use crate::common::*; test! { name: unstable_not_passed, justfile: "", args: ("--fmt"), stderr: " The `--fmt` command is currently unstable. Pass the `--unstable` flag to enable it. ", status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[test] fn unstable_passed() { let tmp = tempdir(); let justfile = tmp.path().join("justfile"); fs::write(&justfile, "x := 'hello' ").unwrap(); let output = Command::new(executable_path("just")) .current_dir(tmp.path()) .arg("--fmt") .arg("--unstable") .output() .unwrap(); if !output.status.success() { eprintln!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)); eprintln!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); panic!("justfile failed with status: {}", output.status); } assert_eq!(fs::read_to_string(&justfile).unwrap(), "x := 'hello'\n",); } test! { name: alias_good, justfile: " alias f := foo foo: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " alias f := foo foo: echo foo ", } test! { name: alias_fix_indent, justfile: " alias f:= foo foo: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " alias f := foo foo: echo foo ", } test! { name: assignment_singlequote, justfile: " foo := 'foo' ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := 'foo' ", } test! { name: assignment_doublequote, justfile: r#" foo := "foo" "#, args: ("--dump"), stdout: r#" foo := "foo" "#, } test! { name: assignment_indented_singlequote, justfile: " foo := ''' foo ''' ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: r" foo := ''' foo ''' ", } test! { name: assignment_indented_doublequote, justfile: r#" foo := """ foo """ "#, args: ("--dump"), stdout: r#" foo := """ foo """ "#, } test! { name: assignment_backtick, justfile: " foo := `foo` ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := `foo` ", } test! { name: assignment_indented_backtick, justfile: " foo := ``` foo ``` ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := ``` foo ``` ", } test! { name: assignment_name, justfile: " bar := 'bar' foo := bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " bar := 'bar' foo := bar ", } test! { name: assignment_parenthized_expression, justfile: " foo := ('foo') ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := ('foo') ", } test! { name: assignment_export, justfile: " export foo := 'foo' ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " export foo := 'foo' ", } test! { name: assignment_concat_values, justfile: " foo := 'foo' + 'bar' ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := 'foo' + 'bar' ", } test! { name: assignment_if_oneline, justfile: " foo := if 'foo' == 'foo' { 'foo' } else { 'bar' } ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := if 'foo' == 'foo' { 'foo' } else { 'bar' } ", } test! { name: assignment_if_multiline, justfile: " foo := if 'foo' != 'foo' { 'foo' } else { 'bar' } ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := if 'foo' != 'foo' { 'foo' } else { 'bar' } ", } test! { name: assignment_nullary_function, justfile: " foo := arch() ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := arch() ", } test! { name: assignment_unary_function, justfile: " foo := env_var('foo') ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := env_var('foo') ", } test! { name: assignment_binary_function, justfile: " foo := env_var_or_default('foo', 'bar') ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := env_var_or_default('foo', 'bar') ", } test! { name: assignment_path_functions, justfile: " foo := without_extension('foo/bar.baz') foo2 := file_stem('foo/bar.baz') foo3 := parent_directory('foo/bar.baz') foo4 := file_name('foo/bar.baz') foo5 := extension('foo/bar.baz') ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := without_extension('foo/bar.baz') foo2 := file_stem('foo/bar.baz') foo3 := parent_directory('foo/bar.baz') foo4 := file_name('foo/bar.baz') foo5 := extension('foo/bar.baz') ", } test! { name: recipe_ordinary, justfile: " foo: echo bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: echo bar ", } test! { name: recipe_with_docstring, justfile: " # bar foo: echo bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " # bar foo: echo bar ", } test! { name: recipe_with_comments_in_body, justfile: " foo: # bar echo bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: # bar echo bar ", } test! { name: recipe_body_is_comment, justfile: " foo: # bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: # bar ", } test! { name: recipe_several_commands, justfile: " foo: echo bar echo baz ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: echo bar echo baz ", } test! { name: recipe_quiet, justfile: " @foo: echo bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " @foo: echo bar ", } test! { name: recipe_quiet_command, justfile: " foo: @echo bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: @echo bar ", } test! { name: recipe_quiet_comment, justfile: " foo: @# bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: @# bar ", } test! { name: recipe_ignore_errors, justfile: " foo: -echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: -echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_parameter, justfile: " foo BAR: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo BAR: echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_parameter_default, justfile: " foo BAR='bar': echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo BAR='bar': echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_parameter_envar, justfile: " foo $BAR: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo $BAR: echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_parameter_default_envar, justfile: " foo $BAR='foo': echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo $BAR='foo': echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_parameter_concat, justfile: " foo BAR=('bar' + 'baz'): echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo BAR=('bar' + 'baz'): echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_parameters, justfile: " foo BAR BAZ: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo BAR BAZ: echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_parameters_envar, justfile: " foo $BAR $BAZ: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo $BAR $BAZ: echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_variadic_plus, justfile: " foo +BAR: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo +BAR: echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_variadic_star, justfile: " foo *BAR: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo *BAR: echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_positional_variadic, justfile: " foo BAR *BAZ: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo BAR *BAZ: echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_variadic_default, justfile: " foo +BAR='bar': echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo +BAR='bar': echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_parameter_in_body, justfile: " foo BAR: echo {{ BAR }} ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo BAR: echo {{ BAR }} ", } test! { name: recipe_parameter_conditional, justfile: " foo BAR: echo {{ if 'foo' == 'foo' { 'foo' } else { 'bar' } }} ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo BAR: echo {{ if 'foo' == 'foo' { 'foo' } else { 'bar' } }} ", } test! { name: recipe_escaped_braces, justfile: " foo BAR: echo '{{{{BAR}}}}' ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo BAR: echo '{{{{BAR}}}}' ", } test! { name: recipe_assignment_in_body, justfile: " bar := 'bar' foo: echo $bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " bar := 'bar' foo: echo $bar ", } test! { name: recipe_dependency, justfile: " bar: echo bar foo: bar echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " bar: echo bar foo: bar echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_dependency_param, justfile: " bar BAR: echo bar foo: (bar 'bar') echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " bar BAR: echo bar foo: (bar 'bar') echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_dependency_params, justfile: " bar BAR BAZ: echo bar foo: (bar 'bar' 'baz') echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " bar BAR BAZ: echo bar foo: (bar 'bar' 'baz') echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_dependencies, justfile: " bar: echo bar baz: echo baz foo: baz bar echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " bar: echo bar baz: echo baz foo: baz bar echo foo ", } test! { name: recipe_dependencies_params, justfile: " bar BAR: echo bar baz BAZ: echo baz foo: (baz 'baz') (bar 'bar') echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " bar BAR: echo bar baz BAZ: echo baz foo: (baz 'baz') (bar 'bar') echo foo ", } test! { name: set_true_explicit, justfile: " set export := true ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " set export := true ", } test! { name: set_true_implicit, justfile: " set export ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " set export := true ", } test! { name: set_false, justfile: " set export := false ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " set export := false ", } test! { name: set_shell, justfile: r#" set shell := ['sh', "-c"] "#, args: ("--dump"), stdout: r#" set shell := ['sh', "-c"] "#, } test! { name: comment, justfile: " # foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " # foo ", } test! { name: comment_multiline, justfile: " # foo # bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " # foo # bar ", } test! { name: comment_leading, justfile: " # foo foo := 'bar' ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " # foo foo := 'bar' ", } test! { name: comment_trailing, justfile: " foo := 'bar' # foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := 'bar' # foo ", } test! { name: comment_before_recipe, justfile: " # foo foo: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " # foo foo: echo foo ", } test! { name: comment_before_docstring_recipe, justfile: " # bar # foo foo: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " # bar # foo foo: echo foo ", } test! { name: group_recipies, justfile: " foo: echo foo bar: echo bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: echo foo bar: echo bar ", } test! { name: group_aliases, justfile: " alias f := foo alias b := bar foo: echo foo bar: echo bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " alias f := foo alias b := bar foo: echo foo bar: echo bar ", } test! { name: group_assignments, justfile: " foo := 'foo' bar := 'bar' ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo := 'foo' bar := 'bar' ", } test! { name: group_sets, justfile: " set export := true set positional-arguments := true ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " set export := true set positional-arguments := true ", } test! { name: group_comments, justfile: " # foo # bar ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " # foo # bar ", } test! { name: separate_recipes_aliases, justfile: " alias f := foo foo: echo foo ", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " alias f := foo foo: echo foo ", } test! { name: no_trailing_newline, justfile: " foo: echo foo", args: ("--dump"), stdout: " foo: echo foo ", }