justfile grammar ================ Justfiles are processed by a mildly context-sensitive tokenizer and a recursive descent parser. The grammar is LL(k), for an unknown but hopefully reasonable value of k. tokens ------ ``` BACKTICK = `[^`\n\r]*` COMMENT = #([^!].*)?$ DEDENT = emitted when indentation decreases EOF = emitted at the end of the file INDENT = emitted when indentation increases LINE = emitted before a recipe line NAME = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* NEWLINE = \n|\r\n RAW_STRING = '[^'\r\n]*' STRING = "[^"]*" # also processes \n \r \t \" \\ escapes TEXT = recipe text, only matches in a recipe body ``` grammar syntax -------------- ``` | alternation () grouping _? option (0 or 1 times) _* repetition (0 or more times) _+ repetition (1 or more times) ``` grammar ------- ``` justfile : item* EOF item : recipe | alias | assignment | export | eol eol : NEWLINE | COMMENT NEWLINE alias : 'alias' NAME ':=' NAME assignment : NAME ':=' expression eol export : 'export' assignment expression : value '+' expression | value value : NAME '(' sequence? ')' | STRING | RAW_STRING | BACKTICK | NAME | '(' expression ')' sequence : expression ',' sequence | expression ','? recipe : '@'? NAME parameter* ('+' parameter)? ':' dependencies? body? parameter : NAME | NAME '=' value dependencies : NAME+ body : INDENT line+ DEDENT line : LINE (TEXT | interpolation)+ NEWLINE | NEWLINE interpolation : '{{' expression '}}' ```