2024-03-27 17:48:18 +01:00

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obj repo rev
application 2024-03-27


Gum provides highly configurable, ready-to-use utilities to help you write useful shell scripts and dotfiles aliases with just a few lines of code.




TYPE=$(gum choose "fix" "feat" "docs" "style" "refactor" "test" "chore" "revert")
SCOPE=$(gum input --placeholder "scope")

# Since the scope is optional, wrap it in parentheses if it has a value.
test -n "$SCOPE" && SCOPE="($SCOPE)"

# Pre-populate the input with the type(scope): so that the user may change it
SUMMARY=$(gum input --value "$TYPE$SCOPE: " --placeholder "Summary of this change")
DESCRIPTION=$(gum write --placeholder "Details of this change (CTRL+D to finish)")

# Commit these changes
gum confirm "Commit changes?" && git commit -m "$SUMMARY" -m "$DESCRIPTION"

gum choose

Choose an option from a list of choices
Usage: gum choose [<options> ...]

Option Environment Variable Description
--ordered $GUM_CHOOSE_ORDERED Maintain the order of the selected options
--height=10 $GUM_CHOOSE_HEIGHT Height of the list
--cursor="> " $GUM_CHOOSE_CURSOR Prefix to show on item that corresponds to the cursor position
--header="" $GUM_CHOOSE_HEADER Header value
--cursor-prefix="○ " $GUM_CHOOSE_CURSOR_PREFIX Prefix to show on the cursor item (hidden if limit is 1)
--selected-prefix="◉ " $GUM_CHOOSE_SELECTED_PREFIX Prefix to show on selected items (hidden if limit is 1)
--unselected-prefix="○ " $GUM_CHOOSE_UNSELECTED_PREFIX Prefix to show on unselected items (hidden if limit is 1)
--selected=,... $GUM_CHOOSE_SELECTED Options that should start as selected
--timeout=0 $GUM_CCHOOSE_TIMEOUT Timeout until choose returns selected element
--limit=1 - Maximum number of options to pick
--no-limit - Pick unlimited number of options (ignores limit)
--select-if-one - Select the given option if there is only one
--cursor.foreground="212" $GUM_CHOOSE_CURSOR_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--header.foreground="240" $GUM_CHOOSE_HEADER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--item.foreground="" $GUM_CHOOSE_ITEM_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--selected.foreground="212" $GUM_CHOOSE_SELECTED_FOREGROUND Foreground Color

Choose an option from a list of choices.

echo "Pick a card, any card..."
CARD=$(gum choose --height 15 {{A,K,Q,J},{10..2}}" "{♠,♥,♣,♦})
echo "Was your card the $CARD?"

gum confirm

Ask a user to confirm an action
Usage: gum confirm [<prompt>]

Option Environment Variable Description
--default - Default confirmation action
--affirmative="Yes" - The title of the affirmative action
--negative="No" - The title of the negative action
--timeout=0 $GUM_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT Timeout until confirm returns selected value or default if provided
--prompt.foreground="" $GUM_CONFIRM_PROMPT_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--selected.foreground="230" $GUM_CONFIRM_SELECTED_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--unselected.foreground="254" $GUM_CONFIRM_UNSELECTED_FOREGROUND Foreground Color

Confirm whether to perform an action. Exits with code 0 (affirmative) or 1 (negative) depending on selection.

gum confirm && rm file.txt || echo "File not removed"

gum file

Pick a file from a folder
Usage: gum file [<path>]

Option Environment Variable Description
[<path>] $GUM_FILE_PATH The path to the folder to begin traversing
-c, --cursor=">" $GUM_FILE_CURSOR The cursor character
-a, --all $GUM_FILE_ALL Show hidden and 'dot' files
--file $GUM_FILE_FILE Allow files selection
--directory $GUM_FILE_DIRECTORY Allow directories selection
--height=0 $GUM_FILE_HEIGHT Maximum number of files to display
--timeout=0 $GUM_FILE_TIMEOUT Timeout until command aborts without a selection
--cursor.foreground="212" $GUM_FILE_CURSOR_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--symlink.foreground="36" $GUM_FILE_SYMLINK_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--directory.foreground="99" $GUM_FILE_DIRECTORY_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--file.foreground="" $GUM_FILE_FILE_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--permissions.foreground="244" $GUM_FILE_PERMISSIONS_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--selected.foreground="212" $GUM_FILE_SELECTED_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--file-size.foreground="240" $GUM_FILE_FILE_SIZE_FOREGROUND Foreground Color

Prompt the user to select a file from the file tree.

EDITOR $(gum file $HOME)

gum filter

Filter items from a list
Usage: gum filter [<options> ...]

Option Environment Variable Description
--indicator="•" $GUM_FILTER_INDICATOR Character for selection
--selected-prefix=" ◉ " $GUM_FILTER_SELECTED_PREFIX Character to indicate selected items (hidden if limit is 1)
--unselected-prefix=" ○ " $GUM_FILTER_UNSELECTED_PREFIX Character to indicate unselected items (hidden if limit is 1)
--header="" $GUM_FILTER_HEADER Header value
--placeholder="Filter..." $GUM_FILTER_PLACEHOLDER Placeholder value
--prompt="> " $GUM_FILTER_PROMPT Prompt to display
--width=20 $GUM_FILTER_WIDTH Input width
--height=0 $GUM_FILTER_HEIGHT Input height
--value="" $GUM_FILTER_VALUE Initial filter value
--reverse $GUM_FILTER_REVERSE Display from the bottom of the screen
--[no-]fuzzy $GUM_FILTER_FUZZY Enable fuzzy matching
--[no-]sort $GUM_FILTER_SORT Sort the results
--timeout=0 $GUM_FILTER_TIMEOUT Timeout until filter command aborts
--indicator.foreground="212" $GUM_FILTER_INDICATOR_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--selected-indicator.foreground="212" $GUM_FILTER_SELECTED_PREFIX_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--unselected-prefix.foreground="240" $GUM_FILTER_UNSELECTED_PREFIX_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--header.foreground="240" $GUM_FILTER_HEADER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--text.foreground="" $GUM_FILTER_TEXT_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--cursor-text.foreground="" $GUM_FILTER_CURSOR_TEXT_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--match.foreground="212" $GUM_FILTER_MATCH_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--prompt.foreground="240" $GUM_FILTER_PROMPT_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--limit=1 - Maximum number of options to pick
--no-limit - Pick unlimited number of options (ignores limit)
--select-if-one - Select the given option if there is only one
--[no-]strict - Only returns if anything matched. Otherwise return Filter

Use fuzzy matching to filter a list of values:

echo Strawberry >> flavors.txt
echo Banana >> flavors.txt
echo Cherry >> flavors.txt
cat flavors.txt | gum filter > selection.txt

gum format

Format a string using a template
Usage: gum format [<template> ...]

Option Environment Variable Description
[<template> ...] - Template string to format (can also be provided via stdin)
--theme="pink" $GUM_FORMAT_THEME Glamour theme to use for markdown formatting
-l, --language="" $GUM_FORMAT_LANGUAGE Programming language to parse code
-t, --type="markdown" $GUM_FORMAT_TYPE Format to use (markdown, template, code, emoji)

format processes and formats bodies of text. gum format can parse markdown, template strings, and named emojis.

# Format some markdown
gum format -- "# Gum Formats" "- Markdown" "- Code" "- Template" "- Emoji"
echo "# Gum Formats\n- Markdown\n- Code\n- Template\n- Emoji" | gum format

# Syntax highlight some code
cat main.go | gum format -t code

# Render text any way you want with templates
echo '{{ Bold "Tasty" }} {{ Italic "Bubble" }} {{ Color "99" "0" " Gum " }}' \
    | gum format -t template

# Display your favorite emojis!
echo 'I :heart: Bubble Gum :candy:' | gum format -t emoji

gum input

Prompt for some input
Usage: gum input

Option Environment Variable Description
--placeholder="Type something..." $GUM_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER Placeholder value
--prompt="> " $GUM_INPUT_PROMPT Prompt to display
--cursor.mode="blink" $GUM_INPUT_CURSOR_MODE Cursor mode
--value="" - Initial value (can also be passed via stdin)
--char-limit=400 - Maximum value length (0 for no limit)
--width=40 $GUM_INPUT_WIDTH Input width (0 for terminal width)
--password - Mask input characters
--header="" $GUM_INPUT_HEADER Header value
--timeout=0 $GUM_INPUT_TIMEOUT Timeout until input aborts
--prompt.foreground="" $GUM_INPUT_PROMPT_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--cursor.foreground="212" $GUM_INPUT_CURSOR_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--header.foreground="240" $GUM_INPUT_HEADER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color

Prompt for input with a simple command.

gum input > answer.txt

Prompt for sensitive input with the --password flag.

gum input --password > password.txt

gum join

Join text vertically or horizontally
Usage: gum join <text> ...

Option Description
--align="left" Text alignment
--horizontal Join (potentially multi-line) strings horizontally
--vertical Join (potentially multi-line) strings vertically

Combine text vertically or horizontally. Use this command with gum style to build layouts and pretty output.

Tip: Always wrap the output of gum style in quotes to preserve newlines (\n) when using it as an argument in the join command.

I=$(gum style --padding "1 5" --border double --border-foreground 212 "I")
LOVE=$(gum style --padding "1 4" --border double --border-foreground 57 "LOVE")
BUBBLE=$(gum style --padding "1 8" --border double --border-foreground 255 "Bubble")
GUM=$(gum style --padding "1 5" --border double --border-foreground 240 "Gum")

I_LOVE=$(gum join "$I" "$LOVE")
BUBBLE_GUM=$(gum join "$BUBBLE" "$GUM")
gum join --align center --vertical "$I_LOVE" "$BUBBLE_GUM"

gum pager

Scroll through a file
Usage: gum pager [<content>]

Option Environment Variable Description
--show-line-numbers - Show line numbers
--soft-wrap - Soft wrap lines
--timeout=0 $GUM_PAGER_TIMEOUT Timeout until command exits
--foreground="" $GUM_PAGER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--help.foreground="241" $GUM_PAGER_HELP_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--line-number.foreground="237" $GUM_PAGER_LINE_NUMBER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--match.foreground="212" $GUM_PAGER_MATCH_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--match-highlight.foreground="235" $GUM_PAGER_MATCH_HIGH_FOREGROUND Foreground Color

Scroll through a long document with line numbers and a fully customizable viewport.

gum pager <

gum spin

Display spinner while running a command
Usage: gum spin <command> ...

Option Environment Variable Description
--show-output $GUM_SPIN_SHOW_OUTPUT Show or pipe output of command during execution
-s, --spinner="dot" $GUM_SPIN_SPINNER Spinner type. Available spinner types include: line, dot, minidot, jump, pulse, points, globe, moon, monkey, meter, hamburger.
--title="Loading..." $GUM_SPIN_TITLE Text to display to user while spinning
-a, --align="left" $GUM_SPIN_ALIGN Alignment of spinner with regard to the title
--timeout=0 $GUM_SPIN_TIMEOUT Timeout until spin command aborts
--spinner.foreground="212" $GUM_SPIN_SPINNER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--title.foreground="" $GUM_SPIN_TITLE_FOREGROUND Foreground Color

To view or pipe the command's output, use the --show-output flag.

gum spin --spinner dot --title "Buying Bubble Gum..." -- sleep 5

gum style

Apply coloring, borders, spacing to text
Usage: gum style [<text> ...]

Option Environment Variable Description
--foreground="" $FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--background="" $BACKGROUND Background Color
--border="none" $BORDER Border Style
--border-background="" $BORDER_BACKGROUND Border Background Color
--border-foreground="" $BORDER_FOREGROUND Border Foreground Color
--align="left" $ALIGN Text Alignment
--height=0 $HEIGHT Text height
--width=0 $WIDTH Text width
--margin="0 0" $MARGIN Text margin
--padding="0 0" $PADDING Text padding
--bold $BOLD Bold text
--faint $FAINT Faint text
--italic $ITALIC Italicize text
--strikethrough $STRIKETHROUGH Strikethrough text
--underline $UNDERLINE Underline text

Pretty print any string with any layout with one command.

gum style \
	--foreground 212 --border-foreground 212 --border double \
	--align center --width 50 --margin "1 2" --padding "2 4" \
	'Bubble Gum (1¢)' 'So sweet and so fresh!'

gum table

Render a table of data
Usage: gum table

Option Environment Variable Description
-s, --separator="," - Row separator
-c, --columns=COLUMNS,... - Column names
-w, --widths=WIDTHS,... - Column widths
--height=10 - Table height
-p, --print - static print
-f, --file="" - file path
-b, --border="rounded" - border style
--border.foreground="" $GUM_TABLE_BORDER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--cell.foreground="" $GUM_TABLE_CELL_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--header.foreground="" $GUM_TABLE_HEADER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--selected.foreground="212" $GUM_TABLE_SELECTED_FOREGROUND Foreground Color

Select a row from some tabular data.

gum table < flavors.csv | cut -d ',' -f 1

gum write

Prompt for long-form text
Usage: gum write

Option Environment Variable Description
--width=50 $GUM_WRITE_WIDTH Text area width (0 for terminal width)
--height=5 $GUM_WRITE_HEIGHT Text area height
--header="" $GUM_WRITE_HEADER Header value
--placeholder="Write something..." $GUM_WRITE_PLACEHOLDER Placeholder value
--prompt="┃ " $GUM_WRITE_PROMPT Prompt to display
--show-cursor-line $GUM_WRITE_SHOW_CURSOR_LINE Show cursor line
--show-line-numbers $GUM_WRITE_SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS Show line numbers
--value="" $GUM_WRITE_VALUE Initial value (can be passed via stdin)
--char-limit=400 - Maximum value length (0 for no limit)
--cursor.mode="blink" $GUM_WRITE_CURSOR_MODE Cursor mode
--base.foreground="" $GUM_WRITE_BASE_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--cursor-line-number.foreground="7" $GUM_WRITE_CURSOR_LINE_NUMBER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--cursor-line.foreground="" $GUM_WRITE_CURSOR_LINE_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--cursor.foreground="212" $GUM_WRITE_CURSOR_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--end-of-buffer.foreground="0" $GUM_WRITE_END_OF_BUFFER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--line-number.foreground="7" $GUM_WRITE_LINE_NUMBER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--header.foreground="240" $GUM_WRITE_HEADER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--placeholder.foreground="240" $GUM_WRITE_PLACEHOLDER_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--prompt.foreground="7" $GUM_WRITE_PROMPT_FOREGROUND Foreground Color


Note: CTRL+D is used to complete text entry. CTRL+C and esc will cancel.

gum write > story.txt

gum log

Log messages to output
Usage: gum log <text> ...

Option Environment Variable Description
-o, --file=STRING - Log to file
-f, --format - Format message using printf
--formatter="text" - The log formatter to use
-l, --level="none" - The log level to use
--prefix=STRING - Prefix to print before the message
-s, --structured - Use structured logging
-t, --time="" - The time format to use (kitchen, layout, ansic, rfc822, etc...)
--level.foreground="" $GUM_LOG_LEVEL_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--time.foreground="" $GUM_LOG_TIME_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--prefix.foreground="" $GUM_LOG_PREFIX_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--message.foreground="" $GUM_LOG_MESSAGE_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--key.foreground="" $GUM_LOG_KEY_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--value.foreground="" $GUM_LOG_VALUE_FOREGROUND Foreground Color
--separator.foreground="" $GUM_LOG_SEPARATOR_FOREGROUND Foreground Color

log logs messages to the terminal at using different levels and styling using the charmbracelet/log library.

# Log some debug information.
gum log --structured --level debug "Creating file..." name file.txt
# DEBUG Unable to create file. name=temp.txt

# Log some error.
gum log --structured --level error "Unable to create file." name file.txt
# ERROR Unable to create file. name=temp.txt

# Include a timestamp.
gum log --time rfc822 --level error "Unable to create file."


Connect to a TMUX session

Pick from a running tmux session and attach to it. Or, if you're already in a tmux session, switch sessions.

SESSION=$(tmux list-sessions -F \#S | gum filter --placeholder "Pick session...")
tmux switch-client -t $SESSION || tmux attach -t $SESSION

Pick commit hash from your Git history

Filter through your git history searching for commit messages, copying the commit hash of the commit you select.

git log --oneline | gum filter | cut -d' ' -f1 # | copy

Choose packages to uninstall

List all packages installed by your package manager (we'll use brew) and choose which packages to uninstall.

brew list | gum choose --no-limit | xargs brew uninstall

Choose branches to delete

List all branches and choose which branches to delete.

git branch | cut -c 3- | gum choose --no-limit | xargs git branch -D