feat: when given mountpoint is not one, find its parent

This commit is contained in:
Stéphane Lesimple 2022-01-02 21:43:11 +01:00
parent 5ddba2fe0b
commit 4349422f40

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@ -292,6 +292,42 @@ if ($< != 0) {
exit 1;
# get moutpoint list, we'll need it several times in the script
my @procmounts;
my %mphash;
open(my $procfd, '<', '/proc/mounts') or die("Couldn't open /proc/mounts: $!");
while (<$procfd>) {
if (m{^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)}) {
push @procmounts,
dev => $1,
mp => $2,
fstype => $3,
options => $4,
$mphash{$2} = 1;
# first ensure passed wantedFs is a mountpoint
if ($wantedFs) {
$wantedFs =~ s{/+}{/}g;
$wantedFs =~ s{/$}{};
my $originalWantedFs = $wantedFs;
while (1) {
$wantedFs ||= '/';
$cmd = run_cmd(cmd => ['mountpoint', $wantedFs], silent_stderr => 1);
if ($cmd->{'status'} != 0) {
next if ($wantedFs =~ s{/[^/]+$}{});
debug("done, wantedFs=$wantedFs ori=$originalWantedFs");
# get filesystems list
@ -336,39 +372,33 @@ debug("FILESYSTEMS HASH DUMP 1:", Dumper \%filesystems);
# now look for the mountpoints
my %mountpoints;
my %mountpointsvol;
open(my $procfd, '<', '/proc/mounts');
while (<$procfd>) {
if (m{^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)}) {
my %dev2mp;
my %volid2mp;
foreach my $line (@procmounts) {
# ugly fix for /dev/mapper/stuff being a sylink to ../dm-xxx
my $dev = $1;
my $mp = $2;
my $fstype = $3;
my $options = $4;
next if $fstype ne 'btrfs';
my $subvolid = 0;
($subvolid) = $options =~ /subvolid=(\d+)/;
debug(">> mounts item [$dev] subvolid[$subvolid] mounted on $mp");
# fix for /dev/mapper/stuff being a sylink to ../dm-xxx
next if $line->{fstype} ne 'btrfs';
my $subvolid = 0;
($subvolid) = $line->{options} =~ /subvolid=(\d+)/;
debug(">> mounts item [$line->{dev}] subvolid[$subvolid] mounted on $line->{mp}");
if ($options =~ /subvolid=(\d+)/) {
$mountpoints{$dev} = $mp unless $mountpoints{$dev};
$mountpointsvol{$dev}{$subvolid} = $mp unless $mountpointsvol{$dev}{$subvolid};
if (-l $dev) {
$mountpoints{link2real($dev)} ||= $mp;
$mountpointsvol{link2real($dev)}{$subvolid} ||= $mp;
# ||=: we might have bind mounts and such, just take the first occurence
if ($line->{options} =~ /subvolid=(\d+)/) {
$dev2mp{$line->{dev}} ||= $line->{mp};
$volid2mp{$line->{dev}}{$subvolid} ||= $line->{mp};
if (-l $line->{dev}) {
my $real = link2real($line->{dev});
$dev2mp{$real} ||= $line->{mp};
$volid2mp{$real}{$subvolid} ||= $line->{mp};
foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems) {
foreach my $dev (@{$filesystems{$fuuid}{'devices'} || []}) {
if (exists $mountpoints{$dev}) {
$filesystems{$fuuid}{'mountpoint'} = $mountpoints{$dev};
$filesystems{$fuuid}{'volmp'} = $mountpointsvol{$dev};
if (exists $dev2mp{$dev}) {
$filesystems{$fuuid}{'mountpoint'} = $dev2mp{$dev};
$filesystems{$fuuid}{'volmp'} = $volid2mp{$dev};