2021-10-11 23:43:47 +09:00

31 lines
1.1 KiB

#compdef basenc
# based on GNU coreutils 8.32
local specs=(
+ '(type)'
"(info)--base64[same as 'base64' program (RFC4648 section 4)]"
"(info)--base64url[file- and url-safe base64 (RFC4648 section 5)]"
"(info)--base32[same as 'base32' program (RFC4648 section 6)]"
"(info)--base32hex[extended hex alphabet base32 (RFC4648 section 7)]"
"(info)--base16[hex encoding (RFC4648 section 8)]"
"(info)--base2msbf[bit string with most significant bit (msb) first]"
"(info)--base2lsbf[bit string with least significant bit (lsb) first]"
"(info)--z85[ascii85-like encoding (ZeroMQ spec-32/Z85)]"
+ enc
'(info dec -w --wrap)'{-w+,--wrap=}"[wrap encoded lines at specified column]:number of characters (0=disable wrapping) [76]: "
+ dec
'(info enc -d --decode)'{-d,--decode}"[decode data]"
'(info enc -i --ignore-garbage)'{-i,--ignore-garbage}"[when decoding, ignore non-alphabet characters]"
+ info
"(: -)--help[display help information and exit]"
"(: -)--version[output version information and exit]"
+ input
'(info)1:input file:_files'
_arguments -s -S : $specs