2024-02-29 20:24:23 +01:00

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A media type (also known as a MIME type) is a two-part identifier for file formats and format contents transmitted on the Internet. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is the official authority for the standardization and publication of these classifications. Media types were originally defined in Request for Comments RFC 2045 (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies (Nov 1996) in November 1996 as a part of MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) specification, for denoting type of email message content and attachments; hence the original name, MIME type. Media types are also used by other internet protocols such as HTTP and document file formats such as HTML, for similar purposes.

A list of supported MIME Types can be found at /etc/mime.types


A media type consists of a type and a subtype, which is further structured into a tree. A media type can optionally define a suffix and parameters:
type "/" [tree "."] subtype ["+" suffix]* [";" parameter]
As of November 1996, the registered types were: application, audio, image, message, multipart, text and video. By December 2020, the registered types included the foregoing, plus font, example, and model.

An unofficial top-level name in common use is chemical.

As an example, an HTML file might be designated text/html; charset=UTF-8. In this example, text is the type, html is the subtype, and charset=UTF-8 is an optional parameter indicating the character encoding.

A subtype typically consists of a media format, but it may or must also contain other content, such as a tree prefix, producer, product or suffix, according to the different rules in registration trees.

Types, subtypes, and parameter names are case-insensitive. Parameter values are usually case-sensitive, but may be interpreted in a case-insensitive fashion depending on the intended use.

Common MIME Types Files


MIME Type Extensions Description
application/epub+zip epub Electronic Publication (eBook)
application/keepass kdbx KeePassXC File
application/desktop desktop Linux Desktop Entry
application/vnd.rar rar RAR Archive
application/blender blend Blender File
application/x-7z-compressed 7z 7z Archive
application/x-x509-ca-cert crt, der Certificate
application/octet-stream .a, .bin, .dump, .o, .obj, .pkg, .so Binary Data
application/octet-stream .qcow2 QEMU Image
application/xspf+xml .xspf XML Shareable Playlist Format
application/vnd.comicbook+zip .cbz Comic Book Archive
application/ .apk Android Package
application/msword .doc, .dot Word Document
application/pgp-signature .asc, .sig PGP Signature
application/rss+xml .rss, .xml RSS Feed
application/ .xls Excel Document
application/ .pot, .ppa, .pps, .ppt, .pwz PowerPoint Document
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation .odp Presentation
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet .ods Spreadsheet
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text .odt Text Document
application/ exe Windows Executable
application/vnd.sqlite3 .db, .sqlite, .sqlite3 SQLite Database
application/x-iso9660-image .iso, .isoimg, .cdr ISO Images
application/gzip gz tgz ZIP Files
application/http - HTTP
application/javascript js Javascript
application/json json JSON Data
application/pdf pdf PDF Document
application/pem-certificate-chain pem Certificates
application/pgp-encrypted pgp PGP Data
application/pgp-keys .asc, .pub PGP Keys
application/pgp-signature sig PGP Signatures
application/sql sql SQL Databases
application/wasm wasm WebAssembly
application/xml xml XML
application/zip zip ZIP Files
application/zstd zst Zstd Compression
application/bittorrent torrent Torrent
application/java-archive jar Java
application/latex latex LATeX
application/rpm rpm Fedora Package
application/sh sh Shell
application/tar tar TAR
application/xz xz XZ Compression
application/msgpack mpk, msgpack MessagePack
application/toml toml TOML
application/yaml yaml, yml YAML


MIME Type Extensions Description
audio/aac adts, aac AAC Audio
audio/mp4 m4a AAC MP4
audio/mpeg mp3, mpga, mp1, mp2 -
audio/ogg oga, ogg, opus,spx Ogg
audio/opus opus Opus
audio/vorbis ogg Vorbis
audio/midi mid, midi MIDI
audio/aiff aif, aiff, aifc AIFF
audio/flac flac FLAC
audio/matroska mka Matroska Audio
audio/wav wav WAV
audio/x-mpegurl .m3u Playlist File


MIME Type Extensions Description
font/ttf ttf TrueType Fon
font/otf otf OpenType Font
font/woff woff Web Open Font Format


MIME Type Extensions Description
image/heif heif HEIF Image
image/avif avif AVIF Image
image/bmp bmp BMP Image
image/gif gif GIF Image
image/jpeg jpg, jpeg, jpe, jfif JPEG Image
image/jxl jxl JPEG XL
image/png png PNG Image
image/svg+xml svg, svgz Scalable Vector Graphics Image
image/tiff tiff, tif TIFF Image
image/webp webp WebP Image
image/qoi qoi QOI Format
image/x-xcf .xcf XCF Image (GIMP)


MIME Type Extensions Description
message/delivery-status - -
message/http - -
message/partial part Partial File
message/rfc822 eml eMail Message


MIME Type Extensions Description
model/mesh msh, mesh, silo 3D Mesh
model/obj obj 3D Object


MIME Type Extensions Description
multipart/digest - -
multipart/encrypted - -
multipart/form-data - -
multipart/parallel - -


MIME Type Extensions Description
text/calendar ics Calendar
text/css css CSS Stylesheets
text/csv csv CSV Data
text/directory - -
text/html html, htm HTML Data
text/markdown markdown, md Markdown
text/plain txt, text, conf Plain Text
text/plain asc ASCII (Armored) File
text/plain log Log Files
text/plain diff Diff File (diff / patch)
text/plain lrc LRC (Lyrics) File
text/plain nfo Information File
text/plain .srt SubRip Subtitle
text/plain .ass ASS (Advanced SubStation Alpha) Subtitle
text/xml xml XML
text/x-c c, cc, cpp, cxx, dic, h, hh C Source File
text/rust rs Rust Source File
text/python py Python File
text/uri-list uri, uris, urls List with URLs


MIME Type Extensions Description
video/AV1 - AV1
video/H264 - H.264
video/H265 - H.265
video/mp4 mp4, m4a MP4 Video
video/quicktime mov, qt Quicktime
video/webm webm WebM Video
video/matroska mkv Matroska