2024-09-04 15:58:51 +02:00

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website obj flatpak-id application org.bunkus.mkvtoolnix-gui


MKVToolNix is a set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files under Linux, other Unixes and Windows.


MKVToolnix has a GUI for remuxing and getting information about Matroska files. Most of the tasks can also be done with the command line (See below).



This program takes the input from several media files and joins their streams (all of them or just a selection) into a Matroska file.
Usage: mkvmerge [global options] {-o out} [options1] {file1} [[options2] {file2}] [@options-file.json]

Instead of specifying the options on the command line, you can put them in a JSON file and use it with mkvmerge @options-file.json. The file is an array of options.


The order of the options is important and decide on which source file actions are applied to.

Global Options

Option Description
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity.
-q, --quiet Suppress status output.
-o, --output file-name Write to the file file-name
--title title Sets the general title for the output file, e.g. the movie name.


Option Description
--chapters file-name Read chapter information from the file file-name.

The chapter file can be in simple or a XML based chapter format.

Simple format:

CHAPTER02NAME=Alice prepares to rock
CHAPTER03NAME=Alice rocks the house

XML based format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Chapters SYSTEM "matroskachapters.dtd">
        <ChapterString>A short chapter</ChapterString>
          <ChapterString>A part of that short chapter</ChapterString>

Output Options

Option Description
--track-order FID1:TID1,FID2:TID2,... This option changes the order in which the tracks for an input file are created. The argument is a comma separated list of pairs IDs. Each pair contains first the file ID (FID1) which is simply the number of the file on the command line starting at 0. The second is a track ID (TID1) from that file. If some track IDs are omitted then those tracks are created after the ones given with this option have been created.
--no-date By default mkvmerge sets the "date" segment information field to the time & date when multiplexing started. With this option that field is not written at all.
--stop-after-video-ends Stops processing after the primary video track ends, discarding any remaining packets of other tracks.

Attachment Options

Option Description
--attachment-description description Plain text description of the following attachment. Applies to the next --attach-file or --attach-file-once option.
--attachment-mime-type MIME type MIME type of the following attachment.
--attachment-name name Sets the name that will be stored in the output file for this attachment.
--attach-file file-name, --attach-file-once file-name Creates a file attachment inside the Matroska file. The MIME type must have been set before this option can used.

Input File Options

Option Description
-a, --audio-tracks [!]n,m,... Copy the audio tracks n, m etc. The numbers are track IDs which can be obtained with the --identify switch. Instead of track IDs you can also provide ISO 639-2 language codes. This will only work for source files that provide language tags for their tracks. They're not simply the track numbers. Default: copy all audio tracks. If the IDs are prefixed with ! then the meaning is reversed: copy all tracks of this kind but the ones listed after the !.
-d, --video-tracks [!]n,m,... Copy the video tracks n, m etc. The numbers are track IDs which can be obtained with the --identify switch. They're not simply the track numbers. Default: copy all video tracks. Instead of track IDs you can also provide ISO 639-2 language codes. This will only work for source files that provide language tags for their tracks. If the IDs are prefixed with ! then the meaning is reversed: copy all tracks of this kind but the ones listed after the !.
-s, --subtitle-tracks [!]n,m,... Copy the subtitle tracks n, m etc. The numbers are track IDs which can be obtained with the --identify switch. They're not simply the track numbers. Default: copy all subtitle tracks. Instead of track IDs you can also provide ISO 639-2 language codes. This will only work for source files that provide language tags for their tracks. If the IDs are prefixed with ! then the meaning is reversed: copy all tracks of this kind but the ones listed after the !.
--track-tags [!]n,m,... Copy the tags for tracks n, m etc. The numbers are track IDs which can be obtained with the --identify switch. They're not simply the track numbers. Default: copy tags for all tracks. If the IDs are prefixed with ! then the meaning is reversed: copy everything but the IDs listed after the !.
`-m, --attachments [!]n[:all/first],m[:all first],...`
-A, --no-audio Don't copy any audio track from this file.
-D, --no-video Don't copy any video track from this file.
-S, --no-subtitles Don't copy any subtitle track from this file.
-T, --no-track-tags Don't copy any track specific tags from this file.
--no-chapters Don't copy chapters from this file.
-M, --no-attachments Don't copy attachments from this file.
--no-global-tags Don't copy global tags from this file.
-y, --sync TID:d[,o[/p]] Adjust the timestamps of the track with the id TID by d ms. The track IDs are the same as the ones given with --identify. o/p: adjust the timestamps by o/p to fix linear drifts. p defaults to 1 if omitted. Both o and p can be floating point numbers.
--default-track-flag TID[:bool] Sets the "default track" flag for the given track if the optional argument bool is set to 1 or if it isn't present. The flag will be set if the source container doesn't provide that information and the user doesn't specify it via this option.
--track-name TID:name Sets the track name for the given track to name.
--language TID:language Sets the language for the given track. Both ISO 639-2 language codes and ISO 639-1 country codes are allowed. The country codes will be converted to language codes automatically. All languages including their ISO 639-2 codes can be listed with the --list-languages option.

Video Input File Options

Option Description
--display-dimensions TID:widthxheight Matroska files contain two values that set the display properties that a player should scale the image on playback to: display width and display height. These values can be set with this option, e.g. 1:640x480.
--aspect-ratio TID:ratio/(width/height) Matroska files contain two values that set the display properties that a player should scale the image on playback to: display width and display height. With this option mkvmerge will automatically calculate the display width and display height based on the image's original width and height and the aspect ratio given with this option. The ratio can be given either as a floating point number ratio or as a fraction width/height, e.g. 16/9.

Other Options

Option Description
-i, --identify file-name Will let mkvmerge probe the single file and report its type, the tracks contained in the file and their track IDs. If this option is used then the only other option allowed is the filename.
-J file-name This is a convenient alias for --identification-format json --identify file-name.
-F, --identification-format format Determines the output format used by the --identify option. The following formats are supported: text (the default) and json.
--list-languages Lists all languages and their ISO 639-2 code which can be used with the --language option.


This program lists all elements contained in a Matroska. The output can be limited to a list of tracks in the file including information about the codecs used.
Usage: mkvinfo [options] {source-filename}


Option Description
-s, --summary Only show a terse summary of what mkvinfo finds and not each element.
-x, --hexdump Show the first 16 bytes of each frame as a hex dump.
-X, --full-hexdump Show all bytes of each frame as a hex dump.
-z, --size Show the size of each element including its header.


This program extracts specific parts from a Matroska file to other useful formats. The first argument is the name of the source file which must be a Matroska file.
Usage: mkvextract {source-filename} {mode1} [options] [extraction-spec1] [mode2] [options] [extraction-spec2] […]

Extract Tracks

Usage: mkvextract source-filename tracks [options] [track]:dest-filename1 [[track]:dest-filename2 ...]
Example: mkvextract input.mkv tracks 0:video.h264 2:output-two-vobsub-tracks.idx 3:output-two-vobsub-tracks.idx

Extract Attachments

Usage: mkvextract source-filename attachments [options] id:outname1 [id2:outname2 ...]

Extract Chapters

Usage: mkvextract source-filename chapters [options] output-filename.xml

Extract Tags

Usage: mkvextract source-filename tags [options] output-filename.xml


This program analyses an existing Matroska file and modifies some of its properties. Then it writes those modifications to the existing file. Among the properties that can be changed are the segment information elements (e.g. the title) and the track headers (e.g. the language code, 'default track' flag or the name).
Usage: mkvpropedit [options] {source-filename} {actions}


Option Description
-l, --list-property-names Lists all known and editable property names, their type (string, integer, boolean etc) and a short description.

Track and segment info properties:

Option Description
-e, --edit selector Sets the Matroska file section (segment information or a certain track's headers) that all following add, set and delete actions operate on. This option can be used multiple times in order to make modifications to more than one element.
This stays valid until the next --edit option is found
selector has the track:n format.
-a, --add name=value Adds a property name with the value value. The property will be added even if such a property exists already. Note that most properties are unique and cannot occur more than once.
-s, --set name=value Sets all occurrences of the property name to the value value. If no such property exists then it will be added.
-d, --delete name Deletes all occurrences of the property name. Note that some properties are required and cannot be deleted.

Tags and chapters

Option Description
-t, --tags selector:filename Add or replace tags in the file with the ones from filename or remove them if filename is empty. mkvpropedit reads the same XML tag format that mkvmerge reads as well.
-c, --chapters filename Add or replace chapters in the file with the ones from filename or remove them if filename is empty. mkvpropedit reads the same XML and simple chapter formats that mkvmerge reads as well.


Option Description
--add-attachment filename Adds a new attachment from filename.
If the option --attachment-name has been used prior to this option then its value is used as the new attachment's name. Otherwise it is derived from filename
If the option --attachment-mime-type has been used prior to this option then its value is used as the new attachment's MIME type. Otherwise it is auto-detected from the content of filename.
If the option --attachment-description has been used prior to this option then its value is used as the new attachment's description. Otherwise no description will be set.
If the option --attachment-uid has been used prior to this option then its value is used as the new attachment's UID. Otherwise a random UID will be generated automatically. The same options affect the other actions as well.
--replace-attachment selector:filename Replaces one or more attachments that match selector with the file filename. If more than one existing attachment matches selector then all of their contents will be replaced by the content of filename.
--update-attachment selector Sets the properties of one or more attachments that match selector. If more than one existing attachment matches selector then all of their properties will be updated.
--delete-attachment selector Deletes one or more attachments that match selector.
Options for Attachment actions
Option Description
--attachment-name name Sets the name to use for the following --add-attachment or --replace-attachment operation.
--attachment-mime-type mime-type Sets the MIME type to use for the following --add-attachment or --replace-attachment operation.
--attachment-description description Sets the description to use for the following --add-attachment or --replace-attachment operation.