2020-05-11 01:30:29 +02:00

50 lines
1.6 KiB

use ::pueue::state::SharedState;
use ::pueue::task::TaskStatus;
pub fn task_response_helper(
message: &str,
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
statuses: Vec<TaskStatus>,
state: &SharedState,
) -> String {
// Get all matching/mismatching task_ids for all given ids and statuses.
let (matching, mismatching) = {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
state.tasks_in_statuses(statuses, Some(task_ids))
compile_task_response(message, matching, mismatching)
/// Compile a response for instructions with multiple tasks ids
/// A custom message will be combined with a text about all matching tasks
/// and possibly tasks for which the instruction cannot be executed.
pub fn compile_task_response(
message: &str,
matching: Vec<usize>,
mismatching: Vec<usize>,
) -> String {
let matching: Vec<String> = matching.iter().map(|id| id.to_string()).collect();
let mismatching: Vec<String> = mismatching.iter().map(|id| id.to_string()).collect();
let matching_string = matching.join(", ");
// We don't have any mismatching ids, return the simple message.
if mismatching.is_empty() {
return format!("{}: {}", message, matching_string);
let mismatched_message = "The command couldn't be executed for these tasks";
let mismatching_string = mismatching.join(", ");
// All given ids are invalid.
if matching.is_empty() {
return format!("{}: {}", mismatched_message, mismatching_string);
// Some ids were valid, some were invalid.
"{}: {}\n{}: {}",
message, matching_string, mismatched_message, mismatching_string