2015-01-22 10:12:57 -08:00

122 lines
3 KiB

if ! zmodload -F zsh/pcre C:pcre-match 2>/dev/null
ZTST_unimplemented="the zsh/pcre module is not available"
return 0
# Load the rest of the builtins
zmodload zsh/pcre
setopt rematch_pcre
# Find a UTF-8 locale.
setopt multibyte
# Don't let LC_* override our choice of locale.
unset -m LC_\*
langs=(en_{US,GB}.{UTF-,utf}8 en.UTF-8
$(locale -a 2>/dev/null | egrep 'utf8|UTF-8'))
for LANG in $langs; do
if [[ é = ? ]]; then
if [[ -z $mb_ok ]]; then
ZTST_unimplemented="no UTF-8 locale or multibyte mode is not implemented"
print -u $ZTST_fd Testing PCRE multibyte with locale $LANG
mkdir multibyte.tmp && cd multibyte.tmp
[[ 'foo→bar' =~ .([^[:ascii:]]). ]]
print $MATCH
print $match[1]
0:Basic non-ASCII regexp matching
[[ foo =~ f.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ foo =~ x.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ ! foo =~ f.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ ! foo =~ x.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ foo =~ f.+ && bar =~ b.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ foo =~ x.+ && bar =~ b.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ foo =~ f.+ && bar =~ x.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ ! foo =~ f.+ && bar =~ b.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ foo =~ f.+ && ! bar =~ b.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ ! ( foo =~ f.+ && bar =~ b.+ ) ]] ; print $?
[[ ! foo =~ x.+ && bar =~ b.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ foo =~ x.+ && ! bar =~ b.+ ]] ; print $?
[[ ! ( foo =~ x.+ && bar =~ b.+ ) ]] ; print $?
0:Regex result inversion detection
# Note that PCRE_ANCHORED only means anchored at the start
# Also note that we don't unset MATCH/match on failed match (and it's an
# open issue as to whether or not we should)
pcre_compile '.(→.)'
pcre_match foo→bar
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_match foo.bar
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_match foo†bar
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_match foo→†ar
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_match foo→bar
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_compile -a '.(→.)'
pcre_match foo→bar
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_match o→bar
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_match o→b
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_compile 'x.(→.)'
pcre_match xo→t
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_match Xo→t
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_compile -i 'x.(→.)'
pcre_match xo→t
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
pcre_match Xo→t
print $? $MATCH $match ; unset MATCH match
0:pcre_compile interface testing: basic, anchored & case-insensitive
>0 o→b →b
>0 o→† →†
>0 o→b →b
>0 o→b →b
>0 o→b →b
>0 xo→t →t
>0 xo→t →t
>0 Xo→t →t
string="The following zip codes: 78884 90210 99513"
pcre_compile -m "\d{5}"
pcre_match -b -- $string && print "$MATCH; ZPCRE_OP: $ZPCRE_OP"
pcre_match -b -n $ZPCRE_OP[(w)2] -- $string || print failed
0:pcre_match -b and pcre_match -n
>78884; ZPCRE_OP: 25 30
>90210; ZPCRE_OP: 31 36