all: build test all-release: build-release test-release #----------# # building # #----------# # compile the exa binary @build: cargo build # compile the exa binary (in release mode) @build-release: cargo build --release --verbose # produce an HTML chart of compilation timings @build-time: cargo +nightly clean cargo +nightly build -Z timings # check that the exa binary can compile @check: cargo check #---------------# # running tests # #---------------# # run unit tests @test: cargo test --workspace -- --quiet # run unit tests (in release mode) @test-release: cargo test --workspace --release --verbose #-----------------------# # code quality and misc # #-----------------------# # lint the code @clippy: touch src/ cargo clippy # update dependency versions, and checks for outdated ones @update-deps: cargo update command -v cargo-outdated >/dev/null || (echo "cargo-outdated not installed" && exit 1) cargo outdated # list unused dependencies @unused-deps: command -v cargo-udeps >/dev/null || (echo "cargo-udeps not installed" && exit 1) cargo +nightly udeps # check that every combination of feature flags is successful @check-features: command -v cargo-hack >/dev/null || (echo "cargo-hack not installed" && exit 1) cargo hack check --feature-powerset # print versions of the necessary build tools @versions: rustc --version cargo --version #---------------# # documentation # #---------------# # build the man pages @man: mkdir -p "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man" pandoc --standalone -f markdown -t man man/ > "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/eza.1" pandoc --standalone -f markdown -t man man/ > "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/eza_colors.5" pandoc --standalone -f markdown -t man man/ > "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/eza_colors-explanation.5" # build and preview the main man page (eza.1) @man-1-preview: man man "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/eza.1" # build and preview the colour configuration man page (eza_colors.5) @man-5-preview: man man "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/eza_colors.5" # build and preview the colour configuration man page (eza_colors.5) @man-5-explanations-preview: man man "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/eza_colors-explanation.5" #---------------# # release # #---------------# # If you're not cafkafk and she isn't dead, don't run this! # # usage: release major, release minor, release patch @release version: cargo bump '{{version}}' git cliff -t $(grep '^version' Cargo.toml | head -n 1 | grep -E '([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+[0-9A-Za-z-]+)?' -o) > cargo check nix build -L ./#clippy git checkout -b cafk-release-$(grep '^version' Cargo.toml | head -n 1 | grep -E '([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+[0-9A-Za-z-]+)?' -o) git commit -asm "chore: release $(grep '^version' Cargo.toml | head -n 1 | grep -E '([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+[0-9A-Za-z-]+)?' -o)" git push echo "waiting 10 seconds for github to catch up..." sleep 10 gh pr create --draft --title "chore: release $(grep '^version' Cargo.toml | head -n 1 | grep -E '([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+[0-9A-Za-z-]+)?' -o)" --body "This PR was auto-generated by our lovely just file" --reviewer cafkafk #----------------# # binaries # #----------------# tar BINARY TARGET: tar czvf ./target/"bin-$(convco version)"/{{BINARY}}_{{TARGET}}.tar.gz -C ./target/{{TARGET}}/release/ ./{{BINARY}} zip BINARY TARGET: zip -j ./target/"bin-$(convco version)"/{{BINARY}}_{{TARGET}}.zip ./target/{{TARGET}}/release/{{BINARY}} binary BINARY TARGET: rustup target add {{TARGET}} cross build --release --target {{TARGET}} just tar {{BINARY}} {{TARGET}} just zip {{BINARY}} {{TARGET}} binary_static BINARY TARGET: rustup target add {{TARGET}} RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+crt-static' cross build --release --target {{TARGET}} just tar {{BINARY}} {{TARGET}} just zip {{BINARY}} {{TARGET}} checksum: echo "# Checksums" echo "## sha256sum" echo '```' sha256sum ./target/"bin-$(convco version)"/* echo '```' echo "## md5sum" echo '```' md5sum ./target/"bin-$(convco version)"/* echo '```' alias c := cross # Generate release binaries for EZA # # usage: cross @cross: # Setup Output Directory mkdir -p ./target/"bin-$(convco version)" # Install Toolchains/Targets rustup toolchain install stable ## Linux ### x86 just binary eza x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu just binary_static eza x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu just binary eza x86_64-unknown-linux-musl just binary_static eza x86_64-unknown-linux-musl ### aarch just binary eza aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu just binary_static eza aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu ### arm just binary eza arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf just binary_static eza arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf ## MacOS # TODO: just binary eza x86_64-apple-darwin ## Windows ### x86 just binary eza.exe x86_64-pc-windows-gnu just binary_static eza.exe x86_64-pc-windows-gnu # TODO: just binary eza.exe x86_64-pc-windows-gnullvm # TODO: just binary eza.exe x86_64-pc-windows-msvc # Generate Checksums just checksum #---------------------# # Integration testing # #---------------------# alias gen := gen_test_dir test_dir := "tests/test_dir" gen_test_dir: #!/usr/bin/env bash rm {{test_dir}} -r; mkdir -p {{test_dir}} cd {{test_dir}}; # BEGIN grid mkdir -p grid cd grid mkdir $(seq -w 001 1000); seq 0001 1000 | split -l 1 -a 3 -d - file_ # Set time to unix epoch touch --date=@0 *; cd .. # END grid # BEGIN git mkdir -p git cd git mkdir $(seq -w 001 10); for f in ./* do cd $f git init seq 01 10 | split -l 1 -a 3 -d - file_ cd .. done cd .. # END git # BEGIN test_root sudo mkdir root sudo chmod 777 root sudo mkdir root/empty # END test_root # BEGIN mknod mkdir -p specials sudo mknod specials/block-device b 3 60 sudo mknod specials/char-device c 14 40 sudo mknod specials/named-pipe p # END test_root eza -l --grid; # Runs integration tests in nix sandbox # # Required nix, likely won't work on windows. @itest: nix build -L ./#trycmd # Runs integration tests in nix sandbox, and dumps outputs. # # WARNING: this can cause loss of work @idump: rm ./tests/cmd/*nix.stderr -f || echo rm ./tests/cmd/*nix.stdout -f || echo nix build -L ./#trydump cp ./result/dump/*nix.* ./tests/cmd/