chore: adjust debug and sub names

This commit is contained in:
Stéphane Lesimple 2022-01-02 15:34:04 +01:00
parent 098760ea15
commit 0aba9f7a64

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:
# vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ANSIColor;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
use constant KiB => 1024**1;
use constant MiB => 1024**2;
use constant GiB => 1024**3;
@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ GetOptions(
sub debug {
return if !$opt_debug;
print STDERR $_ . "\n" for @_;
sub run_cmd {
@ -160,9 +162,13 @@ sub link2real {
# item5: color-code after the multiplier
sub pretty_print {
my ($raw, $mode) = @_;
my @c = caller(0);
if ($opt_raw) {
return ('', $raw, '', '', '') if (!$mode || $raw ne 0);
return ('', '-', '', '', '');
@ -299,7 +305,7 @@ foreach (@{$cmd->{stdout}}) {
push @{$filesystems{$fuuid}{'devices'}}, $dev;
debug(Dumper \%filesystems);
debug("FILESYSTEMS HASH DUMP 1:", Dumper \%filesystems);
# now look for the mountpoints
@ -341,7 +347,7 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems) {
debug(Dumper \%filesystems);
debug("FILESYSTEMS HASH DUMP 2:", Dumper \%filesystems);
# now, for each filesystem we found, let's dig:
@ -386,9 +392,9 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems) {
gen => 0,
cgen => 0,
parent => '-',
top => '-',
puuid => '*',
ruuid => '-',
top => '-', # top_depth
puuid => '*', # parent_uuid
ruuid => '-', # received_uuid
type => 'fs',
mode => 'rw',
rfer => '-',
@ -503,6 +509,7 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems) {
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{excl} = 0;
$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{mp} = $filesystems{$fuuid}{volmp}{$vol{$fuuid}{$vuuid}{id}};
$cmd = run_cmd(cmd => [qw{ btrfs subvolume list -pacguqs }, $mp]);
foreach (@{$cmd->{stdout}}) {
my $found = undef;
@ -517,12 +524,13 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems) {
$cmd = run_cmd(cmd => [qw{ btrfs subvolume list -pacguqr }, $mp]);
foreach (@{$cmd->{stdout}}) {
/(\s|^)uuid ([0-9a-f-]+)/ and exists $vol{$fuuid}{$2} and $vol{$fuuid}{$2}{mode} = 'ro';
/(\s|^)ID ([0-9]+)/ and exists $vol{$fuuid}{$2} and $vol{$fuuid}{$2}{mode} = 'ro';
debug(Dumper \$vol{$fuuid});
debug("VOL{FUUID=$fuuid} DUMP:", Dumper \$vol{$fuuid});
# get quota stuff
@ -604,7 +612,7 @@ foreach my $fuuid (keys %filesystems) {
debug(Dumper \%vol);
debug("VOL HASH DUMP:", Dumper \%vol);
# ok, now, do the magic
@ -613,22 +621,26 @@ my $maxdepth = 0;
my $biggestpath = 0;
my %seen;
sub dothemagic {
my $volumes = shift;
my $depth = shift;
my $parentuuid = shift;
sub order_recursive {
my %params = @_;
my $volumes = $params{'volumes'};
my $depth = $params{'depth'};
my $parentuuid = $params{'parentuuid'};
$depth > $maxdepth and $maxdepth = $depth;
foreach my $vuuid (sort { $volumes->{$a}{id} <=> $volumes->{$b}{id} } keys %$volumes) {
debug(".." x ($depth) . " working on vuuid=$vuuid with parentuuid=$parentuuid and this uuidpuuid=" . $volumes->{$vuuid}{puuid});
debug(".." x ($depth) . " called with volume_uuid=$vuuid and parent_uuid=$parentuuid now working on vol w/ parent_uuid=" . $volumes->{$vuuid}{puuid});
if ($parentuuid eq $volumes->{$vuuid}{puuid}) {
my $hash = $volumes->{$vuuid};
$hash->{depth} = $depth;
length($hash->{path}) > $biggestpath and $biggestpath = length($hash->{path});
push @ordered, $hash;
$seen{$vuuid} = 1;
dothemagic($volumes, $depth + 1, $vuuid); # unless $parentuuid eq '-';
order_recursive(volumes => $volumes, depth => $depth + 1, parentuuid => $vuuid); # unless $parentuuid eq '-';
my $isFirstFS = 1;
@ -636,9 +648,9 @@ foreach my $fuuid (sort keys %filesystems) {
@ordered = ();
$maxdepth = 0;
$biggestpath = 0;
dothemagic($vol{$fuuid}, 0, '*');
dothemagic($vol{$fuuid}, 1, '+');
dothemagic($vol{$fuuid}, 1, '-');
order_recursive(volumes => $vol{$fuuid}, depth => 0, parentuuid => '*');
order_recursive(volumes => $vol{$fuuid}, depth => 1, parentuuid => '+');
order_recursive(volumes => $vol{$fuuid}, depth => 1, parentuuid => '-');
foreach my $vuuid (keys %{$vol{$fuuid}}) {
next if $seen{$vuuid};