first commit

This commit is contained in:
speed47 2015-09-16 22:30:29 +02:00
parent c4bc24186c
commit 92be7e15ee

btrfs-list Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
#my $dev = shift;
my @cmd;
my %filesystems;
my %vol;
my $nosnap = shift;
if ($nosnap and $nosnap eq '-s')
$nosnap = 1;
$nosnap = 0;
sub raw2human
my $human = shift;
if ($human !~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/) { return $human; }
elsif ($human > 1024**6) { $human = sprintf('%.2fE', $human/1024**6); }
elsif ($human > 1024**5) { $human = sprintf('%.2fP', $human/1024**5); }
elsif ($human > 1024**4) { $human = sprintf('%.2fT', $human/1024**4); }
elsif ($human > 1024**3) { $human = sprintf('%.2fG', $human/1024**3); }
elsif ($human > 1024**2) { $human = sprintf('%.2fM', $human/1024**2); }
elsif ($human > 1024**1) { $human = sprintf('%.2fK', $human/1024**1); }
return $human;
@cmd = qx/btrfs --version/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print("> btrfs --version\n", Dumper \@cmd);
if (not @cmd or $?)
print STDERR "FATAL: btrfs binary not found or returned an error!\n";
exit 1;
my ($version) = $cmd[0] =~ /v([0-9.]+)/;
if ($version lt '3.16')
print "WARNING: you're using an old version of btrfs-progs (v$version, but v3.16+ is recommended), available information will be limited.\n";
@cmd = qx/uname -r/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print("> uname -r\n", Dumper \@cmd);
my ($kerver) = $cmd[0] =~ /^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/;
if ($kerver lt $version)
print "WARNING: your kernel seems older (v$kerver.x) than the btrfs-progs userspace tool (v$version), some features might not be supported.\n";
if ($< ne 0)
print STDERR "FATAL: you must be root to use this command\n";
exit 1;
# btrfs filesystem show
Label: 'beurre' uuid: 010705d8-430f-4f5b-9315-12df40677e97
Total devices 4 FS bytes used 18.23MiB
devid 1 size 250.00MiB used 176.00MiB path /dev/loop1
devid 2 size 250.00MiB used 164.00MiB path /dev/loop2
devid 3 size 250.00MiB used 164.00MiB path /dev/loop3
devid 4 size 250.00MiB used 164.00MiB path /dev/loop4
@cmd = qx/btrfs filesystem show/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print("> btrfs filesystem show\n", Dumper \@cmd);
if ($?)
print STDERR "FATAL: btrfs filesystem show cmd failed!\n";
exit 1;
my ($label,$fuuid);
foreach (@cmd)
/^WARNING:/ and print and next;
if (/^Label:\s+(\S+)\s+uuid:\s+([0-9a-f-]+)/)
$label = $1;
$fuuid = $2;
if (defined $fuuid and m{devid\s.+path\s+(\S+)})
my $dev = $1;
if (not exists $filesystems{$fuuid})
$filesystems{$fuuid} = { uuid => $fuuid, label => $label, devices => [] };
if (-l $dev)
@cmd = qx/readlink -f $dev/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print ">> btrfs fi show item [$dev] got readlink ".(defined $cmd[0] ? $cmd[0] : 'undef')."\n";
if (defined $cmd[0])
$dev = $cmd[0];
push @{ $filesystems{$fuuid}{'devices'} }, $dev;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print Dumper \%filesystems;
# now look for the mountpoint
my %mountpoints;
open(MP, '/proc/mounts');
while (<MP>)
if (m{^(\S+)\s+(\S+)})
# ugly fix for /dev/mapper/stuff being a sylink to ../dm-xxx
my $dev = $1;
my $mp = $2;
$mountpoints{$dev} = $mp;
if (-l $dev)
@cmd = qx/readlink -f $dev/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print ">> mounts item [$dev] got readlink ".(defined $cmd[0] ? $cmd[0] : 'undef')."\n";
if (defined $cmd[0])
$mountpoints{$cmd[0]} = $mp;
foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
foreach my $dev (@{ $filesystems{$fuuid}{'devices'} || [] })
if (exists $mountpoints{$dev})
$filesystems{$fuuid}{'mountpoint'} = $mountpoints{$dev};
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print Dumper \%filesystems;
# lets cvol btrfs
ID gen cgen parent top depth parent_uuid received_uuid uuid path
-- --- ---- ------ --------- ----------- ------------- ---- ----
257 17 11 5 5 - - 9bc47c09-fe59-4b4c-8ed6-b01a941bfd75 sub1
my $oldprog = 0;
foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
my $mp = $filesystems{$fuuid}{'mountpoint'};
defined $mp or next;
-d $mp or next;
# cvol df
@cmd = qx/btrfs fi df --raw $mp/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print("> btrfs fi df --raw $mp\n", Dumper \@cmd);
if (not @cmd or $?)
@cmd = qx/btrfs fi df $mp/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print(">> btrfs fi df $mp\n", Dumper \@cmd);
my ($total,$used) = (0,0);
foreach (@cmd)
if (/^Data[^,]*, (\S+):\s+total=([^,]+), used=([^,]+)/)
#Data, RAID5: total=2977486077952, used=2962325794816
$total += $2;
$used += $3;
# FIXME if $2 $3 are not numbers ?
my $free = raw2human($total - $used);
$vol{$fuuid}{df} = {
id => '-1',
path => $filesystems{$fuuid}{label},
gen => 0,
cgen => 0,
parent => '-',
top => '-',
puuid => '*',
ruuid => '-', type => 'df', mode => 'rw',
rfer => "-",
excl => raw2human($used),
free => $free,
# cvol btrfs sub list
@cmd = qx{btrfs sub list -pacguq $mp 2>/dev/null};
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print("> btrfs sub list -pacguq $mp\n", Dumper \@cmd);
if (not @cmd and $? ne 0)
# old btrfsprogs...
$oldprog = 1;
@cmd = qx/btrfs sub list $mp/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print("> btrfs sub list $mp\n", Dumper \@cmd);
if ($?)
print STDERR "FATAL: btrfs sub list $mp cmd failed!\n";
exit 1;
foreach (@cmd)
/^WARNING:/ and print and next;
my $vuuid = undef;
if (/(\s|^)uuid ([0-9a-f-]+)/)
$vuuid = $2;
if ($vuuid eq '-')
# old btrfs kernel, recent btrfsprogs
m{ID (\d+)} and $vuuid = $1;
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{uuid} = $vuuid;
elsif (/(\s|^)ID (\d+)/)
# old btrfsprogs
$vuuid = $2;
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{uuid} = $vuuid;
# ID 257 gen 17 cgen 11 parent 5 top depth 5 parent_uuid - received_uuid - uuid 9bc47c09-fe59-4b4c-8ed6-b01a941bfd75 path sub1
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{puuid} = '-'; # old btrfsprogs don't have puuid, set a sane default
/(\s|^)ID (\d+)/ and $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{id} = $2;
/(\s|^)gen (\d+)/ and $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{gen} = $2;
/(\s|^)cgen (\d+)/ and $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{cgen} = $2;
/(\s|^)parent (\d+)/ and $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{parent} = $2;
/(\s|^)top_depth (\d+)/ and $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{top} = $2;
/(\s|^)parent_uuid (\S+)/ and $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{puuid} = $2;
/(\s|^)received_uuid (\S+)/ and $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{ruuid} = $2;
/(\s|^)path (\S+)/ and $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{path} = $2;
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{path} =~ s/^<FS_TREE>\///;
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{type} = 'subvol'; # by default, will be overriden below
if ($oldprog)
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{type} = 'vol?'; # old version can't tell vol/snap difference
# doesn't work with old btrfs kernel, do it other way
#if ($vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{puuid} ne '-')
# $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{type} = 'snap';
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{mode} = 'rw'; # by default, will be overriden below
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{rfer} = 0;
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{excl} = 0;
if (not $oldprog)
@cmd = qx/btrfs sub list -pacguqs $mp/;
chomp @cmd;
if ($?)
print STDERR "WARNING: btrfs sub list -pacguqs $mp cmd failed!\n";
foreach (@cmd)
/(\s|^)uuid ([0-9a-f-]+)/ and exists $vol{$fuuid}{$2} and $vol{$fuuid}{$2}{type} = 'snap';
/(\s|^)ID ([0-9]+)/ and exists $vol{$fuuid}{$2} and $vol{$fuuid}{$2}{type} = 'snap';
@cmd = qx/btrfs sub list -pacguqr $mp/;
chomp @cmd;
if ($?)
print STDERR "WARNING: btrfs sub list -pacguqr $mp cmd failed!\n";
foreach (@cmd)
/^WARNING:/ and print and next;
/(\s|^)uuid ([0-9a-f-]+)/ and exists $vol{$fuuid}{$2} and $vol{$fuuid}{$2}{mode} = 'ro';
/(\s|^)ID ([0-9]+)/ and exists $vol{$fuuid}{$2} and $vol{$fuuid}{$2}{mode} = 'ro';
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print Dumper \$vol{$fuuid};
# get quota stuff
WARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended
qgroupid rfer excl max_rfer max_excl parent child
-------- ---- ---- -------- -------- ------ -----
0/5 7.99MiB 7.99MiB 0.00B 0.00B --- ---
0/257 10.02MiB 10.01MiB 0.00B 0.00B --- ---
foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
my $mp = $filesystems{$fuuid}{'mountpoint'};
defined $mp or next;
-d $mp or next;
$oldprog and next;
@cmd = qx{btrfs qgroup show -pcre --raw $mp 2>/dev/null};
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print(">> btrfs qgroup show -pcre --raw $mp\n", Dumper \@cmd);
if (not @cmd or $?)
@cmd = qx/btrfs qgroup show -pcre $mp/;
chomp @cmd;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print(">> btrfs qgroup show -pcre $mp\n", Dumper \@cmd);
if (not @cmd or $?)
print "WARNING: can't get quota group info, either your kernel is too old, or you didn't enable quota (btrfs quota enable $mp)\n";
foreach (@cmd)
/^WARNING:/ and print and next;
if (m{^(\d+)/(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)})
my $qid = $1; my $id = $2; my $rfer = $3; my $excl = $4;
$rfer = raw2human($rfer);
$excl = raw2human($excl);
if ($id < 256)
if (not exists $vol{$fuuid}{$id})
$vol{$fuuid}{$id} = {
id => $id,
path => $filesystems{$fuuid}{mountpoint},
gen => 0,
cgen => 0,
parent => '-',
top => '-',
puuid => '+',
ruuid => '-', type => 'vol', mode => 'rw'
$vol{$fuuid}{$id}{rfer} = $rfer;
$vol{$fuuid}{$id}{excl} = $excl;
foreach my $vuuid (keys %{ $vol{$fuuid} })
if ($id eq $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{id})
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{rfer} = $rfer;
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{excl} = $excl;
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print Dumper \%vol;
# ok, now, do the magic
my @ordered = ();
my $maxdepth = 0;
my $biggestpath = 0;
sub dothemagic
my $volumes = shift;
my $depth = shift;
my $parentuuid = shift;
$depth > $maxdepth and $maxdepth = $depth;
foreach my $vuuid (sort { $volumes->{$a}{id} <=> $volumes->{$b}{id} } keys %$volumes)
#$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print ".."x($depth) . " working on vuuid=$vuuid with parentuuid=$parentuuid and this uuidpuuid=".$volumes->{$vuuid}{puuid}."\n";
if ($parentuuid eq $volumes->{$vuuid}{puuid})
my $hash = $volumes->{$vuuid};
$hash->{'depth'} = $depth;
length($hash->{path}) > $biggestpath and $biggestpath = length($hash->{path});
push @ordered, $hash;
dothemagic($volumes, $depth+1, $vuuid);# unless $parentuuid eq '-';
#print "ALRIGHT.\n";
foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
@ordered = ();
$maxdepth = 0;
$biggestpath = 0;
dothemagic($vol{$fuuid}, 0, '*');
dothemagic($vol{$fuuid}, 1, '+');
dothemagic($vol{$fuuid}, 1, '-');
# find the longest path (including leading spaces)
my $longestpath = 0;
foreach (@ordered)
my $len = $_->{depth} * 3;
$len += length($_->{path});
$len > $longestpath and $longestpath = $len;
my $format = "%-${longestpath}s %3s %8s %9s %9s %s\n";
printf $format, 'PATH', 'ID', "TYPE", "REFER", "USED", "" ;
foreach (@ordered)
#print Dumper $_;
if ($nosnap and $_->{'type'} eq 'snap') { next; }
my $type = $_->{type};
$_->{mode} eq 'ro' and $type = "ro".$type;
my $rfer = $_->{rfer};
$rfer =~ s/iB$//;
my $excl = $_->{excl};
$excl =~ s/iB$//;
my $free = '';
if (exists $_->{'free'})
$free = '('.$_->{'free'}.' free)';
printf $format,
" "x($_->{depth} * 3) . $_->{path},
$_->{id}, $type, $rfer, $excl, $free;