Alex Blewitt 33df164523 Allow running as ungron to perform --ungron automatically
The executable is normally executed as `gron` which performs the gron
operation. However, in order to install it as `ungron`, an alias is not
necessary as a symbolic link can be used instead. When the program
detects that it is being run as an executable called `ungron` then it
will automatically set the `--ungron` argument.
2020-11-06 16:51:02 +00:00

418 lines
10 KiB

package main
import (
// Exit codes
const (
exitOK = iota
// Option bitfields
const (
optMonochrome = 1 << iota
// Output colors
var (
strColor = color.New(color.FgYellow)
braceColor = color.New(color.FgMagenta)
bareColor = color.New(color.FgBlue, color.Bold)
numColor = color.New(color.FgRed)
boolColor = color.New(color.FgCyan)
// gronVersion stores the current gron version, set at build
// time with the ldflags -X option
var gronVersion = "dev"
func init() {
flag.Usage = func() {
h := "Transform JSON (from a file, URL, or stdin) into discrete assignments to make it greppable\n\n"
h += "Usage:\n"
h += " gron [OPTIONS] [FILE|URL|-]\n\n"
h += "Options:\n"
h += " -u, --ungron Reverse the operation (turn assignments back into JSON)\n"
h += " -c, --colorize Colorize output (default on tty)\n"
h += " -m, --monochrome Monochrome (don't colorize output)\n"
h += " -s, --stream Treat each line of input as a separate JSON object\n"
h += " -k, --insecure Disable certificate validation\n"
h += " -j, --json Represent gron data as JSON stream\n"
h += " --no-sort Don't sort output (faster)\n"
h += " --version Print version information\n\n"
h += "Exit Codes:\n"
h += fmt.Sprintf(" %d\t%s\n", exitOK, "OK")
h += fmt.Sprintf(" %d\t%s\n", exitOpenFile, "Failed to open file")
h += fmt.Sprintf(" %d\t%s\n", exitReadInput, "Failed to read input")
h += fmt.Sprintf(" %d\t%s\n", exitFormStatements, "Failed to form statements")
h += fmt.Sprintf(" %d\t%s\n", exitFetchURL, "Failed to fetch URL")
h += fmt.Sprintf(" %d\t%s\n", exitParseStatements, "Failed to parse statements")
h += fmt.Sprintf(" %d\t%s\n", exitJSONEncode, "Failed to encode JSON")
h += "\n"
h += "Examples:\n"
h += " gron /tmp/apiresponse.json\n"
h += " gron \n"
h += " curl -s | gron\n"
h += " gron | grep company | gron --ungron\n"
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, h)
func main() {
var (
ungronFlag bool
colorizeFlag bool
monochromeFlag bool
streamFlag bool
noSortFlag bool
versionFlag bool
insecureFlag bool
jsonFlag bool
flag.BoolVar(&ungronFlag, "ungron", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&ungronFlag, "u", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&colorizeFlag, "colorize", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&colorizeFlag, "c", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&monochromeFlag, "monochrome", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&monochromeFlag, "m", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&streamFlag, "s", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&streamFlag, "stream", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&noSortFlag, "no-sort", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&versionFlag, "version", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&insecureFlag, "k", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&insecureFlag, "insecure", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&jsonFlag, "j", false, "")
flag.BoolVar(&jsonFlag, "json", false, "")
// Print version information
if versionFlag {
fmt.Printf("gron version %s\n", gronVersion)
// If executed as 'ungron' set the --ungron flag
if strings.HasSuffix(os.Args[0], "ungron") {
ungronFlag = true
// Determine what the program's input should be:
// file, HTTP URL or stdin
var rawInput io.Reader
filename := flag.Arg(0)
if filename == "" || filename == "-" {
rawInput = os.Stdin
} else if validURL(filename) {
r, err := getURL(filename, insecureFlag)
if err != nil {
fatal(exitFetchURL, err)
rawInput = r
} else {
r, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
fatal(exitOpenFile, err)
rawInput = r
var opts int
// The monochrome option should be forced if the output isn't a terminal
// to avoid doing unnecessary work calling the color functions
switch {
case colorizeFlag:
color.NoColor = false
case monochromeFlag || color.NoColor:
opts = opts | optMonochrome
if noSortFlag {
opts = opts | optNoSort
if jsonFlag {
opts = opts | optJSON
// Pick the appropriate action: gron, ungron or gronStream
var a actionFn = gron
if ungronFlag {
a = ungron
} else if streamFlag {
a = gronStream
exitCode, err := a(rawInput, colorable.NewColorableStdout(), opts)
if exitCode != exitOK {
fatal(exitCode, err)
// an actionFn represents a main action of the program, it accepts
// an input, output and a bitfield of options; returning an exit
// code and any error that occurred
type actionFn func(io.Reader, io.Writer, int) (int, error)
// gron is the default action. Given JSON as the input it returns a list
// of assignment statements. Possible options are optNoSort and optMonochrome
func gron(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, opts int) (int, error) {
var err error
var conv statementconv
if opts&optMonochrome > 0 {
conv = statementToString
} else {
conv = statementToColorString
ss, err := statementsFromJSON(r, statement{{"json", typBare}})
if err != nil {
goto out
// Go's maps do not have well-defined ordering, but we want a consistent
// output for a given input, so we must sort the statements
if opts&optNoSort == 0 {
for _, s := range ss {
if opts&optJSON > 0 {
s, err = s.jsonify()
if err != nil {
goto out
fmt.Fprintln(w, conv(s))
if err != nil {
return exitFormStatements, fmt.Errorf("failed to form statements: %s", err)
return exitOK, nil
// gronStream is like the gron action, but it treats the input as one
// JSON object per line. There's a bit of code duplication from the
// gron action, but it'd be fairly messy to combine the two actions
func gronStream(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, opts int) (int, error) {
var err error
errstr := "failed to form statements"
var i int
var sc *bufio.Scanner
var buf []byte
var conv func(s statement) string
if opts&optMonochrome > 0 {
conv = statementToString
} else {
conv = statementToColorString
// Helper function to make the prefix statements for each line
makePrefix := func(index int) statement {
return statement{
{"json", typBare},
{"[", typLBrace},
{fmt.Sprintf("%d", index), typNumericKey},
{"]", typRBrace},
// The first line of output needs to establish that the top-level
// thing is actually an array...
top := statement{
{"json", typBare},
{"=", typEquals},
{"[]", typEmptyArray},
{";", typSemi},
if opts&optJSON > 0 {
top, err = top.jsonify()
if err != nil {
goto out
fmt.Fprintln(w, conv(top))
// Read the input line by line
sc = bufio.NewScanner(r)
buf = make([]byte, 0, 64*1024)
sc.Buffer(buf, 1024*1024)
i = 0
for sc.Scan() {
line := bytes.NewBuffer(sc.Bytes())
var ss statements
ss, err = statementsFromJSON(line, makePrefix(i))
if err != nil {
goto out
// Go's maps do not have well-defined ordering, but we want a consistent
// output for a given input, so we must sort the statements
if opts&optNoSort == 0 {
for _, s := range ss {
if opts&optJSON > 0 {
s, err = s.jsonify()
if err != nil {
goto out
fmt.Fprintln(w, conv(s))
if err = sc.Err(); err != nil {
errstr = "error reading multiline input: %s"
if err != nil {
return exitFormStatements, fmt.Errorf(errstr+": %s", err)
return exitOK, nil
// ungron is the reverse of gron. Given assignment statements as input,
// it returns JSON. The only option is optMonochrome
func ungron(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, opts int) (int, error) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
var maker statementmaker
// Allow larger internal buffer of the scanner (min: 64KiB ~ max: 1MiB)
scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, 64*1024), 1024*1024)
if opts&optJSON > 0 {
maker = statementFromJSONSpec
} else {
maker = statementFromStringMaker
// Make a list of statements from the input
var ss statements
for scanner.Scan() {
s, err := maker(scanner.Text())
if err != nil {
return exitParseStatements, err
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return exitReadInput, fmt.Errorf("failed to read input statements")
// turn the statements into a single merged interface{} type
merged, err := ss.toInterface()
if err != nil {
return exitParseStatements, err
// If there's only one top level key and it's "json", make that the top level thing
mergedMap, ok := merged.(map[string]interface{})
if ok {
if len(mergedMap) == 1 {
if _, exists := mergedMap["json"]; exists {
merged = mergedMap["json"]
// Marshal the output into JSON to display to the user
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := json.NewEncoder(out)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
err = enc.Encode(merged)
if err != nil {
return exitJSONEncode, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to convert statements to JSON")
j := out.Bytes()
// If the output isn't monochrome, add color to the JSON
if opts&optMonochrome == 0 {
c, err := colorizeJSON(j)
// If we failed to colorize the JSON for whatever reason,
// we'll just fall back to monochrome output, otherwise
// replace the monochrome JSON with glorious technicolor
if err == nil {
j = c
// For whatever reason, the monochrome version of the JSON
// has a trailing newline character, but the colorized version
// does not. Strip the whitespace so that neither has the newline
// character on the end, and then we'll add a newline in the
// Fprintf below
j = bytes.TrimSpace(j)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", j)
return exitOK, nil
func colorizeJSON(src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
f := jsoncolor.NewFormatter()
f.StringColor = strColor
f.ObjectColor = braceColor
f.ArrayColor = braceColor
f.FieldColor = bareColor
f.NumberColor = numColor
f.TrueColor = boolColor
f.FalseColor = boolColor
f.NullColor = boolColor
err := f.Format(out, src)
if err != nil {
return out.Bytes(), err
return out.Bytes(), nil
func fatal(code int, err error) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", err)