Benjamin Sago 895808e945 Show friendlier warnings when binaries don’t exist
Also, allow the --release flags to be passed to the build-exa and test-exa commands.
2017-10-02 10:22:50 +02:00

598 lines
22 KiB
Raw Blame History

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This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

require 'date'
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# We use Ubuntu instead of Debian because the image comes with two-way
# shared folder support by default.
UBUNTU = 'ubuntu/xenial64'
# The main VM is the one used for development and testing.
config.vm.define(:exa, primary: true) do |config|
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
v.name = 'exa'
v.memory = 1024
v.cpus = 1
config.vm.box = UBUNTU
config.vm.hostname = 'exa'
# Make sure we know the VM images default user name. The cassowary user
# (specified later) is used for most of the test *output*, but we still
# need to know where the target and .cargo directories go.
developer = 'ubuntu'
# Install the dependencies needed for exa to build, as quietly as
# apt can do.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
apt-get update
apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y \
git cmake curl attr libgit2-dev zip \
fish zsh bash bash-completion
# Guarantee that the timezone is UTC -- some of the tests
# depend on this (for now).
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[timedatectl set-timezone UTC]
# Install Rust.
# This is done as vagrant, not root, because its vagrant
# who actually uses it. Sent to /dev/null because the progress
# bar produces a ton of output.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline:
%[hash rustc &>/dev/null || curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sh &> /dev/null]
# Use a different target directory on the VM than on the host.
# By default it just uses the one in /vagrant/target, which can
# cause problems if it has different permissions than the other
# directories, or contains object files compiled for the host.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/#{developer}/.cargo/bin"' > /etc/environment
echo 'CARGO_TARGET_DIR="/home/#{developer}/target"' >> /etc/environment
# Create a variety of misc scripts.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
ln -sf /vagrant/devtools/dev-run-debug.sh /usr/bin/exa
ln -sf /vagrant/devtools/dev-run-release.sh /usr/bin/rexa
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncargo build --manifest-path /vagrant/Cargo.toml \\$@" > /usr/bin/build-exa
ln -sf /usr/bin/build-exa /usr/bin/b
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncargo test --manifest-path /vagrant/Cargo.toml --lib \\$@ -- --quiet" > /usr/bin/test-exa
ln -sf /usr/bin/test-exa /usr/bin/t
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/vagrant/xtests/run.sh" > /usr/bin/run-xtests
ln -sf /usr/bin/run-xtests /usr/bin/x
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nbuild-exa && test-exa && run-xtests" > /usr/bin/compile-exa
ln -sf /usr/bin/compile-exa /usr/bin/c
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nbash /vagrant/devtools/dev-package-for-linux.sh" > /usr/bin/package-exa
chmod +x /usr/bin/{exa,rexa,b,t,x,c,build-exa,test-exa,run-xtests,compile-exa,package-exa}
# Download my patched version of git2-rs.
# This is basically a hack and we should get rid of it as soon as
# a better solution comes along.
# See https://github.com/ogham/exa/issues/194
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
if [ -d /home/ubuntu/git2-rs ]; then
cd /home/ubuntu/git2-rs
git pull https://github.com/ogham/git2-rs.git || echo "Failed to update git2-rs fork"
git clone https://github.com/ogham/git2-rs.git /home/ubuntu/git2-rs
mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/.cargo
echo 'paths = ["/home/ubuntu/git2-rs/libgit2-sys"]' > /home/ubuntu/.cargo/config
# This fix is applied by changing the VM rather than changing the
# Cargo.toml file so it works for everyone because its such a niche
# build issue, its not worth specifying a non-crates.io dependency
# and losing the ability to `cargo publish` the exa crate there!
# It also isolates the hackiness to the one place I can test it
# actually works.
# Configure the welcoming text that gets shown.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
rm -f /etc/update-motd.d/*
# Capture the help text so it gets displayed first
bash /vagrant/devtools/dev-help.sh > /etc/motd
# Tell bash to execute a bunch of stuff when a session starts
echo "source /vagrant/devtools/dev-bash.sh" > /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile
# Disable last login date in sshd
sed -i '/PrintLastLog yes/c\PrintLastLog no' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd
# Link the completion files so theyre “installed”.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
test -h /etc/bash_completion.d/exa \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/exa
test -h /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_exa \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.zsh /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_exa
test -h /usr/share/fish/completions/exa.fish \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.fish /usr/share/fish/completions/exa.fish
# We create two users that own the test files.
# The first one just owns the ordinary ones, because we dont want the
# test outputs to depend on “vagrant” or “ubuntu” existing.
user = "cassowary"
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[id -u #{user} &>/dev/null || useradd #{user}]
# The second one has a long name, to test that the file owner column
# widens correctly. The benefit of Vagrant is that we dont need to
# set this up on the *actual* system!
longuser = "antidisestablishmentarienism"
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[id -u #{longuser} &>/dev/null || useradd #{longuser}]
# Because the timestamps are formatted differently depending on whether
# theyre in the current year or not (see `details.rs`), we have to make
# sure that the files are created in the current year, so they get shown
# in the format we expect.
current_year = Date.today.year
some_date = "#{current_year}01011234.56" # 1st January, 12:34:56
# We also need an UID and a GID that are guaranteed to not exist, to
# test what happen when they dont.
invalid_uid = 666
invalid_gid = 616
# Delete old testcases if they exist already, then create a
# directory to house new ones.
test_dir = "/testcases"
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
rm -rfv #{test_dir}
mkdir #{test_dir}
chmod 777 #{test_dir}
# Awkward file size testcases.
# This needs sudo to set the files users at the very end.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/files"
for i in {1..13}; do
fallocate -l "$i" "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_bytes
fallocate -l "$i"KiB "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_KiB
fallocate -l "$i"MiB "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_MiB
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/files/"*
chmod 644 "#{test_dir}/files/"*
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/files/"*
# File name extension testcases.
# These arent tested in details view, but we set timestamps on them to
# test that various sort options work.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/Makefile"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/IMAGE.PNG"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/image.svg"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/VIDEO.AVI"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/video.wmv"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/music.mp3"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/MUSIC.OGG"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/lossless.flac"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/lossless.wav"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/crypto.asc"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/crypto.signature"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/document.pdf"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/DOCUMENT.XLSX"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/COMPRESSED.ZIP"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compressed.tar.gz"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compressed.tgz"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compressed.tar.xz"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compressed.txz"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compressed.deb"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/backup~"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/#SAVEFILE#"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/file.tmp"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compiled.class"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compiled.o"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compiled.js"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compiled.coffee"
# File name testcases.
# bash really doesnt want you to create a file with escaped characters
# in its name, so we have to resort to the echo builtin and touch!
# The double backslashes are not strictly necessary; without them, Ruby
# will interpolate them instead of bash, but because Vagrant prints out
# each command it runs, your *own* terminal will go “ding” from the alarm!
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/file-names"
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/ascii: hello" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/emoji: [🆒]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/utf-8: pâté" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/bell: [\\a]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/backspace: [\\b]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/form-feed: [\\f]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/new-line: [\\n]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/return: [\\r]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/tab: [\\t]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/vertical-tab: [\\v]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/escape: [\\033]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/ansi: [\\033[34mblue\\033[0m]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/invalid-utf8-1: [\\xFF]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/invalid-utf8-2: [\\xc3\\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/invalid-utf8-3: [\\xe2\\x82\\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/invalid-utf8-4: [\\xf0\\x28\\x8c\\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/new-line-dir: [\\n]" | xargs -0 mkdir
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/new-line-dir: [\\n]/subfile" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/new-line-dir: [\\n]/another: [\\n]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/new-line-dir: [\\n]/broken" | xargs -0 touch
mkdir "#{test_dir}/file-names/links"
ln -s "#{test_dir}/file-names/new-line-dir"*/* "#{test_dir}/file-names/links"
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/new-line-dir: [\\n]/broken" | xargs -0 rm
# Special file testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/specials"
sudo mknod "#{test_dir}/specials/block-device" b 3 60
sudo mknod "#{test_dir}/specials/char-device" c 14 40
sudo mknod "#{test_dir}/specials/named-pipe" p
sudo touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/specials/"*
# Awkward symlink testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/links"
ln -s / "#{test_dir}/links/root"
ln -s /usr "#{test_dir}/links/usr"
ln -s nowhere "#{test_dir}/links/broken"
ln -s /proc/1/root "#{test_dir}/links/forbidden"
touch "#{test_dir}/links/some_file"
ln -s "#{test_dir}/links/some_file" "#{test_dir}/links/some_file_absolute"
(cd "#{test_dir}/links"; ln -s "some_file" "some_file_relative")
(cd "#{test_dir}/links"; ln -s "." "current_dir")
(cd "#{test_dir}/links"; ln -s ".." "parent_dir")
(cd "#{test_dir}/links"; ln -s "itself" "itself")
# Awkward passwd testcases.
# sudo is needed for these because we technically arent a member
# of the groups (because they dont exist), and chown and chgrp
# are smart enough to disallow it!
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/passwd"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-uid"
chmod 644 "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-uid"
sudo chown #{invalid_uid}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-uid"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-gid"
chmod 644 "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-gid"
sudo chown #{user}:#{invalid_gid} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-gid"
# Awkward permission testcases.
# Differences in the way chmod handles setting setuid and setgid
# when you dont already own the file mean that we need to use sudo
# to change permissions to those.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/permissions"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/permissions/forbidden-directory"
chmod 000 "#{test_dir}/permissions/forbidden-directory"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/permissions/forbidden-directory"
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/permissions/forbidden-directory"
for perms in 000 001 002 004 010 020 040 100 200 400 644 755 777 1000 1001 2000 2010 4000 4100 7666 7777; do
touch "#{test_dir}/permissions/$perms"
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/permissions/$perms"
sudo chmod $perms "#{test_dir}/permissions/$perms"
sudo touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/permissions/$perms"
old = '200303030000.00'
med = '200606152314.29' # the june gets used for fr_FR locale tests
new = '200912221038.53' # and the december for ja_JP local tests
# Awkward date and time testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/dates"
# there's no way to touch the created date of a file...
# so we have to do this the old-fashioned way!
# (and make sure these don't actually get listed)
touch -t #{old} "#{test_dir}/dates/peach"; sleep 1
touch -t #{med} "#{test_dir}/dates/plum"; sleep 1
touch -t #{new} "#{test_dir}/dates/pear"
# modified dates
touch -t #{old} -m "#{test_dir}/dates/pear"
touch -t #{med} -m "#{test_dir}/dates/peach"
touch -t #{new} -m "#{test_dir}/dates/plum"
# accessed dates
touch -t #{old} -a "#{test_dir}/dates/plum"
touch -t #{med} -a "#{test_dir}/dates/pear"
touch -t #{new} -a "#{test_dir}/dates/peach"
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} -R "#{test_dir}/dates"
# Awkward extended attribute testcases.
# We need to test combinations of various numbers of files *and*
# extended attributes in directories. Turns out, the easiest way to
# do this is to generate all combinations of files with “one-xattr”
# or “two-xattrs” in their name and directories with “empty” or
# “one-file” in their name, then just give the right number of
# xattrs and children to those.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/files"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/files/"{no-xattrs,one-xattr,two-xattrs}{,_forbidden}
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/"{no-xattrs,one-xattr,two-xattrs}_{empty,one-file,two-files}{,_forbidden}
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes"/**/*{one-xattr,two-xattrs}*
setfattr -n user.another_greeting -v hi "#{test_dir}/attributes"/**/*two-xattrs*
for dir in "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/"*one-file*; do
touch $dir/file-in-question
for dir in "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/"*two-files*; do
touch $dir/this-file
touch $dir/that-file
find "#{test_dir}/attributes" -exec touch {} -t #{some_date} \\;
# I want to use the following to test,
# but it only works on macos:
#chmod +a "#{user} deny readextattr" "#{test_dir}/attributes"/**/*_forbidden
sudo chmod 000 "#{test_dir}/attributes"/**/*_forbidden
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} -R "#{test_dir}/attributes"
# A sample Git repository
# This uses cd because it's easier than telling Git where to go each time
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/git"
cd "#{test_dir}/git"
git init
mkdir edits additions moves
echo "original content" | tee edits/{staged,unstaged,both}
echo "this file gets moved" > moves/hither
git add edits moves
git commit -m "Automated test commit"
echo "modifications!" | tee edits/{staged,both}
touch additions/{staged,edited}
mv moves/{hither,thither}
git add edits moves additions
echo "more modifications!" | tee edits/unstaged edits/both additions/edited
touch additions/unstaged
find "#{test_dir}/git" -exec touch {} -t #{some_date} \\;
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} -R "#{test_dir}/git"
# A second Git repository
# for testing two at once
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir -p "#{test_dir}/git2/deeply/nested/directory"
cd "#{test_dir}/git2"
git init
touch "deeply/nested/directory/upd8d"
git add "deeply/nested/directory/upd8d"
git commit -m "Automated test commit"
echo "Now with contents" > "deeply/nested/directory/upd8d"
touch "deeply/nested/directory/l8st"
echo -e "target\n*.mp3" > ".gitignore"
mkdir "ignoreds"
touch "ignoreds/music.mp3"
touch "ignoreds/music.m4a"
mkdir "ignoreds/nested"
touch "ignoreds/nested/70s grove.mp3"
touch "ignoreds/nested/funky chicken.m4a"
mkdir "target"
touch "target/another ignored file"
mkdir "deeply/nested/repository"
cd "deeply/nested/repository"
git init
touch subfile
find "#{test_dir}/git2" -exec touch {} -t #{some_date} \\;
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} -R "#{test_dir}/git2"
# Hidden and dot file testcases.
# We need to set the permissions of `.` and `..` because they actually
# get displayed in the output here, so this has to come last.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
shopt -u dotglob
mkdir "#{test_dir}/hiddens"
touch "#{test_dir}/hiddens/visible"
touch "#{test_dir}/hiddens/.hidden"
touch "#{test_dir}/hiddens/..extra-hidden"
# ./hiddens/
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/hiddens/"*
chmod 644 "#{test_dir}/hiddens/"*
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/hiddens/"*
# .
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/hiddens"
chmod 755 "#{test_dir}/hiddens"
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/hiddens"
# ..
sudo touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}"
sudo chmod 755 "#{test_dir}"
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} "#{test_dir}"
# Set up some locales
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
# uncomment these from the config file
sudo sed -i '/fr_FR.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen
sudo sed -i '/ja_JP.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen
sudo locale-gen
# Install kcov for test coverage
# This doesnt run coverage over the xtests so its less useful for now
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
test -e ~/.cargo/bin/cargo-kcov \
|| cargo install cargo-kcov
sudo apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y \
cmake g++ pkg-config \
libcurl4-openssl-dev libdw-dev binutils-dev libiberty-dev
cargo kcov --print-install-kcov-sh | sudo sh
# Remember that problem that exa had where the binary wasnt actually
# self-contained? Or the problem where the Linux binary was actually the
# macOS binary in disguise?
# This is a “fresh” VM that intentionally downloads no dependencies and
# installs nothing so that we can check that exa still runs!
config.vm.define(:fresh) do |config|
config.vm.box = UBUNTU
config.vm.hostname = 'fresh'
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
v.name = 'exa-fresh'
v.memory = 384
v.cpus = 1
# Well, we do need *one* dependency...
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y unzip
# This thing also has its own welcoming text.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
rm -f /etc/update-motd.d/*
# Capture the help text so it gets displayed first
bash /vagrant/devtools/dev-help-testvm.sh > /etc/motd
# Disable last login date in sshd
sed -i '/PrintLastLog yes/c\PrintLastLog no' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd
# Make the checker script a command.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nbash /vagrant/devtools/dev-download-and-check-release.sh \"\\$*\"" > /usr/bin/check-release
chmod +x /usr/bin/check-release