mirror of https://github.com/sharkdp/fd synced 2024-06-28 22:04:23 +00:00

Highlight matches, see #46

This commit is contained in:
sharkdp 2017-09-15 22:16:29 +02:00
parent 8073635177
commit 8b175c1146

View File

@ -112,7 +112,11 @@ static ROOT_DIR : &'static str = "/";
static PARENT_DIR : &'static str = "..";
/// Print a search result to the console.
fn print_entry(base: &Path, entry: &PathBuf, config: &FdOptions) {
fn print_entry(base: &Path,
entry: &PathBuf,
match_start: usize,
match_end: usize,
config: &FdOptions) {
let path_full = base.join(entry);
let path_str = entry.to_string_lossy();
@ -138,6 +142,9 @@ fn print_entry(base: &Path, entry: &PathBuf, config: &FdOptions) {
print!("{}", ls_colors.directory.paint(ROOT_DIR));
let mut output_length = 0;
let mut within_match = false;
// Traverse the path and colorize each component
for component in entry.components() {
let comp_str = match component {
@ -178,11 +185,48 @@ fn print_entry(base: &Path, entry: &PathBuf, config: &FdOptions) {
write!(handle, "{}", style.paint(comp_str)).ok();
let comp_len = comp_str.len();
if match_start >= output_length && match_start < output_length + comp_len {
let (first, second) = comp_str.split_at(match_start - output_length);
write!(handle, "{}", style.paint(first)).ok();
if match_end < output_length + comp_len {
let (second_, third_) = second.split_at(match_end - match_start);
write!(handle, "{}", style.underline().paint(second_)).ok();
write!(handle, "{}", style.paint(third_)).ok();
else {
write!(handle, "{}", style.underline().paint(second)).ok();
within_match = true;
} else {
if within_match {
if match_end >= output_length && match_end < output_length + comp_len {
let (first, second) = comp_str.split_at(match_end - output_length);
write!(handle, "{}", style.underline().paint(first)).ok();
write!(handle, "{}", style.paint(second)).ok();
within_match = false;
} else {
write!(handle, "{}", style.underline().paint(comp_str)).ok();
} else {
write!(handle, "{}", style.paint(comp_str)).ok();
output_length += comp_len;
if match_end == output_length {
within_match = false;
if is_directory && component_path != path_full {
let sep = std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR.to_string();
write!(handle, "{}", style.paint(sep)).ok();
output_length += sep.len();
if within_match {
write!(handle, "{}", style.underline().paint(sep)).ok();
} else {
write!(handle, "{}", style.paint(sep)).ok();
@ -212,7 +256,7 @@ fn print_entry(base: &Path, entry: &PathBuf, config: &FdOptions) {
/// Recursively scan the given search path and search for files / pathnames matching the pattern.
fn scan(root: &Path, pattern: Arc<Regex>, base: &Path, config: Arc<FdOptions>) {
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let (tx, rx) = channel::<(PathBuf, usize, usize)>();
let walker = WalkBuilder::new(root)
@ -241,16 +285,16 @@ fn scan(root: &Path, pattern: Arc<Regex>, base: &Path, config: Arc<FdOptions>) {
let max_buffer_time = rx_config.max_buffer_time
.unwrap_or_else(|| time::Duration::from_millis(100));
for value in rx {
for (path, match_start, match_end) in rx {
match mode {
ReceiverMode::Buffering => {
buffer.push((path, match_start, match_end));
// Have we reached the maximum time?
if time::Instant::now() - start > max_buffer_time {
// Flush the buffer
for v in &buffer {
print_entry(&rx_base, v, &rx_config);
for &(ref p, m_s, m_e) in &buffer {
print_entry(&rx_base, &p, m_s, m_e, &rx_config);
@ -259,7 +303,7 @@ fn scan(root: &Path, pattern: Arc<Regex>, base: &Path, config: Arc<FdOptions>) {
ReceiverMode::Streaming => {
print_entry(&rx_base, &value, &rx_config);
print_entry(&rx_base, &path, match_start, match_end, &rx_config);
@ -267,9 +311,9 @@ fn scan(root: &Path, pattern: Arc<Regex>, base: &Path, config: Arc<FdOptions>) {
// If we have finished fast enough (faster than max_buffer_time), we haven't streamed
// anything to the console, yet. In this case, sort the results and print them:
if !buffer.is_empty() {
for value in buffer {
print_entry(&rx_base, &value, &rx_config);
buffer.sort_unstable_by_key(|t| t.0.to_owned());
for (path, match_start, match_end) in buffer {
print_entry(&rx_base, &path, match_start, match_end, &rx_config);
@ -318,7 +362,7 @@ fn scan(root: &Path, pattern: Arc<Regex>, base: &Path, config: Arc<FdOptions>) {
if let Some(search_str) = search_str_o {
// TODO: take care of the unwrap call
.map(|_| tx_thread.send(path_rel_buf.to_owned()).unwrap());
.map(|m| tx_thread.send((path_rel_buf.to_owned(), m.start(), m.end())).unwrap());