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Waits for a condition before continuing


Parameter Type Default Description
connect_timeout integer 5 Maximum number of seconds to wait for a connection to happen before closing and retrying.
delay integer 0 Number of seconds to wait before starting to poll.
host string "" A resolvable hostname or IP address to wait for.
msg string - This overrides the normal error message from a failure to meet the required conditions.
path path - Path to a file on the filesystem that must exist before continuing. path and port are mutually exclusive parameters.
port integer - Port number to poll. path and port are mutually exclusive parameters.
search_regex string - Can be used to match a string in either a file or a socket connection.
sleep integer 1 Number of seconds to sleep between checks.
timeout integer 300 Maximum number of seconds to wait for, when used with another condition it will force an error.
state string "started" Either present, started, or stopped, absent, or drained.
When checking a port started will ensure the port is open, stopped will check that it is closed, drained will check for active connections.
When checking for a file or a search string present or started will ensure that the file or string is present before continuing, absent will check that file is absent or removed.
Choices: ("absent", "drained", "present", "started", "stopped")

Return Values

Value Type When Description
elapsed integer always The number of seconds that elapsed while waiting


- name: Sleep for 300 seconds and continue with play
    timeout: 300
  delegate_to: localhost

- name: Wait for port 8000 to become open on the host, don't start checking for 10 seconds
    port: 8000
    delay: 10

- name: Waits for port 8000 of any IP to close active connections, don't start checking for 10 seconds
    port: 8000
    delay: 10
    state: drained

- name: Wait for port 8000 of any IP to close active connections, ignoring connections for specified hosts
    port: 8000
    state: drained

- name: Wait until the file /tmp/foo is present before continuing
    path: /tmp/foo

- name: Wait until the string "completed" is in the file /tmp/foo before continuing
    path: /tmp/foo
    search_regex: completed

- name: Wait until regex pattern matches in the file /tmp/foo and print the matched group
    path: /tmp/foo
    search_regex: completed (?P<task>\w+)
  register: waitfor
- ansible.builtin.debug:
    msg: Completed {{ waitfor['match_groupdict']['task'] }}

- name: Wait until the lock file is removed
    path: /var/lock/file.lock
    state: absent

- name: Wait until the process is finished and pid was destroyed
    path: /proc/3466/status
    state: absent

- name: Output customized message when failed
    path: /tmp/foo
    state: present
    msg: Timeout to find file /tmp/foo

# Do not assume the inventory_hostname is resolvable and delay 10 seconds at start
- name: Wait 300 seconds for port 22 to become open and contain "OpenSSH"
    port: 22
    host: '{{ (ansible_ssh_host|default(ansible_host))|default(inventory_hostname) }}'
    search_regex: OpenSSH
    delay: 10
  connection: local

# Same as above but you normally have ansible_connection set in inventory, which overrides 'connection'
- name: Wait 300 seconds for port 22 to become open and contain "OpenSSH"
    port: 22
    host: '{{ (ansible_ssh_host|default(ansible_host))|default(inventory_hostname) }}'
    search_regex: OpenSSH
    delay: 10
    ansible_connection: local