2020-05-15 17:55:49 +02:00

827 lines
30 KiB

use ::std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use ::std::io::Write;
use ::std::process::Stdio;
use ::std::process::{Child, Command};
use ::std::sync::mpsc::Receiver;
use ::std::time::Duration;
use ::anyhow::Result;
use ::chrono::prelude::*;
use ::handlebars::Handlebars;
use ::log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use ::nix::{
sys::signal::{self, Signal},
use ::pueue::log::*;
use ::pueue::message::*;
use ::pueue::state::SharedState;
use ::pueue::task::{Task, TaskResult, TaskStatus};
pub struct TaskHandler {
state: SharedState,
receiver: Receiver<Message>,
children: BTreeMap<usize, Child>,
callbacks: Vec<Child>,
reset: bool,
// Some static settings that are extracted from `state.settings` for convenience purposes.
pueue_directory: String,
callback: Option<String>,
pause_on_failure: bool,
impl TaskHandler {
pub fn new(state: SharedState, receiver: Receiver<Message>) -> Self {
// Extract some static settings we often need.
// This prevents locking the State all the time.
let (pueue_directory, callback, pause_on_failure) = {
let state = state.lock().unwrap();
let settings = &state.settings.daemon;
TaskHandler {
children: BTreeMap::new(),
callbacks: Vec::new(),
reset: false,
/// The task handler needs to kill all child processes as soon, as the program exits.
/// This is needed to prevent detached processes.
impl Drop for TaskHandler {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let ids: Vec<usize> = self.children.keys().cloned().collect();
for id in ids {
let mut child = self.children.remove(&id).expect("Failed killing children");
info!("Killing child {}", id);
let _ = child.kill();
impl TaskHandler {
/// Main loop of the task handler.
/// In here a few things happen:
/// 1. Propagated commands from socket communication is received and handled.
/// 2. Check whether any tasks just finished.
/// 3. Check if there are any stashed processes ready for being enqueued.
/// 4. Check whether we can spawn new tasks.
pub fn run(&mut self) {
loop {
if !self.reset {
let _res = self.check_new();
/// Search and return the next task that can be started.
/// Precondition for a task to be started:
/// - is in Queued state
/// - There are free slots in the task's group
/// - The group is running
/// - has all its dependencies in `Done` state
pub fn get_next_task_id(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
// Check how many tasks are running in each group
let mut running_tasks_per_group: HashMap<String, usize> = HashMap::new();
// Create a default group for tasks without an explicit group
running_tasks_per_group.insert("default".into(), 0);
// Walk through all tasks and save the number of running tasks by group
for (_, task) in state.tasks.iter() {
// We are only interested in currently running tasks.
if ![TaskStatus::Running, TaskStatus::Paused].contains(&task.status) {
// Get the group of the task or the default key
let group = if let Some(group) = &task.group {
} else {
match running_tasks_per_group.get(group) {
Some(&count) => {
running_tasks_per_group.insert(group.into(), count + 1);
None => {
running_tasks_per_group.insert(group.into(), 1);
.filter(|(_, task)| task.status == TaskStatus::Queued)
.filter(|(_, task)| {
if let Some(group) = &task.group {
// The task is assigned to a group.
// First let's check if the group is paused. If it is, simply return false.
if !state.groups.get(group).unwrap() {
return false;
// If there's no running task for the group yet, we can safely return true
// If there are running tasks for this group, we have to ensure that there are
// fewer running tasks than allowed for this group.
match running_tasks_per_group.get(group) {
None => true,
Some(count) => match state.settings.daemon.groups.get(group) {
Some(allowed) => count < allowed,
None => {
"Got task with unknown group {}. Please report this!",
} else {
// The task is assigned to the default queue.
// Check if the default queue is paused and return false if it's not.
if !state.running {
return false;
// We can unwrap safely, since default is always created.
let running = running_tasks_per_group.get("default").unwrap();
running < &state.settings.daemon.default_parallel_tasks
.find(|(_, task)| {
// Check whether all dependencies for this task are fulfilled.
.flat_map(|id| state.tasks.get(id))
.all(|task| task.status == TaskStatus::Done)
.map(|(id, _)| *id)
/// Users can issue to reset the daemon.
/// If that's the case, the `self.reset` flag is set to true, all children are killed
/// and no new tasks will be spawned.
/// This function checks, if all killed children have been handled.
/// If that's the case, completely reset the state
fn handle_reset(&mut self) {
// The daemon got a reset request and all children already finished
if self.reset && self.children.is_empty() {
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
self.reset = false;
/// See if we can start a new queued task.
fn check_new(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// Get the next task id that can be started
if let Some(id) = self.get_next_task_id() {
/// Ensure that no `Queued` tasks have any failed dependencies.
/// Otherwise set their status to `Done` and result to `DependencyFailed`.
pub fn check_failed_dependencies(&mut self) {
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let has_failed_deps: Vec<_> = state
.filter(|(_, task)| task.status == TaskStatus::Queued)
.filter_map(|(id, task)| {
let failed = task
.flat_map(|id| state.tasks.get(id))
.filter(|task| task.failed())
.map(|task| task.id)
failed.map(|f| (*id, f))
for (id, _) in has_failed_deps {
if let Some(task) = state.tasks.get_mut(&id) {
task.status = TaskStatus::Done;
task.result = Some(TaskResult::DependencyFailed);
/// Actually spawn a new sub process
/// The output of subprocesses is piped into a seperate file for easier access
fn start_process(&mut self, task_id: usize) {
// Already get the mutex here to ensure that the state won't be manipulated
// while we are looking for a task to start.
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let task = state.tasks.get_mut(&task_id);
let task = match task {
Some(task) => {
if !vec![TaskStatus::Stashed, TaskStatus::Queued, TaskStatus::Paused]
info!("Tried to start task with status: {}", task.status);
None => {
info!("Tried to start non-existing task: {}", task_id);
// In case a task that has been scheduled for enqueueing, is forcefully
// started by hand, set `enqueue_at` to `None`.
task.enqueue_at = None;
// Try to get the log files to which the output of the process
// Will be written. Error if this doesn't work!
let (stdout_log, stderr_log) = match create_log_file_handles(task_id, &self.pueue_directory)
Ok((out, err)) => (out, err),
Err(err) => {
error!("Failed to create child log files: {:?}", err);
// Spawn the actual subprocess
let mut spawn_command = Command::new(if cfg!(windows) { "powershell" } else { "sh" });
if cfg!(windows) {
// Chain two `powershell` commands, one that sets the output encoding to utf8 and then the user provided one.
"[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8; {}",
} else {
let spawn_result = spawn_command
// Check if the task managed to spawn
let child = match spawn_result {
Ok(child) => child,
Err(err) => {
let error = format!("Failed to spawn child {} with err: {:?}", task_id, err);
error!("{}", error);
clean_log_handles(task_id, &self.pueue_directory);
task.status = TaskStatus::Done;
task.result = Some(TaskResult::FailedToSpawn(error));
// Pause the daemon, if the settings say so
if self.pause_on_failure {
state.running = false
self.children.insert(task_id, child);
info!("Started task: {}", task.command);
task.start = Some(Local::now());
task.status = TaskStatus::Running;
/// As time passes, some delayed tasks may need to be enqueued.
/// Gather all stashed tasks and enqueue them if it is after the task's enqueue_at
fn check_stashed(&mut self) {
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let mut changed = false;
for (_, task) in state.tasks.iter_mut() {
if task.status != TaskStatus::Stashed {
if let Some(time) = task.enqueue_at {
if time <= Local::now() {
info!("Enqueuing delayed task : {}", task.id);
task.status = TaskStatus::Queued;
task.enqueue_at = None;
changed = true;
// Save the state if a task has been enqueued
if changed {
/// Check whether there are any finished processes
/// In case there are, handle them and update the shared state
fn handle_finished_tasks(&mut self) {
let (finished, errored) = self.get_finished();
// Nothing to do. Early return
if finished.is_empty() && errored.is_empty() {
let state_ref = self.state.clone();
let mut state = state_ref.lock().unwrap();
// We need to know if there are any failed tasks,
// in case the user wants to stop the daemon if a tasks fails
let mut failed_task_exists = false;
for task_id in finished.iter() {
let mut child = self.children.remove(task_id).expect("Child went missing");
let exit_code = child.wait().unwrap().code();
let mut task = state.tasks.get_mut(&task_id).unwrap();
// Only processes with exit code 0 exited successfully
if exit_code == Some(0) {
task.result = Some(TaskResult::Success);
// Tasks with an exit code != 0 did fail in some kind of way
} else if let Some(exit_code) = exit_code {
task.result = Some(TaskResult::Failed(exit_code));
failed_task_exists = true;
task.status = TaskStatus::Done;
task.end = Some(Local::now());
// Already remove the output files, if the daemon is being reset anyway
if self.reset {
clean_log_handles(*task_id, &self.pueue_directory);
// Handle errored tasks
// TODO: This could be be refactored. Let's try to combine finished and error handling.
for task_id in errored.iter() {
let _child = self.children.remove(task_id).expect("Child went missing");
let mut task = state.tasks.get_mut(&task_id).unwrap();
task.status = TaskStatus::Done;
task.result = Some(TaskResult::Killed);
failed_task_exists = true;
// Pause the daemon, if the settings say so and some process failed
if failed_task_exists && self.pause_on_failure {
state.running = false;
/// Gather all finished tasks and sort them by finished and errored.
/// Returns two lists of task ids, namely finished_task_ids and errored _task_ids
fn get_finished(&mut self) -> (Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>) {
let mut finished = Vec::new();
let mut errored = Vec::new();
for (id, child) in self.children.iter_mut() {
match child.try_wait() {
// Handle a child error.
Err(error) => {
info!("Task {} failed with error {:?}", id, error);
// Child process did not exit yet
Ok(None) => continue,
Ok(_exit_status) => {
info!("Task {} just finished", id);
(finished, errored)
/// Some client instructions require immediate action by the task handler
/// This function is also responsible for waiting
fn receive_commands(&mut self) {
// Sleep for a few milliseconds. We don't want to hurt the CPU.
let timeout = Duration::from_millis(100);
// Don't use recv_timeout for now, until this bug get's fixed.
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/39364
//match self.receiver.recv_timeout(timeout) {
if let Ok(message) = self.receiver.try_recv() {
fn handle_message(&mut self, message: Message) {
match message {
Message::Pause(message) => self.pause(message),
Message::Start(message) => self.start(message),
Message::Kill(message) => self.kill(message),
Message::Send(message) => self.send(message),
Message::Reset => self.reset(),
_ => info!("Received unhandled message {:?}", message),
/// Send a signal to a unix process.
fn send_signal(&mut self, id: usize, signal: Signal) -> Result<bool, nix::Error> {
if let Some(child) = self.children.get(&id) {
debug!("Sending signal {} to {}", signal, id);
let pid = Pid::from_raw(child.id() as i32);
signal::kill(pid, signal)?;
return Ok(true);
"Tried to send signal {} to non existing child {}",
signal, id
/// Handle the start message:
/// 1. Either start the daemon and all tasks.
/// 2. Or force the start of specific tasks.
fn start(&mut self, message: StartMessage) {
// Only start specific tasks
// This is handled separately, since this can also force-spawn processes
if !message.task_ids.is_empty() {
for id in &message.task_ids {
// Continue all children that are simply paused
if self.children.contains_key(id) {
} else {
// Start processes for all tasks that haven't been started yet
// Get the keys of all tasks that should be resumed
// These can either be
// - All running tasks
// - The paused tasks of a specific group
// - The paused tasks of the default queue
let keys: Vec<usize> = if message.all {
// Resume all groups and the default queue
info!("Resuming everything");
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
} else if let Some(group) = &message.group {
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
// Ensure that a given group exists. (Might not happen due to concurrency)
if !state.groups.contains_key(group) {
// Set the group to running.
state.groups.insert(group.clone(), true);
info!("Resuming group {}", group);
state.task_ids_in_group_with_stati(&message.group, vec![TaskStatus::Paused])
} else {
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.running = true;
info!("Resuming default queue");
state.task_ids_in_group_with_stati(&None, vec![TaskStatus::Paused])
// Resume all specified paused tasks
for id in keys {
/// Send a start signal to a paused task to continue execution.
fn continue_task(&mut self, id: usize) {
if !self.children.contains_key(&id) {
// Task is already done
let state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
if state.tasks.get(&id).unwrap().is_done() {
warn!("Failed starting task {}: not supported on windows.", id);
match self.send_signal(id, Signal::SIGCONT) {
Err(err) => warn!("Failed starting task {}: {:?}", id, err),
Ok(success) => {
if success {
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.change_status(id, TaskStatus::Running);
/// Handle the pause message:
/// 1. Either pause the daemon and all tasks.
/// 2. Or only pause specific tasks.
fn pause(&mut self, message: PauseMessage) {
// Get the keys of all tasks that should be resumed
// These can either be
// - Specific tasks
// - All running tasks
// - The paused tasks of a group
// - The paused tasks of the default queue
// Only pause specific tasks
let keys: Vec<usize> = if !message.task_ids.is_empty() {
} else if message.all {
// Pause all running tasks
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
info!("Pausing everything");
} else if let Some(group) = &message.group {
// Ensure that a given group exists. (Might not happen due to concurrency)
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
if !state.groups.contains_key(group) {
// Pause a specific group.
state.groups.insert(group.clone(), false);
info!("Pausing group {}", group);
state.task_ids_in_group_with_stati(&message.group, vec![TaskStatus::Running])
} else {
// Pause the default queue
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.running = false;
info!("Pausing default queue");
state.task_ids_in_group_with_stati(&None, vec![TaskStatus::Running])
// Pause all specified tasks
if !message.wait {
for id in keys {
/// Pause a specific task.
/// Send a signal to the process to actually pause the OS process.
fn pause_task(&mut self, id: usize) {
if !self.children.contains_key(&id) {
info!("Failed pausing task {}: not supported on windows.", id);
match self.send_signal(id, Signal::SIGSTOP) {
Err(err) => info!("Failed pausing task {}: {:?}", id, err),
Ok(success) => {
if success {
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.change_status(id, TaskStatus::Paused);
/// Handle the kill message:
/// 1. Kill specific tasks.
/// 2. Kill all tasks.
/// 3. Kill all tasks of a specific group.
/// 4. Kill all tasks of the default queue.
fn kill(&mut self, message: KillMessage) {
// Get the keys of all tasks that should be resumed
// These can either be
// - Specific tasks
// - All running tasks
// - The paused tasks of a group
// - The paused tasks of the default queue
// Only pause specific tasks
let task_ids: Vec<usize> = if !message.task_ids.is_empty() {
} else if message.all {
// Pause all running tasks
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
info!("Killing all running tasks");
} else if let Some(group) = &message.group {
// Ensure that a given group exists. (Might not happen due to concurrency)
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
if !state.groups.contains_key(group) {
// Pause a specific group.
state.groups.insert(group.clone(), false);
info!("Killing tasks of group {}", group);
vec![TaskStatus::Running, TaskStatus::Paused],
} else {
// Pause the default queue
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
state.running = false;
info!("Killing tasks of the default queue");
state.task_ids_in_group_with_stati(&None, vec![TaskStatus::Running, TaskStatus::Paused])
for task_id in task_ids {
/// Kill a specific task and handle it accordingly.
/// Triggered on `reset` and `kill`.
fn kill_task(&mut self, task_id: usize) {
if let Some(child) = self.children.get_mut(&task_id) {
match child.kill() {
Err(_) => debug!("Task {} has already finished by itself", task_id),
_ => {
// Already mark the task as killed over here.
// It's hard to distinguish whether it's killed later on.
let mut state = self.state.lock().unwrap();
let mut task = state.tasks.get_mut(&task_id).unwrap();
task.status = TaskStatus::Done;
task.result = Some(TaskResult::Killed);
} else {
warn!("Tried to kill non-existing child: {}", task_id);
/// Send some input to a child process.
fn send(&mut self, message: SendMessage) {
let task_id = message.task_id;
let input = message.input;
let child = match self.children.get_mut(&task_id) {
Some(child) => child,
None => {
"Task {} finished before input could be sent: {}",
task_id, input
let child_stdin = child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap();
if let Err(err) = child_stdin.write_all(&input.clone().into_bytes()) {
"Failed to send input to task {} with err {:?}: {}",
task_id, err, input
/// Kill all children by reusing the `kill` function.
/// Set the `reset` flag, which will prevent new tasks from being spawned.
/// If all children finished, the state will be completely reset.
fn reset(&mut self) {
let message = KillMessage {
all: true,
self.reset = true;
/// Users can specify a callback that's fired whenever a task finishes.
/// Execute the callback by spawning a new subprocess.
fn spawn_callback(&mut self, task: &Task) {
// Return early, if there's no callback specified
let callback = if let Some(callback) = &self.callback {
} else {
// Build the callback command from the given template.
let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
// Build templating variables.
let mut parameters = HashMap::new();
parameters.insert("id", task.id.to_string());
parameters.insert("command", task.command.clone());
parameters.insert("path", task.path.clone());
parameters.insert("result", task.result.clone().unwrap().to_string());
if let Some(group) = &task.group {
parameters.insert("group", group.clone());
} else {
parameters.insert("group", "default".into());
let callback_command = match handlebars.render_template(&callback, &parameters) {
Ok(command) => command,
Err(err) => {
"Failed to create callback command from template with error: {}",
let mut spawn_command = Command::new(if cfg!(windows) { "powershell" } else { "sh" });
if cfg!(windows) {
// Chain two `powershell` commands, one that sets the output encoding to utf8 and then the user provided one.
"[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8; {}",
} else {
// Spawn the callback subprocess and log if it fails.
let spawn_result = spawn_command.spawn();
let child = match spawn_result {
Err(error) => {
error!("Failed to spawn callback with error: {}", error);
Ok(child) => child,
debug!("Spawned callback for task {}", task.id);
/// Look at all running callbacks and log any errors.
/// If everything went smoothly, simply remove them from the list.
fn check_callbacks(&mut self) {
let mut finished = Vec::new();
for (id, child) in self.callbacks.iter_mut().enumerate() {
match child.try_wait() {
// Handle a child error.
Err(error) => {
error!("Callback failed with error {:?}", error);
// Child process did not exit yet.
Ok(None) => continue,
Ok(exit_status) => {
info!("Callback finished with exit code {:?}", exit_status);
for id in finished.iter() {