
121 lines
5.5 KiB

#compdef findmnt
# Note for customization:
# Options -N -k -m -s are in a group 'S' and need be specified as
# 'S-option-N' etc. in the context for zstyle. For example, if you want
# all PIDs to be completed for 'findmnt -N<TAB>', then
# zstyle ':completion:*:findmnt:S-option-N-1:processes' command 'ps -A'
local curcontext=$curcontext state state_descr line ret=1
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -s -C \
'(H -A --all)'{-A,--all}'[print all filesystems]' \
'(H -a --ascii)'{-a,--ascii}'[use ascii characters for tree formatting]' \
'(H -b --bytes)'{-b,--bytes}'[print SIZE etc. in bytes]' \
'(H -c --nocanonicalize)'{-c,--nocanonicalize}'[do not canonicalize path]' \
'(H -d --direction)'{-d+,--direction=}'[specify the search direction]:direction:(forward backward)' \
'(H -e --evaluate)'{-e,--evaluate}'[convert LABEL/UUID/PARTLABEL/PARTUUID to the device name]' \
'(H -F --tab-file)*'{-F+,--tab-file=}'[search in the specified tab file]:tab file:_files' \
'(H -f --first-only)'{-f,--first-only}'[print the first matching filesystem only]' \
'(H -i --invert)'{-i,--invert}'[invert the sense of matching]' \
'(H -M --mountpoint :)'{-M+,--mountpoint=}'[specify the mountpoint]: :->targets' \
'(H -n --noheadings)'{-n,--noheadings}'[do not print a header line]' \
'(H -O --options)'{-O+,--options=}'[only print the filesystems with the specified options]:list of options: ' \
'(H -o --output --output-all)'{-o+,--output=}'[specify output columns]: :->columns' \
'(H -o --output)--output-all[output all available columns]' \
'(H -p --poll)'{-p+,--poll=}'[monitor changes in /proc/self/mountinfo]::action:(mount umount remount move)' \
'(H --real)--pseudo[print only pseudo-filesystems]' \
'(H)--shadowed[print only filesystems over-mounted by another filesystem]' \
'(H -R --submounts)'{-R,--submounts}'[print recursively all submounts]' \
'(H --pseudo)--real[print only real filesystems]' \
'(H -S --source :)'{-S+,--source=}'[specify the mount source]: :->sources' \
'(H -T --target :)'{-T+,--target=}'[specify the mount target]:target:_files' \
'(H -t --types)'{-t+,--types=}'[specify the type of filesystems]:filesystem types:_sequence -s , _file_systems' \
'--tree[use tree-like output if possible]' \
'(H -U --uniq)'{-U,--uniq}'[ignore filesystems with duplicated mount targets]' \
'(H -u --notruncate)'{-u,--notruncate}'[do not truncate text in columns]' \
'(H -v --nofsroot)'{-v,--nofsroot}'[do not print \[/dir\] in the SOURCE column]' \
'(H -y --shell -n --noheadings)'{-y,--shell}'[use column names usable as shell variable identifiers]' \
'(H -w --timeout)'{-w+,--timeout}'[specify timeout for --poll]:milliseconds: ' \
'(H -x --verify)'{-x,--verify}'[check mount table content]' \
'(H)--verbose[print more information]' \
'(H)--vfs-all[print all VFS options]' \
'(H)1: :->sources_targets' \
'(H)2:: :->targets' \
+ '(format)' \
'(H)'{-D,--df}'[imitate the output of df command]' \
'(H)'{-J,--json}'[use JSON output format]' \
'(H)'{-l,--list}'[use list output format]' \
'(H)'{-P,--pairs}'[use key="value" output format]' \
'(H)'{-r,--raw}'[use raw output format]' \
+ '(S)' \
'(H)'{-k,--kernel}'[search in /proc/self/mountinfo (default)]' \
'(H)'{-m,--mtab}'[search in /etc/mtab]' \
'(H)'{-N+,--task=}'[search /proc/<pid>/mountinfo]: :_pids' \
'(H)'{-s,--fstab}'[search in /etc/fstab]' \
+ '(H)' \
'(- :)'{-h,--help}'[display help text and exit]' \
'(- :)'{-V,--version}'[display version and exit]' \
&& ret=0
__findmnt_mountpoints () {
compadd "$@" \
${(f)"$(_call_program mount-points findmnt $opts -oTARGET)"}
case $state in
compset -P '+' || _describe -t list-prefixes prefix \
'( +:"not replace but extend the list" )' -S '' && ret=0
local -a columns=(
${${${(f)"$(_call_program columns findmnt -h)"}[(r)Available*,-2]}[2,-1]}
columns=( ${${${${${${columns## #}//:/\\:}//\[/\\[}//]/\\]}/ /[}/%/]} )
_values -s , -M 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' column $columns && ret=0
*) # call "findmnt $opts" to get possible sources/targets
local opts='-lnve'
if [[ -n $opt_args[(I)S-(-m|--mtab)] ]]; then
opts+=' -m'
elif [[ -n $opt_args[(I)S-(-s|--fstab)] ]]; then
opts+=' -s'
elif [[ -n $opt_args[(I)S-(-N|--task)] ]]; then
opts+=" -N${(v)opt_args[(I)S-(-N|--task)]}"
sources*) # 'sources' or 'sources_targets'
local -a val
if compset -P 'LABEL='; then
val=( ${(f)"$(_call_program labels findmnt $opts -oLABEL)"} )
_describe -t labels 'LABEL' val && ret=0
elif compset -P 'PARTLABEL='; then
val=( ${(f)"$(_call_program labels findmnt $opts -oPARTLABEL)"} )
_describe -t labels 'PARTLABEL' val && ret=0
elif compset -P 'UUID='; then
val=( ${(f)"$(_call_program uuids findmnt $opts -oUUID)"} )
_describe -t uuids 'UUID' val && ret=0
elif compset -P 'PARTUUID='; then
val=( ${(f)"$(_call_program uuids findmnt $opts -oPARTUUID)"} )
_describe -t uuids 'PARTUUID' val && ret=0
local -a alts=(
'devices:device:compadd \
$(_call_program devices findmnt $opts -oSOURCE)'
'device-numbers:major-minor:compadd \
${$(_call_program device-numbers findmnt $opts -oMAJ:MIN)// /}'
'prefixes:prefix:compadd -S "" LABEL= UUID= PARTLABEL= PARTUUID='
[[ $state = sources_targets ]] &&
alts+=( 'mount-points:mountpoint:__findmnt_mountpoints' )
_alternative $alts && ret=0
local expl
_wanted mount-points expl 'mountpoint' __findmnt_mountpoints && ret=0
return ret