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List block devices
Usage: lsblk [options] [device...]


Option Description
-A, --noempty Dont print empty devices
-a, --all Disable all built-in filters and list all empty devices and RAM disk devices too
-f, --fs Output info about filesystems. This option is equivalent to -o NAME,FSTYPE,FSVER,LABEL,UUID,FSAVAIL,FSUSE%,MOUNTPOINTS
-J, --json Use JSON output format
-l, --list Produce output in the form of a list
-N, --nvme Output info about NVMe devices only
-o, --output list Specify which output columns to print
-p, --paths Print full device paths

Output Columns

Output Description
ALIGNMENT alignment offset
ID-LINK the shortest udev /dev/disk/by-id link name
ID udev ID (based on ID-LINK)
DISC-ALN discard alignment offset
DAX dax-capable device
DISC-GRAN discard granularity
DISK-SEQ disk sequence number
DISC-MAX discard max bytes
DISC-ZERO discard zeroes data
FSAVAIL filesystem size available
FSROOTS mounted filesystem roots
FSSIZE filesystem size
FSTYPE filesystem type
FSUSED filesystem size used
FSUSE% filesystem use percentage
FSVER filesystem version
GROUP group name
HCTL Host:Channel:Target:Lun for SCSI
HOTPLUG removable or hotplug device (usb, pcmcia, ...)
KNAME internal kernel device name
LABEL filesystem LABEL
LOG-SEC logical sector size
MAJ:MIN major:minor device number
MIN-IO minimum I/O size
MODE device node permissions
MODEL device identifier
MQ device queues
NAME device name
OPT-IO optimal I/O size
OWNER user name
PARTFLAGS partition flags
PARTN partition number as read from the partition table
PARTTYPE partition type code or UUID
PARTTYPENAME partition type name
PATH path to the device node
PHY-SEC physical sector size
PKNAME internal parent kernel device name
PTTYPE partition table type
PTUUID partition table identifier (usually UUID)
RA read-ahead of the device
RAND adds randomness
REV device revision
RM removable device
RO read-only device
ROTA rotational device
RQ-SIZE request queue size
SCHED I/O scheduler name
SERIAL disk serial number
SIZE size of the device
START partition start offset
STATE state of the device
SUBSYSTEMS de-duplicated chain of subsystems
MOUNTPOINT where the device is mounted
MOUNTPOINTS all locations where device is mounted
TRAN device transport type
TYPE device type
UUID filesystem UUID
VENDOR device vendor
WSAME write same max bytes
WWN unique storage identifier
ZONED zone model
ZONE-SZ zone size
ZONE-WGRAN zone write granularity
ZONE-APP zone append max bytes
ZONE-NR number of zones
ZONE-OMAX maximum number of open zones
ZONE-AMAX maximum number of active zones