2020-05-15 17:55:49 +02:00

578 lines
20 KiB

use ::std::collections::BTreeMap;
use ::std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use crate::response_helper::*;
use ::pueue::log::{clean_log_handles, read_and_compress_log_files};
use ::pueue::message::*;
use ::pueue::state::SharedState;
use ::pueue::task::{Task, TaskStatus};
static SENDER_ERR: &str = "Failed to send message to task handler thread";
pub fn handle_message(message: Message, sender: &Sender<Message>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
match message {
Message::Add(message) => add_task(message, sender, state),
Message::Remove(task_ids) => remove(task_ids, state),
Message::Switch(message) => switch(message, state),
Message::Stash(task_ids) => stash(task_ids, state),
Message::Enqueue(message) => enqueue(message, state),
Message::Start(message) => start(message, sender, state),
Message::Restart(message) => restart(message, sender, state),
Message::Pause(message) => pause(message, sender, state),
Message::Kill(message) => kill(message, sender, state),
Message::Send(message) => send(message, sender, state),
Message::EditRequest(task_id) => edit_request(task_id, state),
Message::Edit(message) => edit(message, state),
Message::Group(message) => group(message, state),
Message::Clean => clean(state),
Message::Reset => reset(sender),
Message::Status => get_status(state),
Message::Log(message) => get_log(message, state),
Message::Parallel(message) => set_parallel_tasks(message, state),
_ => create_failure_message("Not implemented yet"),
/// Invoked when calling `pueue add`.
/// Queues a new task to the state.
/// If the start_immediately flag is set, send a StartMessage to the task handler.
fn add_task(message: AddMessage, sender: &Sender<Message>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let starting_status = if message.stashed || message.enqueue_at.is_some() {
} else {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
// Ensure that specified dependencies actually exist.
let not_found: Vec<_> = message
.filter(|id| !state.tasks.contains_key(id))
if !not_found.is_empty() {
return create_failure_message(format!(
"Unable to setup dependencies : task(s) {:?} not found",
// Create a new task and add it to the state.
let task = Task::new(
// Create a new group in case the user used a unknown group.
if let Some(group) = &task.group {
if state.groups.get(group).is_none() {
return create_failure_message(format!(
"Tried to create task with unknown group '{}'",
let task_id = state.add_task(task);
// Notify the task handler, in case the client wants to start the task immediately.
if message.start_immediately {
.send(Message::Start(StartMessage {
task_ids: vec![task_id],
// Create the customized response for the client.
let message = if let Some(enqueue_at) = message.enqueue_at {
"New task added (id {}). It will be enqueued at {}",
enqueue_at.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
} else {
format!("New task added (id {}).", task_id)
/// Invoked when calling `pueue remove`.
/// Remove tasks from the queue.
/// We have to ensure that those tasks aren't running!
fn remove(task_ids: Vec<usize>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
let statuses = vec![TaskStatus::Running, TaskStatus::Paused];
let (running, not_running) = state.tasks_in_statuses(statuses, Some(task_ids));
println!("{:?}", not_running);
for task_id in &not_running {
let text = "Tasks removed from list";
let response = compile_task_response(text, not_running, running);
/// Invoked when calling `pueue switch`.
/// Switch the position of two tasks in the upcoming queue.
/// We have to ensure that those tasks are either `Queued` or `Stashed`
fn switch(message: SwitchMessage, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let task_ids = vec![message.task_id_1, message.task_id_2];
let statuses = vec![TaskStatus::Queued, TaskStatus::Stashed];
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
let (_, mismatching) = state.tasks_in_statuses(statuses, Some(task_ids.clone().to_vec()));
if !mismatching.is_empty() {
return create_failure_message("Tasks have to be either queued or stashed.");
// Get the tasks. Expect them to be there, since we found no mismatch
let mut first_task = state.tasks.remove(&task_ids[0]).unwrap();
let mut second_task = state.tasks.remove(&task_ids[1]).unwrap();
// Switch task ids
let temp_id = first_task.id;
first_task.id = second_task.id;
second_task.id = temp_id;
// Put tasks back in again
state.tasks.insert(first_task.id, first_task);
state.tasks.insert(second_task.id, second_task);
create_success_message("Tasks have been switched")
/// Invoked when calling `pueue stash`.
/// Stash specific queued tasks.
/// They won't be executed until they're enqueued or explicitely started.
fn stash(task_ids: Vec<usize>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let (matching, mismatching) = {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
let (matching, mismatching) =
state.tasks_in_statuses(vec![TaskStatus::Queued, TaskStatus::Locked], Some(task_ids));
for task_id in &matching {
state.change_status(*task_id, TaskStatus::Stashed);
(matching, mismatching)
let text = "Tasks are stashed";
let response = compile_task_response(text, matching, mismatching);
/// Invoked when calling `pueue enqueue`.
/// Enqueue specific stashed tasks.
fn enqueue(message: EnqueueMessage, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let (matching, mismatching) = {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
let (matching, mismatching) = state.tasks_in_statuses(
vec![TaskStatus::Stashed, TaskStatus::Locked],
for task_id in &matching {
state.set_enqueue_at(*task_id, message.enqueue_at);
state.change_status(*task_id, TaskStatus::Queued);
(matching, mismatching)
let text = if let Some(enqueue_at) = message.enqueue_at {
"Tasks will be enqueued at {}",
enqueue_at.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
} else {
String::from("Tasks are enqueued")
let response = compile_task_response(text.as_str(), matching, mismatching);
/// Invoked when calling `pueue start`.
/// Forward the start message to the task handler, which then starts the process(es).
fn start(message: StartMessage, sender: &Sender<Message>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
// Check whether a given group exists
if let Some(group) = &message.group {
let state = state.lock().unwrap();
if !state.groups.contains_key(group) {
return create_failure_message(format!("Group {} doesn't exists", group));
if !message.task_ids.is_empty() {
let response = task_response_helper(
"Tasks are being started",
vec![TaskStatus::Paused, TaskStatus::Queued, TaskStatus::Stashed],
return create_success_message(response);
if let Some(group) = &message.group {
create_success_message(format!("Group {} is being resumed.", group))
} else if message.all {
create_success_message("All queues are being resumed.")
} else {
create_success_message("Default queue is being resumed.")
/// Invoked when calling `pueue restart`.
/// Create and enqueue tasks from already finished tasks.
/// The user can specify to immediately start the newly created tasks.
fn restart(message: RestartMessage, sender: &Sender<Message>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let new_status = if message.stashed {
} else {
let response: String;
let new_ids = {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
let (matching, mismatching) =
state.tasks_in_statuses(vec![TaskStatus::Done], Some(message.task_ids));
let mut new_ids = Vec::new();
for task_id in &matching {
let task = state.tasks.get(task_id).unwrap();
let mut new_task = Task::from_task(task);
new_task.status = new_status.clone();
// Already create the response string in here.
// Otherwise we would need to get matching/mismatching out of this scope.
response = compile_task_response("Restarted tasks", matching, mismatching);
// If the restarted tasks should be started immediately, send a message
// with the new task ids to the task handler.
if message.start_immediately {
let message = StartMessage {
task_ids: new_ids,
/// Invoked when calling `pueue pause`.
/// Forward the pause message to the task handler, which then pauses groups/tasks/everything.
fn pause(message: PauseMessage, sender: &Sender<Message>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
// Check whether a given group exists
if let Some(group) = &message.group {
let state = state.lock().unwrap();
if !state.groups.contains_key(group) {
return create_failure_message(format!("Group {} doesn't exists", group));
if !message.task_ids.is_empty() {
let response = task_response_helper(
"Tasks are being paused",
return create_success_message(response);
if let Some(group) = &message.group {
create_success_message(format!("Group {} is being paused.", group))
} else if message.all {
create_success_message("All queues are being paused.")
} else {
create_success_message("Default queue is being paused.")
/// Invoked when calling `pueue kill`.
/// Forward the kill message to the task handler, which then kills the process.
fn kill(message: KillMessage, sender: &Sender<Message>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
if !message.task_ids.is_empty() {
let response = task_response_helper(
"Tasks are being killed",
vec![TaskStatus::Running, TaskStatus::Paused],
return create_success_message(response);
if let Some(group) = &message.group {
create_success_message(format!("All tasks of Group {} is being killed.", group))
} else if message.all {
create_success_message("All tasks are being killed.")
} else {
create_success_message("All tasks of the default queue are being paused.")
/// Invoked when calling `pueue send`.
/// The message will be forwarded to the task handler, which then sends the user input to the process.
/// In here we only do some error handling.
fn send(message: SendMessage, sender: &Sender<Message>, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
// Check whether the task exists and is running. Abort if that's not the case.
let state = state.lock().unwrap();
match state.tasks.get(&message.task_id) {
Some(task) => {
if task.status != TaskStatus::Running {
return create_failure_message("You can only send input to a running task");
None => return create_failure_message("No task with this id."),
// Check whether the task exists and is running, abort if that's not the case.
create_success_message("Message is being send to the process.")
/// Invoked when calling `pueue edit`.
/// If a user wants to edit a message, we need to send him the current command.
/// Lock the task to prevent execution, before the user has finished editing the command.
fn edit_request(task_id: usize, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
// Check whether the task exists and is queued/stashed. Abort if that's not the case.
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
match state.tasks.get_mut(&task_id) {
Some(task) => {
if !task.is_queued() {
return create_failure_message("You can only edit a queued/stashed task");
task.prev_status = task.status.clone();
task.status = TaskStatus::Locked;
let message = EditResponseMessage {
task_id: task.id,
command: task.command.clone(),
path: task.path.clone(),
None => create_failure_message("No task with this id."),
/// Invoked after closing the editor on `pueue edit`.
/// Now we actually update the message with the updated command from the client.
fn edit(message: EditMessage, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
// Check whether the task exists and is locked. Abort if that's not the case
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
match state.tasks.get_mut(&message.task_id) {
Some(task) => {
if !(task.status == TaskStatus::Locked) {
return create_failure_message("Task is no longer locked.");
task.status = task.prev_status.clone();
task.command = message.command.clone();
task.path = message.path.clone();
create_success_message("Command has been updated")
None => create_failure_message(format!("Task to edit has gone away: {}", message.task_id)),
/// Invoked on `pueue groups`.
/// Manage groups.
/// - Show groups
/// - Add group
/// - Remove group
fn group(message: GroupMessage, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
// Create a new group
if let Some(group) = message.add {
if state.groups.contains_key(&group) {
return create_failure_message(format!("Group {} already exists", group));
if let Err(error) = state.create_group(&group) {
return create_failure_message(format!(
"Failed while saving the config file: {}",
return create_success_message(format!("Group {} created", group));
// Remove a new group
if let Some(group) = message.remove {
if !state.groups.contains_key(&group) {
return create_failure_message(format!("Group {} doesn't exists", group));
if let Err(error) = state.remove_group(&group) {
return create_failure_message(format!(
"Failed while saving the config file: {}",
return create_success_message(format!("Group {} removed", group));
// Compile a small minimalistic text with all important information about all known groups
let mut group_status = String::new();
let mut group_iter = state.groups.iter().peekable();
while let Some((group, running)) = group_iter.next() {
"Group {} ({} parallel), running: {}",
if group_iter.peek().is_some() {
/// Invoked when calling `pueue clean`.
/// Remove all failed or done tasks from the state.
fn clean(state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
let (matching, _) = state.tasks_in_statuses(vec![TaskStatus::Done], None);
for task_id in &matching {
let _ = state.tasks.remove(task_id).unwrap();
clean_log_handles(*task_id, &state.settings.daemon.pueue_directory);
create_success_message("All finished tasks have been removed")
/// Invoked when calling `pueue reset`.
/// Forward the reset request to the task handler.
/// The handler then kills all children and clears the task queue.
fn reset(sender: &Sender<Message>) -> Message {
create_success_message("Everything is being reset right now.")
/// Invoked when calling `pueue status`.
/// Return the current state.
fn get_status(state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let state = state.lock().unwrap().clone();
/// Invoked when calling `pueue log`.
/// Return the current state and the stdou/stderr of all tasks to the client.
fn get_log(message: LogRequestMessage, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let state = state.lock().unwrap().clone();
// Return all logs, if no specific task id is specified
let task_ids = if message.task_ids.is_empty() {
} else {
let mut tasks = BTreeMap::new();
for task_id in task_ids.iter() {
if let Some(task) = state.tasks.get(task_id) {
// We send log output and the task at the same time.
// This isn't as efficient as sending the raw compressed data directly,
// but it's a lot more convenient for now.
let (stdout, stderr) = if message.send_logs {
match read_and_compress_log_files(*task_id, &state.settings.daemon.pueue_directory)
Ok((stdout, stderr)) => (Some(stdout), Some(stderr)),
Err(err) => {
return create_failure_message(format!(
"Failed reading process output file: {:?}",
} else {
(None, None)
let task_log = TaskLogMessage {
task: task.clone(),
tasks.insert(*task_id, task_log);
/// Set the parallel tasks for either a specific group or the global default.
fn set_parallel_tasks(message: ParallelMessage, state: &SharedState) -> Message {
let mut state = state.lock().unwrap();
// Set the default parallel tasks if no group is specified.
if message.group.is_none() {
state.settings.daemon.default_parallel_tasks = message.parallel_tasks;
return create_success_message("Parallel tasks setting adjusted");
// We can safely unwrap, since we handled the `None` case above.
let group = &message.group.unwrap();
// Check if the given group exists.
if !state.groups.contains_key(group) {
return create_failure_message(format!(
"Unknown group. Use one of these: {:?}",
.insert(group.into(), message.parallel_tasks);
if let Err(error) = state.settings.save() {
return create_failure_message(format!("Failed while saving the config file: {}", error));
"Parallel tasks setting for group {} adjusted",