2020-05-14 14:54:36 +02:00

389 lines
13 KiB

use ::anyhow::Result;
use ::comfy_table::presets::UTF8_HORIZONTAL_BORDERS_ONLY;
use ::comfy_table::*;
use ::crossterm::style::style;
use ::snap::read::FrameDecoder;
use ::std::collections::BTreeMap;
use ::std::io;
use ::std::string::ToString;
use ::pueue::log::{get_log_file_handles, get_log_paths};
use ::pueue::message::TaskLogMessage;
use ::pueue::settings::Settings;
use ::pueue::state::State;
use ::pueue::task::{Task, TaskResult, TaskStatus};
use crate::cli::SubCommand;
use crate::output_helper::*;
pub fn print_success(message: String) {
println!("{}", message);
pub fn print_error(message: String) {
let styled = style(message).with(Color::Red);
println!("{}", styled);
/// Print the current state of the daemon in a nicely formatted table.
pub fn print_state(state: State, cli_command: &SubCommand) {
let (json, group_only) = match cli_command {
SubCommand::Status { json, group } => (*json, group.clone()),
_ => panic!(
"Got wrong Subcommand {:?} in print_state. This shouldn't happen",
// If the json flag is specified, print the state as json and exit.
if json {
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&state).unwrap());
// Don't show default queue headline if a single group is requested
if group_only.is_none() {
println!("{}", get_default_headline(&state));
// Early exit and hint if there are no tasks in the queue
if state.tasks.is_empty() {
println!("\nTask list is empty. Add tasks with `pueue add -- [cmd]`");
// Skip default queue, if a single group is requested
if group_only.is_none() {
let default_tasks = get_default_tasks(&state.tasks);
if !default_tasks.is_empty() {
// Print new table for each group
for (group, tasks) in sort_tasks_by_group(&state.tasks) {
// Skip unwanted groups, if a single group is requested
if let Some(group_only) = &group_only {
if group_only != &group {
println!("{}", get_group_headline(&group, &state));
/// Print some tasks into a nicely formatted table
fn print_table(tasks: &BTreeMap<usize, Task>) {
let (has_delayed_tasks, has_dependencies) = has_special_columns(tasks);
// Create table header row
let mut headers = vec![Cell::new("Index"), Cell::new("Status")];
if has_delayed_tasks {
headers.push(Cell::new("Enqueue At"));
if has_dependencies {
headers.append(&mut vec![
// Initialize comfy table.
let mut table = Table::new();
// Add rows one by one.
for (id, task) in tasks {
let mut row = Row::new();
// Determine the human readable task status representation and the respective color.
let status_string = task.status.to_string();
let (status_text, color) = match task.status {
TaskStatus::Running => (status_string, Color::Green),
TaskStatus::Paused | TaskStatus::Locked => (status_string, Color::White),
TaskStatus::Done => match &task.result {
Some(TaskResult::Success) => (TaskResult::Success.to_string(), Color::Green),
Some(TaskResult::DependencyFailed) => ("Dependency failed".to_string(), Color::Red),
Some(TaskResult::FailedToSpawn(_)) => ("Failed to spawn".to_string(), Color::Red),
Some(result) => (result.to_string(), Color::Red),
None => panic!("Got a 'Done' task without a task result. Please report this bug."),
_ => (status_string, Color::Yellow),
if has_delayed_tasks {
if let Some(enqueue_at) = task.enqueue_at {
} else {
if has_dependencies {
let text = task
.map(|id| id.to_string())
.join(", ");
// Match the color of the exit code.
// If the exit_code is none, it has been killed by the task handler.
let exit_code_cell = match task.result {
Some(TaskResult::Success) => Cell::new("0").fg(Color::Green),
Some(TaskResult::Failed(code)) => Cell::new(&code.to_string()).fg(Color::Red),
_ => Cell::new(""),
// Add command and path.
// Add start time, if already set.
if let Some(start) = task.start {
let formatted = start.format("%H:%M").to_string();
} else {
// Add finish time, if already set.
if let Some(end) = task.end {
let formatted = end.format("%H:%M").to_string();
} else {
// Print the table.
println!("{}", table);
/// Print the log ouput of finished tasks.
/// Either print the logs of every task
/// or only print the logs of the specified tasks.
pub fn print_logs(
mut task_logs: BTreeMap<usize, TaskLogMessage>,
cli_command: &SubCommand,
settings: &Settings,
) {
let (json, task_ids) = match cli_command {
SubCommand::Log { json, task_ids } => (*json, task_ids.clone()),
SubCommand::Follow { task_id, .. } => (false, vec![*task_id]),
_ => panic!(
"Got wrong Subcommand {:?} in print_log. This shouldn't happen",
if json {
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&task_logs).unwrap());
if task_ids.is_empty() && task_logs.is_empty() {
println!("There are no finished tasks");
if !task_ids.is_empty() && task_logs.is_empty() {
println!("There are no finished tasks for your specified ids");
let mut task_iter = task_logs.iter_mut().peekable();
while let Some((_, mut task_log)) = task_iter.next() {
print_log(&mut task_log, settings);
// Add a newline if there is another task that's going to be printed.
if let Some((_, task_log)) = task_iter.peek() {
if !vec![TaskStatus::Done, TaskStatus::Running, TaskStatus::Paused]
/// Print the log of a single task.
pub fn print_log(task_log: &mut TaskLogMessage, settings: &Settings) {
let task = &task_log.task;
// We only show logs of finished or running tasks.
if !vec![TaskStatus::Done, TaskStatus::Running, TaskStatus::Paused].contains(&task.status) {
// Print task id and exit code.
let task_text = style(format!("Task {} ", task.id)).attribute(Attribute::Bold);
let exit_status = match &task.result {
Some(TaskResult::Success) => style("with exit code 0".into()).with(Color::Green),
Some(TaskResult::Failed(exit_code)) => {
style(format!("with exit code {}", exit_code)).with(Color::Red)
Some(TaskResult::FailedToSpawn(err)) => {
style(format!("failed to spawn: {}", err)).with(Color::Red)
Some(TaskResult::Killed) => style("killed by system or user".to_string()).with(Color::Red),
Some(TaskResult::DependencyFailed) => {
style("dependency failed".to_string()).with(Color::Red)
None => style("running".to_string()),
print!("{} {}", task_text, exit_status);
// Print command and path.
println!("Command: {}", task.command);
println!("Path: {}", task.path);
if let Some(start) = task.start {
println!("Start: {}", start.to_rfc2822());
if let Some(end) = task.end {
println!("End: {}", end.to_rfc2822());
if settings.client.read_local_logs {
print_local_log_output(task_log.task.id, settings);
} else if task_log.stdout.is_some() && task_log.stderr.is_some() {
} else {
println!("Logs requested from pueue daemon, but none received. Please report this bug.");
/// The daemon didn't send any log output, thereby we didn't request any.
/// If that's the case, read the log files from the local pueue directory
pub fn print_local_log_output(task_id: usize, settings: &Settings) {
let (mut stdout_log, mut stderr_log) =
match get_log_file_handles(task_id, &settings.daemon.pueue_directory) {
Ok((stdout, stderr)) => (stdout, stderr),
Err(err) => {
println!("Failed to get log file handles: {}", err);
// Stdout handler to directly write log file output to io::stdout
// without having to load anything into memory.
let mut stdout = io::stdout();
if let Ok(metadata) = stdout_log.metadata() {
if metadata.len() != 0 {
if let Err(err) = io::copy(&mut stdout_log, &mut stdout) {
println!("Failed reading local stdout log file: {}", err);
if let Ok(metadata) = stderr_log.metadata() {
if metadata.len() != 0 {
if let Err(err) = io::copy(&mut stderr_log, &mut stdout) {
println!("Failed reading local stderr log file: {}", err);
/// Prints log output received from the daemon.
/// We can safely call .unwrap() on stdout and stderr in here, since this
/// branch is always called after ensuring that both are `Some`.
pub fn print_task_output_from_daemon(task_log: &TaskLogMessage) {
if !task_log.stdout.as_ref().unwrap().is_empty() {
if let Err(err) = print_remote_task_output(&task_log, true) {
println!("Error while parsing stdout: {}", err);
if !task_log.stderr.as_ref().unwrap().is_empty() {
if let Err(err) = print_remote_task_output(&task_log, false) {
println!("Error while parsing stderr: {}", err);
/// Print log output of a finished process.
pub fn print_remote_task_output(task_log: &TaskLogMessage, stdout: bool) -> Result<()> {
let (pre_text, bytes) = if stdout {
("stdout: ", task_log.stdout.as_ref().unwrap())
} else {
("stderr: ", task_log.stderr.as_ref().unwrap())
let mut decompressor = FrameDecoder::new(bytes.as_slice());
let stdout = io::stdout();
let mut write = stdout.lock();
io::copy(&mut decompressor, &mut write)?;
/// Print the log ouput of finished tasks.
/// Either print the logs of every task
/// or only print the logs of the specified tasks.
pub fn follow_task_logs(pueue_directory: String, task_id: usize, stderr: bool) {
let (stdout_handle, stderr_handle) = match get_log_file_handles(task_id, &pueue_directory) {
Ok((stdout, stderr)) => (stdout, stderr),
Err(err) => {
println!("Failed to get log file handles: {}", err);
let mut handle = if stderr { stderr_handle } else { stdout_handle };
let (out_path, err_path) = get_log_paths(task_id, &pueue_directory);
let handle_path = if stderr { err_path } else { out_path };
// Stdout handler to directly write log file output to io::stdout
// without having to load anything into memory.
let mut stdout = io::stdout();
loop {
// Check whether the file still exists. Exit if it doesn't.
if !handle_path.exists() {
println!("File has gone away. Did somebody remove the task?");
// Read the next chunk of text from the last position.
if let Err(err) = io::copy(&mut handle, &mut stdout) {
println!("Error while reading file: {}", err);