2020-05-14 14:54:28 +02:00

316 lines
11 KiB

use std::path::PathBuf;
use ::chrono::prelude::*;
use ::chrono::Duration;
use ::chrono_english::*;
use ::structopt::clap::Shell;
use ::structopt::StructOpt;
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
pub enum SubCommand {
/// Enqueue a task for execution.
Add {
/// The command that should be added.
command: Vec<String>,
/// Start the task immediately.
#[structopt(name = "immediate", short, long, conflicts_with = "stash")]
start_immediately: bool,
/// Create the task in stashed state.
/// Useful to avoid immediate execution if the queue is empty.
#[structopt(name = "stashed", short, long, conflicts_with = "immediate")]
stashed: bool,
/// Delays enqueueing the task until <delay> elapses. See enqueue for accepted formats.
#[structopt(name = "delay", short, long, conflicts_with = "immediate", parse(try_from_str=parse_delay_until))]
delay_until: Option<DateTime<Local>>,
/// Assign the task to a group. Groups kind of act as separate queues.
/// I.e. all groups run in parallel and you can specify the amount of parallel tasks for each group.
/// If no group is specified, the default group will be used.
#[structopt(name = "group", short, long)]
group: Option<String>,
/// Start the task once all specified tasks have successfully finished.
/// As soon as one of the dependencies fails, this task will fail as well.
#[structopt(name = "after", short, long)]
dependencies: Vec<usize>,
/// Remove tasks from the list.
/// Running or paused tasks need to be killed first.
Remove {
/// The task ids to be removed.
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
/// Switches the queue position of two commands. Only works on queued and stashed commands.
Switch {
/// The first task id.
task_id_1: usize,
/// The second task id.
task_id_2: usize,
/// Stashed tasks won't be automatically started.
/// Either `enqueue` them, to be normally handled or explicitly `start` them.
Stash {
/// The id(s) of the tasks you want to stash.
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
/// Enqueue stashed tasks. They'll be handled normally afterwards.
#[structopt(after_help = "DELAY FORMAT:
The --delay argument must be either a number of seconds or a \"date expression\" similar to GNU \
`date -d` with some extensions. It does not attempt to parse all natural language, but is \
incredibly flexible. Here are some supported examples.
2020-04-01T18:30:00 // RFC 3339 timestamp
2020-4-1 18:2:30 // Optional leading zeros
2020-4-1 5:30pm // Informal am/pm time
2020-4-1 5pm // Optional minutes and seconds
April 1 2020 18:30:00 // English months
1 Apr 8:30pm // Implies current year
4/1 // American form date
wednesday 10:30pm // The closest wednesday in the future at 22:30
wednesday // The closest wednesday in the future
4 months // 4 months from today at 00:00:00
1 week // 1 week at the current time
1days // 1 day from today at the current time
1d 03:00 // The closest 3:00 after 1 day (24 hours)
3h // 3 hours from now
3600s // 3600 seconds from now
Enqueue {
/// The id(s) of the tasks you want to enqueue.
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
/// Delay enqueuing the tasks until <delay> elapses. See DELAY FORMAT below.
#[structopt(name = "delay", short, long, parse(try_from_str=parse_delay_until))]
delay_until: Option<DateTime<Local>>,
/// Resume operation of specific tasks or groups of tasks.
/// Without any parameters, resumes the default queue and all it's tasks.
/// Can also be used force specific tasks to start.
Start {
/// Enforce starting these tasks. Paused tasks will be started again.
/// This doesn't affect anything other than these tasks.
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
/// Start a specific group and all paused tasks in it.
#[structopt(short, long, group("start"))]
group: Option<String>,
/// Start a everything (Default queue and all groups)!
/// All groups will be set to `running` and all paused tasks will be resumed.
#[structopt(short, long, group("start"))]
all: bool,
/// Restart task(s).
/// Identical tasks will be created and instantly queued (unless specified otherwise).
Restart {
/// The tasks you want to restart.
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
/// Immediately start the task(s).
#[structopt(name = "immediate", short, long)]
start_immediately: bool,
/// Create the task in stashed state.
/// Useful to avoid immediate execution.
#[structopt(name = "stashed", short, long, conflicts_with = "immediate")]
stashed: bool,
/// Pause either running tasks or specific groups of tasks.
/// Without any parameters, pauses the default queue and all it's tasks.
/// A paused queue (group) won't start any new tasks.
/// Everything can be resumed with `start`.
Pause {
/// Pause these specific tasks.
/// Doesn't affect the default queue, groups or any other tasks.
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
/// Pause a specific group.
#[structopt(short, long, group("pause"))]
group: Option<String>,
/// Pause everything (Default queue and all groups)!
#[structopt(short, long, group("pause"))]
all: bool,
/// Don't pause already running tasks and let them finish by themselves,
/// when pausing with `default`, `all` or `group`.
#[structopt(short, long, group("pause"))]
wait: bool,
/// Kill specific running tasks or various groups of tasks.
Kill {
/// The tasks that should be killed.
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
/// Kill all running tasks in the default queue. Pause the default queue.
#[structopt(short, long, group("kill"))]
default: bool,
/// Kill all running in a group. Pauses the group.
#[structopt(short, long, group("kill"))]
group: Option<String>,
/// Kill ALL running tasks. This also pauses everything
#[structopt(short, long, group("kill"))]
all: bool,
/// Send something to a task. Useful for sending confirmations ('y\n').
Send {
/// The id of the task.
task_id: usize,
/// The input that should be sent to the process.
input: String,
/// Edit the command or path of a stashed or queued task.
/// This edits the command of the task by default.
Edit {
/// The id of the task.
task_id: usize,
/// Edit the path of the task.
#[structopt(short, long)]
path: bool,
/// Manage groups.
/// Without any flags, this will simply display all known groups.
Group {
/// Add a group
#[structopt(short, long)]
add: Option<String>,
/// Remove a group.
/// This will move all tasks in this group to the default group!
#[structopt(short, long)]
remove: Option<String>,
/// Display the current status of all tasks.
Status {
/// Print the current state as json to stdout.
/// This doesn't include stdout/stderr of tasks.
/// Use `log -j` if you want everything.
#[structopt(short, long)]
json: bool,
#[structopt(short, long)]
/// Only show tasks of a specific group
group: Option<String>,
/// Display the log output of finished tasks.
Log {
/// Specify for which specific tasks you want to see the output.
task_ids: Vec<usize>,
/// Print the current state as json.
/// Includes EVERYTHING.
#[structopt(short, long)]
json: bool,
/// Follow the output of a currently running task.
/// This command works like `tail -f`.
Follow {
/// The id of the task.
task_id: usize,
/// Show stderr instead of stdout.
#[structopt(short, long)]
err: bool,
/// Remove all finished tasks from the list (also clears logs).
/// Kill all running tasks, remove all tasks and reset max_task_id.
/// Remotely shut down the daemon. Should only be used if the daemon isn't started by a service manager.
/// Set the amount of allowed parallel tasks.
Parallel {
/// The amount of allowed parallel tasks.
parallel_tasks: usize,
/// Specify the amount of parallel tasks for a group.
#[structopt(name = "group", short, long)]
group: Option<String>,
/// Generates shell completion files.
/// This can be ignored during normal operations.
Completions {
/// The target shell. Can be `bash`, `fish`, `powershell`, `elvish` and `zsh`.
shell: Shell,
/// The output directory to which the file should be written.
output_directory: PathBuf,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
name = "Pueue client",
about = "Interact with the Pueue daemon",
author = "Arne Beer <contact@arne.beer>"
pub struct Opt {
// The number of occurrences of the `v/verbose` flag.
/// Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv)
#[structopt(short, long, parse(from_occurrences))]
pub verbose: u8,
// /// The url for the daemon. Overwrites the address in the config file
// #[structopt(short, long)]
// pub address: Option<String>,
/// The port for the daemon. Overwrites the port in the config file.
#[structopt(short, long)]
pub port: Option<String>,
pub cmd: SubCommand,
fn parse_delay_until(src: &str) -> Result<DateTime<Local>, String> {
if let Ok(seconds) = src.parse::<i64>() {
let delay_until = Local::now() + Duration::seconds(seconds);
return Ok(delay_until);
if let Ok(date_time) = parse_date_string(src, Local::now(), Dialect::Us) {
return Ok(date_time);
"could not parse as seconds or date expression",
/// Validator function. The input string has to be parsable as int and bigger than 0
fn min_one(value: String) -> Result<(), String> {
match value.parse::<usize>() {
Ok(value) => {
if value < 1 {
return Err("You must provide a value that's bigger than 0".into());
Err(_) => Err("Failed to parse integer".into()),