2024-04-26 08:11:55 +02:00

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application 2024-04-25


Act lets you run GitHub Actions locally. It's also the base for the Gitea Actions Runner. When you run act it reads in your GitHub Actions from .github/workflows/ and determines the set of actions that need to be run. It uses the Docker API to either pull or build the necessary images, as defined in your workflow files and finally determines the execution path based on the dependencies that were defined. Once it has the execution path, it then uses the Docker API to run containers for each action based on the images prepared earlier. The environment variables and filesystem are all configured to match what GitHub provides.


  • act has basic event support, it will try to get as much information from local repository as possible, although this might be not enough for certain event types.
  • Running act without any event name specified will run with event push.
  • For a list of event names, please see events that trigger workflows.

  • push:
act push

Runs all workflows with push event

  • pull_request:
act pull_request
  • schedule:
act schedule

To list all workflows for a given event, use -l/--list:

act -l pull_request

Using event file to provide complete event payload

If your workflow relies on passed event properties, you will have to provide required properties in the event file, example:

To partially simulate pull_request event, you to provide at least head_ref and base_ref. This values can be later accessed via ${{ github.event.pull_request.<...> }}

  "pull_request": {
    "head": {
      "ref": "sample-head-ref"
    "base": {
      "ref": "sample-base-ref"

To partially simulate push event with a tag, you need to provide ref which will be accessible via ${{ github.event.ref }}

  "ref": "refs/tags/this-is-a-tag"


By default act will run all workflows in .github/workflows.

You can override that behaviour with -W/--workflows flag by specifying directory containing workflow files

act -W '.github/workflows/'

This example will run all jobs in all workflows in directory .github/workflows but only if the trigger event is push

or by specifying exact workflow file to run

act -W '.github/workflows/checks.yml'

This example will run all jobs in .github/workflows/checks.yml workflow file but only if it's trigger event is push


By default act will run all jobs in all workflows that are triggerred by push event

act -j 'test'

This example will run all jobs named test in all workflows that trigger on push event


To run act with repository variables that are acessible inside the workflow via ${{ vars.VARIABLE }}, you can enter them interactively or load them from a file. The following options are available for providing github repository variables:

  • act --var VARIABLE=somevalue - use somevalue as the value for VARIABLE.
  • act --var-file my.variables - load variables values from my.variables file.
  • The variables file format is the same as .env format


To run act with secrets, you can enter them interactively, supply them as environment variables or load them from a file. The following options are available for providing secrets:


When inserting sensitive data in your terminal, it might be saved as plain text to history file provided by your shell. To mitigate that, prefix act ... command with a space (not all shells respect that) or use secure input (explained below) to insert data.

  • act -s MY_SECRET=somevalue - use somevalue as the value for MY_SECRET.
  • act -s MY_SECRET - check for an environment variable named MY_SECRET and use it if it exists. If the environment variable is not defined, prompt the user for a value. This is recommended way of typing/pasting a secret into terminal, as act will provide secure input prompt for you to type/paste your secret which will not be saved in your shell history file.
  • act --secret-file my.secrets - load secrets values from my.secrets file.
    • secrets file format is the same as .env format


GitHub automatically provides a GITHUB_TOKEN secret when running workflows inside GitHub. If your workflow fails with an error about token, it most likely requires GITHUB_TOKEN to be set up. If your workflow depends on this token, you need to create a personal access token and pass it to act as a secret:

act -s GITHUB_TOKEN=[insert token or leave blank and omit equals for secure input]

If GitHub CLI is installed, the gh auth token command can be used to autmatically pass the token to act

act -s GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)"

WARNING: GITHUB_TOKEN will be logged in shell history if not inserted through secure input or (depending on your shell config) the command is prefixed with a whitespace.

.env/.secrets files structure

.env and .secrets files are using Ruby's gem dotenv format through godotenv library


export MY_ENV='value'
PRIV_KEY="---...\nrandom text\n...---"
JSON="{\n\"name\": \"value\"\n}"

To see more examples, go to

Skipping jobs

You cannot use the env context in job level if conditions, but you can add a custom event property to the github context. You can use this method also on step level if conditions.

on: push
    if: ${{ !github.event.act }} # skip during local actions testing
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - run: exit 0

And use this event.json file with act otherwise the Job will run:

    "act": true

Run act like

act -e event.json

Hint: you can add / append -e event.json as a line into ./.actrc

Skipping steps

Act adds a special environment variable ACT that can be used to skip a step that you don't want to run locally. E.g. a step that posts a Slack message or bumps a version number. You cannot use this method in job level if conditions, see Skipping jobs

- name: Some step
  if: ${{ !env.ACT }}
  run: |

Pass Inputs to Manually Triggered Workflows

Example workflow file

        description: "A random input name for the workflow"
        type: string
        description: "Some other input to pass"
        type: string
    name: Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Test with inputs
        run: |
          echo "Hello ${{ github.event.inputs.NAME }} and ${{ github.event.inputs.SOME_VALUE }}!"

via input or input-file flag

  • act --input NAME=somevalue - use somevalue as the value for NAME input.
  • act --input-file my.input - load input values from my.input file.
    • input file format is the same as .env format

via JSON

Example JSON payload file conveniently named payload.json

  "inputs": {
    "NAME": "Manual Workflow",

Command for triggering the workflow

act workflow_dispatch -e payload.json

Specifying Matrix

You can selectively choose a subset of matrix options to run by specifying the --matrix flag. It will only run those matrix configurations which include your specified values.

Example workflow file

name: matrix-with-user-inclusions
on: push
    name: Matrix
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: echo ${NODE_VERSION}
          NODE_VERSION: ${{ matrix.node }}
        os: [ubuntu-18.04, macos-latest]
        node: [4, 6, 8, 10]
          - os: macos-latest
            node: 4
          - os: ubuntu-16.04
            node: 10

In this case if we only wanted to run this workflow for node 8, then we would run act push --matrix node:8

This will trigger the workflow to use the following matrix configurations only:

  • os: ubuntu-18.04, node: 8
  • os: macos-latest, node: 8

Similarly if we just wanted to trigger this workflow for node 10 and macos-latest then we would run act push --matrix node:10 --matrix os:macos-latest.

This will trigger the workflow to use the following matrix configurations only:

  • os: macos-latest, node 10

Note that using the --matrix flag you can't add new values (for e.g. running the above workflow for node 20). It will simply ignore it. Moreover, the exclude field in the workflow will take precedance over the --matrix flag (for e.g. running the above workflow for only macos-latest and node 4 will result in no matrix configuration being used)

Action Offline Mode

If you want to speed up running act and using cached actions and container images you can enable this mode.

  • stops pulling existing images
  • stops failing if an action has been cached and you cannot connect to GitHub
  • pulls non existent actions and images
  • act will work offline if it has at least ran once while you are online
  • get rid of unnecessary timeouts when you have an unstable connection to GitHub or Container registries
  • workaround rate limit problems
  act --action-offline-mode

or a .actrc file in your cwd like
