2023-06-05 09:52:14 -05:00

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package main
import (
tea ""
openai ""
const markdownPrefix = "Format the response as Markdown."
type state int
const (
startState state = iota
// Mods is the Bubble Tea model that manages reading stdin and querying the
// OpenAI API.
type Mods struct {
Config config
Output string
Input string
Error *modsError
state state
retries int
styles styles
renderer *lipgloss.Renderer
anim tea.Model
width int
height int
func newMods(r *lipgloss.Renderer) *Mods {
s := makeStyles(r)
return &Mods{
state: startState,
renderer: r,
styles: s,
// completionInput is a tea.Msg that wraps the content read from stdin.
type completionInput struct{ content string }
// completionOutput a tea.Msg that wraps the content returned from openai.
type completionOutput struct{ content string }
// modsError is a wrapper around an error that adds additional context.
type modsError struct {
err error
reason string
func (m modsError) Error() string {
return m.err.Error()
// Init implements tea.Model.
func (m *Mods) Init() tea.Cmd {
return m.loadConfigCmd
// Update implements tea.Model.
func (m *Mods) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case config:
m.Config = msg
m.state = configLoadedState
if m.Config.ShowHelp || m.Config.Version || m.Config.Settings {
return m, tea.Quit
m.anim = newAnim(m.Config.Fanciness, m.Config.StatusText, m.renderer, m.styles)
return m, tea.Batch(readStdinCmd, m.anim.Init())
case completionInput:
if msg.content == "" && m.Config.Prefix == "" {
return m, tea.Quit
if msg.content != "" {
m.Input = msg.content
m.state = completionState
return m, m.startCompletionCmd(msg.content)
case completionOutput:
m.Output = msg.content
return m, tea.Quit
case modsError:
m.Error = &msg
m.state = errorState
return m, tea.Quit
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.width, m.height = msg.Width, msg.Height
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
case "q", "ctrl+c":
return m, tea.Quit
if m.state == configLoadedState || m.state == completionState {
var cmd tea.Cmd
m.anim, cmd = m.anim.Update(msg)
return m, cmd
return m, nil
// View implements tea.Model.
func (m *Mods) View() string {
switch m.state {
case errorState:
return m.ErrorView()
case completionState:
if !m.Config.Quiet {
return m.anim.View()
return ""
// ErrorView renders the currently set modsError
func (m Mods) ErrorView() string {
const maxWidth = 120
const horizontalPadding = 2
w := m.width - (horizontalPadding * 2)
if w > maxWidth {
w = maxWidth
s := m.renderer.NewStyle().Width(w).Padding(0, horizontalPadding)
return fmt.Sprintf(
s.Render(m.styles.errorHeader.String(), m.Error.reason),
// FormattedOutput returns the response from OpenAI with the user configured
// prefix and standard in settings.
func (m *Mods) FormattedOutput() string {
prefixFormat := "> %s\n\n---\n\n%s"
stdinFormat := "```\n%s```\n\n---\n\n%s"
out := m.Output
if m.Config.IncludePrompt != 0 {
if m.Config.IncludePrompt < 0 {
out = fmt.Sprintf(stdinFormat, m.Input, out)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(m.Input))
i := 0
in := ""
for scanner.Scan() {
if i == m.Config.IncludePrompt {
in += (scanner.Text() + "\n")
out = fmt.Sprintf(stdinFormat, in, out)
if m.Config.IncludePromptArgs || m.Config.IncludePrompt != 0 {
out = fmt.Sprintf(prefixFormat, m.Config.Prefix, out)
return out
func (m *Mods) retry(content string, err modsError) tea.Msg {
if m.retries >= m.Config.MaxRetries {
return err
wait := time.Millisecond * 100 * time.Duration(math.Pow(2, float64(m.retries))) //nolint:gomnd
return completionInput{content}
func (m *Mods) loadConfigCmd() tea.Msg {
cfg, err := newConfig()
if err != nil {
return modsError{err, "There was an error in your config file."}
return cfg
func (m *Mods) startCompletionCmd(content string) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
var ok bool
var mod Model
var key string
cfg := m.Config
mod, ok = cfg.Models[cfg.Model]
if !ok {
if cfg.API == "" {
return modsError{
reason: "Model " + m.styles.inlineCode.Render(cfg.Model) + " is not in the settings file.",
err: fmt.Errorf("Please specify an API endpoint with %s or configure the model in the settings: %s", m.styles.inlineCode.Render("--api"), m.styles.inlineCode.Render("mods -s")),
mod.Name = cfg.Model
mod.API = cfg.API
mod.MaxChars = cfg.MaxInputChars
if mod.API == "openai" {
key = os.Getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
if key == "" {
return modsError{
reason: m.styles.inlineCode.Render("OPENAI_API_KEY") + " environment variabled is required.",
err: fmt.Errorf("You can grab one at %s","")),
ccfg := openai.DefaultConfig(key)
api, ok := cfg.APIs[mod.API]
if !ok {
eps := make([]string, 0)
for k := range cfg.APIs {
eps = append(eps, m.styles.inlineCode.Render(k))
return modsError{
reason: fmt.Sprintf("The API endpoint %s is not configured ", m.styles.inlineCode.Render(cfg.API)),
err: fmt.Errorf("Your configured API endpoints are: %s", eps),
ccfg.BaseURL = api.BaseURL
client := openai.NewClientWithConfig(ccfg)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
prefix := cfg.Prefix
if cfg.Markdown {
prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", prefix, markdownPrefix)
if prefix != "" {
content = strings.TrimSpace(prefix + "\n\n" + content)
if !cfg.NoLimit {
if len(content) > mod.MaxChars {
content = content[:mod.MaxChars]
resp, err := client.CreateChatCompletion(
Model: mod.Name,
Temperature: noOmitFloat(cfg.Temperature),
TopP: noOmitFloat(cfg.TopP),
MaxTokens: cfg.MaxTokens,
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessage{
Role: openai.ChatMessageRoleUser,
Content: content,
ae := &openai.APIError{}
if errors.As(err, &ae) {
switch ae.HTTPStatusCode {
case http.StatusNotFound:
if mod.Fallback != "" {
m.Config.Model = mod.Fallback
return m.retry(content, modsError{err: err, reason: "OpenAI API server error."})
return modsError{err: err, reason: fmt.Sprintf("Missing model '%s' for API '%s'", cfg.Model, cfg.API)}
case http.StatusBadRequest:
if ae.Code == "context_length_exceeded" {
pe := modsError{err: err, reason: "Maximum prompt size exceeded."}
if cfg.NoLimit {
return pe
return m.retry(content[:len(content)-10], pe)
// bad request (do not retry)
return modsError{err: err, reason: "OpenAI API request error."}
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
// invalid auth or key (do not retry)
return modsError{err: err, reason: "Invalid OpenAI API key."}
case http.StatusTooManyRequests:
// rate limiting or engine overload (wait and retry)
return m.retry(content, modsError{err: err, reason: "Youve hit your OpenAI API rate limit."})
case http.StatusInternalServerError:
if mod.API == "openai" {
return m.retry(content, modsError{err: err, reason: "OpenAI API server error."})
return modsError{err: err, reason: fmt.Sprintf("Error loading model '%s' for API '%s'", mod.Name, mod.API)}
return m.retry(content, modsError{err: err, reason: "Unknown OpenAI API error."})
if err != nil {
return modsError{err: err, reason: "There was a problem with the OpenAI API request."}
return completionOutput{resp.Choices[0].Message.Content}
func readStdinCmd() tea.Msg {
if !isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()) {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
stdinBytes, err := io.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
return modsError{err, "Unable to read stdin."}
return completionInput{string(stdinBytes)}
return completionInput{""}
// noOmitFloat converts a 0.0 value to a float usable by the OpenAI client
// library, which currently uses Float32 fields in the request struct with the
// omitempty tag. This means we need to use math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32 instead
// of 0.0 so it doesn't get stripped from the request and replaced server side
// with the default values.
// Issue:
func noOmitFloat(f float32) float32 {
if f == 0.0 {
return math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32
return f