add colors, generation display and misc fixes

This commit is contained in:
Stéphane Lesimple 2017-06-18 15:32:21 +02:00
parent b23f01683c
commit 8b4f0c3328

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use IPC::Open3;
use Symbol 'gensym';
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ANSIColor;
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin';
@ -15,11 +16,17 @@ my %vol;
my $debug = 0;
my $hide_snapshots = 0;
my $show_generation = 0;
my $no_color = 0;
'd' => \$debug,
's' => \$hide_snapshots,
'g' => \$show_generation,
'no-color' => \$no_color,
$ENV{'ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED'} = 1 if $no_color;
sub debug
$debug or return;
@ -96,12 +103,12 @@ sub raw2human
my $human = shift;
if ($human !~ /^(\d+)(\.\d+)?$/) { return $human; }
$human = $1;
if ($human > 1024**6) { $human = sprintf('%.2fE', $human/1024**6); }
elsif ($human > 1024**5) { $human = sprintf('%.2fP', $human/1024**5); }
elsif ($human > 1024**4) { $human = sprintf('%.2fT', $human/1024**4); }
elsif ($human > 1024**3) { $human = sprintf('%.2fG', $human/1024**3); }
elsif ($human > 1024**2) { $human = sprintf('%.2fM', $human/1024**2); }
elsif ($human > 1024**1) { $human = sprintf('%.2fK', $human/1024**1); }
if ($human > 1024**5) { $human = colored(sprintf('%.2f', $human/1024**5), 'bright_magenta').colored('P', 'grey12'); }
elsif ($human > 1024**4) { $human = colored(sprintf('%.2f', $human/1024**4), 'bright_red' ).colored('T', 'grey12'); }
elsif ($human > 1024**3) { $human = colored(sprintf('%.2f', $human/1024**3), 'bright_yellow' ).colored('G', 'grey12'); }
elsif ($human > 1024**2) { $human = colored(sprintf('%.2f', $human/1024**2), 'bright_green' ).colored('M', 'grey12'); }
elsif ($human > 1024**1) { $human = colored(sprintf('%.2f', $human/1024**1), 'bright_blue' ).colored('k', 'grey12'); }
else { $human = sprintf('%.2f' , $human ) ; }
return $human;
@ -195,13 +202,13 @@ while (<MP>)
if ($options =~ /subvolid=(\d+)/)
$mountpoints{$dev} = $mp;
$mountpointsvol{$dev}{$subvolid} = $mp;
$mountpoints{$dev} = $mp unless $mountpoints{$dev};
$mountpointsvol{$dev}{$subvolid} = $mp unless $mountpointsvol{$dev}{$subvolid};
if (-l $dev)
$mountpoints{ link2real($dev) } = $mp;
$mountpointsvol{ link2real($dev) }{$subvolid} = $mp;
$mountpoints{ link2real($dev) } ||= $mp;
$mountpointsvol{ link2real($dev) }{$subvolid} ||= $mp;
@ -220,7 +227,7 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print Dumper \%filesystems;
debug(Dumper \%filesystems);
# lets cvol btrfs
@ -237,7 +244,6 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
-d $mp or next;
# cvol df
my $hasraid56 = 0;
@cmd = run_cmd( { can_fail => 1, silent_stderr => 1 }, qw{ btrfs filesystem df --raw }, $mp );
if (not @{ $cmd[1] } or $cmd[0])
@ -246,7 +252,6 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
my ($total,$used) = (0,0);
foreach (@{ $cmd[1] })
/RAID[56]/ and $hasraid56++;
if (/^Data[^,]*, (\S+):\s+total=([^,]+), used=([^,]+)/)
#Data, RAID5: total=2977486077952, used=2962325794816
@ -257,48 +262,13 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
my $free = raw2human($total - $used);
$vol{$fuuid}{df} = {
id => '-1',
id => '-1',
path => $filesystems{$fuuid}{label},
gen => 0,
cgen => 0,
parent => '-',
top => '-',
puuid => '*',
ruuid => '-', type => 'fs', mode => 'rw',
rfer => "-",
excl => raw2human($used),
free => $free,
gen => 0, cgen => 0, parent => '-',
top => '-', puuid => '*', ruuid => '-',
type => 'fs', mode => 'rw', rfer => colored('', 'white').colored(' ', 'grey12').'-',
excl => raw2human($used), free => $free,
# classic df for raid56
if ($hasraid56)
@cmd = run_cmd( { can_fail => 0 }, qw{ df --block-size=1 }, $mp);
foreach (@{ $cmd[1] })
# /dev/mapper/luks-WDC_WD30EZRX-00MMMB0_WD-WCAWZ3013164 9001772654592 3292893921280 3580264464384 48% /tank
if (/\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)%/)
($total,$used,$free) = ($1,$2,$3);
# FIXME only for raid5 with 3 devs, TODO :
$used = $used / 3 * 2;
$free = $free / 3 * 2;
$vol{$fuuid}{df} = {
id => '-1',
path => $filesystems{$fuuid}{label},
gen => 0,
cgen => 0,
parent => '-',
top => '-',
puuid => '*',
ruuid => '-', type => 'df', mode => 'rw',
rfer => "-",
excl => raw2human($used),
free => raw2human($free),
# replace the free space estimation by what fi usage says
@cmd = run_cmd( { can_fail => 1, silent_stderr => 1 }, qw{ btrfs filesystem usage --raw }, $mp );
@ -398,7 +368,7 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
/(\s|^)ID ([0-9]+)/ and exists $vol{$fuuid}{$2} and $vol{$fuuid}{$2}{mode} = 'ro';
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print Dumper \$vol{$fuuid};
debug(Dumper \$vol{$fuuid});
# get quota stuff
@ -472,13 +442,14 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
$ENV{'DEBUG'} and print '@VOL@', Dumper \%vol;
debug(Dumper \%vol);
# ok, now, do the magic
my @ordered = ();
my $maxdepth = 0;
my $biggestpath = 0;
my %seen;
sub dothemagic
my $volumes = shift;
@ -494,6 +465,7 @@ sub dothemagic
$hash->{'depth'} = $depth;
length($hash->{path}) > $biggestpath and $biggestpath = length($hash->{path});
push @ordered, $hash;
$seen{$vuuid} = 1;
dothemagic($volumes, $depth+1, $vuuid);# unless $parentuuid eq '-';
@ -509,6 +481,12 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
dothemagic($vol{$fuuid}, 1, '+');
dothemagic($vol{$fuuid}, 1, '-');
foreach my $vuuid (keys %{ $vol{$fuuid} })
next if $seen{$vuuid};
push @ordered, $vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid};#print "orphan $vuuid\n";
# find the longest path (including leading spaces)
my $longestpath = 0;
foreach (@ordered)
@ -519,11 +497,12 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
my $format = "%-${longestpath}s %5s %8s %9s %9s %s\n";
printf $format, 'NAME', 'ID', "TYPE", "REFER", "USED", "" ;
printf $format, 'NAME', 'ID', 'TYPE', 'REFER', 'USED', '';
$format = "%-${longestpath}s %5s %8s %33s %33s %s\n" unless $ENV{'ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED'};
foreach (@ordered)
#print Dumper $_;
if ($hide_snapshots and $_->{'type'} eq 'snap') { next; }
next if ($hide_snapshots and $_->{'type'} eq 'snap');
my $type = $_->{type};
$_->{mode} eq 'ro' and $type = "ro".$type;
my $rfer = $_->{rfer};
@ -539,9 +518,11 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems)
$extra = $_->{'mp'};
$_->{depth} ||= 0;
printf $format,
" "x($_->{depth} * 3) . $_->{path},
$_->{id} > 0 ? $_->{id} : '-', $type, $rfer, $excl, $extra;
" "x($_->{depth} * 3) . $_->{path},
($_->{id} && $_->{id} > 0) ? $_->{id} : '-',
$type, $rfer, $excl, $extra;