enh: support multiple mountpoints as arguments

This commit is contained in:
Stéphane Lesimple 2022-01-06 20:23:04 +01:00
parent 74004e01b9
commit 2d482f192c

View file

@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ use constant FAKE_ID_GHOST => -2;
sub help {
print <<"EOF";
Usage: $0 [options] [mountpoint]
Usage: $0 [options] [mountpoints]
If no [mountpoint] is specified, display info for all btrfs filesystems.
If no [mountpoints] are specified, display info for all btrfs filesystems.
-h, --help display this message
--debug enable debug output
@ -425,15 +425,6 @@ if ($opt_btrfs_binary && !-f -x $opt_btrfs_binary) {
help() if $opt_help;
# check args
my $wantedFs = shift;
if ($wantedFs) {
# canonicalize
$wantedFs = link2real($wantedFs);
# check btrfs-progs version
my $cmd = run_cmd(fatal => 1, cmd => [qw{ btrfs --version }]);
@ -470,28 +461,32 @@ while (<$procfd>) {
} ## end while (<$procfd>)
# first ensure passed wantedFs is a mountpoint
my $originalWantedFs = $wantedFs;
if ($wantedFs) {
$wantedFs =~ s{/+}{/}g;
$wantedFs =~ s{/$}{};
# get passed mountpoints
my @mountPoints = @ARGV;
# ensure these (if any) are mountpoints
foreach my $mp (@mountPoints) {
# canonicalize
$mp = link2real($mp);
# if not a mp, find a parent that is
while (1) {
$wantedFs ||= '/';
$mp ||= '/';
my $ismp = 0;
foreach (@procmounts) {
next if ($_->{mp} ne $wantedFs);
next if ($_->{mp} ne $mp);
$ismp = 1;
if (!$ismp) {
next if ($wantedFs =~ s{/[^/]+$}{});
next if ($mp =~ s{/[^/]+$}{});
} ## end while (1)
debug("done, wantedFs=$wantedFs ori=$originalWantedFs");
} ## end if ($wantedFs)
debug("done, mp is: $mp");
} ## end foreach my $mp (@mountPoints)
# get filesystems list
@ -505,12 +500,20 @@ devid 3 size 250.00MiB used 164.00MiB path /dev/loop3
devid 4 size 250.00MiB used 164.00MiB path /dev/loop4
$cmd = run_cmd(silent_stderr => 1, cmd => [qw{ btrfs filesystem show --raw }, $wantedFs ? $wantedFs : ()]);
if (!@{$cmd->{stdout}} || $cmd->{status}) {
$cmd = run_cmd(fatal => 1, cmd => [qw{ btrfs filesystem show }, $wantedFs ? $wantedFs : ()]);
# if no mountpoints specified, use undef to run a 'btrfs fi show' once with no params (all fs)
@mountPoints = (undef) if !@mountPoints;
my @fishow = ();
foreach my $mp (@mountPoints) {
$cmd = run_cmd(silent_stderr => 1, cmd => [qw{ btrfs filesystem show --raw }, defined $mp ? $mp : ()]);
if (!@{$cmd->{stdout}} || $cmd->{status}) {
$cmd = run_cmd(fatal => 1, cmd => [qw{ btrfs filesystem show }, defined $mp ? $mp : ()]);
push @fishow, @{$cmd->{stdout}} if $cmd->{stdout};
} ## end foreach my $mp (@mountPoints)
my ($label, $fuuid, %filesystems);
foreach (@{$cmd->{stdout}}) {
foreach (@fishow) {
if (/^Label:\s+(\S+)\s+uuid:\s+([0-9a-f-]+)/) {
$label = $1;
$fuuid = $2;
@ -539,7 +542,7 @@ foreach (@{$cmd->{stdout}}) {
size => $size
} ## end if (defined $fuuid and...)
} ## end foreach (@{$cmd->{stdout}})
} ## end foreach (@fishow)
debug("FILESYSTEMS HASH DUMP 1:", Dumper \%filesystems);
if (!%filesystems) {