dana eec9882d04 50176 (tweaked): Improve htop completion
* Correct -v to -V
* Make -u argument optional
* Enable option stacking
* Improve descriptions
* Fix broken sort keys with htop 3.x and add new key descriptions
* Remove _sequence limit on -p
* Add several missing options

+ Fixed a typo and an erroneous comment in the original patch

Thanks to GitHub user xpufx, whose work formed the initial basis of this
change (see zsh-users/zsh pull #89)
2022-05-08 01:32:04 -05:00

56 lines
2.3 KiB

#compdef htop pcp-htop
# Notes:
# - htop allows long options to be passed with a single dash; we don't account
# for this
# - htop parses optional arguments to -H and -u 'cleverly' by allowing the next
# word to be the optarg if it doesn't begin with a '-'; this should work here
# - There is a special version of htop designed to be used with PCP (Performance
# CoPilot); we don't fully account for this
# - Some of the ranges and defaults listed here had to be found in the source
local -a context line state state_descr args tmp
'(-d --delay)'{-d+,--delay=}'[specify update frequency]:delay (tenths of seconds) (1-100) [15]'
'(-C --no-color --no-colour)'{-C,--no-colo{,u}r}'[use monochrome colour scheme]'
'(-F --filter)'{-F+,--filter=}'[show only commands matching specified filter]:case-insensitive command-line sub-string:_process_names -a'
'(-)'{-h,--help}'[display usage information]'
'(-H --highlight-changes)'{-H+,--highlight-changes=}'[highlight new and old processes (optionally specify delay)]::delay (seconds) (1-86400) [5]'
'(-M --no-mouse)'{-M,--no-mouse}'[disable mouse]'
\*{-p+,--pid=}'[show only specified PIDs]: : _sequence _pids'
'--readonly[disable all system and process changing features]'
'(-s --sort-key)'{-s+,--sort-key=}'[sort by specified column]: :->sort-keys'
'(-t --tree)'{-t,--tree}'[show tree view of processes]'
'(-u --user)'{-u+,--user=}'[show only processes of current or specified user]:: : _users'
'(-U --no-unicode)'{-U,--no-unicode}'[disable Unicode]'
'(-)'{-V,--version}'[display version information]'
[[ $OSTYPE == linux* ]] &&
(( ! EUID || $+_comp_priv_prefix )) &&
_pick_variant libcap=drop-capabilities $OSTYPE --help &&
'--drop-capabilities=-[drop specified capabilities]::mode [basic]:((
off\:"do not drop capabilities"
basic\:"drop capabilities not needed for standard functionality (retains kill, renice, etc.)"
strict\:"drop capabilities not needed for core functionality"
_arguments -s -S : $args && ret=0
case $state in
tmp=( ${(f)"$(_call_program sort-keys $words[1] --sort-key help)"} )
tmp=( ${tmp/#[[:space:]]##} )
tmp=( ${tmp//:/\\:} )
tmp=( ${tmp/[[:space:]]##/:} )
tmp=( ${tmp/(#m):[A-Z]/${(L)MATCH}} )
_describe -t sort-keys 'column (key)' tmp && ret=0
return ret