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obj | wiki | website |
concept | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MQTT | https://mqtt.org/ |
MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT today is used in a wide variety of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, etc.
1. Publisher-Subscriber Model:
MQTT follows a publish-subscribe communication model, where clients (publishers) send messages to topics, and other clients (subscribers) receive messages from those topics.
2. Broker:
The MQTT broker is a server that receives published messages from clients and delivers them to the appropriate subscribers.
3. Topics:
Topics act as channels or categories to which messages are published. Subscribers express interest in specific topics to receive relevant messages.
MQTT Components
1. Publisher:
- A client that sends messages to a specific topic.
2. Subscriber:
- A client that expresses interest in a specific topic and receives messages published to that topic.
3. Broker:
- The server that handles message routing between publishers and subscribers.
Topics and Subscriptions
Each message is inside a topic allowing for organizing them.
1. Topics:
- Hierarchical and structured, topics enable flexible message routing.
2. Wildcards:
- MQTT supports wildcards (
) for subscribing to multiple topics.
Real-world Use Case
1. IoT (Internet of Things):
- MQTT is widely used in IoT scenarios for efficient communication between devices.
2. Home Automation:
- Smart homes leverage MQTT for controlling and monitoring devices. For example zigbee2mqtt with Home Assistant.
3. Messaging in Remote Locations:
- Suitable for scenarios with low bandwidth, high latency, or unreliable connections.
Docker Compose
To use MQTT with mosquitto as a broker:
version: "3"
image: eclipse-mosquitto:2.0
restart: unless-stopped
- "./mosquitto:/mosquitto"
- "1883:1883"