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Docker is a utility to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container. Another container engine is Podman


Running containers

Docker runs processes in isolated containers. A container is a process which runs on a host. The host may be local or remote. When an operator executes docker run, the container process that runs is isolated in that it has its own file system, its own networking, and its own isolated process tree separate from the host.

Option Description
-d, --detach Run container in background
-i, --interactive Attach stdin, stdout, stderr
-t, --tty Allocate a pseudo-TTY
--rm Automatically remove the container when it exits
-p port Expose a port from container
-v src:target Bind a volume to the container

docker attach

Use docker attach to attach your terminal's standard input, output, and error (or any combination of the three) to a running container using the container's ID or name. This allows you to view its ongoing output or to control it interactively, as though the commands were running directly in your terminal.

docker attach [--no-stdin] container

docker cp

The docker cp utility copies the contents of SRC_PATH to the DEST_PATH. You can copy from the container's file system to the local machine or the reverse, from the local filesystem to the container. If - is specified for either the SRC_PATH or DEST_PATH, you can also stream a tar archive from STDIN or to STDOUT. The CONTAINER can be a running or stopped container. The SRC_PATH or DEST_PATH can be a file or directory.

docker cp ./some_file CONTAINER:/work
docker cp CONTAINER:/var/logs/ /tmp/app_logs
docker cp CONTAINER:/var/logs/app.log - | tar x -O | grep "ERROR"

docker exec

The docker exec command runs a new command in a running container.

docker exec -it mycontainer sh


Option Description
-d, --detach Detached mode: run command in the background
-e, --env KEY=VALUE Set environment variables
--env-file file Read in a file of environment variables
-i, --interactive Keep STDIN open even if not attached
-t, --tty Allocate a pseudo-TTY
-u, --user uid:guid Username or UID
-w, --workdir Working directory inside the container

docker kill

The docker kill subcommand kills one or more containers. The main process inside the container is sent SIGKILL signal (default), or the signal that is specified with the --signal option. You can reference a container by its ID, ID-prefix, or name.

docker kill [-s, --signal SIGNAL] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

docker logs

The docker logs command batch-retrieves logs present at the time of execution.



Option Description
-f, --follow Follow log output
--since ts Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)
-n, --tail num Number of lines to show from the end of the logs
--until Show logs before a timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)

docker ps

This command shows running containers.

docker ps

Container Managment

You can use these commands to manage containers:

docker restart container
docker rm container
docker start container
docker stop container

Building images

The docker build command builds Docker images from a Dockerfile and a "context". A build's context is the set of files located in the specified PATH or URL.

docker build .

# Tag the image
docker build -t me/myimage:latest .

# Custom Dockerfile
docker build -f custom/Dockerfile .

Working with Images

# List images
docker images

# Remove image
docker rmi image

# Tag image

Load/Save images

You can save and load container images to/from tar archives.

# Save
docker save [-o, --output outfile] image

# Load
docker load [-i, --input infile]

Sign into container registry

You can authenticate yourself with any container registry.

docker login [-u, --username username] [--password pw] http://localhost:8080
docker logout http://localhost:8080

Push and Pull Images

You can push and pull container images to and from a registry.

docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]
docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]


A Dockerfile is used for building container images. See Dockerfile.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose helps you manage multiple containers which work together. It can spin up a whole fleet of containers in one go. See Docker Compose.

Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm lets you group multiple hosts into a cluster for distributed container workloads. See Docker Swarm.