Peter Stephenson 12e5db145b 51608: Don't execute commands after "continue &&"
Also ! continue ||
2023-03-29 10:52:05 +01:00

1021 lines
20 KiB

# This file contains tests corresponding to the `Shell Grammar' texinfo node.
mkdir basic.tmp && cd basic.tmp
touch foo bar
echo "'" >unmatched_quote.txt
# Tests for `Simple Commands and Pipelines'
# Test skipping early to ensure we run the remainder...
if [[ -n $ZTST_test_skip ]]; then
ZTST_skip="Test system verification for skipping"
print "This is standard output"
print "This is standard error" >&2
1:Test skipping if ZTST_test_skip is set
>This is standard output
?This is standard error
echo foo | cat | sed 's/foo/bar/'
0:Basic pipeline handling
false | true
0:Exit status of pipeline with builtins (true)
true | false
1:Exit status of pipeline with builtins (false)
0:Executing command that evaluates to empty resets status
sleep 1 &
print $?
# a tidy test is a happy test
wait $!
0:Starting background command resets status
. /dev/null
0:Sourcing empty file resets status
fn() { local foo; read foo; print $foo; }
coproc fn
print -p coproc test output
read -p bar
print $bar
0:Basic coprocess handling
>coproc test output
true | false && print true || print false
0:Basic sublist (i)
false | true && print true || print false
0:Basic sublist (ii)
(cd /NonExistentDirectory >&/dev/null) || print false
0:Basic subshell list with error
{ cd /NonExistentDirectory >&/dev/null } || print false
0:Basic current shell list with error
fn() { : && ! ; : }
functions -x3 fn
0:End of sublist containing ! with no command
>fn () {
> : && !
> :
if [[ m -eq y ]]; then
: && !
0:! followed by no further commands
fn() { ! {!} && ! (!) || ! {!} }
functions -x2 fn
0:exclamation marks without following commands
>fn () {
> ! {
> !
> } && ! (
> !
> ) || ! {
> !
> }
! | true
1:! followed by no command but by a pipe
?(eval):1: parse error near `|'
# Tests for `Precommand Modifiers'
- $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc "[[ \$0 = \"-$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh\" ]]"
0:`-' precommand modifier
echo f*
noglob echo f*
0:`noglob' precommand modifier
(exec /bin/sh; echo bar)
0:`exec' precommand modifier
(exec -l $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc 'echo $0' | sed 's%/.*/%%' )
0:`exec' with -l option
(exec -a /bin/SPLATTER /bin/sh -c 'echo $0')
0:`exec' with -a option
(exec -a/bin/SPLOOSH /bin/sh -c 'echo $0')
0:`exec' with -a option, no space
(exec -a foo* $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc 'print -r -- ${(V)0}')
(exec -a "" $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc 'print -r -- ${(V)0}')
0:rationalisation of arguments to exec -a
opts=(-a /bin/WHOOOSH)
exec $opts /bin/sh -c 'echo $0'
0:`exec' with -a option from expansion
(export FOO=bar; exec -c /bin/sh -c 'echo x${FOO}x')
0:`exec' with -c option
(\exec /bin/sh -c 'echo Test one'; print Not reached)
('exec' /bin/sh -c 'echo Test two'; print Not reached)
(\exec -c /bin/sh -c 'echo Test three'; print Not reached)
0:precommand modifiers with quotes
>Test one
>Test two
>Test three
cat() { echo Function cat executed; }
command cat && unfunction cat
0:`command' precommand modifier
<External command cat executed
>External command cat executed
(command -p echo this is output)
(\command -p echo this is more output)
('command' -p echo this is yet more output)
0: command -p without -v or -V
>this is output
>this is more output
>this is yet more output
command -pv cat
command -pv echo
command -p -V cat
command -p -V -- echo
0:command -p in combination
>cat is /*/cat
>echo is a shell builtin
'command -pv cat'
'command -pv echo'
'command -p -V cat'
'command -p -V -- echo'
for arg in $args; do
0:command -p in combination, using expansion
>cat is /*/cat
>echo is a shell builtin
cd() { echo Not cd at all; }
builtin cd . && unfunction cd
0:`builtin' precommand modifier
# Tests for `Complex Commands'
if true; then
print true-1
elif true; then
print true-2
print false
0:`if ...' (i)
if false; then
print true-1
elif true; then
print true-2
print false
0:`if ...' (ii)
if false; then
print true-1
elif false; then
print true-2
print false
0:`if ...' (iii)
if true;
1d:`if ...' (iv)
?(eval):3: parse error near `fi'
for name in word to term; do
print $name
0:`for' loop
for name
in word to term; do
print $name
0:`for' loop with newline before in keyword
for (( name = 0; name < 3; name++ )); do
print $name
0:arithmetic `for' loop
for (( $(true); ; )); do break; done
for (( ; $(true); )); do break; done
for (( ; ; $(true) )); do break; done
for (( ; $((1)); )); do break; done
0:regression test, nested cmdsubst in arithmetic `for' loop
for keyvar valvar in key1 val1 key2 val2; do
print key=$keyvar val=$valvar
0:enhanced `for' syntax with two loop variables
>key=key1 val=val1
>key=key2 val=val2
for keyvar valvar stuffvar in keyA valA stuffA keyB valB stuffB; do
print key=$keyvar val=$valvar stuff=$stuffvar
0:enhanced `for' syntax with three loop variables
>key=keyA val=valA stuff=stuffA
>key=keyB val=valB stuff=stuffB
for in in in in in stop; do
print in=$in
0:compatibility of enhanced `for' syntax with standard syntax
while (( name < 3 )); do
print $name
(( name++ ))
0:`while' loop
until (( name == 3 )); do
print $name
(( name++ ))
0:`until' loop
repeat 3 do
echo over and over
0:`repeat' loop
>over and over
>over and over
>over and over
case $word in
Michaelmas) print 0
Hilary) print 1
Trinity) print 2
*) print 3
0:`case', old syntax
case $word in
(Michaelmas) print 0
(Hilary) print 1
(Trinity) print 2
(*) print 3
0:`case', new syntax
case $word in
(Michaelmas) print 0
(Hilary) print 1
(Trinity) print 2
(*) print 3
0:`case', new syntax, cascaded
case whatever in
(*) print yeah, right ;&
print but well
0:'case', redundant final ";&"
>yeah, right
>but well
## Select now reads from stdin if the shell is not interactive.
## Its own output goes to stderr.
PS3="input> "
select name in one two three; do
print $name
0:`select' loop
?1) one 2) two 3) three
?input> input>
function name1 name2 () { print This is $0; }
name1 name2() { print This is still $0; }
0:`function' keyword
>This is name2
>This is still name2
(time cat) >&/dev/null
0:`time' keyword (status only)
TIMEFMT='%E %mE %uE %* %m%mm %u%uu'; time (:)
0:`time' keyword with custom TIMEFMT
*?[0-9]##.[0-9](#c2)s [0-9]##ms [0-9]##us %\* %m%mm %u%uu
if [[ -f foo && -d . && -n $ZTST_testdir ]]; then
0:basic [[ ... ]] test
# Current shell execution with try/always form.
# We put those with errors in subshells so that any unhandled error doesn't
# propagate.
print The try block.
} always {
print The always block.
print After the always block.
0:Basic `always' syntax
>The try block.
>The always block.
>After the always block.
print Position one.
print ${*this is an error*}
print Position two.
} always {
if (( TRY_BLOCK_ERROR )); then
print An error occurred.
print No error occurred.
print Position three)
1:Always block with error not reset
>Position one.
>An error occurred.
?(eval):3: bad substitution
print Stelle eins.
print ${*voici une erreur}
print Posizione due.
} always {
if (( TRY_BLOCK_ERROR )); then
print Erratum factum est. Retro ponetur.
print unray touay foay anguageslay
print Status after always block is $?.)
0:Always block with error reset
>Stelle eins.
>Erratum factum est. Retro ponetur.
>Status after always block is 1.
?(eval):3: bad substitution
# Outputting of structures from the wordcode is distinctly non-trivial,
# we probably ought to have more like the following...
fn1() { { echo foo; } }
fn2() { { echo foo; } always { echo bar; } }
fn3() { ( echo foo; ) }
functions fn1 fn2 fn3
0:Output of syntactic structures with and without always blocks
>fn1 () {
> {
> echo foo
> }
>fn2 () {
> {
> echo foo
> } always {
> echo bar
> }
>fn3 () {
> (
> echo foo
> )
# Tests for `Alternate Forms For Complex Commands'
if (true) { print true-1 } elif (true) { print true-2 } else { print false }
if (false) { print true-1 } elif (true) { print true-2 } else { print false }
if (false) { print true-1 } elif (false) { print true-2 } else { print false }
0:Alternate `if' with braces
if { true } print true
if { false } print false
0:Short form of `if'
eval "if"
1:Short form of `if' can't be too short
?(eval):1: parse error near `if'
for name ( word1 word2 word3 ) print $name
0:Form of `for' with parentheses.
for name in alpha beta gamma; print $name
0:Short form of `for'
for (( val = 2; val < 10; val *= val )) print $val
0:Short arithmetic `for'
foreach name ( verbiage words periphrasis )
print $name
0:Csh-like `for'
# see comment with braces used in if loops
while (( val < 2 )) { print $((val++)); }
0:Alternative `while'
until (( val == 0 )) { print $((val--)); }
0:Alternative `until'
repeat 3 print Hip hip hooray
0:Short `repeat'
>Hip hip hooray
>Hip hip hooray
>Hip hip hooray
repeat 2*2 print yeah
0:Tokens in repeat argument
case bravo {
(alpha) print schmalpha
(bravo) print schmavo
(charlie) print schmarlie
0:`case' with braces
for word in artichoke bladderwort chrysanthemum Zanzibar
case $word in
(*der*) print $word contains the forbidden incantation der
(a*) print $word begins with a
([[:upper:]]*) print $word either begins with a or an upper case letter
([[:lower:]]*) print $word begins with a lower case letter
(*e*) print $word contains an e
0:`case' with mixed ;& and ;|
>artichoke begins with a
>artichoke either begins with a or an upper case letter
>artichoke begins with a lower case letter
>artichoke contains an e
>bladderwort contains the forbidden incantation der
>chrysanthemum begins with a lower case letter
>chrysanthemum contains an e
>Zanzibar either begins with a or an upper case letter
print -u $ZTST_fd 'This test hangs the shell when it fails...'
# The number 4375 here is chosen to produce more than 16384 bytes of output
while (( name < 4375 )); do
print -n $name
(( name++ ))
done < /dev/null | { read name; print done }
0:Bug regression: `while' loop with redirection and pipeline
# This used to be buggy and print X at the end of each iteration.
for f in 1 2 3 4; do
print $f || break
done && print X
0:Handling of ||'s and &&'s with a for loop in between
# Same bug for &&, used to print `no' at the end of each iteration
for f in 1 2 3 4; do
false && print strange
done || print no
0:Handling of &&'s and ||'s with a for loop in between
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f unmatched_quote.txt
1:Parse error with file causes non-zero exit status
?unmatched_quote.txt:2: unmatched '
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f <unmatched_quote.txt
1:Parse error on standard input causes non-zero exit status
?zsh: unmatched '
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f -c "'"
1:Parse error on inline command causes non-zero exit status
?zsh:1: unmatched '
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f NonExistentScript
127q:Non-existent script causes exit status 127
?$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh: can't open input file: NonExistentScript
(setopt nonomatch
# use this to get stuff at start of line
contents=$'# comment \'\necho value #with " stuff\n# comment\n#comment
echo not#comment\n'
eval 'VAR=$('"$contents"')'
print -l $VAR)
0:comments within $(...)
. ./nonexistent
127: Attempt to "." non-existent file.
?(eval):.:1: no such file or directory: ./nonexistent
echo '[[' >bad_syntax
. ./bad_syntax
126: Attempt to "." file with bad syntax.
?./bad_syntax:2: parse error near `\n'
# `
echo 'false' >dot_false
. ./dot_false
print $?
echo 'true' >dot_true
. ./dot_true
print $?
0:Last status of successfully executed "." file is retained
echo 'echo dot
until return 42; do
done' >until_dot
. ./until_dot
echo After dot
0:return in positive until test in dot file does not cause excess breaks
>After dot
echo 'echo $?' >dot_status
. ./dot_status
0:"." file sees status from previous command
mkdir test_path_script
print "#!/bin/sh\necho Found the script." >test_path_script/myscript
chmod u+x test_path_script/myscript
path=($PWD/test_path_script $path)
export PATH
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f -o pathscript myscript
>Found the script.
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f myscript
127q:PATHSCRIPT option not used.
?$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh: can't open input file: myscript
# '
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc 'echo $0; echo $1' myargzero myargone
0:$0 is traditionally if bizarrely set to the first argument with -c
(setopt shglob
eval '
if ! (echo success1); then echo failure1; fi
if !(echo success2); then echo failure2; fi
print -l one two | while(read foo)do(print read it)done
0:Parentheses in shglob
>read it
>read it
fn() { { return } always { echo always 1 }; echo not executed }
fn() { { echo try 2 } always { return }; echo not executed }
0:Always block interaction with return
>always 1
>try 2
mywrap() { echo BEGIN; true; echo END }
mytest() { { exit 3 } always { mywrap }; print Exited before this }
print Exited before this, too
3:Exit and always block with functions: simple
F:Note that the behaviour of 'exit' inside try-list inside a function is unspecified.
mytrue() { echo mytrue; return 0 }
mywrap() { echo BEGIN; mytrue; echo END }
mytest() { { exit 4 } always { mywrap }; print Exited before this }
print Exited before this, too
4:Exit and always block with functions: nested
F:Note that the behaviour of 'exit' inside try-list inside a function is unspecified.
(emulate sh -c '
fn() {
case $1 in
( one | two | three )
print Matched $1
( fo* | fi* | si* )
print Pattern matched $1
( []x | a[b]* )
print Character class matched $1
which fn
fn one
fn two
fn three
fn four
fn five
fn six
fn abecedinarian
fn xylophone)
0: case word handling in sh emulation (SH_GLOB parentheses)
>fn () {
> case $1 in
> (one | two | three) print Matched $1 ;;
> (fo* | fi* | si*) print Pattern matched $1 ;;
> ([]x | a[b]*) print Character class matched $1 ;;
> esac
>Matched one
>Matched two
>Matched three
>Pattern matched four
>Pattern matched five
>Pattern matched six
>Character class matched abecedinarian
case grumph in
( no | (grumph) )
print 1 OK
case snruf in
( fleer | (|snr(|[au]f)) )
print 2 OK
0: case patterns within words
>1 OK
>2 OK
case horrible in
print It worked
case "a string with separate words" in
(*with separate*))
print That worked, too
0:Unbalanced parentheses and spaces with zsh pattern
>It worked
>That worked, too
case horrible in
print It worked
case "a string with separate words" in
(*with separate*)
print That worked, too
0:Balanced parentheses and spaces with zsh pattern
>It worked
>That worked, too
fn() {
typeset ac_file="the else branch"
case $ac_file in
*.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
*.* ) break;;
print Stuff here
which fn
0:Long case with parsed alternatives turned back into text
>fn () {
> typeset ac_file="the else branch"
> case $ac_file in
> (*.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj) ;;
> (*.*) break ;;
> (*) ;;
> esac
> print Stuff here
>Stuff here
(exit 37)
case $? in
(37) echo $?
0:case retains exit status for execution of cases
case stuff in
(nomatch) foo
echo $?
0:case sets exit status to zero if no patterns are matched
case match in
(match) true; false; (exit 37)
echo $?
0:case keeps exit status of last command executed in compound-list
case '' in
burble) print No.
spurble|) print Yes!
|burble) print Not quite.
case '' in
burble) print No.
|burble) print Wow!
spurble|) print Sorry.
case '' in
gurgle) print No.
wurgle||jurgle) print Yikes!
durgle|) print Hmm.
|zurgle) print Hah.
case '' in
# Useless doubled empty string to check special case.
||jurgle) print Ok.
0: case with no opening parentheses and empty string
x=2 | echo $x
echo $x
0:Assignment-only current shell commands in LHS of pipeline
echo pipe | ; sed s/pipe/PIPE/
true && ; echo and true
false && ; echo and false
true || ; echo or true
false || ; echo or false
0:semicolon is equivalent to newline
>and true
>or false
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc '{ ( ) } always { echo foo }'
0:exec last command optimization inhibited for try/always
if : ${(e)a}; then echo x; fi
1:Status on bad substitution in if without else
?(eval):2: bad substitution
echo 'echo foo # comment
echo $(
echo bar # comment
)' >source_comments.zsh
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f -o extendedglob -is -c '. ./source_comments.zsh'
0:Comments should be handled in command subst in interactively sourced files
function 'ls,/' () {echo success}
0:workers/47599: current-shell blocks masquerading as brace expansion
F:This test was written to ensure the behaviour doesn't change silently.
F:If this test fails during development, it *might* be appropriate to change
F:its expectations.
export VALUE=first
print -l 'echo Value is $VALUE' 'VALUE=second sh' 'echo Value is $VALUE' |
$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f
0:Non-interactive shell command input is line buffered
>Value is first
>Value is second
fn() {
! false
0:! inverts the status of implicit return
fn () {
! return
1:! does not affect return status of explicit return
for x in 1 2 3 4 5; do
continue && msg=set && print Not executed
print Not executed, neither.
print $msg
0:continue causes immediate continuation
() {
return && msg=set && print Not executed
print Not executed, not nor neither.
print $msg
0:return causes immediate return
for x in 1 2 3 4 5; do
! continue || msg=set && print Not executed
print Not executed, neither.
print $msg
0:! continue causes immediate continuation
() {
! return || msg=set && print Not executed
print Not executed, not nor neither.
print $msg
0:! return causes immediate return