_pMenuNew->setPopupFiles( urls );
m_pMenuNew->slotNewFile( (int)id );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotFileNewAboutToShow()
if ( m_pMenuNew )
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupNewView()
QStringList::ConstIterator it = m_lstPopupURLs.begin();
for ( ; it != m_lstPopupURLs.end(); it++ )
(void) new KRun(*it);
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupEmptyTrashBin()
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupCopy()
// TODO (kclipboard.h will probably have to be ported to QStringList)
// KClipboard::self()->setURLList( m_lstPopupURLs );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupPaste()
assert( m_lstPopupURLs.count() == 1 );
pasteClipboard( m_lstPopupURLs.getFirst() );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupTrash()
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupDelete()
KIOJob *job = new KIOJob;
list<string> lst;
QStringList::Iterator it = m_lstPopupURLs.begin();
for ( ; it != m_lstPopupURLs.end(); ++it )
lst.push_back( it->data() );
job->del( lst );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupOpenWith()
OpenWithDlg l( i18n("Open With:"), "", (QWidget*)0L, true );
if ( l.exec() )
KService *service = l.service();
if ( service )
KRun::run( *service, m_lstPopupURLs );
QString exec = l.text();
exec += " %f";
KRun::runOldApplication( exec, m_lstPopupURLs, false );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupAddToBookmark()
KBookmark *root = KBookmarkManager::self()->root();
QStringList::ConstIterator it = m_lstPopupURLs.begin();
for ( ; it != m_lstPopupURLs.end(); it++ )
(void)new KBookmark( KBookmarkManager::self(), root, *it, *it );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopup( int id )
// Is it a usual service
QMap<int,const KService *>::Iterator it = m_mapPopup.find( id );
if ( it != m_mapPopup.end() )
KRun::run( *(, m_lstPopupURLs );
// Is it a service specific to desktop entry files ?
QMap<int,KDEDesktopMimeType::Service>::Iterator it2 = m_mapPopup2.find( id );
if ( it2 == m_mapPopup2.end() )
QStringList::Iterator it3 = m_lstPopupURLs.begin();
for( ; it3 != m_lstPopupURLs.end(); ++it3 )
KDEDesktopMimeType::executeService( *it3, );
void KonqPopupMenu::slotPopupProperties()
assert ( m_lstPopupURLs.count() == 1 );
(void) new PropertiesDialog( m_lstPopupURLs.getFirst(), m_popupMode );
#include "kpopupmenu.moc"