feat(ui): Add EXA_COLOR bindings for un-themed items

This commit is contained in:
Robert Minsk 2023-09-17 14:35:25 -07:00
parent 7e60ba16b7
commit 35b29aea2d
2 changed files with 97 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ LIST OF CODES
`EXA_COLORS` can use many more:
: the permissions displayed as octal
: the user-read permission bit
@ -196,6 +199,9 @@ LIST OF CODES
: an ignored flag in Git
: a conflicted flag in Git
: “punctuation”, including many background UI elements
@ -220,6 +226,9 @@ LIST OF CODES
: the overlay style for broken symlink paths
: special (not file, dir, mount, exec, pipe, socket, block device, char device, or link)
: a mount point
@ -253,6 +262,21 @@ LIST OF CODES
: a regular file that is used to build a project (ex: Makefile)
: No security context on a file
: SELinux user
: SELinux role
: SELinux type
: SELinux level
Values in `EXA_COLORS` override those given in `LS_COLORS`, so you dont need to re-write an existing `LS_COLORS` variable with proprietary extensions.

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub struct UiStyles {
pub inode: Style, // in
pub blocks: Style, // bl
pub header: Style, // hd
pub octal: Style,
pub octal: Style, // oc
pub symlink_path: Style, // lp
pub control_char: Style, // cc
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ pub struct FileKinds {
pub block_device: Style, // bd
pub char_device: Style, // cd
pub socket: Style, // so
pub special: Style,
pub special: Style, // sp
pub executable: Style, // ex
pub mount_point: Style, // mp
@ -104,21 +104,21 @@ pub struct Git {
pub renamed: Style, // gv
pub typechange: Style, // gt
pub ignored: Style, // gi
pub conflicted: Style,
pub conflicted: Style, // gc
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct SELinuxContext {
pub colon: Style,
pub user: Style,
pub role: Style,
pub typ: Style,
pub range: Style,
pub user: Style, // Su
pub role: Style, // Sr
pub typ: Style, // St
pub range: Style, // Sl
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct SecurityContext {
pub none: Style,
pub none: Style, // Sn
pub selinux: SELinuxContext,
@ -174,71 +174,80 @@ impl UiStyles {
/// so `set_ls` should have been run first.
pub fn set_exa(&mut self, pair: &Pair<'_>) -> bool {
match pair.key {
"ur" => self.perms.user_read = pair.to_style(),
"uw" => self.perms.user_write = pair.to_style(),
"ux" => self.perms.user_execute_file = pair.to_style(),
"ue" => self.perms.user_execute_other = pair.to_style(),
"gr" => self.perms.group_read = pair.to_style(),
"gw" => self.perms.group_write = pair.to_style(),
"gx" => self.perms.group_execute = pair.to_style(),
"tr" => self.perms.other_read = pair.to_style(),
"tw" => self.perms.other_write = pair.to_style(),
"tx" => self.perms.other_execute = pair.to_style(),
"su" => self.perms.special_user_file = pair.to_style(),
"sf" => self.perms.special_other = pair.to_style(),
"xa" => self.perms.attribute = pair.to_style(),
"ur" => self.perms.user_read = pair.to_style(),
"uw" => self.perms.user_write = pair.to_style(),
"ux" => self.perms.user_execute_file = pair.to_style(),
"ue" => self.perms.user_execute_other = pair.to_style(),
"gr" => self.perms.group_read = pair.to_style(),
"gw" => self.perms.group_write = pair.to_style(),
"gx" => self.perms.group_execute = pair.to_style(),
"tr" => self.perms.other_read = pair.to_style(),
"tw" => self.perms.other_write = pair.to_style(),
"tx" => self.perms.other_execute = pair.to_style(),
"su" => self.perms.special_user_file = pair.to_style(),
"sf" => self.perms.special_other = pair.to_style(),
"xa" => self.perms.attribute = pair.to_style(),
"sn" => self.set_number_style(pair.to_style()),
"sb" => self.set_unit_style(pair.to_style()),
"nb" => self.size.number_byte = pair.to_style(),
"nk" => self.size.number_kilo = pair.to_style(),
"nm" => self.size.number_mega = pair.to_style(),
"ng" => self.size.number_giga = pair.to_style(),
"nt" => self.size.number_huge = pair.to_style(),
"ub" => self.size.unit_byte = pair.to_style(),
"uk" => self.size.unit_kilo = pair.to_style(),
"um" => self.size.unit_mega = pair.to_style(),
"ug" => self.size.unit_giga = pair.to_style(),
"ut" => self.size.unit_huge = pair.to_style(),
"df" => self.size.major = pair.to_style(),
"ds" => self.size.minor = pair.to_style(),
"nb" => self.size.number_byte = pair.to_style(),
"nk" => self.size.number_kilo = pair.to_style(),
"nm" => self.size.number_mega = pair.to_style(),
"ng" => self.size.number_giga = pair.to_style(),
"nt" => self.size.number_huge = pair.to_style(),
"ub" => self.size.unit_byte = pair.to_style(),
"uk" => self.size.unit_kilo = pair.to_style(),
"um" => self.size.unit_mega = pair.to_style(),
"ug" => self.size.unit_giga = pair.to_style(),
"ut" => self.size.unit_huge = pair.to_style(),
"df" => self.size.major = pair.to_style(),
"ds" => self.size.minor = pair.to_style(),
"uu" => self.users.user_you = pair.to_style(),
"un" => self.users.user_someone_else = pair.to_style(),
"gu" => self.users.group_yours = pair.to_style(),
"gn" => self.users.group_not_yours = pair.to_style(),
"uu" => self.users.user_you = pair.to_style(),
"un" => self.users.user_someone_else = pair.to_style(),
"gu" => self.users.group_yours = pair.to_style(),
"gn" => self.users.group_not_yours = pair.to_style(),
"lc" => self.links.normal = pair.to_style(),
"lm" => self.links.multi_link_file = pair.to_style(),
"lc" => self.links.normal = pair.to_style(),
"lm" => self.links.multi_link_file = pair.to_style(),
"ga" => self.git.new = pair.to_style(),
"gm" => self.git.modified = pair.to_style(),
"gd" => self.git.deleted = pair.to_style(),
"gv" => self.git.renamed = pair.to_style(),
"gt" => self.git.typechange = pair.to_style(),
"gi" => self.git.ignored = pair.to_style(),
"ga" => self.git.new = pair.to_style(),
"gm" => self.git.modified = pair.to_style(),
"gd" => self.git.deleted = pair.to_style(),
"gv" => self.git.renamed = pair.to_style(),
"gt" => self.git.typechange = pair.to_style(),
"gi" => self.git.ignored = pair.to_style(),
"gc" => self.git.conflicted = pair.to_style(),
"xx" => self.punctuation = pair.to_style(),
"da" => self.date = pair.to_style(),
"in" => self.inode = pair.to_style(),
"bl" => self.blocks = pair.to_style(),
"hd" => self.header = pair.to_style(),
"lp" => self.symlink_path = pair.to_style(),
"cc" => self.control_char = pair.to_style(),
"bO" => self.broken_path_overlay = pair.to_style(),
"xx" => self.punctuation = pair.to_style(),
"da" => self.date = pair.to_style(),
"in" => self.inode = pair.to_style(),
"bl" => self.blocks = pair.to_style(),
"hd" => self.header = pair.to_style(),
"oc" => self.octal = pair.to_style(),
"lp" => self.symlink_path = pair.to_style(),
"cc" => self.control_char = pair.to_style(),
"bO" => self.broken_path_overlay = pair.to_style(),
"mp" => self.filekinds.mount_point = pair.to_style(),
"mp" => self.filekinds.mount_point = pair.to_style(),
"sp" => self.filekinds.special = pair.to_style(), // Catch-all for unrecognized file kind
"im" => self.file_type.image = pair.to_style(),
"vi" => self.file_type.video = pair.to_style(),
"mu" => self.file_type.music = pair.to_style(),
"lo" => self.file_type.lossless = pair.to_style(),
"cr" => self.file_type.crypto = pair.to_style(),
"do" => self.file_type.document = pair.to_style(),
"co" => self.file_type.compressed = pair.to_style(),
"tm" => self.file_type.temp = pair.to_style(),
"cm" => self.file_type.compiled = pair.to_style(),
"bu" => self.file_type.build = pair.to_style(),
"im" => self.file_type.image = pair.to_style(),
"vi" => self.file_type.video = pair.to_style(),
"mu" => self.file_type.music = pair.to_style(),
"lo" => self.file_type.lossless = pair.to_style(),
"cr" => self.file_type.crypto = pair.to_style(),
"do" => self.file_type.document = pair.to_style(),
"co" => self.file_type.compressed = pair.to_style(),
"tm" => self.file_type.temp = pair.to_style(),
"cm" => self.file_type.compiled = pair.to_style(),
"bu" => self.file_type.build = pair.to_style(),
"Sn" => self.security_context.none = pair.to_style(),
"Su" => self.security_context.selinux.user = pair.to_style(),
"Sr" => self.security_context.selinux.role = pair.to_style(),
"St" => self.security_context.selinux.typ = pair.to_style(),
"Sl" => self.security_context.selinux.range = pair.to_style(),
_ => return false,