![Logo, with help from Linn Kristiansen](https://i.imgur.com/TQp8nu3.png) # loop [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Miserlou/Loop.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/Miserlou/Loop) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/loop-rs.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/loop-rs) _"UNIX's missing `loop` command!"_ `loop` lets you write powerful, intuitive looping one-liners in your favorite shell! Finally, loops in Bash that make sense! ## Why? Loops in bash are surprisingly complicated and fickle! I wanted a simple and intuitive way to write controllable loops that: * Run on controllable **timers**! - `$ loop --every 10s -- ls` * Have **custom counters**! - `$ loop --count-by 5 -- 'touch $COUNT.txt'` * Loop **until output matches** a condition! - `$ loop --until-contains 200 -- ./get_response_code.sh --site mysite.biz` * Loop **until a certain time**! - `$ loop --for-duration 8h -- ./poke_server` * Loop **until a program succeeds** (or fails!) - `$ loop --until-success -- ./poke_server` * Iterate over the **standard input**! - `$ cat files_to_create.txt | loop -- 'touch $ITEM'` * Get a **summary** of the runs! - `$ loop --for-duration 10min --summary -- ls` * Run until output **changes or stays the same** between invocations! - `$ loop --until-changes -- date +%s` - `$ loop --until-same -- date +%s` * ..and **much more!** And so `loop` was born! - [Installation](#installation) - [Linux](#linux) - [OSX](#osx) - [Rust Users](#rust-users) - [Building](#building) - [Usage](#usage) - [Counters](#counters) - [Timed Loops](#timed-loops) - [Until Conditions](#until-conditions) - [Iterating Over Lists and Standard Inputs](#iterating-over-lists-and-standard-inputs) - [Useful Examples](#useful-examples) - [Testing inputs to a program](#testing-inputs-to-a-program) - [Waiting for a website to appear online](#waiting-for-a-website-to-appear-online) - [Waiting for a file to be created](#waiting-for-a-file-to-be-created) - [Create a backup for all files in a directory](#create-a-backup-for-all-files-in-a-directory) - [Keep trying a failing script until it passes, up to 5 times](#keep-trying-a-failing-script-until-it-passes-up-to-5-times) - [Keep trying a failing script until timeout](#keep-trying-a-failing-script-until-timeout) - [Comparison with GNU Parallel](#comparison-with-gnu-parallel) - [More examples](#more-examples) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) ## Installation ### Linux `loop` is available on Snapcraft for all distributions as `loop-rs`. $ snap install loop-rs --beta _Issues related to this package are tracked [here](https://github.com/Miserlou/Loop/issues/4)._ There is also an AUR for Arch Linux users, but I don't maintain it, so use it at your own risk: $ yaourt -S loop ### OSX If you're a Homebrew user: $ brew tap miserlou/loop https://github.com/Miserlou/Loop.git $ brew install loop --HEAD ### Rust Users $ cargo install loop-rs #### Building $ cargo build ./debug/loop $ cargo run 'echo $COUNT' 1 2 [ .. ] ## Usage With no arguments, `loop` will simply repeatedly execute a command string as fast as it can until `^C` (control + C) is sent. $ loop 'echo hello' hello hello hello hello [ .. ] You can also use double dashes ( ` -- ` ) to seperate arguments: $ loop -- echo hello hello hello hello hello [ .. ] ### Counters `loop` places a counter value into the `$COUNT` environment variable. $ loop -- 'echo $COUNT' 0 1 2 [ .. ] The amount this counter increments can be changed with `--count-by`: $ loop --count-by 2 -- 'echo $COUNT' 0 2 4 6 [ .. ] The counter can be offset with `--offset`: $ loop --count-by 2 --offset 10 -- 'echo $COUNT' 10 12 14 [ .. ] And iterators can be floats! $ loop --count-by 1.1 -- 'echo $COUNT' 0 1.1 2.2 [ .. ] There's also an `$ACTUALCOUNT`: $ loop --count-by 2 -- 'echo $COUNT $ACTUALCOUNT' 0 0 2 1 4 2 [ .. ] You can get a summary of successes and failures (based on exit codes) with `--summary`: $ loop --num 3 --summary -- 'echo $COUNT' 0 1 2 Total runs: 3 Successes: 3 Failures: 0 or $ loop --num 3 --summary -- 'ls -foobarbatz' [ .. ] Total runs: 3 Successes: 0 Failures: 3 (1, 1, 1) If you only want the output of the last result, you can use `--only-last`: $ loop --count-by 2 --num 50 --offset 2 --only-last -- 'echo $COUNT' # Counting is 0-indexed 100 ### Timed Loops Loops can be set to timers which accept [humanized times](https://github.com/tailhook/humantime) from the microsecond to the year with `--every`: $ loop --every 5s -- date Thu May 17 10:51:03 EDT 2018 Thu May 17 10:51:08 EDT 2018 Thu May 17 10:51:13 EDT 2018 Looping can be limited to a set duration with `--for-duration`: $ loop --for-duration 8s --every 2s -- date Fri May 25 16:46:42 EDT 2018 Fri May 25 16:46:44 EDT 2018 Fri May 25 16:46:46 EDT 2018 Fri May 25 16:46:48 EDT 2018 $ Or until a certain date/time with `--until-time`: $ loop --until-time '2018-05-25 20:50:00' --every 5s -- 'date -u' Fri May 25 20:49:49 UTC 2018 Fri May 25 20:49:54 UTC 2018 Fri May 25 20:49:59 UTC 2018 $ ### Until Conditions `loop` can iterate until output contains a string with `--until-contains`: $ loop --until-contains "666" -- 'echo $RANDOM' 11235 35925 666 $ `loop` can iterate until the output changes with `--until-changes`: $ loop --only-last --every 1s --until-changes -- 'date +%s' 1548884135 $ `loop` can iterate until the output stays the same with `--until-same`. This would be useful, for instance, for monitoring with `du` until a download or copy finishes: $ loop --every 1s --until-same -- 'du -bs .' 236861997 . $ Or until a program succeeds with `--until-success`: $ loop --until-success -- 'if (( RANDOM % 2 )); then (echo "TRUE"; true); else (echo "FALSE"; false); fi' FALSE FALSE TRUE $ Or until it fails with `--until-error` (which also accepts an optional error code): $ loop --until-error -- 'if (( RANDOM % 2 )); then (echo "TRUE"; true); else (echo "FALSE"; false); fi' TRUE TRUE FALSE $ Or until it matches a regular expression with `--until-match`: $ loop --until-match "(\d{4})" -- `date` Thu May 17 10:51:03 EDT 2018 $ ### Iterating Over Lists and Standard Inputs Loops can iterate over all sorts of lists with `--for`: $ loop --for red,green,blue -- 'echo $ITEM' red green blue $ And can read from the standard input via pipes: $ cat /tmp/my-list-of-files-to-create.txt | loop -- 'touch $ITEM' $ ls hello.jpg goodbye.jpg This can be combined with various flags, such as `--until-changes`: $ printf "%s\n" 1 1 3 | loop --until-changes -- echo '$ITEM' 1 1 3 $ seq 10 | loop --until-changes -- echo '$ITEM' 1 2 You can also easily pipe lists to `loop`: $ ls -1 | loop -- 'cp $ITEM $ITEM.bak'; ls hello.jpg hello.jpg.bak ..or via the keyboard with `-i`: $ loop -- 'echo $ITEM | tr a-z A-Z' -i hello world^D HELLO WORLD `--for` can accept all sorts of lists: $ loop --for "`ls`" -- 'echo $ITEM' Cargo.lock Cargo.toml README.md src target $ ## Useful Examples Here are some handy things you can do with `loop`! ### Testing inputs to a program If you have a lot of files and a program, but don't know which file is the one the program takes, you can loop over them until you find it: $ ls -1 | loop --until-success -- './my_program $ITEM'; Or, if you have a list of files but need to find the one which causes your program to fail: $ ls -1 | loop --until-fail -- './my_program $ITEM'; ### Waiting for a website to appear online If you've just kicked off a website deployment pipeline, you might want to run a process when the site starts returning 200 response codes. With `--every` and `--until-contains`, you can do this without flooding the site with requests: $ ./deploy.sh; loop --every 5s --until-contains 200 -- 'curl -sw "%{http_code}" http://coolwebsite.biz'; ./announce_to_slack.sh Or until a host is online: $ loop --until-success -- ping -c 1 mysite.com; ./do_next_thing ### Waiting for a file to be created If you have a long-running process that creates a new file, you might want to kick off another program when that process outputs a new file, like so: $ ./create_big_file -o my_big_file.bin; loop --until-contains 'my_big_file.bin' -- 'ls'; ./upload_big_file my_big_file.bin ### Create a backup for all files in a directory If you've got a whole list of files that you want to create backup copies of, you can do it like so: $ ls hello.jpg $ ls -1 | loop -- 'cp $ITEM $ITEM.bak' $ ls hello.jpg hello.jpg.bak ### Keep trying a failing script until it passes, up to 5 times _This is an [example from StackExchange](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/82598/how-do-i-write-a-retry-logic-in-script-to-keep-retrying-to-run-it-upto-5-times/)._ > I want to write logic in shell script which will retry it to run again after 15 sec upto 5 times based on "status code=FAIL" if it fails due to some issue. There are so many questions like this on StackExchange, which all end up with long threads of complicated answers. With `loop`, it's a simple one liner: loop --every 15s --until-success --num 5 -- './do_thing.sh' Which will do the thing every 15 seconds until it succeeds, for a maximum of five times. ### Keep trying a failing script until timeout If dealing with a command or script that occasionally fails in a CI environment, you may want to try for a given amount of time before giving up and failing the build. With `loop` you can do that with: loop --every 5s --until-success --for-duration 180s --duration-error -- './do_thing.sh' Which will do the thing every 5 seconds until it succeeds or until the duration is met. If the duration is met, it will give the same non-zero return as the `timeout` command 124. ### Comparison with GNU Parallel This [thread on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/debian/comments/9ha2dj/ive_written_a_useful_system_utility_how_do_i_get/e6abuht/) with GNU Parallel author Ole Tange has some interesting side-by-side comparisons between `loop` and `parallel`. ### More examples Got any more useful examples? Send a pull request! ## Contributing This project is still young, so there is still plenty to be done. Contributions are more than welcome! Please file tickets for discussion before submitting patches. Pull requests should target `master` and should leave Loop in a "shippable" state if merged. If you are adding a non-trivial amount of new code, please include a functioning test in your PR. The test suite will be run by [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/Miserlou/Zappa) once you open a pull request. Please include the GitHub issue or pull request URL that has discussion related to your changes as a comment in the code ([example](https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/blob/fae2925431b820eaedf088a632022e4120a29f89/zappa/zappa.py#L241-L243)). This greatly helps for project maintainability, as it allows us to trace back use cases and explain decision making. Similarly, please make sure that you meet all of the requirements listed in the [pull request template](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Miserlou/Zappa/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md). Please feel free to work on any open ticket, especially any ticket marked with the "help-wanted" label! ## License (c) Rich Jones, 2018-2019+. MIT License.