#!/usr/bin/env just --justfile # ^ A shebang isn't required, but allows a justfile to be executed # like a script, with `./justfile test`, for example. alias t := test alias c := check bt := '0' export RUST_BACKTRACE := bt log := "warn" export JUST_LOG := log test: cargo ltest fuzz: cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz-compiler run: cargo run # only run tests matching PATTERN filter PATTERN: cargo ltest {{PATTERN}} build: cargo lbuild fmt: cargo fmt --all watch +COMMAND='ltest': cargo watch --clear --exec "{{COMMAND}}" man: cargo build --features help4help2man help2man \ --name 'save and run commands' \ --manual 'Just Manual' \ --no-info \ target/debug/just \ > man/just.1 view-man: man man man/just.1 version := `sed -En 's/version[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"([^"]+)"/\1/p' Cargo.toml | head -1` # add git log messages to changelog changes: git log --pretty=format:%s >> CHANGELOG.md check: actionlint fmt clippy test forbid git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code grep '^\[{{ version }}\]' CHANGELOG.md cargo +nightly generate-lockfile -Z minimal-versions cargo ltest git checkout Cargo.lock # publish current GitHub master branch publish: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail rm -rf tmp/release git clone git@github.com:casey/just.git tmp/release VERSION=`sed -En 's/version[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"([^"]+)"/\1/p' Cargo.toml | head -1` cd tmp/release git tag -a $VERSION -m "Release $VERSION" git push github $VERSION cargo publish cd ../.. rm -rf tmp/release push: check ! git branch | grep '* master' git push github pr: push gh pr create --web # clean up feature branch BRANCH done BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`: git checkout master git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code git pull --rebase github master git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code {{BRANCH}} git branch -D {{BRANCH}} # install just from crates.io install: cargo install -f just # install development dependencies install-dev-deps: rustup install nightly rustup update nightly cargo +nightly install cargo-fuzz cargo install cargo-check cargo install cargo-limit cargo install cargo-watch # install system development dependencies with homebrew install-dev-deps-homebrew: brew tap "rhysd/actionlint" "https://github.com/rhysd/actionlint" brew install actionlint help2man shellcheck actionlint: SHELLCHECK_OPTS='-e SC2006 -e SC2002 -e SC2050' actionlint # everyone's favorite animate paper clip clippy: cargo lclippy --all --all-targets --all-features forbid: ./bin/forbid # count non-empty lines of code sloc: @cat src/*.rs | sed '/^\s*$/d' | wc -l replace FROM TO: sd '{{FROM}}' '{{TO}}' src/*.rs test-quine: cargo run -- quine # make a quine, compile it, and verify it quine: mkdir -p tmp @echo '{{quine-text}}' > tmp/gen0.c cc tmp/gen0.c -o tmp/gen0 ./tmp/gen0 > tmp/gen1.c cc tmp/gen1.c -o tmp/gen1 ./tmp/gen1 > tmp/gen2.c diff tmp/gen1.c tmp/gen2.c rm -r tmp @echo 'It was a quine!' quine-text := ' int printf(const char*, ...); int main() { char *s = "int printf(const char*, ...);" "int main() {" " char *s = %c%s%c;" " printf(s, 34, s, 34);" " return 0;" "}"; printf(s, 34, s, 34); return 0; } ' render-readme: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'github/markup' $rendered = GitHub::Markup.render("README.adoc", File.read("README.adoc")) File.write('tmp/README.html', $rendered) watch-readme: just render-readme fswatch -ro README.adoc | xargs -n1 -I{} just render-readme generate-completions: ./bin/generate-completions # run all polyglot recipes polyglot: _python _js _perl _sh _ruby # (recipes that start with `_` are hidden from --list) _python: #!/usr/bin/env python3 print('Hello from python!') _js: #!/usr/bin/env node console.log('Greetings from JavaScript!') _perl: #!/usr/bin/env perl print "Larry Wall says Hi!\n"; _sh: #!/usr/bin/env sh hello='Yo' echo "$hello from a shell script!" _ruby: #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts "Hello from ruby!" # Print working directory, for demonstration purposes! pwd: echo {{invocation_directory()}} # Local Variables: # mode: makefile # End: # vim: set ft=make :